Something More (14 page)

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Authors: Jenna Tyler

BOOK: Something More
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Gripping the handle and
slightly opening the door, I peek out to see if he's there. No sign of him from
what I can see. Fully opening the door, I step out and look into the deli area.
I see him at our table, waiting. 

Walking up behind him,
I place a hand on his back and start rubbing it. I lean down to whisper in his
ear, “Are you ready to go?” Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement in his
pants. I snicker. “I'll take that as a ‘yes’, Mr. Chambers?” He rises from his
chair, buttons his suit jacket, and tries to adjust himself without anyone else
noticing. Taking my hand, he walks briskly towards the door and waves at the
owner or manager…I'm not sure which…of the deli. 

Out on the sidewalk, he
takes a glance at his watch, then looks down the block and spots the limo
idling next to the curb. He then looks at the building it is parked in front of
and grins a very wicked, lusty grin. With a firm hold on my hand, he pulls me
in the direction of the limo. Good thing I'm not in heels or I might be eating
concrete right about now.

We slow down when we
near the limo, and Benjamin pops out and rushes over to open the door, but Drew
waves him off. “We'll be right back, Ben,” he says, turning to the doors of the
building instead. I'm not sure what building this is, but it's quite lovely on
the inside. We are walking swiftly through the lobby and, from a slight
distance, I hear, “Good afternoon, Mr. Chambers.” Drew lifts an arm, his
hurried way of a hello.

“Drew, where are we

“Up to my room. We have
a little extra time and I didn't want to fuck you in the limo again.”

 I think I may have
just wet myself. I really don't know how he does it, but just the way he says
things makes me want to rip my clothes off, wherever we are, and take him. My
clit is aching for his touch. “How far up do we have to go?” I rush out as we
approach the elevators, letting him know that I'm ready.

“All the way.” Oh, god.
That's going to be a long elevator ride. The need for him to be inside me is
building uncontrollably. I might just blow before we get there. 

The elevator
shows up, as well as another couple. This must be a hotel. I really haven't
been paying attention to my surroundings. Now the ride up will be torturous. I
just want to get there already. I don't think I've ever been this wound up for
sex before. It's becoming excruciating. 

We are standing in the
corner at the back of the elevator, while the other couple stands on the
opposite side. Hopefully they are not paying any mind to the sexual tension
between Drew and me. I can't see how that would be possible, though. It's
actually feeling a little humid in here. 

When the elevator dings
to a stop, Drew and I lustfully look at each other, anticipating being rid of
our elevator companions. The couple steps out and turns to look at us. We give each
other a little smile and Drew gives a slight nod. As the elevator doors start
to close, he attacks me, giving the other couple a prelude of what's to come.
Maybe it will inspire them.

We start frantically
kissing and groping each other, not waiting until we get to the room. Time is
of the essence, after all. Drew pulls my scrub top up and over my head, but holds
onto it. I slide my hands up his shirt and over his shoulders to remove his
suit jacket. It hits the floor of the elevator. Moving down to his waist, I
unbuckle his belt, unbutton and unzip his trousers as the ding of the elevator
alerts us to our destination.

Drew quickly bends over
to grab his jacket, then lifts me over his shoulder, carrying me to the room
like an errant child. Squealing with laughter, I enjoy the view of his ass and
give it a swat or two. “Grab my wallet, babe,” he says. “I need the room key
out of the left side.”

“Yes, sir.” A hard
smack lands on my meaty backside. “Ouch!” I yell with a bit of a giggle.
Digging into his pants, I grab the wallet and open it. I spot the key card, or
at least I hope it's the key card. “Here,” I say and hand it around to him. “You
could put me down, you know? It might be easier.”

“Yes, but not more fun.
I will put you down on the bed where you belong and fuck you senseless for...,”
he pauses to check his watch, “about thirteen minutes.” He opens the door,
walks in, and shuts it behind us. From what I can see from my vantage point,
this must be the penthouse. No regular hotel room is this big. We go through a
doorway, it must be the bedroom, and I hear him throw the key card on a table
of some sort. I can't see crap upside down.

