Sons Of Bacchanalia (Erotic Motorcycle Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Sons Of Bacchanalia (Erotic Motorcycle Romance)
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“Tori? Tori? Are you awake?”  I sat down on the bed next to her. 

“How could I sleep with all the creaking and screaming coming from your room,” she asked icily.

“I just…  He just…” 

“Natasha, he is fucking Ambrosia, he doesn't care about you. Don’t get caught up with that asshole.  We are leaving in the morning and I can’t risk you doing something stupid.”

“What is the risk, Tori?  What have you done?”  I asked her point blank, I wanted a straight answer.

“Look Natasha, you already know more than I ever wanted you to know, keep your mouth shut and just trust me. I will fill you in, but right now it is better that you just play dumb.”

I got up and stomped out of the room. I was pissed about her hiding the truth, and even more so that she was betraying me, Steel and the boys.  I knew what I had to do. I would tell Steel. 

Chapter Nine

I felt tense when El Jefe came into the warehouse.  I could only hope that he had bought the whole damned thing with Tori taking me hostage and all. 

“What a tamale that little one, huh, Trece?  I would love to punish that little serrano like she deserves.”

I laughed and agreed.  “I had Pecos working on backtracking the call that she made. It looks like it could’ve went out to a friend or acquaintance of hers, someone she can trust.    We tracked the phone. Right now it looks like it is in a suburb on the south side.  I have called the boys. We ride tonight. We are going to find these puta madres and we are going to fuck them up. 

“When will they be here?”

“Within the hour.  Get your shit on, we’re gonna get WIIIILD!”

I felt nervous. I had to hide the money before the gang realized that the S.O.B. didn’t have it either.  Everything had to be perfect. 

“I have some shit to do, I have my cell, call me when you know.”  I grabbed my jacket from the hook and walked out.  I started my bike and took off into the darkness, and headed towards the city.  I reached for my cell to make a call as I zipped between cars. 


“Hey Tori. It’s me, Trece.  Listen, they know where you are, you have to get out of there now. I will meet up with you tonight, after the shit goes down.  Listen, Tori, I am moving the money to the bridge.  Get yourself to a safe spot.  Leave everything behind when you go.”


I grabbed my jeans and a tank top and flew from the room. I opened the door, expecting to find Natasha, but she was gone.  A nervous knot twisted in my gut.  Where was she?  Creeping down the stairs I picked up her voice. She sounded upset. 

“What I do with her is none of your business, Natasha. You have no power here, and other than a fuck hole you have no use.”

“Fuck you!  I am an idiot for thinking I could trust you.”  I could hear Natasha’s footsteps as she started stomping up the stairs.  I ran back up hastily and slid quietly into our room. 

When she opened the door I could tell she was crying. Her eyes puffy and her lips pouty and contorted.  When she saw me she instantly tried to hide her vulnerable expression. 

“Not what you hoped for, huh, Natasha?”

“Fuck all this, Tori.”

I grabbed her by the wrist as she tried to walk past me.  “Listen Natasha, we have to go now, things are about to get fucked up around here.”

Her eyes pleaded with me momentarily.  “Please, tell me what is going on.” 

“Get your shoes on and I will tell you as soon as we get out of here.  If anything happens to us and we get separated, we will meet up at the Wallen Street Bridge.” 


I sniffled in response and nodded my head.  Doing my best to regain my composure I followed Tori into the hall and down the stairs.

We had almost made it to the door, and just as Tori began to open it I felt a presence behind me as a large hand reached out from behind and slammed the door shut. 

“Now, just where would your fine asses be going at this late hour?”  It was Crush, and he was clearly drunk. 

He was bigger than both Semi and Steel.  He was also older by about twenty years.  Scooping us both up at the same time he threw us over his shoulder and carried us down a hallway and towards a room bathed in red light.  I glanced at Tori, wondering what was going on.  She mouthed the words, “I’m sorry.” A moment later Crush sent us flying backwards through the air.  We landed simultaneously and nearly toppled off the back side of a red satin-covered bed.  He locked the door behind him as he stood menacingly in front of us.  A smile turned up the edges of his mouth.  “You have to be punished for trying to sneak out,” he said.  “I was told to watch you.”

