Some Like It in Handcuffs (12 page)

Read Some Like It in Handcuffs Online

Authors: Christine Warner

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Some Like It in Handcuffs
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“And of course we both know his arrest record.” Sunny grimaced shaking her head. “It reads like the county jail is his home away from home.”

“Everything he was convicted of is minor stuff though. The hard core charges never held.”

Sunny slipped her glasses on and walked toward him. She scanned the papers in her hand. “I had no idea he was married. Vivian Carmichael, her parents owned the neighborhood grocery store where Slater and Benny grew up.”

Judson leaned forward on the futon, elbows on his knees, fingers locked together. “What’s more interesting is that Vivian dated Benny before he met Karina.”

Sunny’s eyes widened. “Where’d you get that from?” She hugged the sheets of paper to her chest.

“Several of his arrest records had interviews with his mom, friends, and neighbors. I’ve read some interesting facts about the young Slater.”

“So on the rebound Vivian hooked up with Slater.”

“And they were married within weeks of Karina’s murder.”

Sunny clucked her tongue. “Slater never mentions a wife, and she’s never with him.” Since the futon was covered with various piles of paper, she rested her hand on his knee for balance and slid to the floor beside him.

Judson tried to breathe steady and ignore the pressure of her palm. The heat of her touch was sure to leave an imprint on his skin. She lifted her hand to adjust her glasses. He shifted away from her.

“Slater’s mother is still alive and lives in the same building as they do, which is the one he grew up in. I couldn’t find anything showing Slater and Vivian had kids, or any other family. It says here Vivian’s father died in a car accident when she was a teenager. She was in the car with him. Her mom passed away three years ago.” Sunny skimmed through the papers in her stack sharing the pertinent details even though Judson knew the contents. He didn’t mind, it gave him the chance to watch her. Sunny’s pert nose tilted at the tip. There wasn’t even a hint of a freckle on her clear complexion. She glanced up at him, smiling. His breath caught in his throat at the contrast of her dark lashes framing her light colored eyes. Beautiful.

“I think we should pay a visit to Slater’s mom. You know how moms love to talk about their kids.” She tapped her chin with the tip of her finger, the well bitten fingernail reminded him of the night he’d met her. “We’ll have to come up with a plan to keep our cover.”

His impression of her had completely changed since that first night. Thinking she used her looks to get ahead in her investigations, that all of her information was handed to her on a platter by her brothers. She’d proven him wrong. Although she was still a little green and had things to learn, she worked hard. Not that he had changed his mind about women working as detectives or investigators, but she’d make a wonderful research assistant. If only she’d stay behind the scenes.

Her finger stopped and she clapped her hands together. “I know just the way to introduce myself to Slater’s mom. All moms love flowers.”

Her lips puckered when a tiny wisp of hair twirled around her mouth. He wanted to tuck it behind her ear. His body tensed and he sucked in a breath. Mistake number two. She smelled like exotic fruit, with a hint of vanilla.

He cleared his throat.

She glanced at him.

“You sure you’re okay?” Her glasses slid down to the tip of her nose. She regarded him from over the edge. “You seem distracted.”

“I haven’t eaten all day, I’m just hungry.” He fibbed again. She’d proven a distraction and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“I’ll order a pizza. There’s a great place close by that delivers and we can put the finishing touches on our plan while we eat.” Her eyes shined, her lips slightly parted.

When her tongue snaked out to wet her lips, he groaned inwardly. He had to get away from her. Her hand floated to the stray hair by her mouth and she tucked it behind her ear, her movements graceful and mesmerizing.

He stood as she did and they bumped into each other. He knocked her off balance with the force of his weight. Sunny’s boots slipped on the wooden floor, and he tried to catch her by the arm to steady her, but ended up knocking her glasses off her nose. They flew across the small room hitting the file cabinet.

At the same time Judson stepped on a stray piece of paper on the floor, his boot slid, and he lost his own balance. Sunny grabbed for him. He caught her around the waist. His body hit the floor with a solid thump. A jolt of pain shot up his spine but he held it in.

His arms were wrapped around Sunny in a firm hold. She landed sideways across his legs. Her head bounced off his chin and hit his shoulder. She grimaced and reached to rub her head. He moved one of his hands to do the same. Their fingers touched and entwined.

