SocialPreyAllRomance (10 page)

Read SocialPreyAllRomance Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

BOOK: SocialPreyAllRomance
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She grabbed her robe off the bed post and slung the covers off. She stood and slid
her arms into the satin robe. As she tied the belt, she padded barefoot down the hall
toward the kitchen. As quietly as possible, she peeked around the corner, then gasped
as she spotted Scott rummaging through her refrigerator.

“Scott? What the hell are you doing?” she asked as she rounded the corner.

Scott stood and stared at her over the door of the fridge. “Fixing breakfast. I drove
your car here last night so I had to wait until you got up so you could take me back

Kiley frowned. “You drove me home?”

“No. Sharon drove you home. I followed in your car. I didn’t want to leave it in the
parking lot.”

An image flashed through her mind of Scott covering her body with his and every inch
of her flesh heated. Had they done something?

She shook her head in confusion. “Why didn’t you get Sharon to take you home?”

Scott shut the refrigerator door and set the bacon on the counter. Her stomach rumbled
despite the pounding behind her eyes.

“Because I didn’t want to leave you here by yourself. You were pretty drunk.”

“I wasn’t that drunk.”

“Right. Do you remember coming home?”

Kiley shook her head sadly. “No.”

“Do you remember taking off your clothes?”

“No.” She shot her gaze quickly to his. “Did I undress in front of you?”

Scott leaned one hand on the counter. “Yep.”

Kiley swallowed. “Are you serious? Please tell me you’re not serious.”

Scott poured a cup of coffee and handed it to her. “Here. You look like you need this.”

She took it within shaking fingers and brought the steaming cup to her lips. After
swallowing a couple of sips, she stared warily at Scott. He looked incredible this
morning, even if he did appear as though he’d slept in his clothes. That was a good
thing though, right? If he slept in his clothes, then he hadn’t slept with her.

Although she wished he had. She would give anything if he’d sleep with her. She would
also die if she’d told him that last night while drunk.

Kiley bit her lower lip. “What happened last night? Did we…did we, uh…?”

“We didn’t have sex, but you did dry hump my dick.”

Kiley dropped the cup of coffee and it shattered on the tile floor, sending hot coffee
across the room. She didn’t even notice. All she could do was stare in shock at Scott.
Images of her doing just that ran through her mind. He’d settled over her, kissed
her, and she’d come rubbing against him until she’d exploded into a million blissful
pieces. There was nothing after that.

“We need to talk, Kiley,” Scott said very seriously.

Kiley swallowed, suddenly feeling very nervous and exposed. She couldn’t. Not now.
Feeling like she might throw up, Kiley turned and put her hand on her stomach. Heat
flooded her face and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t bring herself to look
at him.

“I’m not feeling very well. Can this wait until I at least have a shower?” she asked,
barely recognizing her own shaky voice.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said softly. “I’ll work on breakfast.”

Kiley nodded and made her way to the bedroom. She stumbled into the bathroom and turned
on the water. Tears streamed down her face as she sank to her knees by the shower
and leaned against the wall.

What did she do now? Come clean? Tell him she loved him? Try to lie her way out of
it? Blame it on being drunk? She glanced up at the ceiling and squinted through misty
eyes at the bright light over her head. What had she said last night? Or was it just
her actions that had Scott all weird this morning?

He looked intense, determined, almost angry. Would he give her the same speech as
Keith; that he wasn’t good for her? He’d only hurt her? She was better off with someone

“But I don’t want anyone else.” she whispered. “I’m such a masochist. Why can’t I
move on from him?”

Sighing, she wiped away her tears and prepared to climb into the shower.

* * * *

Thirty minutes later Kiley felt a little better physically, but mentally she was still
a wreck. There wasn’t much she was afraid of, but right now she was terrified of what
Scott might say.

Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, she made her way down the hall. The heavenly scent
of bacon and sausage assaulted her nose. She inhaled and her stomach growled in response.

“That smells great,” she said as she rounded the corner into the kitchen.

Scott glanced sideways at her from his position at the stove and smiled in welcome.
“You look better.”

“I feel better. Did I look that bad before?”

