Soulmates Dissipate (7 page)

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Authors: Mary B. Morrison

BOOK: Soulmates Dissipate
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“Hello,” Wellington said.

“Hi. This is Diamond. Videos in my room at ten. Bring the music and don’t be late.”

“I’ll be on time and I’ll bring the champagne.”

Instead of knocking on the adjoining door, Wellington went into the hall.” Knock, knock.”

When Jada opened the door, Wellington’s bottom lip hit his chin. He almost lost his grip on the bottle. She stood dressed in a silk safari nightgown with spaghetti straps. Titties. Damn! Ass. Bam!

“Come in,” Jada whispered.” I’ve been expecting you.” Then she braced her hand against Wellington’s chest. He felt her squeeze his nipple.” Did you bring your imagination?”

“That’s not fair.” He drooled. His backhand wiped the corner of his mouth.” You’re standing here looking sexy and smelling edible. You didn’t give a brother any advance notification.”

Jada extended her tongue inside his ear. “Life isn’t fair,” she whispered. Wellington shivered and shook his head as if he were trying to wake up.

Jada closed the door.” I’ve selected two of the hottest movies. I hope you like comedy and love Chris Tucker because he’s

Wellington observed how Jada set the mood with aromatherapy candles strategically lit around the room.” I love comedy and Chris is definitely
man!” He wondered what else she’d packed. Wellington popped the cork. Poured two glasses of chilled Dom. “A toast to the spiritual unity that bonds us together.”

“Forever,” replied Jada as she clinked her glass against his.” Now let’s lie on the floor and watch TV.”

“Why the floor?” Wellington’s eyes focused on the bed.

“Because I enjoy fucking on the floor. Hey, just go with the flow.” Jada lay on the puffy pallet. Wellington followed her lead.

It was difficult for Wellington to concentrate on the movie. He tried to be inconspicuous but his peripheral vision of Jada lying parallel to him was distracting. Her thighs, cheeks, and safari thong were slightly exposed through the splits in her gown.

Suddenly Jada stopped the video.

Wellington shifted his eyes from her ass to the TV.” Why did you do that?”

“Because it’s intermission. What would you like?”

“I’ll have one healthy order of whipped cream!” Wellington joked.

“Coming right up.” Jada went to the refrigerator and popped open the can.

“Where on earth did you get—?”

“Oh, weren’t you the one who said
bring your imagination.
Well there’s more where that came from. Would you like ice cream, ice, sprinkles, nuts, cherries, caramel, fudge, hot or cold?”

As bad as Wellington wanted to taste Jada, he wasn’t going to let this opportunity go.” Well, since you opened the door, I’ll have two scoops of chocolate D’s with sprinkles on top.”

“What about the whipped cream?” Jada asked.

“Oh, yes. Definitely.
it on.”

Jada stood four inches from Wellington’s face and oozed strawberry whipped cream all over her chocolate breasts. Wellington licked the excess off her fingers the same way he’d done the night they met. She added sprinkles and two cherries to top it off: one on each nipple.” Come and get it, Big Daddy.”

Wellington led Jada to the bed. The cherries rolled onto the floor. He propped three pillows
against the headboard and leaned her back. He straddled her. He pressed her breasts together and bit her erect nipples. Jada buried his face deeper. His erection screamed for release.

Jada slid his sweats over his ass and down to his knees. Wellington’s dick broke through the opening in his black silk boxers. Her eyes widened. He prayed the size didn’t frighten her.” Say hello to
The Ruler.”
Wellington smiled.

Much to his delight, Jada positioned two pillows under her lower back. She wrapped her thighs around his waist and guided him into her moist-ness. His back arched when her walls compressed. Again. Again. Again.

With well-calculated movements, he explored paradise one stroke at a time. The passion continued to grow and the strokes came closer together. His rhythm increased. She locked her legs around his waist.

Jada’s head hung over the edge of the bed.” Don’t move. Let
handle this!” Wellington was in pussy paradise. She placed her hands on the floor and braced herself. Her legs restricted his movement. She rode him like an underground roller coaster, inside and out. Jada’s flexibility reminded Wellington of a slinky. He allowed her to take complete control. Her muscles sucked up his cum like a dental vacuum. He felt her climax several times.

