Society Girls: Sierra (4 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Sierra
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“Gatinha? Does that

, and it’s also slang for
,” he smiles against my neck.
“Your claws were out. I liked it, and you’re definitely

I like it, too. That he’s calling me pet
names, I mean. I can’t let it show, but I like it. “So you want
women fighting over you. Good to know.”

I try to pull away, but he holds me even
tighter, and kisses my cheek before moving his mouth back to my
ear. “I already told you there is nothing to fight about. I am with
you and only you.”

“You mean that?’ I ask, ignoring my friends
as I turn to look him in the eye.


I search his eyes, and see the truth there.

“Okay,” he repeats, a gorgeous smile
lighting up his face.

And what a face it is. Despite his mustache
and close-shaven beard, he looks like he’s carved from marble. A
strong nose, cleft chin, chiseled cheekbones, and intense brown
eyes are all perfectly matched to create a beautiful man. His hair,
which is short on the sides, but full and messy on top, makes him
look even sexier.

His body is no less spectacular. Powerful
arms that do more than hint at the fact that he swings a bat for a
living. A lean, muscled chest and abs, which I haven’t seen but can
tell are there with the tight shirts he wears. His jeans aren’t
tight, but I know his thighs and calves will be muscular as well.
He’s a professional athlete, and although it’s currently his off
season, he’ll still be working out daily. There’s no real down time
for these guys.

“Joel, why did you run off like that?” Greta
asks, sauntering up to us. There’s no other word for what she’s
doing, her hips moving back and forth.

He pulls me firmly to his side before
answering. “My apologies. I should have said goodbye, but when
Sierra’s in the room, I tend to block everyone else out.”

“You’re with

“I am.”

“Hi, Greta,” I tell her.

“You know each other?”

“Greta is also an intern at the

“I told you that,” she says with a

“Did you? Sorry, I guess I wasn’t paying

“Your loss,” she says, tossing her hair and
swinging her hips once again as she walks away.

I can’t fault Joel for watching. I’m
watching, too, and I’m not even into girls. Greta has an awesome
set of hips, a great rack, and an even better ass. I’ve always been
okay with my body, depsite the fact that I’m lacking in the curves
department. Until now, that is. Now I feel a little insecure,
knowing he could have that. He could have her, and all the luscious
curves she’s displaying.


* * *




I can feel the discomfort coming off of
Sierra as Greta walks away, and I know I shouldn’t have been
watching. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have looked,” I whisper in her

“Who wouldn’t? She’s hot.”

“Not as hot as you,” I tell her honestly. To
me, there is no one hotter.

“Obviously my stellar personality has
blinded you to my lack of curves.”

It’s true that she’s not as
curvy as the women I normally go for, but I’m
into her. “I love what you’ve
got going on. Well, except for you hair,” I tell her, as I reach up
and take the pins out of it. “You should always wear it

“I wanted to show off the back of my dress,”
she tells me, as I run my fingers through it.

“It’s a very nice dress,” I admit, running
my hands over the the sheer panels on top, and the shiny material
hiding the rest of her.


“Are you ever going to introduce us to your
friend, Si?” a redhead with a British accent asks her.

I see her realize that she forgot her
friends were here. A surge of male pride goes through me, knowing
she was solely focused on me. Truth be told, she was my only focus
as well.

“Oh, sorry. Everyone, this is Joel Cruz.
Joel, this is Jenysis, Neveah, Matisse, Rose, Camari, Kalila,
Harlow, and Rhieve. Along with Greta, they’re the other interns who
are training with me.”

“Hi ladies. It’s a pleasure to meet all of

It really is. They’re all gorgeous, and if I
wasn’t so into Sierra, I’d probably hit on at least one of them. My
body and mind are only focused on one woman, so I give them my
polite smile, and not my predatory one. A couple of them narrow
their eyes at me, letting me know what they think of me. Bring it,
ladies. For once in my life, I’m not hiding anything when it comes
to a woman. It may be too soon for me to be thinking this, but I’m
all in with Sierra. All the fuck in.