He snorted. “I probably shouldn’t say. You’ll hit me.”

“I wouldn’t hit you,” she mumbled as she took a seat at the small table by the bay
window that overlooked her backyard.

Scott set a plate before her loaded with bacon, sausage, eggs, potatoes, and fruit.
She knew it would be good. Out of all of them, Scott was the best cook. She picked
up her fork and began to dig in. As anxious as she was to know what he wanted to talk
about, she was just as nervous to hear it.

“You always hit me,” Scott said as he took the seat across from her. “Ever since you
were a kid.

I have scars to prove it.”

She stopped chewing and stared at him. “You do not…Do you?”

Scott grinned as he took a bite of egg. “Maybe later I’ll show you,” he murmured around
his bite.

“I don’t know,” she replied with just a hint of hesitation. “Where is it?”

The wicked grin on his face made her cheeks flush with dirty thoughts.

“You’re lying,” she said just before taking another bite of her breakfast.

“Maybe,” he drawled. “Maybe not.”

“I heard from Keith,” she said, changing the subject. “They got Paula.”

“Yeah, I know. I talked to him, too. He called from the phone on the plane.”

“Do you regret not going?” she asked.

Scott stared at her briefly before answering. “No. Especially not after last night.”

She took a deep breath and set her fork down. “About last night. I was drunk—“

“You said you loved me. Do you?”

His blunt question caught her off guard and for a few seconds all she could do was
stare at him blankly.

“I don’t want any excuses about being drunk. I don’t want any attempts to change the
subject. I want the truth.”

Kiley swallowed, unsure she could say the truth sober. “Why? Just so you can give
me the same speech Keith does about how bad you would be for me?”

Scott frowned. “What?”

“Are you trying to bully a confession out of me? That will get you the truth,” she
added in a snarky tone.

She stood and carried her plate to the sink, careful to keep her back to Scott so
he wouldn’t see her shaking hands.

“Damn it, Kiley! That’s not what I’m doing. I just want the truth. You’re so damn
hard to read.

If you care for me like that I never knew it. And believe me, I’ve been looking for
signs. Any signs at all.”

Kiley’s heart stopped, but she didn’t dare turn around and look at him. If she did,
she would fall apart. What was he saying? Was he saying what she’d wanted to hear
since she was fifteen years old?

“I’ve always wanted you. For a long time, I’ve wanted you. But it wasn’t until I heard
those words from you last night I realized I was in love with you.”

Kiley’s shoulders began to shake with silent sobs as tears fell unchecked from her

“Kiley?” Scott scooted his chair back and walked over. Grasping her shoulders, he
turned her to face him. When she wouldn’t meet his gaze, he put his finger under her
chin and forced it up.

“Look at me.”

Using the pad of his thumbs, he wiped away the tears.

“Say it again,” she whispered.

Scott’s lips twitched. “Say what again?”

“Say you love me.”

He smiled softly and cupped her face in his hands. “I love you.”

Kiley stood on her tiptoes and slanted her mouth over his. The groan of approval that
rose from his chest vibrated against her own and sent a current of need screaming
through her body.

Scott lowered his hands and wrapped them around her waist, pulling her tight against
his warm, hard body. She slid her palms up his back. The muscles flexed and bunched
under her fingers as his tongue slid between her parted lips and deepened the kiss
even further.

She couldn’t get close enough. With trembling fingers she tugged his shirt up and
ran her hands along the taut skin of his back.

“Hold onto me,” he murmured against her lips.

He cupped her ass, hauling her up and her arms lifted to snake around his neck. She
wrapped her legs around his waist as he began to walk them toward her bedroom. Their
lips were still locked, their tongues battling for control and every step he took
rubbed his cock enticingly against her aching mound. Moaning, she tried to fit herself
more tightly against him.

Once in the bedroom, Scott dumped her onto the bed where she landed with a soft squeal.

Looking up, she couldn’t take her eyes off him as he lifted his shirt over his head,
exposing his muscular chest to her hungry gaze.

Every part of her body screamed for him to take her. Just looking at him sent her
into a frenzy of lust so strong, she could hardly contain herself. Had he really said
he loved her? She moved to her knees and pulled her shirt off as well. She matched
him move for move; clothes for clothes, until they both were naked from head to toe.

