Soul Control (37 page)

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Authors: C. Elizabeth

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Soul Control
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Being the gracious, fake host, Mr. Braxton smiled and bowed slightly. “Miss Gardiner, forgive me. That was rude.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“You’re very welcome, my dear. Now, are you sure we can’t get you something to drink?” He moved toward the room with the roaring fire.

“Let me get you a drink, or would you prefer a soda?” Nathanael asked.

The Braxtons were sure pushing the drink thing.

“A pop would be good.”





The room Nathanael escorted me to was huge. Painted with a pale yellow, it had a very large bar in the far right corner; the furniture was a pale green and dark wood tables accented it perfectly. Six floor to ceiling windows wrapped around the whole room, and built in white shelves were spaced between each window. Crown moldings all around the ceiling set it off nicely. The Christmas tree was lit and underneath sat a whole bunch of presents.

Mr. Braxton smiled. “This is my favorite room, I must admit.”

“I can see why,” I breathed.

“Sir Nathanael, allow me to get that,” a man in a suit said, coming from a doorway in the back of the room.

It took me by surprise, firstly because I never noticed the door he came from and secondly, it was a butler. Nathanael had told me they had servants, but to have one right there was surreal.

Nathanael turned and acknowledged him. “No need, Bart. Thanks.”

“Very well, sir.” Bart immediately turned around and left.

It was out of a movie scene. I stared at the closed door, then moved my eyes slowly over to Nathanael. He casually poured a soda, peeked up at me, then went back to the pouring with a smirk on his face.

“I forgot you had servants,” tumbled out quickly.

He shook his head with a small half smile. “Only three, but for tonight we have ten, all here to be at your beck and call for the whole evening,” he played, handing me the pop.

Joshua and Job burst into the room. For some reason, it reminded me of the three stooges less one stooge.

“Hi Father,” Job greeted.

Mr. Braxton raised an eyebrow. “Where are your lovely dates?”

Walking toward the bar, Job pointed with his thumb behind him. “They’re hanging up their coats.”

I didn’t even see him move. Mr. Braxton had both of them by the ear, his voice came from somewhere deep. “That is not how we treat women.”

They were quickly thrust out the door into the entry hall. Then he turned and smiled lovingly at Nathanael. “At least one of my sons listens to me.” It was a normal father/son exchange with love, and the look on Nathanael’s face—well, he was ecstatic at the fact his father complimented him.

“Saydi!” Becky squealed, running into the room like she owned it.

We hugged. “Hi Becky.”

She took my hands and said with a funny accent. “You look gorgeous, dahling.”

“So do you.” I giggled. She wore a black crush velvet dress with a very low neck line. Her hair was swept in an updo. It really did look nice.

“Thanks,” she said.

“Saydi!” Angie called, sauntering up to us with an elaborate wiggle in her hips. She burst out laughing, grabbing my hands. “Hi! You look good!” She wore a long purple formal evening gown with an open back that hung down to her waist. Only she could pull off something like that.

“You do too,” I told her.

“Ladies,” Nathanael nodded.

“Hi Nathanael,” they both said and gave me big eyes like we used to when a cute boy talked to one of us.

We laughed.

“Angie, what can I get you? Want a beer or rye?” Job hollered from the bar.

Mr. Braxton narrowed his eyes at him in a warning.

Both Angie and Becky wandered over that way, while Job tucked his eyes down, hiding.

Nathanael leaned in to my ear. “You are so much more stunning than they.”

“Thank you, so are you.”

He lurched forward, choking and gasping because he started to laugh while taking a sip of his drink. Throwing his hand up to his mouth to stop the liquid from shooting out, he didn’t quite make it in time and it dribbled down his chin. He snagged a napkin from the coffee table and dabbed. “It’s a good thing I’m more stunning to you than your friends.”

We laughed again.

“Shall we take our places?” Mr. Braxton asked, holding his arm out toward the front door.

We all followed him out to the front entry where two servants stood by the huge closet and one by the front door. “Are these the three regulars or the hired hands?” I whispered to Nathanael.

He chuckled wrapping his arm around me. “The hired hands.”

The doorbell rang.

As each guest arrived, the butler at the door took their coats and handed them off to the other two. Then they were met with an exuberant “Merry Christmas!” from Mr. Braxton. One of the first to arrive was Miranda, who was draped on Justin Laway’s arm. That was something very interesting, because Justin had been after Miranda for years and she always said she really didn’t like him that way because he was too young.

“Hi,” she said, kissing my cheek.

Before she could back away, I held her close to me and whispered, “What’s with the young one?”

She slightly giggled. “Ah, I thought, what the hell, let’s live a little.”

I kissed her cheek. “You go, girl.”

We both laughed.

Nathanael shook every man’s hand and kissed every lady’s, making some blush, not to mention some younger ones, like Segra, batting their eyelashes at him. He was so comfortable with all the formality I felt like an idiot standing there “receiving” all the people I’d known my whole life, like I was some kind of royalty.

Finally, the Tovs and Mom and Dad breezed in. All were confident and non-wavering, but I couldn’t say the same for me. Involuntarily my body stiffened and a soft squeak snuck out. Nathanael noticed my reaction and drew me to him.
It will be okay.

Mom and Dad smiled and waved while their coats were taken. Then Mr. Braxton stepped forward with a huge smile on his face. “John, it’s nice to see you again,” he lied, taking hold of Dad’s hand.

“Andrew, it’s nice to see you again as well. Thank you for the invitation.” Dad was too enthusiastic.

