Song Chaser (Chasers) (13 page)

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Authors: Kandi Steiner

BOOK: Song Chaser (Chasers)
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“Oh ha, ha,” Paisley says, dropping out of my arms and onto her feet. Corbin is standing just behind her now, smiling that smile that swept Paisley off her feet. He reaches out his hand and
shakes mine in a firm, businessman-like way. It kind of annoys me, but I keep a straight face.

“Good to see you, Tanner. I never got to properly thank you for taking care of my girl while I was gone.”

I force a smile, “Ah, she was pretty easy to take care of. Fed her twice a day, took her out when she needed to go pee.”

“You are such an ass,” Paisley chimes her signature line and I smile. She really hasn’t changed, not like I thought she would when Corbin came back. Even after all this time, she’s still the same girl I’ve always known.
Her bright green eyes are like neon against her tan skin, her smile bigger than I’ve seen it in a long time. I kind of hate it, because I know it’s mostly because Corbin is back. Her auburn hair is pulled up in a loose, curly pony tail and she’s wearing a red dress and shiny heels, which is completely normal for her and her best friend McKenzie. They always loved to get dolled up.

Kellee clears her throat.

“Oh, Paisley this is Kellee. Kellee, Paisley and her boyfriend, Corbin.”

Paisley turns to Kellee and then back to me
, questions in her eyes as Kellee reaches out to shake her hand. “You really suck at introductions,” she says, moving in to hug Kellee instead. “Hi, I’m Paisley. I’ve been Tanner’s best friend for years, it’s so nice to meet you! Sorry, I’m a hugger.”

Kellee laughs a little, “I’ve heard a lot about you, it’s nice to finally put a face with all the stories.”

“Oh shit, I’m not sure I want to know the stories you’ve heard,” Corbin chimes in behind Paisley. We all laugh and make our way to the bar, Paisley grabbing Kellee by the arm and leading the way.


*     *     *


Seven drinks and countless inside jokes later, Paisley is filling me in on her bakery development and the conference she’s in town for. I’m trying to listen intently, but I’m having a hard time focusing.

Corbin is always touching her.

He grabs her hip, rests his hand on her back, kisses her neck. I’m trying not to think about it, but seriously she’s like two fucking feet away from me. How the hell am I supposed to ignore it?

“So I guess it’s karaoke now?” Paisley asks as the DJ pulls up the monitor and a few people start lining up at the table with the song book.

“Looks that way. You ready to go drop
Ice Ice Baby
on them like old times?”

She busts out laughing. God, I have missed that laugh. “Oh my God, that was one time! You’ll never let me live it down, will you?”

“Hell no! You’re lucky I didn’t have a phone with video recording capabilities back then.”

Kellee taps me on the shoulder, “Hey, I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be back in a second.” She doesn’t give me time to respond before she’s up out of her barstool and halfway across the room.
She’s been quiet all night, and although I’m a guy and kind of terrible at being able to tell shit like this, it seems like she’s a little pissed off.

Sal hands me another
drink but holds his grip on it as I try to lift it. “Hey, did you forget she was here or are you really just that much of a fucking moron?”

I frown, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about Kellee. You know, the smoking hot blonde who’s more done up than I’ve ever seen her yet practically invisible to you?”

“She’s not invisible to me, Sal.”

“Could have fooled me,” he says, releasing my glass. “You need to open your eyes, kid. A girl like Kellee isn’t going to stick around and put up with your shit for long.” Sal shakes his head and walks to the other end of the bar. I sigh, I guess I’m really sucking at this “don’t be an asshole” thing. Now that I think about it, I have been kind of ignoring her ever since we got here. I mean, not on purpose, but I have been so wrapped up in talking to Paisley and joking around with her that I haven’t really focused on Kellee like I should.

Shit. I really do suck.

