Sold for Sex (5 page)

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Authors: J.A. Bailey

BOOK: Sold for Sex
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Sucking in a breath,
she pressed open her uncle’s office door, pleased to see he was still up too.

He jerked his head up
in annoyance but quickly grinned as he realised it was her. “You did it then,
sweetheart? Gave up your cherry?” He laughed as if he’d made a hilarious joke.

“Yes I did it. You
have one very satisfied customer. Now give me my money.”

He shook his head
with another laugh and propped his chin up on his hands. “You’re a natural, Hol.
Perhaps you should consider being a sub instead?”

“I will not be
selling my body for you again, Uncle. Just give me my money and let me go.”

He pursed his lips
and studied her. “No, I don’t think so.”

“What do you mean?”

“Twenty thou? Do you
think I’m stupid? You’re a good girl, but you’re not worth that much,

Holly’s chest
tightened as her body ran cold. “You said you’d pay me. I gave up my body for
you!” Her voice wavered.

“And you did a great
job, honey. I’m proud of you,” he said snidely. “Now you can either go back to
your day job or I’d be happy to have you as a sub. Got to be more fun than
shuffling paper, don’t you think?”


Anger boiled inside
of her and she leapt forwards to slap at him. His hand shot out with surprising
speed for a heavy-set man and he clenched her wrist painfully before standing
and twisting it around behind her back.

“Justin!” he yelled.

Justin came hurrying
in, his eyes wide as he spotted Holly with her hand pinned.

“Get her out of here.
The ungrateful little bitch obviously doesn’t know what’s good for her. I don’t
want to see you again, Holly,” he spat.

Justin grabbed her
arm, yanking it until she screamed and tears beaded in her eyes. She fought
against him but his hold was too painful and he forced her out of the office.

“You bastard,” she
shouted as he dragged to the back entrance of the club.

Pressing open the
emergency door with an elbow, Holly braced herself to be thrown across the
ground but the pressure on her wrist released suddenly and nothing happened.
She turned around to see Daniel bringing his fist across Justin’s face.

She squealed and
jumped aside as Daniel launched Justin through the door. Kicking out at his
prone body, he brought his fist across his face again and yelled something about
‘never touching her again.’ Satisfied Justin got the message, Daniel stormed
back in and slammed the doors shut behind him.

Holly cradled her
sore wrist as he bundled her into his hold and her resolve crumbled. Her tears
came thick and fast as her misery rose to the surface. Daniel hushed and
soothed her, stroking his hands over her hair and back.

As she sniffed away
the last of her tears, he pulled back to study her damp face. “You want to tell
me what’s going on?”

Holly took in his dishevelled 
appearance - his tousled hair and half-buttoned shirt. “What were you doing
here? You were meant to be in bed.”

“I came looking for 
you. I was going to quiz your
as to where my sub had gone. I
wanted to wake up with you.”

“So you heard?” she whimpered,
clenching her hands together.

“Some of it. What
really happened, Holly? And the full truth this time please.”

Nodding slowly, she
pulled in a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. “M-my parents died when
I was young and my uncle took me in. With no inheritance, I was dependant on
him. He refused to let me go to college and steadily stopped me from even
seeing friends. When I turned eighteen, he made me come and work here,
threatening to kick me out if I didn’t.” She eyed him nervously as his
expression darkened. “When he said you wanted me, I said I’d do it. But only if
he gave me a large sum of money and let me go.”

“I see,” Daniel said

“But he refused to
pay. I’d hoped…I’d hoped to be gone before you woke up. You should never have
found out. I’m sorry.”

Daniel shook his head
and stepped forwards abruptly before pausing. “Wait here,” he commanded.

Frowning, Holly
nodded and wrapped her arms around herself as she watched him storm off. Was he
angry with her? With her uncle? What was he doing? And what had he meant when
he said he wanted to wake up with her? Whatever he’d meant, she’d no doubt
ruined it now. If there was even the smallest hope that he felt something more
for her, her dishonesty had probably destroyed that.

She waited in the
corridor until he returned, his expression unreadable. Thrusting a slip of
paper in her hand, he moved back and ran a hand through his hair.

Holly gawped at the
cheque. “Fifty thousand…? But how did you…?”