Mr. Braxton’s attention fixated on Mom while he continued speaking to Dad. “You are most welcome.” Then took Mom’s hand. “Now, you are the most beautiful woman I have seen in a long time, Adina.” Leaning down, he kissed her hand.

Mom didn’t blush, but she smiled. “Thank you. You’re quite handsome all dolled up in that suit, too.”

“Thank you, madam,” he said.

Dad shook Nathanael’s hand, hugged me and repeated with the others. Mom hugged everyone. Then they disappeared into the room of people.

“See, that wasn’t so bad,” Nathanael confirmed.

“Mora!” Mr. Braxton called out.

Oops, he spoke too soon. It was Nathanael’s turn to stiffen.

“It’s okay,” I whispered, squeezing his hand.

Mr. Braxton actually put his arms around her and gave her a hug. “You are looking lovely. I’m glad you accepted my invitation.”

Nathanael shot a look at his brothers, and they shot one back at him.

Mora smiled, but it was forced and didn’t reach her eyes. “Thank you. It’s nice to see you, Andrew.” As quickly as she could, she left, leaving him to greet the other Tovs.

She hugged Nathanael and his heart rate jumped, but it was a happy one.

“Hi, son. You do look so handsome tonight.”

There was no cringing with her calling him “son” nor was there animosity in his response. “Thank you. You look beautiful tonight as well.”

Then she gushed, hugging me, “Saydi, beautiful as always.”

Nathanael was going to be the better host and stepped in behind her to introduce her to Joshua and Angie, then Becky and Job. You could tell she was trying to hold back her tears of joy seeing her other two boys. Joshua slightly bowed, but there was no expression there. Job, on the other hand, smiled and it wasn’t nice. A light growl came from Nathanael’s throat, so light that if you didn’t know who they were, it wouldn’t be detectible, but Job got it.

“Saydi,” Zack half bellowed, taking my attention away from the reunion.

“Hi Zack.”

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. You look mighty handsome in that tux. I’m surprised you could find one in your size.”
What a blunder!

His laughter boomed against the walls. “Saydi! I own it. No one my size can rent.” He tsked me. “Oh you young’uns,” he said, moving down the line.

Pearl and André were right behind him and I couldn’t help but think they had a little something going on. André was always by her side and was more attentive with her than anyone else. They made quite the cute odd couple.





Nathanael wasn’t kidding when he said the whole town would be there. They were, with the exception of Father Lacombe. I asked about it and Nathanael shrugged saying Father got an invitation, but had no idea if he said yes or no to it.

Norma showed up late, but that would be expected when we saw who she was wrapped around—Todd. She was so giddy with happiness she couldn’t stop giggling. I was so happy for her.

Todd even apologized to Nathanael for being such an ass, and Nathanael graciously accepted. It was a happy night with a whole lot of laughter and fun.

“John, how long has it been?” I overheard Mr. Braxton ask.

“Oh many,” Dad answered without giving their age away.

“It must have been nice to be reunited with your family.” Mr. Braxton’s comment made my ears perk up.

“Yes it was. It was too many years away.”

“Now, I can’t recall what it was that kept you away until now?” Mr. Braxton baited.

“It was work-related,” Dad answered.

“Ah! Yes, I remember now, that pesky takeover took you away when Saydi was much too young and then you had to stay away because of the hellish outcome of it all.”

There was a pause in conversation.

Then Mr. Braxton went on, “Tell me, John, why would you come back after all these years, knowing what the next takeover’s outcome will be?”

So much for being a gracious host. He was using a play on words to egg Dad on, dripping with mean, masquerading as sweetness. I wanted to punch him. Nathanael looked over at me with a frown on his face.
What’s wrong

I shook my head.

Dad was solid in his answer. “Well, Andrew, I don’t want to bore you with the details, but the answer to your question... It revolves around an undying love.”

Yay Dad!
That was it, the whole conversation shut down. What could you say to that?

Through the night, out of curiosity, I watched how Job and Joshua treated Angie and Becky, doing a comparison with Nathanael. They couldn’t hold a candle to him, even though by anyone else’s standards, they were perfect gentleman. Those boys never gave my girls the little touches or kisses Nathanael always gave me, making me feel loved.

I felt sorry for them, especially when it was noted how attentive and loving Todd was to Norma. He actually had longing in his eyes when he looked at her. It was so darn cute and...well, very suspicious how fast it happened. My gaze turned to Nathanael.

He was watching them with a proud grin, but then he must have felt my eyes boring down—he slowly swiveled his head toward me. I cocked mine to the side and silently nodded once at Todd and Norma pointing a finger at him.

He gave me a half smile and shrug.

I should have been mad at him for using suggestive powers on Todd, but he looked so darn cute like he had gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Besides, the suggestion wouldn’t have worked if there wasn’t a small desire inside Todd to be with Norma. I smiled, shaking my head at him.

~ * ~

I was visiting with some people I didn’t see often when Nathanael snuck up behind. “Come here,” he whispered, taking my hand.

We zigzagged through the crowd, across the front entry way and to the shelf room on the other side. He slid the doors shut and took my hands.

“You are so beautiful.” His emotions disappeared just before he began, “There is so much I want for us...for you.” Touching his lips softly to mine, making my heart jump.

He chuckled. “I was watching my brothers tonight and the way they treat Angie and Becky is appalling. They barely talk to them or show them any attention. Promise me, you’ll never let us get like that. Don’t ever let me stop showing you how much I love you, even when we’re a hundred years old.”

“I won’t.” It barely came out as a whisper.

“No, I’m serious. Even if I have to have a nurse carry me to you so I can kiss you, promise?”

I giggled. He was being sincere and so darn gorgeous. “I promise.”

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