Kiley dropped her gaze to his erect shaft and her breath caught. He was huge. Thick
and long, it came practically to his naval. He was gorgeous with that big cock, those
thick thighs and washboard stomach, as well as the most beautiful pair of blue eyes
she’d ever seen. And for the first time, those eyes were looking at her with unmistakable
love. How had she not seen it before? Why had they wasted so much time?

She reached out and touched the tip of her finger to the head of his shaft. She ran
it slowly down to the base, then back up, never taking her eyes off the lust burning
in his.

“Your brother is so going to kick my ass for this,” he growled.

Kiley grinned. “Mine, too. But I think it will be worth it.”

“Oh, yeah,” he purred as he leaned forward. “Most definitely worth it.”

Chapter Twelve

Kiley fell to her back and uncurled her legs. Scott braced himself by placing his
palms on the mattress next to her shoulders. He still had his feet on the floor and
much to Kiley’s frustration, several inches separated their bodies.

She placed her hands at his waist before slowly feathering them up his ribs. Scott
grinned as he lowered his mouth to hers. “I hope you’re not in a hurry,” he teased,
then brushed his lips over hers.

Kiley sucked in a breath as she parted her lips, wanting so much more. Unfortunately,
Scott seemed determined to make her beg.

“I plan on taking my time. Matter of fact,” he whispered. “I plan on making love to
you all day long.”

* * * *

Keith carried Paula into the two bedroom hotel suite and placed her gently on the
bed. The military doctor they often called upon when in London, Lieutenant Commander
Joshua Lloyd, followed behind him.

“She’s been out a while now,” Keith said as he stood back and let the doctor examine
her ribs.

Josh probed gently, but Paula never budged. She was out like a light, and Keith’s
chest tightened with worry.

“How much did you give her?” Josh asked as he lifted one eye lid and shined a light
at her pupil before quickly moving it aside.

“Same amount we always use.”

“She’s pretty small. May have been a bit much, but she should be fine and sleep it
off. She may also be sick when she wakes up.” Josh stood and turned to face him. “I
think at least two ribs are cracked. I’d really like to get them x-rayed. Mind bringing
her by the base when she comes to?”

Keith nodded. “I also need to send one of the guys out for some clothes. Looks like
what she’s wearing is hand-me-downs from someone else.”

Josh looked down at Paula and grinned slightly at the baggy clothes that covered her
small frame. “How did she handle things?”

Keith’s lips quirked just a bit. “She was a trooper. Handled it a lot better than
some have.” Josh studied him closely, making Keith squirm. “What?”

“You just sounded impressed. Not many people impress you, so I’m shocked.”

Keith frowned as he turned to leave the room. “It’s not that big a deal.”

“What’s her story?” Josh asked as he followed Keith out of the room and into the parlor
that separated the two bedrooms.

“She got involved with someone she shouldn’t have and found herself in prison in Turkey
for drug trafficking.”

“Jeez,” Josh replied as he took the cup of coffee John offered him. “Thanks.”

John nodded once, then turned to Keith. “The guys and I thought we might head out
for a while, since we’re just mostly waiting around for her paperwork. Need anything?”

Keith inclined his head toward the bedroom. “Something for her to wear.”

“Anything in particular?”

“Nah, just something…I don’t know…casual.”

John snorted. “That helps. This is when we need Kiley. Do you have any idea about
a size?”

Keith looked to Josh for help. Josh snickered before replying, “I would say a size
six. As for shoes, we need to look.”

“Hang on a sec,” Keith said as he walked to Paula’s bedroom.

She’d moved to her side, and he briefly let his gaze wander down her small frame.
God, he would break someone that little if he tried to have sex with them. Surprised
at the direction his thoughts were taking, he shook his head to try and clear it.
Gently, so as not to wake her, he slid her shoe off her foot. He looked inside to
find the size, then set it on the floor by the bed. He started to leave, but then
decided to take the other one off as well, setting it on the floor by the first one.

He straightened and made his way to the other room. “She’s a seven in shoes.”

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