Snow White And The Three Werebears: Part One (A BBW Paranormal Menage Romance)

BOOK: Snow White And The Three Werebears: Part One (A BBW Paranormal Menage Romance)
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Table of Contents

Title Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Thank you


Snow White And The Three Werebears

Part One


(Grizzlyville Encounters Series)



Topaz Jones










Copyright © 2015 by Topaz Jones

Kindle Edition


This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permissions of the author.


Published By: Upbeat Media

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Adult Reading Material

Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older.

Chapter One




The history of Grizzlyville is filled with legends of werebears - lewd tales of forest-dwelling young men who shapeshift into wild animals and debauch unsuspecting local maidens every summer. Today, despite these myths being supposedly debunked, many Grizzlyville locals still partake in the annual Litha Festival Bear Hunt, where male bears are culled in their hundreds. --- Grizzlyville Gazette, June 18


Snowanna-Jane snapped the local newspaper shut and threw it across the room in disgust. The ignorance of her fellow Grizzlyville citizens frustrated her, especially when it came to the killing of innocent bears. She sighed, stretching out her naked body under the light cotton sheets of her bed.

Despite the cool, evening breeze drifting in through the bedroom window, she was unbearably hot.
Hot for werebears,
she chuckled to herself, picking up her e-reader from her bedside table. After scrolling through her extensive library of erotic romance, she settled on a favorite naughty tale of dominant werebears, who loved curvy women. Snow sighed as she lost herself in the familiar words.
If only fantasy could turn into reality…






...Her legs were parted by a large, furry paw. Snow shivered in anticipation and her eyes fluttered open, but she couldn’t see anything in the dim light. A large, warm tongue teased along her thigh, first one leg, and then the other. Snow shook with desire as that wicked, rough tongue rasped on her delicate skin. After teasing and nibbling her sensitive inner thighs, it moved up to drag along her damp slit and Snow screamed in delight. Her hands clutched the sheets in fists as the tongue’s owner feasted on her pussy like it was a pot of honey.

“Oh, God. That feels so good.” She moaned, as the rough tongue pushed its way inside her, plundering her with its rough intensity. Thick, silky hair chafed against her sensitive legs, as her pussy quivered under the relentless stroking. “Please, I can’t take any more!” she panted, begging for mercy while her hips bucked, urging him on.

“You can and you will.” A gruff male voice whispered in her ear. She gasped as the man captured her breasts in his hands, spiraling his tongue over one aching nipple, and then the next.

“Who are -” she began to ask, but his mouth blocked her question, his lips plundering hers as he gathered her upper body against his broad chest, her breasts squashed painfully against his pectoral muscles.

Discomfort was soon forgotten, as Snow’s pussy was again captured by the rough tongue and she bucked helplessly, pushing her hips towards it with almost animal-like strength. The man kissing her mouth chuckled, and Snow felt the reverberations through her body, tingles extending down to where the other tongue was plundering her opening.

“You’re made for us. Let us take you.” She heard him grunt possessively, as she hovered on the edge of ecstasy. Without mercy they both pushed her over the edge, and just before she passed out from her explosive orgasm, Snow opened her eyes to see the dark shape of an enormous bear head between her thighs.

Chapter Two





The next morning, Snowanna-Jane White strolled through the wildflower meadow, her generous breasts bouncing, and her thoughts happy as she planned for the upcoming village fair. Her jars of honey and bottles of honey mead were fast-gaining a reputation amongst the locals of Grizzlyville as an amazing elixir with mystical qualities.

Although Snow (as she’d been nicknamed by her Papa) didn’t believe the fantastical tales her customers reported, she was proud of the delicious products her adored bees had produced. And Snow’s finances were finally,
looking healthier after years of struggle, nursing her ill father and supporting her ungrateful stepmother.

She snapped off a daisy and held it up to the sun. “Here’s to you dear Papa. Oh how I wish you were here to see this.” A pang of grief hit her weary heart as she adjusted her heavy backpack stuffed with beekeeping gear. It’d had been a year since he’d passed and she missed him dreadfully. Having to deal with her bitter and jealous stepmother had added to the stress. But she was now living happily alone, her stepmother had been banished from Grizzlyville after she’d been caught trying to sell poisoned apple-pies at the Litha Festival market. Under threat of being reported to the police, Lilith had reluctantly agreed to move to Queenstown City hundreds of miles away and leave Snowanna alone.

“Thank goodness for that.” She breathed, smiling as she looked over large field of lavender she’d grown especially for her bees. Without her evil stepmother’s negative energy around, her garden and business had flourished.
That just leaves your love life to fix,
the devil on her shoulder taunted.

She squared her shoulders and carried on towards her beehives. This year would be the year she’d finally get a boyfriend. Anyone who’d come too close to her had been chased away by her over protective father. She’d loved him dearly, but her father’s ideas of the Right Man for his little Snow and her own, were worlds apart. She favored the tattooed bikers that sometimes visited their village in summer. Their sexy long hair, sweaty hard-muscled bodies and dominant attitude never failed to make her panties wet. Unfortunately the local men of the village seemed to prefer their women slim and athletic, not short with curves enough for
women. Even with her long white-gold hair that fell to her butt wasn’t enough, as one man had cruelly thrown at her, to cover up the extra pounds that padded her tummy and thighs.