Wellington strolled to the kitchen. He refilled their champagne glasses. Jada hit
on the VCR and laughed.” Now that’s what I call half-time entertainment!”

Chapter 5

ver six months had passed since Jada and Wellington’s first date. Their relationship had grown by leaps and bounds. This vacation was as perfect as the first and each in between. But this past weekend had Jada glowing. It was Sunday morning and as usual Jada’s phone was ringing off the hook.

“Hello,” Jada answered.

“Hi. I’m in the mood to fellowship with my best friend this morning,” Candice said.” Why don’t I pick you up for Church? And you can tell me about your weekend with Wellington.”

Jada modeled her Body and Soul underwear in front of the stand-up mirror in her bedroom. The three-carat studs in her ears matched the solitaire on her finger. “Girl, you know I’ve gotten really good at summing up our weekend activities in twenty minutes or less. But I have to tell you the
details of this weekend over lunch. I would have called you last night except I was too exhausted to pick up the phone.” Jada sat at her vanity and painted her lips spicy brown.” Lunch is on me, so I’ll make reservations at our favorite restaurant in Sausalito for two o’clock.”

“This must be really important if we’re going to the Seafood House. I can hardly wait.”

“Listen. Sorry I can’t pick you up. I promised to pick up Jazzmyne and the kids.” Jada penciled over her arched eyebrows.

“How are they doing?” Candice asked.

Jada stepped into her purple skirt and zipped it up. She opened the blinds. The sunlight was blinding so she closed them.” They’re doing fine,” Jada answered.” Jazzmyne is looking great! She got her hair cut into a sophisticated short style. The sides and the back are tapered. You have to see it to believe it. She’s the lead counselor at the women’s shelter in Oakland. She even said her experience made her a better counselor,
some of the church members are her clients. But of course, she wouldn’t disclose which ones.”

Jada started to sip her cranberry juice, but quickly remembered her lips were already painted.” It’s hard to believe women in the church experience physical abuse at home. Their husbands come to church on Sunday and act like
gentlemen.” Jada pulled her black lace camisole over her head.

“Well, you know how our people
and unmask very well,” Candice chimed in.

Jada paused for a moment and wondered if Candice knew her well enough to tell. “Yeah, that’s true. But this abuse thing isn’t even about black and
white. It’s about wrong and right. It’s about black and blue emotional scars on your heart and spirit. Generally, the physical scars heal, but the emotional ones remain in the blood that flows through your veins. I cannot imagine loving anyone else more than I love myself.” Jada buttoned her purple blazer and blew kisses to herself in the mirror.

It was closer to ten o’clock than Jada had realized so she gave Candice a condensed overview of the remaining events.” Shelly is making straight A’s at Shelton. Brandon is still Brandon, happy go lucky. Brother Calvin Dupree has been trying to take Jazzmyne and the kids out for dinner for the past two months, but Jazzmyne tells him enough to let him know she’s interested, but not ready for a relationship. I’d better get off this phone and out the door before Mother calls.”

Jada drove her BMW 7351 like a bat out of hell. The scenic view along Interstate 580 was a blur. Before she could get her key in the door, her mother had already opened it.

“Hi, Mama.”

“Hi, baby, I was just about to call when I saw your car. We’d better get going so we’re not late picking up Jazzmyne and the kids.”

“Yes, Mama.” Jada opened the car door and waited for her mother to get in.

The sunlight danced on the diamond. Jada removed her right hand from the steering wheel and placed it on her thigh.

“Is there something you forgot to tell your mother?”

“Like what?” Jada’s mother eyed the ring.” Oh.
No, I didn’t forget. I haven’t had time to tell you because Wellington just gave it to me yesterday. And since it’s
an engagement ring, I didn’t want you to start talking about grandchildren again. That’s all.” A decade had passed since Jada’s last proposal. Jada often wondered why Darryl hadn’t asked her to marry him.

