Something More (13 page)

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Authors: Jenna Tyler

BOOK: Something More
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“What can you feel?” I
say, sounding somewhat annoyed myself. “You say you can't read my mind, but you
seem to always know how I'm feeling or what I'm thinking. It's very

“I can feel it. Your
emotions. It's like my body is so in tune with yours. You can probably do the
same with me if you paid close enough attention.” I grimace. I just don't
understand how we can be so connected, so linked, that we can feel each other's
emotions. It's not normal. None of this is normal.
What the hell is

“I just don't get it.
How this...,” I motion between us, “is happening. It's very surreal and
overwhelming. It's unbelievable.” There must be some kind of explanation for
the chemistry and connection. There
to be.

“I really don't
understand it, either, but I'm going with it. The pull to you is constant. The
connection we have is undeniable. The loss I feel when I'm not with you is
almost gut-wrenching.” My eyes go wide. Ever since I saw him the first time,
he's really the only thing I think about. I've never really thought about how I
feel when he's not with me. I just kind of do what I have to do. But now that I
think about today and yesterday…the closeness, the fun, the sex…it’s going to
be hard to see him go home. I don't even want to think about him leaving. The
thought makes me a little sick and I think I just felt a tiny crack in my
heart. I slump down in his lap like a broken doll.

“Drew…”I pause to
gather my thoughts. I don't want him to hear me wrong. “I do think this is
going crazy fast. I also think that this thing between us is so right.” His
face perks up. “I mean, it feels right and it feels good.”


I smile. Of course
there's a “but”. I place a hand back on his face, rubbing his stubble with my
thumb. “But I want to slow it down.” He starts to say something, but I stop him
with a raised eyebrow and a stern look. “Just a little slower. I don't want to
go to the next step just yet. I need to do this for my own sanity, even though
just thinking about you leaving tonight is making my stomach turn.” 

“I could stay,” he says,
Was that a hint of begging in his voice? Should I let him stay?
can it hurt after the day we've spent together? I already love him and know I
will cave in to almost anything he wants. I, at least, need to attempt to be
somewhat independent. The strong feeling I have to be with him is like a
dependency, and I need to have a life outside of him.

“I want you to stay the
night. Today has been absolutely amazing and I'm not ready to be without you
just yet. At least going to work tomorrow will help keep me busy. If you left
tonight, I don't think I'd sleep at all.” The smile on his face could light up
the sky on the darkest of nights. He looks like he wants to jump up and down.
Not a very manly thing to do, but I think I would love to see it.

Drew slides his hands
from my knees to my ass and gives me a squeeze. Cupping his face in both hands
again, I give him a kiss. He drags his hands up my back and holds me tight. He
starts moving in and out of me again. I know that I'm going to be
so sore

Clutching me even
tighter, he stands up with me in his arms and I wrap my legs around him. He
carries me to the bedroom and we continue our first night together.



When the alarm goes off
and I reach to silence it, I can feel the soreness in my body. It's not really
painful, but I know it's there. Rolling onto my back, I feel an absence in the
bed. Sliding my arm onto the other side of the bed, there is nothing there
except a pillow. This is not how I expected to wake up after letting Drew stay
the night…against my better judgment, I might add. Thinking I would wake up in
his arms, spooning, only to find my bed empty is a little maddening.

Anger rising…well,
maybe not quite anger…I whip off the covers and shuffle over to the bathroom.
Still sleepy-eyed, I flip on the light and notice it's steamy. He showered
already? I guess he really
sleep much. 

After having done
everything I need to do in the bathroom, I head back into the bedroom to get
into my scrubs. I pick out a navy blue set. It's like wearing pajamas to work,
and I love it. As I'm putting on my white cotton camisole to go under my top,
Drew walks in. Freezing in all my actions, including breathing, I take in the
sight before me. He is wearing a black expensive suit, tailored to fit him
Where the hell did he get a suit in the middle of the night?
His hair is a neat mess. His smile…absolutely knee-knocking. Freshly shaven
face? I didn't notice any men's shaving equipment in the bathroom. I've never
seen him with a fresh shave. His bone structure is perfect.
Of course. 

Drew approaches me,
happy as can be, gently lifts his hand to my chin, and closes my mouth.
it! Not again! I've got to stop doing that!
A light chuckle escapes him, and
then he kisses me sweetly on the lips. “Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well?”