But she was not going to let those painful memories affect her today, she told herself. It was his loss, and she was happy with how she looked, even if she’d never fit some of the cute dresses the Grizzlyville boutique sold.

After a few more minutes’ walk, the familiar happy buzz of her bees sent a wave of joy through Snow. She loved working outside in nature, and often envied the wild animals that lived in the surrounding forest, for their freedom. Modern trappings weren’t so bad either though, she mused, as she donned her protective gear. The new hot tub she’d just had installed would be finally ready for her first dip tonight and she couldn’t wait to ease the knots in her tired body.

It was hard work running her small farm alone, and not for the first time, Snow wished she had a strong male around to help. Maybe that would be a spell she could get the local witch to cast? Snow giggled at the thought as she lit her smoker and sent a few shots of smoke into the hive entrance to drive back the guard bees. Gorged on honey, the bees were docile and controlled and Snow spoke to them as she always did, working quickly and gently. “Okay guys, let’s see what you’ve made for me. We’ve got a lot of customers waiting.”



“Oh Snow, I’m so glad you’re selling here at the market today. My Derek just can’t get enough of your honey!”

Snow greeted her neighbour, Mrs Bridges, with a smile. “I’m so happy he likes it Mrs Bridges.”

“Likes it? He practically lives on it! And it’s done wonders for his… stamina.”

Snow’s eyebrows raised. “Oh really? It’s helping with his fitness?” She asked innocently. She’d seen the elderly man chopping firewood on the way back from her hives this morning. His energy was certainly that of a man much younger than his sixty years.

Mrs Bridges tittered and leaned forward, her generous chest brushing against Snow’s display of honey jars and mead bottles on the white trestle table. “Well dear, it’s like this. Let’s just say Derek has a
more energy for all kinds of very physical activities. For hours on end.
Every night- sometimes twice!
” Mrs Bridge’s eyes were bright as she grabbed Snow’s shoulders. “Your honey has changed my life!”

Snow felt her cheeks flame red at the woman’s enthusiastic endorsement. “Oh Mrs Bridges, I’m, ah, very happy you’re satisfied.”

“Oh, I’m always satisfied, dear.” Mrs Bridges replied with a smirk, as she handed over money for another five jars of Snow’s lavender honey. “Just as long as you keep making this magic honey!”

Snow’s day at the market passed in an excited whirl of happy customers and stellar sales. Once again she’d sold completely out of her honey and mead, and she was feeling full of joy until the shadow of the village witch crossed her stand.

Snow stood up to her full five foot 2 inches and faced the woman the locals called Crazy Katie. “Good afternoon. I’m afraid I’ve no stock left to sell.”

“I’ve warned you before about that honey.” Sneered the witch. “It lures the werebeasts down out of mountains. You’re putting us all in danger.”

Snow shook her head and carried on folding up her display table and signs, hoping that if she ignored her, the crazy woman would leave her alone. Katie muttered a few more warnings and wandered off eventually.

Snow sighed. If only the witch was right, and she could lure them out. She’d been enchanted by the legends of beasts that roamed the woods surrounding Grizzlyville since she was a child. Tales of handsome, alpha males that shifted between man and beast, ruthlessly seducing village women in order to reproduce their evil kind.

Snow had confessed once to a girlfriend that the idea of a sexy alpha male-come-beast was a real turn on for her, and her friend had looked at her with such horror, that she’d been filled with shame and quickly shut up.

“Miss White?” a man’s deep voice dragged her out of her reverie. She looked up and immediately dropped the battered tin of money she’d been holding.

He was gorgeous. Absolutely heart-stopping, sex-on-a-stick gorgeous. She guessed he was in his late 20’s, judging by the slight crinkles at the corner of his sinfully dark eyes. Those eyes were watching her now, as she stood there blinking. He was tall, well over six foot, and Snow instinctively stepped back, not only intimidated by his size, but also it was easier to take him all in.

And what a lot there was to take in. He was dressed in full motorcycle leathers, the well-worn dusty black leather matching his dark eyes and shaggy, collar-length dark brown hair that he kept sweeping back with an impatient hand. His face was shadowed with dark stubble, giving his high cheekbones an almost dangerous edge, but his eyes were kind and she felt an immediate sense of trust in him. His jacket was unzipped and hung loosely off his large frame.

Her eyes drew downwards, following the creases on his taut grey tee-shirt that stretched across his pecs and disappeared down into the waist of his leather pants. Snow forced her eyes upwards at midpoint and was immediately captured by his dark gaze.

“...and Mrs Bridges mentioned you had accommodation for rent.” Snow forced herself back to reality and realized he’d been speaking the entire time she’d been salivating over him like a starving animal.

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