So Much Trouble When She Walked In (16 page)

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then that same tantalizing touch floated over the skin of her belly to circle
the sensitive mounds of her breasts and then it flicked and flitted over her
aching nipples, making her gasp and moan.  That touch, so wickedly tantalizing,
could not be his fingers or even his lips.  He was using a feather to torture
her.  It had to be.  But where in the world had he found one?  She was in big
trouble, she knew.  When it came to making love, a feather was the ultimate
instrument of torture.

now, to her chagrin, the master was being schooled by the student.

and again the feather licked her nipples, first the left and then the right,
sending soft waves of pleasure rippling through her body.  She arched her back
in agony, moaning out loud, desperate for him to put her out of her misery. 
“Suck on it,” she pleaded.  “I need your lips.  Please.”

hands trapped above her head, she had no power to reach for him.  Her eyes bound
by his tie, neither could she see him.  She had no idea if he was regarding her
with pity or laughing at her plight.  She did the only thing left in her power
to do.  She begged.

Silken’s sweet relief she felt Max’s lips on her left nipple and she sighed,
melting as he sucked the aching bud deep into his mouth.  And then he began to
roll it with his tongue, massaging so expertly that within seconds her moisture
flowed as her body responded to his touch.  The right nipple enjoyed the same loving
attention and soon she was nothing more than a mass of quivering nerves.

moaned, her body attune to his every touch, his every lick, his every nip.  She
was arching her back, pushing her nipple deeper into his mouth, when he pulled

groaned.  “Max, don’t stop.”  Her voice was plaintive, so different from the
Silken who was usually in charge, but she didn’t care.  She wanted him to
soothe the fire he’d started and if she had to plead to get her release, then
so be it.

Max did not come back.  She heard his feet padding across the floor and then he
was gone.  Just like that.  Without a word.

the beeswax?

strained at the tie binding her wrists but she could not get free.  That was
the reward she got for teaching Max to tie a figure eight knot.  Never again…

was grumbling to herself when she heard Max’s soft chuckle and that was when
she realized that he was back in the room.  “Where did you go?” she hissed. 
“You don’t just leave me like this and go off-”  Her sentence broke off in a yelp. 
She’d been slapped right in the belly by something ice-cold and slippery.   


as she squirmed she felt Max’s lips on her, warming her skin as he licked at
the ice cream he’d dropped there.  Then he dropped the ice cream on her nipples
and followed the icy surprise with his personal method of consuming his
dessert, his sweet and sensual way, slurping both ice-cream and nipple deep
into his mouth.

then, to Silken’s horror, he moved down, directing his attack on that spot
where her center of sensation lay.

if he chose to stroke her there she would melt right into the bedclothes.

she sucked in her breath to tell him not to go there, he dropped a dollop of
ice cream right on her clit.

gasped and her body jerked up, the shock of the icy, cold substance making her
moan.  She felt Max’s body over hers and then he settled between her legs, spreading
them apart, exposing her to his gaze.  And then she felt it, his lips on her
mound, his tongue licking the sweetness on her clit, sending sparks shooting up
her spine, making her body melt into him.

The ice cream was all gone but still Max licked and teased, playing her body
till she felt she’d die from the agony and the pleasure.

as he licked she wanted to hold him…so bad.  Instinctively, she pulled against
her bonds but she was held tight.  All she could do was relax and yield to the
pleasure that flowed from his lips.

then she realized that relaxing was something she could not do, not while Max was
strumming her body and making it sing.  Silken’s breath came in shallow gasps
and the tension within her grew, her body tightening with each stroke of his
tongue, and when he slid lower to dip into the dewy warmth below, she cried out
and arched up to receive him, crying his name over and over again as she climaxed.

lay there hugging her hips as her body quaked then trembled then slowly settled
into stillness, and then he lifted his head and planted a kiss at the top of
her mound.

that good for you, honey?” he asked as he began to move up and over her body.

was wonderful."  She was still winded and the words came out in a
breathless pant.  She felt his hands behind her head, loosening the tie that
hid her eyes.  She was still blinking, trying to restore focus, as he loosened
her wrists and set her free.

she reached for him, sliding her hand down his belly.  “It was sensational,”
she whispered as her hand circled his rock-hard penis, “but you didn’t come yet
and I want more.” 


Sunday night Max didn’t deliver Silken back at her apartment building until
nine minutes after eleven.  In the elevator she leaned against his body,
feeling so languid and drained that she wished he would lift her up and carry
her right to her door.  But no, she couldn’t ask him to do that.  He was
carrying all her camping gear.  Instead, she rested her cheek against his chest
and stifled a yawn.

the door Max rested her bag just inside then turned to go but as he did, he
pulled her into his arms.  “Thank you for the most wonderful weekend,” he said
and gave her a peck on the cheek.  “And apologize to Suave for me.”

what?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around his waist. 

having you out so late,” he said with a rueful smile.  “I know you have an
early morning tomorrow.  I didn’t mean to get you back this late.” 

shook her head.  “It was my fault.  I was the one who insisted on round two. 
But you know what?”  She looked him right in the eyes, not caring what emotions
he could plainly see there.  “It was worth it.”  Then she drew his lips down
for a real kiss.

Max finally left, Silken closed the door gently and, leaving her bags right
where he'd dropped them, she crossed the shadowy living room and headed off to

that was when she heard it – a racking cough followed by a terrible wheezing. 
And it was coming from Suave’s bedroom.