All of a sudden, he
throws me on the bed and he's pulling off my shoes, socks, scrub bottoms, and
panties. Wasting no time, I sit up and slide my hand through the waistband of
his pants, underneath the waistband of his boxer briefs. His garments fall to
the floor and his cock springs free, hitting me in the chest.

Drew lifts my chin with
his finger and I see he has a calm, sensual look on his face. “I will fuck your
breasts, but not right now. I want to be inside you.” I bite my bottom lip and
he pulls it free with his thumb. He leans down to kiss me and urges me to lie
back as he moves into position over me.





It's a race against the
clock to get back to work in time after our, all too quick, afternoon delight.
I'm left feeling a little dazed and not completely satisfied. Closing my legs
tighter to help deal with the ache that is lingering, I wish we could've had
more time. Drew brings my hand to his lips and, giving a quick pucker, says, “I
know, baby. Me, too.” He wraps an arm around me and pulls me into him. “Tonight.
We'll feel better tonight after I've fucked you hard and long. We will have no
more aches once we are connected again.” His words make the ache that much
worse. I'm not going to be able to concentrate at work because I will just be
thinking about the ache. Or tonight. Or both.

Maybe working
a bad idea if I am going to be with Drew. I can be ready and waiting at all
times for him to fuck me senseless. What am I saying? That's just crazy talk.
We just have to make better use of our time together. Longer lunches maybe?
Make sure to have our food ready for us when we get to our destination? We can
work it out tonight, since we will be together.

Still feeling
disheveled, I try to fix my hair a little better and straighten my clothes so
I'm not looking too out of sorts when I return to work. Within a few minutes,
we are back at my building. Drew gets out and offers his hand to me to help me
out. “I'll walk you back up to your office,” he says, sweetly. Such a

“No. That's okay. I
need to regain my bearings. Being near you longer will just make the…uh…ache
worse.” I smile at him, hoping I haven't hurt his feelings. He chuckles and
pulls me into an embrace. 

From a distance, I hear
someone shouting his name over and over. As the sound gets closer, I can hear
that it's not just one someone…it's many someone’s. Now I hear clicking sounds.
What the hell?
He leans down and whispers into my ear, “It's the
paparazzi. Don't be afraid, just act like they don't exist.” What? How can I do

They are shouting and
really close now. I move to step back, but he holds me close. He takes a finger
and lifts my chin to look into his eyes, no one else existing but us. That's
how I pretend the paparazzi aren't there. It's that simple. “I'm sorry, baby.
It's part of my life. I've tried to ward them off as long as possible so they
don't scare you. Come, let me walk you to the door at least.”

“Okay.” Drew leans down
and kisses me on the lips, then grabs me by the hand and we walk to the front
door. “‘Mr. Eligible Bachelor Has A New Woman’. I guess that will be front page
news in the morning,” I quip.

He looks down at me
with a half smile. “It probably will. And it will be you in the picture next to
. I hadn't thought that far yet.
I look like crap.

“A little warning would
have been nice,” I kind of scold him as we continue walking to the door, still hearing
his name being called and clicks of cameras going off.

“I'm sorry. When I'm
with you, I forget about such stupid things. They aren't usually this bad, but
now that you...” He trails off as we approach the door to my office building. “But
now that you've come into my life, they want to know who the mysterious woman
is. Once they know it's permanent, they will back off.”

We face each other at
the entrance. He sweeps some stray hairs behind my ear while staring into my
eyes with his gorgeous blues. “Are you going to have some kind of press
conference or something, announcing your love interest?” I say, jokingly. As it
comes out of my mouth, I think he just might.

“Not quite, but
something similar, just so they will back off sooner. I hope.” He leans down to
kiss me. “You better get to work, baby. You don't need to get fired on the
first day. I'll pick you up at five and we'll go to dinner.”