Breathe, Bec
Taking a deep breath, I finish putting my cami on. “Yes, I did. Although I
didn't wake up as well as I slept.” Frowning, I reach for my scrub top. He
grabs it from me and starts scrunching it up to the neck hole. Carefully, he
puts it over my head, making sure not to mess up my hair. He then holds the
shirt on one side so I can put my arm through the sleeve, then repeats it on
the other side. He's just helped dress me.

Drew bends down and
kisses me on the nose. “What happened when you woke up?”

“You weren't there.”
Making a pouty face, I trudge over to the dresser to get my socks out of the
drawer. I pad over to the closet to grab my shoes and head over to the bed to
sit down.

He sits down beside me
and starts rubbing my back. “I wasn't sleeping so I decided to go ahead and
shower. I should've waited for you. I'm sorry.”

“It's okay. Really. It’s
just not what I was hoping for.” I shrug it off, but inserted that little jab
to let him know he hurt me a little. 

“I'm sorry baby. I
won't let that happen again. I promise.” Sounding very sincere, he gently
touches my chin and turns me to face him. “I promise.” He kisses my temple,
then stands and offers his hand to me. Looking into those eyes, I take his hand
and let him pull me to my feet

“Am I forgiven?”

I crack a smile. “I
will think about it,” I say, jokingly. “I will see what you can come up with to
make it up to me.”

“Oh, really?” he says,
playing my game. 

“No. Not really. I
forgive you, just this once. But you can still make it up to me.” Laughing, I
grab him behind his neck and pull his face to mine. Hovering my lips in front
of his, I slowly move in to kiss him, staring at those lips. So scrumptious.
Quickly diverting my kiss, I decide to lick his face. My tongue runs slowly up
the soft, smooth line of his jaw, stopping to nibble at his earlobe. He grabs
me around my waist and pulls me in to him, right up against his very hard

“Do you want to be late
to work on your first day?” he breathes into my ear. 

“No, I don't. But I do
want you to think about me while you are at work today.” I bump my belly up
against his cock, teasing him. The thought of him walking around all day with “blue
balls” does not sit well with me, especially after thinking I may have had a
part in giving guys from school that discomfort. 

Bumping him again with
my belly, I say, “You may want to take care of that before you head off to work.
I don't want you to pain all day.” With an evil grin on my face, I pull
away from him and see he has his eyes squinted at me.

“You are going to leave
me like this? That's cold.”

“I can't be late on my
first day,” I tease as I start swaying my hips, sashaying out of the

Arriving in the kitchen
and noticing a mug of coffee already made sitting in the brewer, I turn to see
Drew standing there, wickedly gorgeous with a very noticeable boner and an
equally sizeable smile to match. I bite my lower lip and smile. Trying not to
let myself think about what his cock does to me, I look back to the coffee mug.
“Did you make me coffee?”

“I did. See, something
good came out of my mistake. All you have to do is add cream and sugar. I
didn't know how much to put in.” He gestures in a “ta-da” kind of way. 

“Thank you,” I say,
softly. Grabbing the sugar from the cabinet, I see that he's getting the half-and-half
from the fridge. We are working together in harmony as if it's been our routine
for years. I make him a cup and us some toast, then we sit at the bar to enjoy
our breakfast together. 

We finish, clean up our
mess, and I grab my things to head out the door. Turning to him, I ask, “Are
you going to stay and handle that…,” I peer down at his still ready bulge, “or
are you going to torture yourself all day?” 

Smirking, he replies, “I
have a feeling that I will have this ‘problem’ no matter what, if all I will be
thinking about is you.” He walks up close to me and reaches for my face. He
leans down and kisses me tenderly on the lips. “I guess I'd better get used to

“Again with the sweet
words, Mr. Chambers. I like it.”

Rocking up onto my
tiptoes, I kiss his stubble-free cheek, one hand on his shoulder for a little
support. Slowly, I ease back down and drag my hand down his chest. I get to his
abs and give a little push. Easing my hand down further, it meets my target…his
cock. Turning my hand around so that my fingers are pointing downwards, I press
a little firmer as I let my hand travel down his shaft. He growls when I make
the descent. My voice is a little shaky when I say, “I really think you should
take care of that before you head off to work.” I end with a gentle cupping of
his balls.

Peering up at him, I
see the intensity in his eyes grow. He swiftly bends down and grabs the back of
my thighs, lifting them to wrap around his waist. Walking us over to the door,
he smashes me up against it, kissing me fiercely. I break away from his
assault, trying to catch my breath from this surprise attack. He moves his
mouth to continue on my neck. 