“It’s no more than
you deserve, Holly. After all your years trapped…and giving up your body for
me…Let’s just say, I have a lot of influence. I can make life very difficult
for your uncle. I’ve told him that he is to never even speak to you again.”

Her heart panged in
regret. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything,
darling. Just go and live a life finally. And if you need anything, anything at
all, come and find me.”

Pressing a shaky kiss
to his cheek, she clutched at the cheque. “Thank you, Daniel, for everything.”
She fixed him with a bold look. “I mean everything. Our night together wasn’t
just about money, you know. I’ll never forget you.”

Before he could
answer, she turned away and hurried back through the club and out onto the
front street. She couldn’t bear to hear him tell her that it wasn’t the same for
him. Or even worse, to lie to make her feel better. She glanced down at the
cheque. Well, at least she had one thing she wanted. Freedom. It was just a
shame she couldn’t have Daniel too.


Holly grumbled as her
mobile buzzed at her bedside. Reaching out for it, she squinted at the screen,
not recognising the number.


“It’s me.”

Sitting bolt upright
in her bed, Holly clutched her sheet to her chest. Even after six months, she
still remembered that voice.

“Are you there?”

“Yes,” she croaked.
“Yes, I’m here.”

“I miss you, Holly.”

Her heart leapt into
her throat and she held her breath, waiting.

“Can I see you?”

“Yes,” she replied
without a moment’s hesitation.



“Let me in then.”

Leaping from her bed
and chucking her phone on her side, Holly grabbed her dressing gown and thrust
her arms into it. He was here. Was he really? She’d spent months dreaming of
him, wishing things had gone differently. She had a small house now and a
steady job but there was still something missing. It didn’t surprise her that
he had tracked her down - with all his money it was probably easy - but she
never expected that he’d want to. Dashing down the stairs, she flicked on the
porch light and threw open the door, her heart thudding.

“Hi,” Daniel said
softly as a grin spread across his face.

“Hi.” Holly stepped
aside and he pressed past her into her small hall.

“You’re doing well,”
he commented vaguely. “I hear you’re setting the world of accounting alight,”
he added with a wicked grin.

Holly flushed and
laughed. “It’s not exactly thrilling, but I like it.”

“So you’re happy?”

“Yes, I mean,


“Well, there’s still
something missing…”

Daniel’s brows shot up
and he edged close, forcing her back against the wall. “And that would be…?”

Holly gulped. Could
she do it? Could she put herself on the line? “A master,” she said quietly.

“A master?” His lips
twisted as he flattened himself against her, running his hand across her cheek.
“Just any master?”

“No.” She tilted her
head up as his lips bore down upon hers. “You.”

 “Thank God,” he
murmured against her lips. Threading his hands into her hair, he kissed her
lightly and her stomach fluttered. God, how she had missed him.

“I wanted you,
Daniel, almost from the beginning. It was always about more than the money. I
just didn’t think you’d want me forever. I thought I was just another woman.”

“I couldn’t forget
you, Holly. I’d never be able to find another woman like you, but I didn’t know
if…” He sighed. “I didn’t want you to feel controlled by anyone, especially me,
after what your uncle did to you. But I just couldn’t stay away.”

“I’m so glad you
didn’t. I like my independence but I need you, Daniel. I trust you. I know
you’d never control my life like my uncle did.”

“Damn right. Just
your sweet, hot body,” he added with a grin. “Now get that tasty little cunt
upstairs. I’m dying to bury myself in that tight pussy of yours.”

Laughing, Holly
pressed a swift kiss to his mouth before dashing upstairs. “Yes, Daniel,” she
said as she ran.
Independence is all well and good,
she thought as she
laid down on the bed and Daniel prowled over her,
but what’s the point if
you can’t choose to sacrifice just a little of it to the man you love.


Other titles by J.A. Bailey

by the Boss

by the Highlander

Georgie of the Jungle: A Gang Bang Story

Waiting for Master

Dark Desire

Follow J.A. on
for more British bondage fun!

the author

day, J.A. Bailey is a prim and proper English secretary to a multinational
corporation, but behind closed doors, she loves nothing more than to than to
turn her fantasies into reality. And if she's not acting them out, she's
writing them down.

her Master lets her off her leash that is...

stories all involve strong, virile men, intelligent women and the raunchiest
scenarios possible. She believes there is nothing sexier than a hot woman at
the feet of her gorgeous master.






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