Ragged breathing was the only sound in the room. Judson loosened his grip and she lifted her chin to look into his face, her body molding into his. The rapid rise and fall of her chest lured his gaze and he gulped in a breath of air. Mistake number three. His senses were already assaulted by not only her intoxicating smell, but her pliant body pressed up against him. He unclasped his hand from hers and cupped her chin inside his palm instead.

“You okay?”

When she licked her lips the tip of her tongue brushed the end of his thumb. Heat filled his limbs to replace the numbing pain in his back. Everything else was pushed to the back of his mind as he focused on Sunny. He wanted to kiss her, taste her.

The deliberate survey of his thumb glided over the pink velvet of her lips. Her dilated pupils hid the blue of her eyes and she lowered her lashes. His hand caught her warm breath when she sighed. The light from the single window shone on her curly blond tresses and her oval face glowed. Like an angel. The inviting curve of her parted mouth softened its fullness and begged for his kisses. He leaned toward her. His breath fanned her face and her eyelids danced like butterfly wings.


Sunny knew what was happening and she didn’t want to stop it. Her heart beat quickened. Her body trembled. From her lowered lashes she watched Judson move closer. The earth stopped spinning when she drew in a short breath.

A tickle of soft fur swept past her nose. Her eyes flew open. Papers launched off the futon and floated into the air. The pile from the filing cabinet fell with a bang to the floor. The stillness of the room amplified the noise like a broadcast from a loud speaker. Sunny sprang back, her heart in her throat. Chocolate hissed and jumped at Judson.

“Damn!” Judson pulled his hand away from Sunny’s chin to ward off the attack of the flying fur ball, but he was too late. Her cat already dragged his claws over the top of Judson’s hand and forearm with a surgeon’s precision.

“Chocolate!” Sunny screeched and dove for her pet. Her hand barely touched the tip of his tail before he was gone. His four paws skidded across the floor as he raced from the room sideways.

“Are you okay?” Droplets of blood pushed through Judson’s skin.

He looked at the scratches and grimaced. “I’ll live.”

“I’m so sorry. He’s never done that before.” She stood and Judson followed. Guilt washed over her. Sunny inspected his hand then tilted her head back to look into his face. “I don’t know what came over him.”

“He’s protective of you.”

Just like every other man in my family.
Sunny forced a laugh then tugged at his arm. “He must think he’s a dog instead of a cat then. Come on.” She led the way to the bathroom.

He’d almost kissed me and I wanted him too! Not good, Sunny. You’re working together. He’s leaving in a few weeks. And, what about Roxanne? It seemed he made a habit of getting involved with the women he worked with.

She chewed her bottom lip. Her legs felt like overcooked spaghetti noodles, but she continued walking. They reached the bathroom where she grabbed the antiseptic wipes and a bandage from the cabinet.

He pulled his hand from hers and flexed his fingers. “I’ll clean it, but no bandage.”

She stood in the doorway, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “I’ll just order that pizza then.”

Judson walked into the sitting room as Sunny clicked her cell closed.

“Pizza in twenty.” The smile on her face wavered, she looked away. Their “almost” kiss had destroyed her confidence. Like a nervous teenager she grew self conscious and her palms began to sweat. She debated if she should mention what almost happened to clear the air, or carry on as normal.

She busied herself straightening the cushions on her sofa and folding the afghan heaped up in a chair. Sensing his presence she took a peek from beneath her lashes. He stood in the archway, following her with his eyes. His scrutiny prickled her skin and her heart beat thumped inside her head.

Would she have kissed him back?

She swallowed.

Hell yeah she’d have kissed him back.

His gaze continued to follow her as she crossed the room toward the green leather chair. If only he’d say something.

Several more moments passed and she wanted to snap. Heat dotted her skin at the weight of his stare. Glad her jeans hid her shaky legs she turned to face him. She’d had it. “What are you staring at?” She threw the afghan over the back of the chair.

“You. I’m waiting for you to say something.” He stepped forward. “I can see it in your face. Just spit it out.”

She inched back, waving him away with her hand. “Don’t be silly. I have nothing to say.”

“Now that’d be a first.”

He took another step closer.

