Snow & Her Huntsman (13 page)

Read Snow & Her Huntsman Online

Authors: Sydney St. Claire

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Snow & Her Huntsman
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Chapter Eight

Rylee, seated at her desk, faced Glorie. The woman had come to deliver the final contract. Instead of meeting her in the conference room, Rylee had chosen her office. She wanted the seat of power. Since returning from that wonderful, magical weekend that had ended in a total disaster, she needed the confidence booster.

Realizing she was twisting and turning a pen with nervous fingers, she set it down and folded her hands on top of the desk. “I assume Hunter isn’t back yet, or did he send you?” Was he back and didn’t want anything more to do with her?

Glorie leaned forward and covered Rylee’s hands with her own. “I’m sorry your weekend didn’t work out.”

Rylee sighed, her shoulders sagging. So much for being in control. She fought her tears and wished she could do over the ending. She made her decision. Too bad it was the wrong one. “It was the best weekend I ever had,” she confided. “Until the last night, anyway. I wish now I’d stayed, but I was angry. And hurt.” Instead of staying with the man she loved, trying to work out her feelings of hurt and betrayal, giving them both permission for a second chance at love and a future, she’d spent the night in a limo heading home with her bitter feelings.

“Understandable. No woman likes to be manipulated.” Glorie released Rylee’s hands and sat back in her chair and crossed her legs.

“Exactly.” Rylee smacked her palm against her desk.

Glorie lifted one arched brow. “But that’s not much of a consolation, is it, Ms. Kincaid?”

Rylee’s anger deflated. She shook her head. “No. And considering what you saw of me, I think you can dispense with the formalities.”

Glorie smiled gently. “Very well, Rylee. Now, what are you going to do about Hunter?”

Rylee stared at the other woman. Even dressed business professionally, the woman’s commanding presence, her aura of power, was unnerving. She shrugged. “Not much I can do. He didn’t call or send any texts or even one stingy email for the last three weeks.” And she’d ignored him as well. She covered her face with her hands, unable to stem the tears. “I blew it.”

Gentle hands drew her up and over to a small sitting area near the window. “Dry those tears, my dear. You know Hunter loves you.”

“He has a funny way of showing it.”

“I know my partner well. He was devastated after you left. He doesn’t believe he deserves you, pet.”

Startled by the name a Dom calls his or her sub, Rylee lifted a brow. Glorie shrugged. “Habit. I admire you, Rylee. Consider it a term of affection.”

“I suppose you know he was right about me. I am submissive by nature.”

Glorie nodded. “In the bedroom, perhaps, but not in business. You’re a strong woman. If you want Hunter, take charge.” She narrowed her dark eyes. “You do want him, don’t you?”

Rylee nodded. “More than I’ve ever wanted anything.”

“Are you going to let pride stand in your way?”

“No. But what can I do?”

Grinning, Glorie moved closer and outlined her plan. Rylee’s jaw dropped. “Has anyone every told you that you are one sneaky, devious, woman?”

Glorie lifted a brow.

“And a scary Domme besides?”

“Better.” Glorie stood. “I’ll leave you to get ready. This is one show I’m going to enjoy.”


“For such an intelligent man, you are an idiot, partner.” Glorie crossed one leg over the other and admired her new red heels.

“Not helping, Glorie.” Hunter glanced around his spacious office, ignoring his luggage in one corner. He hadn’t been back an hour before his partner strolled into his office with the look of a woman intent on punishing him. He half expected to see her pull a whip out of thin air.

Tired and heart-sore, he wasn’t in the mood to face anyone. He should have gone home. Everywhere he looked, he saw Rylee—bent over his desk, her ass wiggling, on the couch, her legs wrapped over his shoulders as he hit her G-spot and made her cry out, on the floor beneath the window, on her hands and knees, rocking back against him, and full circle, back at his desk, between his legs, swallowing his cock, taking him hard and fast as she’d done that first night at Pleasure Manor.

“Shit, there go my fantasies,” he murmured, forgetting he wasn’t alone. “And hers.”

Glorie glanced around. “You do have a nice office. Perfect for a bit of playtime. No spanking bench though.”

He started, unaware he’d spoken aloud. Then her words sank in. “Fuck, Glorie. Don’t tell me you have one in your office.”

She stared at her nails. “Okay, I won’t. So what was her fantasy?”