“If you don't mind, I’d
like to stay in tonight.” He smiles and I return it. I stretch all the way up
on and give him a kiss. This time it's harder and more passionate. Drew grabs
my hips and pulls me in tighter. I feel his desire on my abdomen and I smile

“That's for not warning
me about this mess,” I say, waving my hand in the direction of the cameras.

He growls at me. “How
am I supposed to talk to them with a giant hard-on?” he asks with mock anger. I
nudge him with my fist and go to pull open the door to the building. He gets to
it faster and, while facing away from the camera, he quickly tries to adjust
himself. I snicker to myself. “I'll see you at five, you evil temptress,” he
calls after me as I head to the elevators.

While waiting for my
ride upstairs, I turn to watch Drew through the windows of the lobby. He walks
right to the reporters and stops as they all gather around. The elevator dings,
and I step inside and watch him, before the elevator doors close and cut off my
view. He looked so important standing in front of them. I still don't know what
he does for a living. I just know he's, obviously, a good businessman. I
deflate just a little.

What a lunch. First the
deli, then the sex. Mmmm, the sex. The reporters distracted me from my ache,
that's for sure. Thankfully, it's barely noticeable now. That should make
working a little easier.

The thought crosses my
mind about what he's saying to them out there.
Uh oh
. He's going to give
my name and they will investigate further into who I am and where I came from.
All of my little secrets will be uncovered and my family will be affected. I mean,
I don't have abnormal, dirty secrets, but who knows what they will throw out
into the public eye. They might even twist some stuff to make it more “juicy”.

I need to warn all my friends and family as soon as possible. I don't need
reporters stalking Charlie around campus and such. Why didn't I think about any
of the consequences of dating a well-known, well-off bachelor?

What have I gotten
myself into?

What's done is done, I
guess. I already love him and there is no turning back now. I will just have to
adapt and overcome. Walking down the corridor to the clinic, my mind is going
through people I will need to contact. I need to hurry up and get to a sticky
note so I don't forget anyone. There is nothing like having to contact people
in your life to warn them of reporters snooping around because you are dating a
business mogul.

Drew's definitely the
sexiest fucking mogul I've ever seen, that's for damn sure.
Oh, don't go
there, Bec. Can't think of Mr. Sexy Pants right now

Opening the door to the
clinic, I see there are a couple of patients in the waiting room and I politely
nod. “Good afternoon.” Not missing a step, I continue on through the door that
leads to the patient rooms, then through the door to my office.

I come to a screeching
halt when I see
the women that work there. They are gathered around
in front of my desk and their talking abruptly stops when I appear.
The. Hell?

is going
on in here?” I question them and they just stare at me like I have five heads.
It feels like a few minutes pass and still nothing out of any of them. They are
all just standing there, staring at me. “Does someone want to let me know why
you are all in here, staring at me like I've just killed someone?”

Sweet little Lizzy
finally clears her throat. With a frightened little smile, she starts, “I'm
sorry, Becca. I told them who picked you up for lunch. And...well, one of the
girls, on her way back from lunch, saw you and Mr. Chambers outside just now.”

Tilting my head back a
little, I sigh.
And so it begins
. Smiling at them, I can't help but let
out a giggle. “Yes. Mr. Chambers and I are...” I pause to find the right
term. Seeing each other? Dating? Involved? Shit, I don't know. “I guess you can
say that we're dating.” I really don't know what else it could be called. It's
more than dating, less than engaged. In my head, I give up trying to find the

 April, I think her
name is, speaks up, “How long have you been seeing him?” That opens the flood
gates and a barrage of questions hits me all at once.

Laughing, I start to
move through the girls to get to my desk chair. I plop my purse down and hold
up both hands to quiet them. Still laughing, I let them know what I can. “I met
him about two weeks ago. We went out on a date on Saturday and have been inseparable,
pretty much, ever since. It's pretty intense.” 

Lizzy speaks again, “Wow.
dates. When I saw him walk through the door, I almost wet
myself.” We all burst into laughter. 

“Yes,” I say, “he does
have that effect on people.”