She stepped back, looked at the floor, and willed her heart to stop its urgent pounding. No success.

Damn him. If he wanted a comment, she’d give him one.

Sunny lifted her head and stared into his bright eyes. His wicked grin sent her heart beat into a flurried panic as he took another step forward.

Her chin lifted and she stepped toward him.

“You know what, now’s as good a time as any.” Sunny folded her arms across her chest. “I do have something to say.”

“Now there’s the Sunny I know.” Judson’s eyes twinkled.

“We need to talk about last night.”

“Really?” Judson rolled his eyes. “Not that again. Isn’t there a statute of limitations?”

“I’ll let you know when the timer goes off.” Her lips thinned. “Just be thankful I took some time to cool off.”

“Wildcat, I know you’re not trying to intimidate me.” His grin widened.

“You need to be brought down a notch or two.”

“And you need to be thrown across someone’s knee and spanked.”

.” She shook her head chuckling. “Next you’ll be telling me you’re the man for the job.”

“I wouldn’t even accept payment, I’d volunteer.” He took another step in her direction.

“See, there you go, just like last night.” Sunny placed her hands on her hips and leaned toward him. “The big guy taking control, trying to make the little woman do his bidding.”

“Just goes to show the ‘little woman’ doesn’t know her place.”

Sunny’s hands itched with the need to connect with his arrogant face.

“Is that what last night was all about, Judson, you putting me in my place? Showing me you’re the boss.”

“You need to understand. Working in the field is no place for a woman.” His jaw tightened when he glanced at her tapping foot. “It’s dangerous, risky. I agree with your family, you should stick to working behind the scenes. You’d be a helluva researcher.”

Her foot stilled. “I can handle it. If everyone would focus on what I’m doing instead of what they think I should be doing they’d see that. Just because you’re men doesn’t mean you know it all.”

“Yeah, you handled last night real well.” He rolled his eyes. “Who knows what might have happened if I hadn’t stepped in.”

“Did you hear that key word?” She turned her head to the side and fanned her palm behind her ear. “Might.”

He turned and walked toward the large picture window at the front of the room. A flash of lightning lit up the sky and silhouetted his rigid posture.

“Don’t play word games with me, Sunny.” He turned to face her. “You know very well that guy outweighed you by a hundred pounds. Not to mention the fact he was mean, strong and determined. Admit it. You were in over your head.”


“You just want the action, thrill, the adrenaline racing through your body. I admit it, I’m the same. Once you’ve experienced it, it’s an addiction. But this job is not safe. You need to find another way to get your kicks.”

Sunny threw her hands up. “You’ve probably already bought me a gift certificate for bungee jumping. You’re acting just like my brothers.”

“Now there’s an idea.”

She took a deep breath, ignoring his remark. “As for last night,
news alert
. Men have hit on me before. I would’ve handled it like I have in the past. I don’t need to be rescued.”

No need to tell him she’d had the same doubts. It’d only act as fuel for his fire.

“Playing private investigator is too dangerous.” His eyes glinted like steel.

“Playing?” She raised her voice. “This is a rehash of the fight I had with my family. You were there. Didn’t you hear anything I said?”

“I heard you, I just don’t agree with you.” He bit the words out.

“Well, that’s too bad isn’t it?” Sunny turned toward the sofa. “I don’t care if you agree with me or not. I told you from the beginning I’m doing this my way.”

She sat and ran shaky palms up and down the thigh of her jeans. “You don’t know me well enough to get this worked up over my well being, Judson. What am I missing?”

He jerked his head toward her. Sunny raised her eyebrow, and he turned to look out the front bay window.

Scattered raindrops tapped against the large sheets of glass. The stormy sky darkened the room. Sunny reached over to the table and switched on the Tiffany-style stained glass lamp.

“This has something to do with Roxanne, doesn’t it?”

His back straightened at the sound of her voice. “Now you’re the mind reader.”

Sunny stood and walked over to him.

“What happened, Judson?”

When he met her gaze with hollowed eyes, Sunny forgot about her annoyance. She touched his arm. He looked at her hand as she ran it along his forearm in a soft caress. The desire to hear how he felt about Roxanne and what happened overshadowed the tense knot in her chest.

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