“Well, you know Mama still wants her grandchildren. But I have to admit, I really like when Jazzmyne brings Shelly and Brandon over on Saturday mornings. The three of us play games and I’m teaching Shelly how to cook. And Brandon has learned how to set the table Brandon’s way.”

Jada and her mother laughed. Brandon could brighten anyone’s darkest moment.

“I just want what you and Daddy had.” Jada’s parents never fought or argued, at least not in front of her.” Marriages don’t last like they used to. People divorce for convenience these days and call it irreconcilable differences.”

“Well, you know your father and I had our ups and our downs, but I knew Henry was my soulmate when I first laid eyes on him. That’s not something Mama can explain to you, baby, but if Wellington is that person for you, you already know it in your heart and, more importantly, you feel it in your soul.”

“I love you, Mama.” When Jada drove up, Brandon jumped with joy. His tie flapped haphazardly and bounced off his head.

“Good morning,” Jazzmyne said. She leaned over and kissed Mama on the cheek.

“Good morning,” Jada and her mother responded at the same time.

“Good morning, everyone,” Shelly sang. She
had the brightest brown eyes and prettiest smile.”

Aunty Jada and Grandma, I got all A’s again this week.”

“Wonderful!” Jada said.” We’re very proud of you.”

Mama slipped Shelly a five-dollar bill.

“My mother tells me that the nice gentleman who helps pay my tuition and Brandon’s child care is your very good friend, Mr. Wellington.” Shelly buckled her seat belt. The yellow satin ribbon in her hair locked around her ponytail of spiral curls.

“That’s true.” Jada parked in the last space in the church lot.

“Do you think maybe one day I could actually meet him?” Shelly asked.

“I don’t see why not.” Jada smiled.

“How’s everyone doing this blessed Sunday morning?” asked Pastor Tellings as he greeted each member of his congregation. The pastor opened his hand. He and Brandon exchanged five.

Jada joined Candice. Mama took her usual seat.

The pastor opened his sermon with a prayer poem entitled: “When This Earthly House Is Dissolved.”

Until then …

Dear GOD,

You know I will give my very best

And when I am weary

I will take a moment to rest

But not too long because I must run Your race

And while I run I will keep the faith

And yes—Dear GOD—I will keep a smile on my face

When this earthly house is dissolved

Until then …

Dear GOD I will help my fellow man

Because I truly understand

I must let Thy will be done

And while I run this race

I will keep the faith

And yes LORD I will keep a smile on my face

When this earthly house is dissolved

Until then …

I will make my earthly house a HOME

And my family—Dear Lord—I will never leave them

alone I will run this race I will keep the faith

And yes—Dear GOD—I will keep a smile on my face

When this earthly house is dissolved

Until then …

Dear GOD

I will continue to pray

That You continue to bless me in Your HOLY way

So that my light will continue to shine

And I will never have to tell anyone that I am a


Not one single time

Because LORD I will run this race

I will keep the faith

And yes—Dear GOD—I will keep a smile on my face

Until I leave this place

Until I can see You see the smile on my face

When this earthly house is dissolved

I will be gone from it, LORD

But I won’t be gone at all

And thank you, Dear GOD

Because when this earthly house is dissolved

I will never—ever—be alone


“What will you do until your earthly house is dissolved?” Pastor Tellings preached.” Are you giving the Lord your very best? Are you helping your fellow man? Are you making your earthly house a home? Do you complain about the things you do for others or do you thank GOD that you are able to do for others? If you don’t make your
house a home, what kind of home do you
you will have in Heaven? Will your house be in Heaven? Christians. You’ve got to run God’s race. You’ve got to keep the faith and keep a smile on your face. Everything I just preached would cost you time but it won’t cost you a dime. Remember, the
things in life are still free.

“Next week we’re going to partnership with a male and female correctional facility. So come prepared to sign up to be a pen pal, a mentor, a Christian. We as a congregation will start communicating by writing to inmates. All letters sent and received under the program will go through the church for two reasons. One, every inmate who requests a pen pal will receive one, even if I have to
write them myself. Second, the church will measure the success of the program by the number of participants, the volume of letters, and partnership testimonials given by inmates and by you.

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