He pulled our shirts off, exposing our breasts.  His lips touched my nipples, sending electricity down my spine as he pushed his hand down the front of my jeans and practically lifted me.  His huge muscles flexed as he vibrated his hand beneath me.  I could feel the energy connecting the electricity from my nipples down to the responsive flesh between my thighs.  I was wet, despite the fact that my best friend was a mere few inches from me.  His mouth left my nipples, and I watched as he began kissing Tori, his tongue plunging deeply into her mouth. 

“Now, you two.  Kiss.”  We looked at each other awkwardly; we were close, but not that close. 

Grabbing a vicious whip-like object from the wall, he let out a growl.


I looked at Tori and leaned in, pecking her gently on the cheek.  A sharp crack sounded in my ear as lightning erupted from the soft flesh of my bare chest.  He had whipped me, and it was excruciatingly painful.  I winced as he lifted the torture device and held it ready to strike again. Leaning into Tori we pressed our lips together and I closed my eyes, trying to forget it was her. 

“That’s right, keep going, use your tongues.”  I heard the whip strike again and Tori screamed out as the pain radiated through her this time.

Our faces met again and I felt as her tongue worked to part my stubborn lips.  I felt her hands began pulling at the fabric of my jeans. 

“Now both of you, on your hands and knees, and don’t let your lips part again or you will regret it.” 

Clumsily moving our bodies we positioned ourselves as instructed, our lips never leaving one another. We had built a sort of rhythm, and our tongues playfully worked circles around one another.  I felt her grip my hips as she pulled my jeans down, exposing my bare bottom.  Her hands gripped my cheeks and she gently spread me from behind.  Her lips traced down my hips and towards my sensitive parts.  Her tongue slid from the apex of my crack all the way down, past my asshole, and met with my clit.  Part of me was afraid that I was enjoying the odd kinkiness of the moment.  I wanted to fight the pleasure, but I justified my actions knowing that we had to do whatever he wanted if we were to get out of here alive.  He wasn’t going to simply let us up and leave.  Crush’s hands suddenly gripped my waist and lifted me onto a table next to the bed.  He then fastened my elbows to two leather manacles.  He repeated the process with my feet, leaving me unable to move, my head resting awkwardly on a springy support that flexed under load.  I couldn't move, and my most intimate parts were entirely exposed.  Leaving me this way I was unable to see what was going on, but I could hear Tori began to moan and whimper.  I could hear the sticky sound of Crush’s fingers working her hard.  The sounds were erotic and passionate, and as I laid there I hoped he would come back for me soon.  Unable to take the sound any longer I let out a whimper of frustration. 

Crush chuckled, “Well, aren’t you a hungry little thing.  Don't you worry, Daddy is going to fill you right up.”

I shuddered, feeling vulnerable yet excited.  I couldn't see him, only hear as he began fiddling with something between my legs.  I heard the sound well before I ever felt it.  A soft, ‘swish, swoosh, swish, swoosh, swish, swoosh.’ Tori let out a squeal as Crush lifted her and brought her to me. He placed her body, face down on top of me, her head resting between my thighs, and her ass spread in my view with her vagina resting near my chin. Pulling out another set of leather cuffs he fastened Tori in place above me.  We were both trapped now, and we were going to take whatever Crush had to give us, whether we wanted it or not.  The sound of the machine behind me grew slower and I felt as a huge object pressed behind me and into the soft wet flesh between my legs. 

“Spit,” he commanded Tori.

I felt as a large warm glob slid down my vagina, lubricating the head of a fake dildo that was bouncing against me.  The saliva worked to facilitate the entry of the object, and deeper into me it went, a slow and steady motion working me up.  I heard him flip a switch and the machine started vibrating vigorously within me. I let out a squeal as the fake penis began pounding forcefully within me.  I couldn’t maintain my silence, and my mouth let out a series of guttural noises as my vagina took a hard mechanical beating.  His feet traveled to my side of the table now and I could see his massive cock as he stepped up. 

“Open your mouth.” 