Silken turned around and ran back down the hallway.  “Suave, are you all
right?”  She knocked at the door and when there was no answer she pushed it

in the middle of the bed, all bundled up in sheets and blankets, lay Suave. 
And she was shaking.

the matter?” Silken hurried across the room and pulled at the bedclothes hiding
her sister.  “What’s going on?”

nothink.  I jutht haff the flu.”  Suave sounded like she was submerged under a
foot of water.  Her voice was thick and hoarse, and it was obvious that her
nostrils were totally blocked.

rested her hand on her sister’s forehead.  She was burning with fever.  “Oh, my
God.  Suave, you’re really sick.  Why didn’t you call me?”

fit of coughing overtook Suave and it took her a minute before she could
reply.  “I didn’t want to bother you on your trip.  It’s all right.  I can take
care of myself.”

you can’t.”  Silken glared down at her.  “Look at you.  You’re shivering.  You
should have called me, Suave.”  Her voice rose in frustration because Suave was
always trying to do things on her own even when it wasn’t in her best
interest.  That was one thing, but the rise in the pitch of Silken's voice was
also due to fear.  What if something worse had happened to Suave while she’d
been away?  She hopped up and headed for the bathroom.  “I’m getting the
thermometer.  If your temperature is over one hundred and four I’m taking you
to the emergency room.”

Silken, it’s okay.  I already took some medication.”  The coughing started
again, cutting Suave off.

Silken was not listening.  She was pissed, not at Suave but at herself.  She
should have known better than to go all that way out of town and not check up
on her sister every single day.  They’d spoken Friday night and then on
Saturday afternoon but they hadn’t spoken all day Sunday.

then…Silken bit her lip as she remembered…and then she hadn’t even come
straight home.  She’d gone to Max’s house and made love while her sister lay in
bed, roasting with fever.

feeling of guilt was like a bitter pill in her mouth.  She was supposed to be
looking out for her little sister and this time she’d done a terrible job.

she walked back to the bedroom, thermometer in hand, she vowed that no-one
would come before her sister, and definitely not a man.



Silken’s relief, Suave’s fever broke within the hour but she still suffered
from the guilt of having been away, totally unaware while her sister lay ill in
bed.  She’d meant it when she’d told herself she would never let it happen
again.  No matter that she was in a relationship, her sister would always come

so she made Suave promise that no matter what she was doing or where she was,
she would always let her big sis know when she was not one hundred percent. 
Actually, Silken didn’t make her promise, she made her swear.

that, life went back to normal and before Silken knew it, another month had
passed and Thanksgiving was just over a month away.  Not having any family
outside of each other, Silken and Suave always spent the day serving meals at
Martha's Kitchen, having also donated their usual half dozen turkeys.  And even
though Max was now a part of her life, this year would be no exception. 
Helping out at the soup kitchen meant too much to Silken for her to skip going
down there to work. 

she might even drag Max to the soup kitchen with her.  She smiled at the
thought.  That would be nice, to have him serving right by her side, but she
was almost certain he’d spend the day with his family.  He’d talked about
flying to the Cayman Islands to spend time with his parents.  More than likely
he’d choose that time of year to be with them.  She would miss him but she’d be
happy knowing that while she was busy at the kitchen he was having a good time
with family.

then one day, out of the blue, something happened that turned Silken’s life
upside down.  Suave was thrown upside down with her.

was a Monday evening and, like always, Suave collected the letters from the
mailbox on the ground floor and took them up to the apartment where she piled
them neatly on the table.  They never usually went through the mail until after
dinner but this evening there was one particular envelope that caught Silken’s

picked it up, staring at the address label and frowned.  “Wisconsin?  Who do we
know in Wisconsin?”

pulled her head out of the refrigerator and looked at Silken, her brow
furrowed.  “Who’s it from?  The only person I can think of would be the doctor
we went to see.”  Then her brows lifted.  “Is it from him?”

shook her head.  “Nope.  Some guy named Mr.…”  She squinted her eyes.  “What
the heck is this?  Mr. Deeleef?”

eyes grew round.  “Detlef.  Do you mean Detlef?  That’s the name of the
doctor’s housekeeper.”  She flashed her hands.  “Maybe the doctor’s changed his
mind.  What are you waiting for?  Open it.”

ripped open the envelope and spread the single sheet of paper on the kitchen
table.  Suave was there right by her side, anxiously reading the words aloud. 
“I regret to advise you of the passing of Dr. Pintero.  However, he requested
that upon his death the attached information be passed on to you.  Please see the
details on your birth mother.”

words ended in a scream and she quickly flipped to the other sheet.  And there
they saw it – Meredith Hannah Shockley, forty-nine Oakwood Lane, Barksdale,
Wisconsin.  There was no phone number, no e-mail address but there was a full
name, a city and a street, and that was enough.  Silken screamed and hopped off
the chair and Suave screamed and hugged her and then the two of them were
hugging each other and jumping up and down, screaming their heads off.

they finally stopped screaming they dropped down onto the kitchen chairs,

you believe it?”  Suave said, her eyes still wide with disbelief.  “We’re going
to find our mother.”  She looked up at the ceiling.  “Thank you, God.”

still can’t believe it.”  Silken pushed her arm closer to her sister.  “Pinch
me.  Tell me I’m not dreaming.”

not dreaming,” Suave said with a laugh, “or else we’d be having the same exact
dream.  This is like the best day ever.”  There were tears in her eyes as she
looked back down at the letter.  “And Dr. Pintero helped us in the end, and we
won’t ever get the chance to thank him.”

okay,” Silken whispered, patting her hands.  “I’m sure he knows how grateful we
are for this chance of a lifetime.”  She drew in her breath and let it out with
a sigh.  “Now our journey begins,” she said, as she gazed out the window. 
“It’s time to find our mother.”  


Silken told Max the good news he immediately got involved.  “I have the perfect
P.I. who can help you locate her,” he said.  “With all this information, she’ll
be easy to find.”

he was right.  Within four days of passing on their mother’s name and address
to the private investigator he was contacting them with concrete information on
her current whereabouts.

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