“How did you two meet?” Camari asks. At
least I think it’s Camari.

“He’s friends with Zack. We met at the party
last night.”

“Actually, we met at Zack and Ainsley’s
wedding. I asked you to dance, and you turned me down.”

“You remember that?”

“Of course. I don’t get turned down very

“Oh,” she says, her smile dimming. Shit.

“That’s not the only reason I

“I think it’s time for you to go,” the
tattooed girl with black hair tells me. I’m pretty sure she’s
Matisse, but since it’s not her I’m focused on, I can’t be

“Let’s dance, Si,” I tell her.

She looks conflicted, but then nods. I lead
her to the dance floor, and pull her into my arms. “I mean it.
You’ve intrigued me since you walked down that aisle, but I didn’t
make this agreement with you just because you told me no.”

“It’s okay. We have a deal. Feelings aren’t
involved. It’s just sex and Portuguese.”

“I asked for more than just sex.”

“Because you want to dominate me, bend me to
your will.”

“Partly, yes. But I also want to get to know
you. All of you.”


“I honestly don’t know. I just know I

It’s the truth. With most women, I would
just take them somewhere to have sex. I wouldn’t stay the night,
but I’d leave them satisfied, if not happy. Sierra’s different. I
definitely want her, but I want all of her, not just sex. I’ve
never taken anything slow, but this right here, whatever it is I’ve
gotten us into, I want to take it slow. Get to know her, and then
learn what makes her scream in pleasure. I’m not sure I’ll do it
right, but I’m going to sure as hell try.

Chapter 3



“Hey man, you got a minute?” Miles Corrigan
asks me as I finish my workout in his company’s fitness center. He
gave me access while I’m in town, since their stuff is better than
any gym I could join.

“Sure. What’s up?”

He looks around, making sure we’re the only
ones in here. Since it’s the middle of the workday, we are. “What’s
going on with you and Sierra Taylor?”

“That’s between us,” I tell him, standing up
and walking towards the men’s locker room.

“She’s an intern here.”

“I know.”

“The intern training program is really
intense. If you’re messing with her, I’ve got to ask you to stop.
She’s a nice girl, and I don’t want to see her mess up her chances
just to be another notch to you.”

“That’s rich coming from you. If I recall
correctly, you used to leave multiple women in every city wishing
for more.”

“Yeah, well, I grew up and got the woman I

“We can’t all be that lucky,” I grumble.

I know love exists—my parents, and several
of my friends have found it—I just don’t know if I believe it will
happen for me, or if I even want it. Not even with the beautiful
girl with dark brown hair and even darker brown eyes who captivates
me more every time I see her.

“Just promise me you’re not messing with

That I can do.“I’m not.”

“If you want to eat here, I think she might
be in the cafeteria right now. I can take you there. Just putting
that out there.”



“Let me rinse all this sweat off, and I’ll
meet you outside in five.”

“That smile on your face just told me
everything I needed to know about how you feel about her.”

I whip my towel at him as we both laugh. I
take an extra minute to trim my beard after my shower, but I leave
my hair messy. I can’t wait to have Sierra’s hands in it. It’s been
almost a week since I saw her at the club, and I’m pretty desperate
for her. I want to see her, and dammit, I want to kiss her. We
haven’t been alone yet, and I don’t want to share that first time
with anyone else. I need it to happen soon, though. Very soon.

Miles smirks when I come out, looking me up
and down. “You’re dressed to impress.”

“I only had casual shit with me,” I tell
him, looking down at my henley and jeans. “I look pretty good.”

“Keep telling yourself that.”


“Maybe, but I’m the asshole who’s taking you
to see your girl.”

“I’ll give you that.”

“Be still my heart.”

“Just shut up and get me to the cafeteria,”
I tell him when the elevator doors open.

