Soulmates Dissipate

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Authors: Mary B. Morrison

BOOK: Soulmates Dissipate
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Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Mary B. Morrison

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Title Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

The art finding your soulmate


One Understand Your Spirit Be true to yourself

REFLECTIVE MOMENT Soulmates Dissipate Chapter 4

Two Spiritually Connect with the Universe Take time to smell the roses

REFLECTIVE MOMENT Soulmates Dissipate Chapter 4

Three Stop Suppressing Your Spiritual Energy Let go of the negative energy

REFLECTIVE MOMENT Soulmates Dissipate Chapter 13

Four See What You Hear Hear What You See Eliminate the psychological noise

REFLECTIVE MOMENT Soulmates Dissipate Chapter 12

Five Think with Your Head Feel with Your Heart Release Your Inner Spirit

REFLECTIVE MOMENT Soulmates Dissipate Chapter 5

Food for thought when you are searching for your soulmate

Dedicated to My Soulmate:

Chapter 1


Dedicated to all soulmates

lost and found


irst and foremost, I give God the glory for all my successes, large and small. I’m blessed to have such a wonderful and loving family.

Thanks to my sisters Andrea and Regina Morrison, Margie Rickerson, and Debra Noel, and to my brothers Wayne and Derrick Morrison, for their undying support for me as an individual and as a writer.

I am eternally grateful to my deceased great-aunt and great-uncle, Mrs. Ella Beatrice Turner and Mr. Willie Frinkle, for my childhood development.

Always and forever, I give thanks to my son, Jesse Byrd Jr. for being such a magnificent young man.

My deepest appreciation goes to my editor, Karen Thomas, my agent, Claudia Menza, and my new friend, Carl Weber, author of
Lookin’For Luv.
Thanks for believing in my work.

Words alone cannot express the love and gratitude I have for my mentor, Vyllorya A. Evans. Her x-ray vision, candid voice, words of wisdom, and words of empowerment have carried me through my most challenging moments.

I’m grateful for the time Carol Taylor devoted from her extremely hectic schedule to candidly
critique my work. Her continued support is a blessing.

Thanks to Mr. Joseph F. Smith for his encouragement and infinite wisdom. His reference of Nelson Mandela’s words adequately fueled the strength and courage I needed to pursue my dreams.

I deeply thank my publicists, Felicia Polk of Felicia and Associates, and L. Peggy Hicks of Tri-Com, for promoting my work.

Special thanks to my friends Carmen Polk, Michaela Burnett, Marshall Brown, Marilyn Edge, Saul Simington, Tarik Jones, Kenneth Williams, Kendra Hill, the Louisiana Network Group, and my McDonogh #35 Roneagle family for their support.

Thanks to my hero, former vice president Al Gore, for having the courage and tenacity to stand up for the American people. You proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that no matter how difficult the challenge, it’s imperative to do what is right.

Thanks to the vast number of reading groups, sororities, organizations, and individuals that have agreed in advance to host signings. Thanks to all of the bookstore owners who are selling my books, and to each and every one of you who are reading and buying my books.

Last but not least, thanks to

Chapter 1

The eternal bond of your Soul Mate gels the existence of your life.

he vividly remembered their first kiss. Wellington Jones gently placed his strong caramel-colored hand at the nape of her dark chocolate neck and whispered, “Diamond, I’ve wanted to kiss you all night. May I?”

Jada Diamond Tanner struggled to maintain her composure, but Wellington was making it increasingly difficult. How was she to respond without seeming anxious to kiss this tall, sexy man she’d known for all of sixty minutes, give or take ten?

She paused, gazed directly into his eyes, and replied, “Only if I choose where you kiss me.” The nearby crowd in the noisy garage became silent. Valet attendants dressed in red jackets and black pants hurried to deliver cars. Although the concert was over,
I’ve wanted to kiss you all night
was music to her ears.

Wellington seductively shrugged his left shoulder, nodded, and winked his left eye. He looked
like a pro but not at all like a player. The outline of his black Armani suit highlighted
his muscles. The scent of his cologne traveled in the cool fall night breeze, wrapped around all her senses and danced in her hair. The full moon glowed. His bald head glistened. His thick black eyebrows complemented his dreamy midnight eyes.

Ladylike, she extended her left hand, because it was more sensuous and sensitive to touch than her right. Plus, she wanted to see how creative this man was, and whether he possessed qualitative skills that would interest her in taking the relationship to a hotter level. She was cool, calm, and collected, on the outside.

Slowly, he removed his right hand from underneath her dark silky hair, which flowed down to the center of her back.
Beep. Beep.”
Would someone please move this car! “shouted the man in the black Lexus. She focused, as if they were the only two in the garage. Wellington never missed a beat. He placed Jada’s left hand into his right. A long steady flow of air quietly entered her nostrils. Their souls gelled. Her spirit danced. Smooth man. Better proceed with caution. Although she wasn’t convinced, he was definitely standing in front of the pitcher’s mound prepared to bat.

Like watching a video in slow motion, he drew her French-manicured hand closer. He licked his lips and positioned his tongue between her index and ring fingers. His tongue penetrated her crevice while his full caramel lips—with a trace of natural cocoa—warmly encircled her adjoining knuckles. She closed her eyes. Moisture seeped between her fingers and thighs. This man had knocked more than the ball out of the park!

Unexpectedly, her twenty-six-inch waist moved forward. Her shoulders and thirty-six-inch hips jerked backward, in unison. It was Monday morning. Jada sat at her bedroom vanity and gazed out the window. She daydreamed about that kiss. One by one the treetops came into focus. Lots of tall evergreen trees stood behind her penthouse. They swayed back and forth. Fresh air. Serenity. She loved California. So far, Oakland was the only place she’d lived.

Jada looked at the digital clock on her cherry-wood nightstand. It was six o’clock. Time to begin her daily transformation from looking like Sleeping Beauty to becoming irresistibly drop-dead gorgeous. Time to get ready for work.

Photo shooting the finest male models from coast to coast was a tough job. She’d had a passion for photography since she was six years old and an infatuation with great-looking men as long as she could remember.

Unable to move, she sat, thinking about her father. Although he’d passed away three years, seven months, and ten days ago, he’d never left her. She could still hear his deep, Southern drawl.” Diamond.” He’d always call her by her middle name.” There’s nothing like time off from work with a job, with pay. If you don’t have no job, honey, you don’t need no time off.” Daddy was right; he was always right. Jada smiled. Today was definitely designed with Diamond in mind.

Mr. Terrance Murphy was the new owner of Sensations Communications. He’d purchased the
company a year ago when the previous owners liquidated their assets.

The phone rang six times without an answer. Jada’s finger curved toward the off button. Then faintly she heard:

“Sensations Communications.”

“Hi. Karen. I’m glad you answered. I was just about to hang up.”

Karen was Jada’s loyal assistant, or so she thought.

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