“I can't be late for
work, Drew.”

“We can continue in the
car,” he snarls. “I'm taking you to work today.”

“What?” I ask, a little
shocked. “But I might want to drive to go to lunch.” 

“I am taking you to
lunch today.” The way he said it, there was no room for negotiation. Fine with
me. It's not like I had plans. 

“Okay. Let's go.” He
grabs his laptop and his bag of clothes.

Oh, yeah.

the way, how did you get your suit and stuff here?” 

We head out the door. I
lock up as he answers my question, “My house manager packed me a bag, and my
driver brought it over early this morning. I didn't want to wake you.”

Taking my hand, he
walks briskly to the elevators. Once we're in the lobby, he's bolting for the
limo, dragging me with him like a ragdoll. “You're taking me to work in a limo?
How obnoxious is that?”

He ushers me into the
car and waits for his driver to take his seat. “14th and Davis, Benjamin,” Drew
says in a commanding tone. How did he know what building I was working at? Never
mind. It's Drew, my hot ass stalker.

“Yes, sir.”

Drew promptly hits the
button to raise the partition between us and Benjamin, and the car starts

“We don't have a lot of
time,” he says, unbuttoning his trousers. His cock springs free and I can see
the very tip is glistening with pre-cum already. 

“So eager, Mr.
Chambers?” I murmur. Unable to move my eyes away, I bite my lower lip and
shimmy out of my scrub bottoms and panties. Moving to climb into his lap, he
grabs me by my hips and holds my pussy just over his cock. My clit begins to
swell with the torture and I'm dripping wet.

“For you? Always.” Drew
reaches down, taking his cock in his hand and rubbing our juices together,
making us slippery and hungry for each other. My moan comes out sounding
painful. He takes the hand from my hip and grips the back of my head and brings
my face down to kiss him, while I still hover over him, straddling him. I can
feel the heat emanating between our naked bits. 

“Drew…” I pant and he
swiftly places himself at my entrance, easing the tip inside me. Not being able
to take it anymore, I lower myself onto him, fully taking him in. We moan in
unison. Being physically connected to him feels like it’s where I'm meant to be. 


Barely arriving at the
building in time for me to get up to my office, Benjamin opens the door for me
just as I'm fixing my scrub bottoms. I give Drew a kiss and rush out of the car
so I won't be late. He yells after me, “I'll text you with lunch plans!”

Turning around to see
him leaning halfway out of the car with a gigantic smile makes me smile, too. I
wave to him and whip back around just before plowing into a wall. Giggling to
myself, I take a quick peek to see if Drew caught that. I see him pulling away
with the window down, laughing.
I'm such a klutz

Checking myself in the
reflection of the elevator, not caring who was in there with me, I touch up my
hair and straighten my scrubs. This is not a great first impression. I am
usually at least ten minutes early and never disheveled or out of breath so
this is a first for me, but well worth it. 

Meeting the entire
staff and getting the tour of the clinic didn't take much time. Not really
needing to know where all the clinical stuff goes, I stuck to just what I
needed to know for now. The nurse showing me around has been here since Dr.
Thompson opened his practice. She's probably about my age or maybe a little bit

“Well, Ms. Michaels,
this is it. It's not much, but we all love it here. Dr. Thompson is a great
boss and a great doctor. My name is Hillary. If you need anything, just holler.”

“Thank you, Hillary.
Please, call me Becca. I hate formalities,” I say. “I know we met briefly
before, but you are in charge of the clinical part of the staff, correct?” 

“Correct. We will be
working hand-in-hand,” she says.

“Well, I guess that
makes you my new best friend, Hillary.” We both laugh. “We should do lunch one
day so we can get better acquainted.”

“I'd like that. We also
do a staff lunch every other week to discuss concerns, share ideas, stuff like
that. Usually, it's just personal chit chat because everyone is so great here.
It's really a great team of people.”

“Interesting. It almost

“Too good to be true?”
she interrupts. “I know. We hear that a lot.” She giggles and I smile.
Something about this conversation seems a “I've got to go make
sure everything is ready for our first patients. The office is waiting for you.”
She points back up to the front. “Let me know if you need help with anything.”

“Thanks again, Hillary.”

“Sure thing,” she says
and is already on her way, readying everything for the day.

Making my way back up
to my desk, I just stand and look at everything for a brief moment, assessing
my surroundings and taking little mental notes here and there. Seeing a big
no-no already, I ask the girl who works in the office with me, “Lizzy, are
these filing cabinets always unlocked overnight?”