Just then, Dr. Thompson
walks into the office. “What is going on in here, ladies?” All the girls jump,
then scurry about, going back to their jobs. “What was that about...Becca?” he
chortles. Great. I get to explain all of this to my boss now. 

“The girls found out
who I'm dating and were a little...inquisitive. I'm sorry they were distracted
from their jobs.”

“Oh, no worries. They
all still have a minute or two to get back to work. Your boyfriend must be
something if all of them gathered in here for an inquisition.” Hearing Drew
being called my boyfriend makes my heart do flips.

“Yes, I guess he is. I
think he's quite extraordinary myself.” I blush and start to get things settled
on my desk while still talking to Dr. Thompson.

“What? Are you dating
Andrew Chambers or something?” I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks, knowing
they are cherry red. “Oh, my god. You are.” Not knowing what to say, I simply
nod. Trying to avoid looking at his face, I start straightening up the piles of
files on my desk. “You are?” he questions, leaning onto my desk to search my
face. “Oh, my goodness. That's great, Becca! That boy hasn't dated anyone
since...well…ever, I think.” He chuckles. “And good for you. Meeting a great
man right when you move all the way across country to start over. Sure didn't
take you long to snag a good one.” I must be turning a deep shade of red now.

That's reassuring
I say to myself.
Dr. Thompson thinks Drew is a good guy
. “Do you know him
personally, Dr. Thompson?” 

“Actually, I've met him
a couple of times at charity events. He seems like a down to earth, passionate
man. I think you've chosen well.” 

“I didn't exactly
choose him. It just kind of happened, but I think he's pretty great. So far.”

“Either way, I think
it's a good match. He's been alone for far too long.” His words get me thinking
about why Drew has never really dated. Is it something deeper? Perhaps
something that may have happened in his past? Everyone has a past and maybe he
is scarred from his. 

“Thank you, Dr.
Thompson.” He turns on his heel and gets back to his patients. Boy, my lunch
was sure eventful and now it's holding up patients at work. Inquiring minds.
Shaking my head, I get back to work.

At about four-thirty, I
start closing up the office…shutting and locking all of the filing cabinets,
closing out the cash drawer, and printing out the schedule of patients for
tomorrow. Lizzy and I got a lot of things caught up, but there is still more to
work on tomorrow. At least I feel a little accomplished. 

Five o'clock rolls
around and it's time for Drew to pick me up. Just thinking about seeing him
ignites my fire and I get butterflies. The ache returns, but only mildly. Work
definitely distracted me. Shutting off the lights in the office, we all seem to
head out together, leaving Dr. Thompson behind, still working on patient

All the girls are still
chatting about Drew and me. I think it's quite funny. I would probably be the
same way if I weren't already fucking him. I give no more information about our
relationship as there isn't anything else to tell. But I won't give much more
away in the future, either. I am not going to be an open book to the public,
but I won't hide my feelings. Acting normal is the way I feel like I should be. 

When the elevator doors
open on the lobby floor, Drew is strolling in through the door. The girls that were
with me have now left me behind, but have fanned out in a wide circle around
Drew, watching us. His smile is broad and unbreakable. It's so boyish. I've
seen it a few times already and it just makes me smile to see it. He greets me
by wrapping an arm around my back and pulling me into him, then sliding his
other hand to cup my cheek, kissing me on the lips.

Pulling back to look at
him, I see the excitement in his eyes and in his smile. I can't help but be
excited, too. “What's got you so happy?” I ask. He turns to look back towards
the door and I peer around him to look. There are mobs of people with cameras.
Rolling my eyes, I take a deep breath. “What did you say to them earlier?”

Drew directs his
attention back to me. “I'm sure you will find out soon enough,” he states with
a glimmer in his eye. I squint at him. He's up to something and I don't think I
like this feeling.

“You could just tell me
and save yourself from the stink eye I'm going to give you until I find out.”

He laughs and pulls me
back in to him, kissing me on my temple. “In due time, Rebecca,” he whispers in
my ear, his warm breath awakening the ache.

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