He sighed. “Spread out on my desk, at the mercy of the boss when someone walks in—you, the big, scary Domme.”

Glorie chuckled. “Ah, an exhibitionist. Perhaps the two of you might like to star in our next production?”

Remembering how excited she’d been while watching Red and her Wolf, he rolled his eyes. “In case it has escaped your notice, partner, Rylee ran from me.” And now he’d never get to explore that part of her sexuality.

“So what are you going to do about it? Have you called her?”

Exasperated, Hunter glared at Glorie, hating those cool assessing eyes that didn’t miss a thing. In business, it was an asset, but when she focused her attention on his personal life, not so much. “No. I couldn’t bear it if she sent me to voicemail. I waited until I got back. I plan to go see her tonight.”

“You really should have called her, Hunter. Three weeks is a long time to be ignored.”

He got up and threw his hands in the air. “I blew it. Ten years ago, six months ago. Hell, the minute I knew Jerry was gone, I should have found her and told her the truth. And I wanted to call. Every day.”

Glorie shook her head and stood. “Well, it’s a good thing one of us can think and plan when life goes to hell in a hand basket.” She glanced at the slim, gold watch on her wrist. “I hope you’re not planning on leaving anytime soon.”

“Got an appointment with Rodgers in a couple hours.”

“Mmm, I’ll take it. I think you’re going to be too busy.”

“Doing what?”

She studied her nails again. Blood red, to match her fuck-me heels. “If you were my sub, you’d be crawling on your hands and knees and eating crow.” She checked her phone when it signaled a text message. She stood, smiled, every bit the scheming, wicked queen.

Hunter narrowed his eyes. He recognized that pleased as shit expression. “What are you up to, Glorie?”

“Now, Hunter. I’m just being my normal, sweet self.”

Choking on swallow of coffee, Hunter glared. “There’s a reason why you’re always the evil queen, Glorie.”

“Yeah, I’m a real bitch, aren’t I?” She sounded pleased. At the door, she hesitated. “Seriously, Hunter, I’d get on your knees.”


Rylee didn’t bother to stop at the admin’s desk to request a meeting with Hunter.

“Excuse me, Miss. You can’t just go in there.”

She swiveled her head, wishing she were Carrie so she could freak out the admin who’d jumped to her feet. “It’s Ms. Kincaid, and you’re not going to stop me from seeing that slimy snake. I’d hate to knock you on your ass and run over you.”

Reaching out to shove open the door, she startled as it opened, then closed. Glorie stood there, her back to the door, one delicate brow arched.

“I’ll go through you, Ms. Amadori.”

Glorie chuckled. “Ah, Ms. Kincaid. Had a feeling you might show up.” She stepped forward, patted Rylee’s cheek. “Nice acting,” she whispered. Now go in and make him beg, pet.”

“Beg hell, he’s going to bleed. You’re going to need to call 911 when I’m done with his sorry ass.” She bit back a grin at the look of outraged shock on the admin’s face, then entered the office and slammed the door.

Standing in front of his corner window, Hunter stared at Rylee. She stood, back to the door, glaring at him. Regardless, his heart jumped with joy. The last three weeks seemed a lifetime. She’d been so angry when she left their camp, walking back to the mansion. He’d let her go, following, staying in the shadows to be sure she was safe.

That had been the hardest thing he’d ever done—let the woman he loved walk away from him when he wanted to grab her and make her understand, to take her back to their bed and show her they were meant to be together. So he’d given her time and space. Unfortunately, his two-week trip had become three. He’d planned to go to her tonight. Instead, she’d come to him.

His gaze swept over her, taking in the furious flush to her cheeks and the sparks glittering in her eyes. She had a pretty impressive mad tucked around her shoulders like a cloak. So much for time calming her.

“This is getting to be a habit, Ms. Kincaid,” he said, remembering how she’d burst into his office before. There was no heat in his voice. Just wariness. And hope hovered close to the surface.

She stormed over to him. For the second time in his office, she tossed his contract at him. Papers whirled around him like a snowstorm. “You traitor. You bastard. How dare you change what we agreed on? Fix it. Fix it now, and give me what you promised.”

The spark of fury in eyes was more violet than blue, and they were just a bit too bright. She was close to tears. He put aside his desperate need to pull her into his arms and convince her that she was his. “What are you talking about, Rylee?”

“You changed the deal. Again.” Her voice rose.