Cute little Lizzy, who
can't be more than twenty-three, turns in her chair to look at me, then at the
filing cabinets containing patient records. Her eyes widen and then look back
to me. “Umm, no, ma'am. I must have forgotten to lock them last night,” her
voice is a little shaky.

I smile at her to help
ease her fears. “It's okay, Lizzy. Just please try to remember from now
on. And you can call me Becca. I'm not an evil supervisor, but I do try to
abide by all regulations. You can never be too careful. I'm here to help, not
hinder.” Her face visibly relaxes. “I know you've been doing a lot in here by
yourself and can't be on top of everything all the time. We are going to be a
great team in here. Now, what do you need me to help with before I start doing
mundane things?”

She hands me a stack of
patient charts that need to have the insurance companies called for
verification while she is setting up new patient charts. Looks like it's back
to basics for me. I'm glad to have work to do. This will definitely help keep
my mind off of Drew. 

Sitting at my desk, I
shift some things around so I feel more comfortable. My desk is pretty bare.
Bringing some pictures in of Charlie and maybe a small plant...a fake one that
I don't have to take care of…will brighten it up. I'm no green thumb, that's
for sure. Pulling my cell phone out of my purse, I throw my purse in a drawer
and check my phone. There's a missed call from Charlie and a text from Drew.

Quickly shooting a text
to Charlie, I let her know that I will call her after work. Clicking to see
Drew's text, I can't help but smile.


Drew: Nice recovery.
I'm so glad you didn't smash your face into that wall.


I know I'm going to
hear about this for a while. 


Me: I'm rolling my eyes
at you.


Smiling at my phone, I
make sure it's on silent and shove it aside.

Opening the first file
in front of me, I find the information I need to call the insurance company.
Just as I am about to pick up the handset, Dr. Thompson walks in. “Good
morning, Rebecca. Busy already?”

The name Rebecca makes me
automatically think of Drew. Glancing down at the files and then back up to
him, I say, “Yes. I'm going to help Lizzy get caught up and then I can tackle
my normal duties.”

“Sounds great. I can't
wait to get this place back to normal.”

“I will do my best,

“That's what I like to
hear. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to come to me. I have an
open door policy,” he says, turning to walk out of my office. He stops in the
doorway and looks back to me. “Glad to have you on board, Rebecca.”

“Please, call me Becca,”
I try to get out before he walks away.

He shouts back as he's
walking down the hallway, “Okay, Becca!” He really does seem nice. Everyone
does. It's weird. Maybe once I'm here for a while, the cattiness and BS will
rear its ugly head. I just don't see it being this nice all the time with a
bunch of women working here. It just doesn't normally happen.

Getting back to the
files, I start making the calls and jotting down the information needed. Time
passes by quickly when you are busy. It is nearing lunch time and I can't wait
to see Drew. 

Glancing over at my
phone, I have the urge to see if he's texted me our lunch plans. Pressing the HOME
button, I see there is a text, but it's from Charlie. A pang of sadness moves
through me, but only briefly. I know he is a very busy businessman. Still can't
help but feel that little pang in my chest. He'll text, right?

I checked Charlie's
text and she just wished me good luck and said she would talk to me

Hopping back on the
phone, I try to knock out the rest of the files before lunch. As I'm finishing
up the next to last file, I check my phone again. There’s a text.


Drew: Look up.


I look up at the
ceiling and promptly hear a snicker coming from the doorway.

A bolt of electricity
shoots through me when I hear it. My eyes drift down to the door and see him
standing there. Drew, leaning up against the door frame in all his beautiful
glory, is grinning from ear to gorgeous ear.

“How did you…?”

“The girl at the window
let me back here. Are you ready to go to lunch?” he asks and comes towards my
desk. He places his hands on my desk and leans down closer to me. “I've missed

My heart has been
hijacked by this man. “Sure. Why didn't you text me sooner? I could've
been downstairs waiting for you.” 

“I wanted to surprise

“Well, consider me
surprised,” I say, smiling. Gathering my purse from the drawer and grabbing my
cell phone, I rise from my chair and he offers me his hand. The warmth and
familiarity I feel when we touch is still overwhelming, even after touching him
all day

Fingers intertwined, I
pull him to me and, reaching up on my tiptoes, I kiss him briefly on the lips, and
then move to whisper in his ear, “I missed you, too.” 