“Oh my God, Tanner! It’s our song!” Paisley says excitedly. Three drunk guys are singing
Your Love
by The Outfield, an old 80s song Paisley and I used to sing at closing time at a college bar called Sticky’s in Orlando. Personally, I think this song should be saved for closing time when you’re so drunk you can barely stand, but I guess these guys are practically there already. Paisley grabs my hand, “Come on! Come dance with me!”

She pulls me out to the make-shift dance floor in front of the karaoke stage and we start jumping up and down, singing at the top of our lungs with the three drunk guys who get even more loud and slurred when they see us join in.
I glance over at Corbin to make sure I’m not pissing him off. Oh who am I kidding, I kind of hope I’m pissing him off, but he’s at the bar talking with Kellee. I watch as they cheers a shot and down it. I have to admit it kind of pisses me off to see him with her, no matter how wrapped up in Paisley he might be.

The song goes dead and Paisley laughs and laughs, the booze clearly getting to her. Next, a girl
who can’t be a day over twenty-one steps on stage and starts singing a slow song. I’m not familiar with it, which is saying something considering I know all kinds of music, but she’s got a decent voice and it’s not bad.

Paisley throws her arms around my shoulder
s and we start swaying, her body dangerously close to mine. I know this is usually normal for us, our friendship has always been one that from the outside probably looks like a lot more, but with all that’s transpired in the past year, it feels odd having her this close to me.

“So, are you going to tell me why you really called me a couple weeks ago?”

“I did tell you,” I try to sound sincere, but it’s pointless. Paisley sees right through me.

“Don’t bullshit me. I know things are kind of weird for us, but I don’t want them to be. I thought we were fine, back to normal – or at least getting there. But then I got that call, and I could just hear it in your voice, Tanner. You’re not okay, are you?”

I chew the inside of my bottom lip. “I don’t know, I mean I am but I’m not, if that makes sense. Paisley, I really was in love with you,” I say
like I’m not still, but I’m not sure if that’s completely true. “I think I’m just going to need some time. Some days are good, some suck.”

“Are the good days when you’re with Kellee?” she asks, looking behind me at the bar. I turn and see Corbin handing Kellee another shot, but her eyes are locked on mine. Something is different in those stormy grays, something unsettling.

“Yeah. She’s a really great friend,” I say, kicking myself. Why did I just tell Paisley she was my friend? I mean, I guess technically that’s what she is, but we both know it’s more than that, too.

“Well, just be careful, okay?”

I turn back to her, “I’ll be fine.”

“I’m not worried about you, Tanner. I’m talking about her.”

I tilt my head, “I don’t understand.”

“God, you really are such a boy,” she sighs. “Can’t you see that girl is crazy about you? She looks like a million bucks tonight yet I’m pretty sure she’d have to do a naked cartwheel to get your attention. I don’t think she sees you as just a friend.”

“Well, we’re not exactly just friends. Shit, I don’t know what we are. It’s complicated.”

“Want my advice?” she asks, pulling her arms from around my neck. “Uncomplicate it.
Don’t make excuses. Some of life’s biggest heartaches come from missed opportunities and lame excuses. Don’t miss out on what could be the best chapter in your life because you’re too busy rereading the last one.”

“Easier said than done,” I mumble.

“Look over there,” Paisley says, motioning to Kellee. She and Corbin are turned back toward the bar now, her gray eyes no longer focused on me. “It doesn’t take a scientist to see that this girl wants you. I don’t know how much she knows about us, but I’m sure this isn’t easy for her. She’s here because she cares about you, Tanner.”

I know Paisley is right. Kellee is probably the most beautiful woman in this entire bar, maybe this entire city. Even from the back, she looks fucking amazing, and I know I’m crazy for asking her to come wit
h me tonight. But I needed her. I
need her – I just can’t decide if any of this is fair to her. Sal’s right, she shouldn’t put up with the shit I ask her to, she shouldn’t have to deal with my feelings for a girl who never loved me the way I loved her.

But she does.

She’s here with me.

