Snow & Her Huntsman (11 page)

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Authors: Sydney St. Claire

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Snow & Her Huntsman
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“Look at your your pussy and clit. Tell me what you see. Tell me what you feel.”

“Oh, god, I’m so pink and wet.” It almost made her ashamed to see the cream leaking from her opening. “I need you inside me.”

His hands parted her pussy lips. “And this?”

She gulped. “My clit is swollen, and it aches for you, Sir.”

“Did you like my toys last night?” He sucked her earlobe into his mouth.

She moaned. “Yes, Sir. I liked them very much.”

“Let’s try some more.” He stuck his hand into his velvet pouch.

He pulled out a clear, curved glass dildo. Bright pink vines snaked around the glass. He slipped it inside her. Again, she found it wildly erotic to watch his movements. The cold glass hitting her heated core made her gasp, but the ridges around the toy set her on fire when he mimicked a fucking cock. Again, her orgasm built until he drove her near the edge, and then stopped.

“Did you like that?” He tweaked her nipples hard.

Rylee whimpered as sweet pain zipped deep into her pussy, making her inner walls contract around the toy. “Yes, Sir.”

“I can make you come right now. Do you want to come? Or would you like to see what else I have in my bag of tricks?”

He was giving her a choice? As much as she wanted to come, she wanted to prolong this scene. “Bag,” she whispered, her gaze trapped by his.

“Good choice.” He reached in, and when he pulled his hand out and opened it, there were two small cylinder objects. “Know what these are for?”

She shook her head. “No, Sir.”

He set one on her nipple and twisted the top, screwing it, drawing her nipple inside. “Nipple suction.”

“Oh, my god.” It was as though someone were sucking, sucking. Sucking hard. The flashes of pain were like bolts of lightning slamming into her core.

“Tell me what it feels like.”

“Good.” Her voice ended on a shriek. “Very good. Shit.” She arched her back, then cried out, barely coherent when he added the second device.

“You okay?” His hand gripped her jaw, forcing her to meet his gaze in the mirror.

“Never felt…anything…so good.”

He turned her head and kissed her roughly and quickly, then looked at her, his gaze intent. “We’re not done, so hang on.” He played with the dildo, easing it in and out. “Do you like watching me fuck you with my toy?”

“Yes. Yes, please,

“Not yet, my pretty, sexy sub.” His next goodie was a small, clear cup with an attached pump. “Can’t neglect your clit, can we?” He set the cup against the side of her breast and pumped. “Can you imagine how my toy will look when your sweet flesh fills this cup?”

“No way,” Rylee said, realizing it was another suction device he planned to put it
. She drew in a deep breath, wanted to protest, yet couldn’t.

He removed the contraption from her breast and rubbed it across her clit, teasing her with the cool feel of smooth glass. “Do you want to use your safeword?”

Rylee knew he’d put the toy away without question if she said
. She shook her head. She wanted whatever this man gave her.

He kissed the hollow of her shoulder. “Brave little sub.” He set the cup on her clit and slowly pumped.

She jerked, but couldn’t move much with her hands trapped behind her. She arched her back, jiggled the toys on her breasts, and nearly screamed as waves of the sweetest pain shot into her swollen clit. Blood pulsed and rushed into the tiny organ. When she glanced at herself in the mirror, she groaned. He was right. Her clit filled the tiny cup. She threw her head back onto his shoulder, shaking her head side to side.

“Ready to finish this?”

“Yes. God, yes. Please, Sir—” She screeched when the cup on her clit began vibrating.

Hunter wrapped an arm around her just below her breasts and held her tight. He lifted his knees, keeping hers trapped and open wide while his other hand took control of the dildo.

Rylee was overwhelmed, on fire, and in the most exquisite pain that became the most intense pleasure she’d ever known, that pleasure circling back to pain until she was writhing and tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Come, baby. Come now.”

She shrieked and shouted, swore and pleaded, then arched her back, her body going stiff then convulsing in his arms as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her.

Hunter had never seen anything more arousing than her clit trapped in the cup and the glass dildo driving in and out of her pussy. And Rylee sobbing, overcome by the magnitude of her orgasm.

Gently, he unbound her wrists, massaged her arms and shoulders, and then removed the cups on her tits, sighing at the sight of her red, extended nipples. He did the same with the clit cup, and almost lost control. Her clit capped her mound like the tip of a mountain.

He held her, stroking her tenderly, whispering how pleased he was until she calmed. His body raged with need. It took all his control to keep from flipping her around and driving his dick deep inside her pussy.

A small whimper drew his gaze to hers in the mirror. Tracks of tears streaked her beautiful face. “That was—I have no words for what you did to me.”

“Did you like it?” He tipped her chin up, wiped her tears with his thumb.

She nodded. “It was scary but—

“But what? Be honest.”

“It was the queen of all orgasms. I don’t think you can top that one.”

Hunter was awed beyond measure and surprised as well. Rylee’s continual ability to surrender and give humbled him. Her humor after such an intense session made him want to beg her to give him a chance. A real chance. The thought that she might yet reject him was shoved aside. He laughed gently. “Challenging me?”