Drew wraps an arm
around my shoulder and we head out for lunch. I call over my shoulder, “Lizzy,
I'll be back in an hour.” When we approach the door, I look back to make sure
she heard me and find her staring in our direction, her mouth hanging wide
open. “Lizzy?” She breaks from her trance and, with pink cheeks, nods that she
heard me. It makes me giggle.

“What's so funny?” Drew

“The jaw-dropping, dumbfounded
stupor you put women into. It's quite something.”

“It's a gift,” he says
with a chuckle.

“You ain't kidding.”
Waving a hand back and forth, up and down in front of him. “All of this is a
true gift and you know how to work it.”

A toothy grin takes
root on his lovely face. “Do I now?”

“Oh, you do. And I like
the way you work it. It works for me.” I wrap an arm around his waist as we head
downstairs and through the lobby. We definitely look like a couple very much in
love…big grins, holding each other tight, stars in our eyes.

Outside I see the limo
and Benjamin, ready and waiting. “Where are we going?” I ask after ducking into
the car.

“Just a little place I
know. Then I'm going to fuck you before we go back to work.”

I raise my eyebrow. “Is
that so? What do you take me for, Mr. Chambers?”

“I will take you for
about ten minutes. This time. Tonight will be much longer. Trust me on that.”

“I guess that explains
the limo for lunch,” I mumble. He winks at me and then the car is in motion. I
had forgotten about Benjamin. I wonder what he heard or
what he heard. Suddenly, I blush.

Drew sees my cheeks
pinken and looks in the direction my eyes are fixed on…the back of Benjamin's
head. “Don't worry about him, baby.”

“I'm not worried, just
a little embarrassed.”

“Don't be. We are just
being ourselves. Our very sexual selves.” His words ease me, but not as much as
his touch does. He reaches for my hand and brings it up to his mouth, planting
a gentle kiss on the back of it just like he did on our first date. Was it
really only two days ago? It feels like weeks ago, maybe even months. 

Before we know it, the
car comes to a stop alongside a curb. Drew opens his door and gets out, then
waits for me to scoot over and take the hand that he's offered. When I'm out of
the car and onto the sidewalk, I look at the place we are in front of. The
deli. The first place I saw this man was right here in this deli. 

Drew looks down at me,
trying to read my expression. “Why the deli?” I question him, but I don’t give
him a chance to answer. I reach up, grab his face, and place a kiss on those
ever-so-perfect lips. “It's where I saw you for the first time.”

“I know. That's why I
brought you here. Maybe this time you can finish your sandwich,” he says with a
silly smirk. “But I wouldn't bet on it,” he finishes, chuckling at himself. He
puts a hand at the small of my back and we move to go inside the deli. 

We place our orders and
the table I sat at on my last visit is available so I gravitate towards it.
Besides, it's in the back where it's a little quieter. Drew and I both start
unwrapping our sandwiches. He swiftly takes a bite of his while I wait so I can
ask him a question. “How did you know this was the first place I saw you?”

He finishes chewing and
wipes his lips with a napkin. “Just a guess based on your reaction of me at the
time. You were flustered.” I blush.
Let's not get flustered again, Bec.
your first time?”

“It was, but I don't
know how you could tell. I could've seen you from a distance before and just
got frazzled because you were in close proximity...or something,” I say, not
wanting him to be right.

“True. And it was not
my first time seeing you. I saw you for the first time earlier that day, when
you were going in to the bookstore.” He grins and takes another bite of his

“Is that when your
stalking tendencies kicked in?” I joke. I finally take a bite of my sandwich.

“Yes, as a matter of
fact, it is,” he says with food still in his mouth, ending with a close-lipped

I take a sip of my soda
and narrow my eyes at him, then shake my head. “You are crazy, you know that?”

“Crazy? About you,
maybe, but not clinical crazy.”

“One might beg to
differ,” I tease.

Drew and I finish up
lunch fairly quickly, only making small talk between our bites. We mostly talk
about how I am liking my job so far. I haven't really been there long enough to
like it.

I excuse myself to go
to the restroom while he cleans up the table and disposes of our trash.

Looking fairly decent
after a half-day’s work and a romp in the limo, I decide to rinse my mouth out
the best I can. I'm glad I opted out of getting onions on my sandwich today.
That would be a very hard smell and taste to get rid of. Thinking I'm about as
good as I'm going to get, I start to make my way out of the bathroom, but I
stop just before opening the door.
has a bad habit of being
outside of bathroom doors.

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