God, I really want to kiss her.

“You really suck sometimes,” I turn back to Paisley, smiling.

“Why? Because I’m always right?”
She smiles and nudges my arm, “Now come on, I need another drink!”

“Me too,” I say, because seriously I need like a whole fucking bottle right now. As we head toward the bar, I see Kellee toss down another shot
with Corbin. She looks like she’s enjoying herself, but there’s still something in her eyes that’s not quite right.


Kellee is taking shots.

Kellee doesn’t fucking drink.

Suddenly, I’m pissed. I storm past Paisley and straight up to Corbin, the heat rising from my skin. Corbin sees me coming and stands up, meeting my chest with his as I get in his face.

“Why the fuck are you giving her shots? She doesn’t fucking drink, you dick.”

“Tanner, you don’t want to go there with me,” Corbin threatens, pushing me away. I shove him back hard against the bar, adrenaline rushing through me. First he takes Paisley, now he’s fucking with Kellee. I’m done with his shit.

“I’m already fucking there, Army boy. Stay away from her.”

“Hey,” Kellee yells, pulling me around to face her. “I’m a big fucking girl and I can drink if I damn well please.”

“You don’t drink.”

“Well tonight, I do.” Her gray eyes have turned to absolute stone, a drunken glaze folding over them. Suddenly, she turns on her heel and stomps toward the stage, taking the mic from the DJ and climbing the stage. My breath is heavy in my chest, the heat still rushing through me as my fists clench.

“This one’s for all the so-called men out there who
like to play games with every girl’s head they can get their grimy hands on. Here’s to you, and to me falling for your shit for the last time,” she lifts the shot in her hand high into the air as a few people cheer. As she shoots it back and slams it down on the barstool next to the mic, Pat Benatar’s
starts playing and that amazing voice that I heard the first time I met her comes back to life.

Only this time, it’s laced with venom, and I’m pretty sure it’s directed straight at me.

The longer she sings, the more people stand and cheer. She really does have an incredible voice, and pair that with probably her first time being drunk and this angry and let’s just say it’s more entertaining than a Guns N’ Roses concert on shrooms.

“Tanner, you have to talk to her,” Paisley says, moving in beside me. Corbin is holding her hand now and clearly isn’t affected by me getting in his face in the slightest.

Damn it.

“I fucked up. I always fuck up,” I feel it coming again, the same feeling I had the night Paisley left me in her apartment after I told her I had lied to Corbin and told him she loved me. It’s a deep, powerful disappointment – an ache in my chest that knocks the breath out of me.

“Tanner,” Paisley turns me around to face her. “Talk. To. Her.”

I nod,
but every word Kellee sings sobers me more and more and suddenly I feel like the weakest man in the fucking world. Like I don’t deserve to talk to her, to fight for her to care about me. Why should she?

After she sings the last note, the bar erupts into a frenzy and she drops the mic like some bad ass MC before storming off the stage and out of the bar.
I turn to Paisley to say goodbye, but she throws her hands up, “Go! I’ll call you later.”

I give her a half smile, silently thanking her and give Corbin a slight nod, not really caring how he feels about the situation. If anything, he looks smug – which just really pisses me off because he has the right to be. He’s got the girl I wanted, and now the girl I brought with me is also pissed at me.

Fucking perfect.

I shove the door open and rush out onto the sidewalk just as Kellee hails a cab. “Kellee, wait!”

She whips around, her eyes boring into mine, “Why the fuck should I wait, Tanner?”

“Just,” I catch up to her, panting a little. “Just wait a second. Ta
lk to me, what’s wrong?”

?” she screams incredulously, slamming the cab door shut. The cab drives off and she gets even more pissed. “Are you serious right now or is this some kind of joke? Am I getting Punk’d? Ashton! You can come out now!”

“Kellee,” I try to reach for he
r hand but she rips it away. “I’m sorry, just please give me a second before you run off.”

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