I complied, sure that the machine was still at a low level compared with its full capabilities.  His dick slid in, and he popped the head in and out while I tongued the hard shaft.  Forcefully he plunged himself deeper, and I started to gag and choke.  I tried to pull away but I was tied down too tightly.  I felt as he adjusted the settings on the remote he was holding. I expected the speed to increase but instead, the girth of the device nearly doubled, completely distracting me from the dick that was buried in my wet mouth.  He pushed himself deeper and I could feel my throat expand, with a popping sound he pulled back out and let me regain my breath.  Again he pushed himself down into my throat and thrust several forceful times.  I coughed and gagged as he released me again.  My face and his dick were covered in thick and stringy saliva, and I watched as he lifted himself and directed the tip of his cock directly into Tori’s asshole.  With one powerful thrust he entered her.  I shuddered with pleasure, watching him take her, the huge penis device still pounding my own insides. 

“Suck on her,” he demanded, holding the remote in my face to let me know he meant business. 

Scared of what else this thing was qualified for, and knowing I was well beyond whatever limit I thought I had, I opened my mouth did my best to suck Tori’s vagina.  I watched as his cock slid in and out of her asshole, her body tensing above me as she took a vicious pounding from the huge biker.  Just when I thought I could take no more of the machine, its rate of motion changed, and a high frequency vibration filled me with electricity.  I began to squirm, as Tori, too, began flexing her hips against my face.  With one powerful and final thrust I watched as Crush slammed Tori’s tight asshole, sending his entire body into convulsion just as mine was sent over the edge by the vibrating cock in my vagina.  A milky white sauce came dripping out of Tori’s hole as Crush pulled his dick from her; several drops fell onto my face. 

“Clean her up,” he told me, threatening once more with the remote. 

I licked her asshole and vagina softly as the remaining juices flowed slowly out of her.  Crush cut us both loose and let us get up. 

“Damn.  You two know how to party.  Opening the door Crush let us out. 

We didn’t speak, or even look at each other.  The whole thing was something we would likely never bring up again.  Walking out the front door of the house we could hear motorcycles in the distance. 


Chapter 10

We took off, running down the road and turning up a hill to where we could see what was going on.  I knew that whatever was going to go down was big, and we had made it out just in time.  We watched as the Calle Trece gang pulled up in front of the suburban home and began revving their engines loudly.  The S.O.B. knew that they were cornered, and like the rowdy boys they were they came out with guns blazing.  We watched from a distance, and to me the entire scene seemed surreal. The ensuing gun battle was vicious, and the bombing of the house could be seen for miles with all of the smoke and flames it produced. Within thirty minutes we could see the flashing
lights and wailing sirens of the police.  But by this time there was little disorder as men from both sides were lying on the street, clearly injured, if not dead.

Each time a Calle Trece went down I could hear Tori let out a worried sigh.  We couldn’t tell the identities of the men from this distance, but I knew she was hoping that at least one of them survived.  The remaining men must have heard the sirens because there was a sudden rush of commotion.  Men from both sides took off on their motorcycles, disappearing down the dark side streets and out of sight. 

“Let’s go,” Tori said to me.  

“So are you going to fill me in or what?”

Tori looked at me and let out a loud sigh and nodded.

“Semi used me. He had been taking money off the top of deals for the last year.  But he got greedier and braver, and a few months ago he cut too much.  The CT knew that they had been fucked but they waited, making another deal with Semi.  This one was cut as well and the way they figured it, Semi owed them about thirty grand.  They were out for blood and they set up another deal, expecting Semi to show up.

“But Semi must have started to get nervous, because he sent me in to do the deal instead.  Trece was pissed, but from the moment we met we both felt something between us.  When I returned home and caught Semi fucking that whore Ambrosia I snapped.  I didn’t know how Semi was on the bad side of Trece, but I was interested in making sure he paid for whatever he had done.  I wanted to fuck Semi over.  When I heard about the planned ambush the S.O.B. were going to make the Calle Trece I let Trece know about it. So the CT worked out a plan to ambush the S.O.B. and get their fifty grand back.  What neither side expected was that Trece and I were going to take it all and leave them at odds with one another.  Trece made sure that Jacob got away with everything, but I was waiting with the car, and when I saw Jacob’s bike speeding towards me I simply swerved into his path and made him lose control.  I never wanted to kill him, but he saw me, recognized me even, and I knew right then and there what I had to do.  I shot Jacob and unloaded his bike and put all of the money into a safe spot before driving to a set location where Trece would meet me.  We stashed the goods and then Trece took me back to the warehouse where he acted as if he “captured” me. From that point on, you know the rest, Natasha.

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