He laughs as we walk into the cafeteria. As
always, my eyes are immediately drawn to Sierra. She’s wearing a
long sleeved sheer blue and black top over a blue velvet bra thing.
Black jeans cover her long legs, and her hair is straight and loose
around her shoulders. The men at her table are absolutely
captivated by her, and my resolve to take things slow dissolves

I stride purposely to her table, lift her
from her seat, and fuse our lips together. The kiss isn’t sweet
like I’d planned for our first time. It’s a claiming kiss, one
that’s showing every man and woman in this room that she’s mine. I
slide my tongue into her mouth as she wraps her arms around me, and
we both groan. I kiss her deeply for another minute before pulling

“Olá, Gatinha.” I whisper in her ear.

“I think you’re the one with the claws
today, querida.”

“Maybe,” I concede, smiling at her use of
the Portuguese term of endearment. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all,” she tells me, giving me
another peck on the mouth. “I’d started to worry that maybe you
didn’t really want to kiss me.”

“Oh, I wanted to. I just wanted us to be
alone at the time. And then I walked in here, and saw those guys
around you, and yeah, I lost it.”

“I’m not complaining, but what are you doing

“Miles lets me work out downstairs. He said
I might catch you up here.”

“Oh wow. I had no idea you’re here
sometimes. If I’m not in one of my classes, we could eat

“I’d like that.” A lot. More than I

“We’d have to exchange numbers.”

“You want my number?” I ask with a smirk,
and then realize my mistake immediately when she drops her arms
from my neck.

“We’ll need them so we can arrange our study
time, and the duties you need me to fulfill.” She pulls out her
phone, and looks at me with her eyebrow quirked. I rattle off my
number, and she texts me immediately.

Querida means darling, and Lindeza means
prettiness, although it doesn’t translate exactly right into


She nods. “Obrigado, Joel. Adeus.” And then
she sits down, with her back to me. Thank you, and goodbye. I’ve
been dismissed, and hell if it doesn’t kind of turn me on.

“Até logo, Gatinha.” I’ll see you soon, I
tell her, because I definitely will.


* * *




“Today, we’re going to do things a little
differently,” Jade tells us when we enter the sparring room later
that day. She’s standing on the steps to the MMA cage that
dominates the room. “Most fights you’re going to find yourselves in
aren’t civilized or fair. We’ve taught you to classically fight,
but now you need to learn how to do it for real.”

Her husband Nate, who’s an MMA legend, walks
to the bottom of the steps with their friends Ellie and Aiden. I’ve
met them a few times, but I don’t know them well. Ellie is Harlow’s
mentor, while Jade is Rhieve’s, and they’ve both told me they’re
great to work with one-on-one. The guys are pretty tight with
Darcy, and they’ve been cool every time we’ve come in contact. I’m
thinking today will be more fun than usual with all of them

“I’m going to pick your names from this
hat,” she says as Nate hands her a ball cap with a wink. “And that
will determine who you spar with.”

“Why can’t we just pick someone ourselves? I
know who I want to fight,” Greta yells out.

“Is there a problem we don’t know about?”
Ellie asks, narrowing her eyes.

“Of course not. I just think it would be fun
to fight a certain someone.”

“Who do you want to fight, Greta?” Jade asks


“Bitch,” Jen whispers next to me. “You don’t
have to do it, Si.”

We both know that’s not true. I can’t back
down when I’ve been called out. What kind of superspy is afraid to
fight? Not me, even if I am a little afraid. I’ve seen Greta spar
with Jade, and they’ve been pretty evenly matched. I’m good, but
I’m not on their level. Even so, I step forward.

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

We walk to the cage, and get inside. Jade
shoots me a concerned look before closing the door, but I manage to
smile at her. I don’t think it reassured either of us. I throw my
shoulders back and crack my neck, trying to loosen myself up for
what’s to come.

“You should’ve stayed away from Joel Cruz,

“In case you hadn’t noticed, he’s the one
who doesn’t stay away from me.”

“He will once I’m done with you today.”

“You do realize we’re supposed to work
together and be friends, right?”

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