Soldier Boy

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Authors: Megan Slayer

Tags: #Romance

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Soldier Boy


Megan Slayer

Plenty of surprises in store when the party goes from costumes and fright to sexy delight.


hadn’t planned on finding a man at the Halloween party. No, she came to hang out with her best friend, Maya. She’s not there to snag a date, especially not since she’s sworn off men. When a handsome man wearing an Army uniform shows up,
begins to rethink her decision. Halloween is a time for rebirth and change. Maybe change

in the form of the blue-eyed, handsome man

is just what she needs.


Features Maya and Levi from
Guarding Me



“Whose idea was it to dress up like a sixties girl group?”
Gibson asked. She stared at the shimmery silver sparkles on her cleavage and sighed. She’d squeezed her curves into the gold sequin dress, and her boobs practically jumped out of the low neckline.

fun,” her best friend Maya said. “We’re adorable this way.
, I’m trying to find you a man.”

“Oh, sure, but I don’t need help.”
pulled the front of the dress up in vain, but her D-cup breasts refused to be any more contained.

“What do you mean, you don’t need help? You haven’t had a boyfriend in a year.” Maya fluffed the thick curls in her hair. “Levi has lots of friends coming tonight. One of them might be who you’re looking for.”

debated an answer, but kept quiet. Once her friend made up her mind, nothing would change it.

“It’s a Halloween party, not a wedding.” Maya stood behind
again and sprayed hairspray onto
curls. “Go out there and have a good time.”

flipped a lock of her hair out of her eyes. The glitter and thick makeup weren’t her norm, but it was Halloween and she wanted to be glam for a change. She pursed her lips. Parties weren’t her idea of fun, but a night of drinking and dancing would be good.

“You’re looking forward to the party, now?” Maya grinned. Her dark eyes shimmered. “I knew you would.” She giggled. “I’ve got a sitter for the entire night and the next twelve hours to have fun with my husband. Where’s the karaoke machine?”

“Downstairs with the margaritas. Give me five minutes and I’ll be down.”
waited for her friend to leave, then she sat on the edge of the bed. Halloween wasn’t her favorite time of year. She liked the colors of the changing leaves, the nip in the air and the festive decorations, but she hated the parties. At the different gatherings, the attendees were expected to pair up. She wasn’t ready for a relationship. Not so close to the end of her last relationship. Terrence had really screwed with her head, and she despised men who couldn’t be honest.

swiped the makeup brush along her cheeks once more, then stood. The dress did showcase her curves. If the men downstairs couldn’t appreciate her, then screw ’
. She wanted to have fun.

After one last look in the mirror,
headed downstairs. The music blasted from the DJ stand and colored lights danced around the living room. The bass thrummed through the floor. She bobbed her head to the beat. A handful of the partygoers had already shown up. She appraised the group. Three vampires, a witch and two cowboys...not the exciting group Maya swore would be there, but they’d do. She tapped Maya on the shoulder.

“Where’s your man?”

“He’s picking up more beer. He’s dressing up as a zombie janitor.” Maya shrugged. “He wanted to be a zombie.”

surveyed the crowd again. The living room had filled up a bit more. Zombies, a disco dancer, three comic book characters and a sailor. Nice variety. A techno song blasted from the speakers. She wriggled into the middle of the makeshift dance floor and moved to the beat. Nothing mattered but the music and having fun. She hadn’t had enough fun in a long time. For the next two hours, she danced and immersed herself in the thrill of the party.

Maya bounced over to her and grabbed
hands. “Hey.”

sang along with the song and nodded to acknowledge her friend.

“You’re being watched.” Maya turned
around. “The soldier. He’s been keeping an eye on you for the last fifteen minutes.”

“He has?”
Pushy bastard.
Who did he think he was? She focused on where Maya pointed and gasped. Maybe the guy wasn’t so ballsy…no, he was hot as hell.

The soldier wasn’t just a man in uniform...he sent shivers up her spine. Muscles where a man should be strong, tall enough to tower over her and icy blue eyes. She loved a man with blue eyes. She wondered what he sounded like when he talked—did he have a deep, gravelly voice or was he a rich tenor? What did he smell like? Heaven?

Oh, damn. She was thinking way too much, but looking at him...why not?