He lifted a brow and frowned, all business. “No. It’s precisely what we agreed upon.” He crossed his arms. God, she was all fired up, spittin’ mad with claws out, ready to scrape him raw. And he rather liked seeing her so out of control. Like when she’d submitted to him totally, giving him everything, gifting him with her trust and allowing him to love her completely.

Bending over, Rylee picked up several pieces of paper, tossing and discarding until she found what she was looking for. She waved it in his face, then poked him in the chest with her finger. “This is not what we agreed on.”

Taking the sheet from her, he glanced at it, and then scooped up a handful, skimming them until he read the name of the business purchasing her company. And understood. He couldn’t help grinning. Now Glorie’s comments made sense. His matchmaking partner had taken matters into her own hands.

Rylee glared at Hunter. The late afternoon light formed a halo around him, leaving his face shadowed. He’d been gone nearly three weeks after that wonderful and bittersweet weekend. She’d missed him, wanted him so bad, but not once had he tried to call her. Or stop her from walking away from him.

Her heart ached as his masculine scent surrounded her. She’d never forget her time with Hunter. He would always remind of her of pine and wood smoke. Her throat clogged with emotion and tears pricked her eyelids, but she refused to cry. She wasn’t having to try so hard to act hurt and angry. She was both. “I’m so glad you find this amusing.”

This was crazy. Glorie’s plan wasn’t going to work. She whirled around as if to leave, but he grabbed her around the waist and yanked her into his arms. His body was hard, comforting, and she wanted to rest her cheek against his chest, hear his heart beating, and most of all, know he was hers. Totally and forever.

He caressed the side of her face tenderly. “I was coming to see you tonight.”

For three weeks, she’d felt cold, like Snow White after she’d bitten into the poisoned apple. Even now, she felt as though there was something stuck in her throat. “You didn’t call.”

She could have quoted the hours and minutes. She’d thought about calling him, taking the first step, but fear kept her silent. But no more. It was foolish to let the past steal her future. Part of her understood what he’d done all those years ago.


Didn’t people often make the ultimate sacrifices for their family, even if those who were supposed to love you and have your best interests in mind were selfish and self-centered? Jerry had been a good husband, but she’d never been blind to his faults. He’d been an only child, doted on by his mother, and had expected everyone to fall in with his wishes.

But Hunter was an only child, and he’d put his father’s happiness over his own. Not Jerry’s. Not hers. Not his. He’d sacrificed everything for his father.

Deep down, she admired his devotion, understood it even as she’d cried hurt tears over it. Still, what was done, was done. She had no control over what he’d done ten years ago. But she had control over the here and now.

“I was angry.” She met his gaze. “Angry that you didn’t call me. Angry that you let me walk away. You didn’t try to stop me. I thought you’d just been playing with me.”

Hunter cupped her face in his hands. “I wanted to give you time to think and get past the feelings of betrayal.” He sighed. “Not true. I was afraid you’d refuse to take my calls. I knew if that happened, I’d have gotten on the first flight back home. I needed a clear head for the negotiations so I didn’t call.”

“You let me go,” she reminded.

“And I shouldn’t have.” He bent his head and swept his lips over hers. “I followed you. I wanted to be your Huntsman, to grab you, hold on, and never let you go. You took my heart with you when you left me, Rylee.”

Rylee rested her forehead against his chest. “I was so hurt. I felt as though everyone had betrayed me, taken away my choices.” She lifted her head and smiled weakly. “I felt like poor Snow White, turned loose in the woods by her huntsman, so lost and alone.”

She blinked back tears when he lowered his head and kissed her gently. “Before we get to the you and me part, you have to believe I didn’t send that contract, Rylee. That’s not the one we agreed on.”

She sniffed, hiding her smile. “Are you sure?”

Hunter laughed and picked up the sheet he’d dropped. “Look closely, sweetheart.” He pointed to a paragraph. “Read the name of the business.”

“Kingdom of Dom. Well, why didn’t I notice that?”

Eyes narrowed, Hunter tipped her chin up and read the humor she couldn’t hide. “I’ve been had. I should have known. You and Glorie planned this. Glorie mostly, as that woman has this irritating tendency to play matchmaker.”

Still reeling from the sheer joy of being in her Dom’s arms, Rylee reached up and ran her fingers along his jaw. “Are you angry?”

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