Soldier Boy (3 page)

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Authors: Megan Slayer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Soldier Boy
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“Did I scare you off already?”
righted her panties, then her dress and stretched out on the bed. She didn’t want Charlie to leave. Although she hated to admit the truth, she’d formed emotional attachments to him. He accepted her blunt and her bold. Would he still accept her now that they’d fucked?

“No. I’m not scared.” Charlie lay beside her on the mattress. “I’m new at this, that’s all.”

“Oh?” She rolled onto her side and smoothed the skirt of her tattered dress down her hips. “Which are you new at? Having sex? Halloween?” Guys hadn’t been honest with her on quite this level before, and his style both shocked and pleased her. When he spoke, she trusted him. Truth be told, she trusted him more than she wanted to admit.

“I’ve celebrated Halloween plenty of times.” He folded his arms behind his head. “I meant what we did. I’m no virgin, but I’m not… I haven’t done this tons of times.” He closed his eyes and frowned. “That sounded

“No.” She understood him a little better. His confidence resided somewhere in the basement, and she wanted to help him see how handsome and wonderful he truly was because she’d been in his position. For the last three years, she’d doubted her worth. The party had been an excuse to shed her self-doubting skin and have fun.

Charlie had been more than fun.

She tipped his chin, forcing him to look her in the eye. “Sounds like this is the perfect holiday for us to meet. Halloween isn’t all about the costumes and scaring the shit out of each other. It’s really about rebirth. You said you liked me as I am. This is my chance to be myself. It’s also the chance for you to figure yourself out and be that man.” She’d sounded preachy, but she didn’t care. She wanted to help build Charlie up.

“Think so?” His blue eyes sparkled.

“Sure do, soldier boy.” She tugged at the front of his uniform and twined their legs together. “Next time I want to see all of you

not just your dick. I have to admit, it’s a sexy cock. Felt good inside me.”

“Yeah?” he asked. His voice came out gravelly, and the sound vibrated up and down her spine. He palmed her backside. “I’d like us to have a next time, too.”

“Then let’s set a date for an actual date

no costumes involved.”

Charlie grinned, showing off his dazzling smile and the dimple on his left cheek. “I don’t know. I’m rather fond of this dress.” He patted her ass. “Happy Halloween,
. Here’s to a new year and new us.”

kissed him hard on the mouth. “Cheers.”

Soon she’d have to thank Maya for having the party and Levi for conning Charlie into attending, but those would have to wait until after she and Charlie made love again. She couldn’t get enough of the soldier boy. Never enough.

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