“You want him, don’t you?” Maya said in her ear. “Makes you want to forget all about Terrence, doesn’t he?”

Yeah, she wanted him. Every cell in her body screamed to be with him, but she wasn’t going to give in to him and play weak. Oh, hell, no. If she wanted someone, she made a point to meet him. Time to meet her destiny.



Charlie Frye wiped his hands on his pants and eased backwards against the wall. He hated to be pinned down, but he wasn’t sure what else to do. Most women he’d been interested in didn’t take the forthright approach. Not this woman. She stalked across the room, a vision in gold sparkles and poufy hair. The blood rushed through his body. The predatory gaze in her eyes called to him. He suppressed a groan.

Levi had sworn Charlie needed to come to the party. They’d have fun, Levi said. Charlie could get out and meet people. Well, he needed to get out of himself. He’d been alone for too long and stuck in a rut.

Seeing the ebony goddess certainly made him rethink his unintended solitude. He forced himself away from the wall and met her in the middle of the living room. The other partygoers swarmed around them, but barely seemed to notice them. He held out his hand to the woman.

“Care to dance?” he said, although he wasn’t sure she could hear him over the music.

The woman didn’t answer him in words. Instead, she slid her hand into his. One of the people behind her nudged her forward, pressing their bodies together. He groaned. She fit against him perfectly.

“Tell me your name,” he said, his mouth a fraction of an inch from her ear.

.” She leaned back in his arms and grinned.

God, she had a gorgeous smile.

“I’m Charlie.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Nice party.” Christ. He sucked at small talk.

“It’s not mine.” She wriggled against him, rubbing him in all the right places. Her breasts bounced with each step.

“You’re not looking into my eyes,” she said. She curled her fingers under his chin, redirecting his gaze. “You’ve got nice eyes and I’d like to see them.”

“Oh.” The tips of his ears burned. He’d never forgotten why he’d been crap around women and her harsh words reminded him he didn’t belong there.

“What’s wrong, sugar?” The corners of her crimson lips kinked and her dark eyes glittered. “Don’t like the noise? Or do the jack-o’-lanterns freak you out?”

“I’m not wild about the gigantic spiders,” he confessed. “But it’s more the crowd. I don’t do well when I feel penned in.” He pressed his lips together. He’d never mentioned that tidbit to anyone. Most of the time his issues with crowds were hidden and ignored. A man in the service didn’t show his fears. Never.

“I feel you.” She nudged him toward the edge of the room. The music blared, making conversation nearly impossible.

Good thing he could read her lips. He wondered what she tasted like. Would she nip his bottom lip or shy away from him if he tried to kiss her? Something about
screamed she wouldn’t pull back. She seemed like the type who loved with her whole heart involved.

led him through the kitchen to the back of the house and into a screened-in porch. The walls drowned out most of the music, providing some peace and quiet. The chill from the night air seeped into the room, though, and she rubbed her arms.

“There isn’t much privacy in this house.” She shrugged. “My best friend likes to throw parties, and ever since she and Levi bought the house, she’s made a point to celebrate every holiday.” She smiled again. “You said your name is Charlie?”

“Yeah, I’m in the Air Force. I borrowed this get-up from a friend. He said I’d look cool.” Charlie scrubbed one hand across his forehead. “I don’t know if I look cool or not.”

“You’re very handsome.” She tugged at his collar. “I like a man in uniform

even if it’s borrowed. Bet you look sexy in your dress blues.”

“I do okay.” His cheeks burned. At twenty-six years old, he’d only had one serious relationship and three girlfriends. Most of the women he’d dated wanted a pilot. He fueled the planes. Would she dismiss him, too? He gazed into her eyes and noticed her shivering. Shit. He shrugged out of his coat, then draped the garment around her shoulders.

“Thank you.” She smiled even wider. “Gentlemen are hot, too. Tell me about yourself. What brings you to this loud Halloween party?”

“Levi,” he blurted. “He told me if I didn’t show up, I’d wish I had. I gave in to him and came along. I’m glad I listened to him.” Charlie balled his fist to keep from reaching for her and moving too fast. But he’d already admitted she was pretty...might as well go whole hog. “You’re the prettiest girl here. What are you doing tonight?”

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