She smiled. “Just stating the facts. Sir.”

Shaking his head, he nodded toward the mirror. “Look.”

Rylee glanced in the mirror, and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Oh. My. God. That’s me?”

“Every luscious inch of you.” He smiled as her gaze traveled from one reddened nipple to the other then froze on her clit.

Holy shit
. Tell me that it’ll go back to the way it was.”

“Eventually. But I’m not done.” He palmed her tits, his eyes gleaming when she sucked in a breath. “I plan to worship your sweet clit with my mouth.” His balls tightened at the thought, and the pain of denial was nearly too much. So much for his plans to wait until much later to fuck her. He’d be lucky if he could wait to get her into bed.

“You’re going to do me in, Sir.”

“And you’ll take me with you, won’t you, my naughty sub?”

She giggled. “That’s sexy sub, and that’s the plan. Sir.”

Hunter stood, swooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed in the main part of the tent. “So you’re admitting you’re my sub, that you are a submissive?

Rylee threaded her fingers through his golden-brown hair. “Only your sub, my bossy Dom, and only because you give me so much pleasure.”

Eyes dark, Hunter kissed her, then demonstrated just how much pleasure he could give and how much she could take.


Rylee sat with Hunter at the table, the contract for Interior Dreams between them. She twisted her fingers together in her lap. He’d said he would negotiate, and she hoped he was true to his word. Her company meant everything to her. She had to save it and wasn’t sure what she’d do if they didn’t come to terms she could live with. Hunter had his laptop out and was typing.

Today, he’d dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt. Even in casual clothing, he still gave the appearance of being a successful businessman. What would she do if he refused to budge on kicking her out, taking her business from her?

Could she give up control, give up her company, in order to allow her employees at least a chance? Could she trust him to take care of them? The answer was no. To him or to any other investor, they would be a commodity and ruled by the bottom line. She stared at the amount typed on the page. Nearly a million dollars and she wasn’t tempted—not much anyway—to take it and run.

“My business is solid. With this new contract we’ll be signing, we’ll be back on our feet. It’s our biggest coup to date, and though I know it’s not a done deal until I have money and contract in hand, I’m confident that the builder isn’t going to back down. I just need a bit of cash to tide us over for the next six months.”

He lifted his head and met her gaze. “I agree. My concern is that it won’t be enough to get Interior Dreams back on its feet. Let’s look at the big picture. Here’s what I see as your company’s strengths. You’ve got a good, solid business plan and reputation. Your attention to detail and to customer needs is outstanding, due to your employees. They are loyal and most have been with the company since the beginning, which means they’ve invested themselves.”

Rylee shoved her fear and worry aside. She was in control, his equal. She folded her hands on the table. “Yet, from what Glorie said, some of those assets would be let go.”

He nodded. “You may need to downsize until you have the work. That’s standard. Letting people go isn’t pleasant, but—

“No.” She tapped a nail on the table. “I have no problem letting go or firing employees who aren’t pulling their weight. I’ve already gotten rid of those not productive or valuable. When this new contract comes in, I’ll need each and every last person on my payroll. And don’t suggest that I can either rehire or hire new. The people at Interior Dreams are, as you said, loyal. As I am to them.”

Hunter moved his laptop to one side. “So your strengths are managing your employees and taking care of the creative end of the business. But your weakness is the back end. Sales and building a future. This is what I see that has failed when I compare the past financial statements to those more recent years. You don’t have someone looking to build the future. The small jobs your staff are getting aren’t enough. There’s no growth, no expansion and now the business is strangling.

That was true. Jerry had been the driving force propelling them forward while she cultivated employees and build customer loyalty by providing excellent customer service. “It’s been hard since Jerry died, and even before when he was too sick to work.” She leaned forward. “You are correct. This is where I need help.”

Hunter sat back and steepled his fingers. “Are you willing to allow me to appoint a new VP to oversee sales and marketing?”

For the first time, hope rose in Rylee. “I can live with that.”

“He’ll have to have final say on the sales team, and that means hiring a new manager. The current manager is in way over his head. He’ll have to step down or be let go.” His watchful gaze held hers.

Ugh, sticky point. To agree meant giving up control, but she had to give, and his demand was reasonable, especially considering the amount he was willing to invest. But he was right. Robert had been Jerry’s right-hand man, and even she knew he wasn’t up to the job of running that department. She even suspected he’d be more than happy to step down and go back to his original job. “Yes. But whoever you appoint, he or she has to be willing to consult with me on all hiring and firing.”

“Oh, I think I can handle that.”

Rylee’s jaw dropped. “You? You want to be my new VP of sales and Marketing?” The thought of working with Hunter thrilled her as much as it scared her. She wasn’t sure what her relationship would be with him.

“Yes. Once things are running smooth, the new manager should be able to deal with the day to day dealings.”

“And I can stay?”

For the first time, Hunter smiled. “Rylee, you are the heart of Interior Dreams. If you leave, the company would probably shrivel and die.”

Her heart melted. He couldn’t have said anything sweeter had he been trying to flatter her. “You never intended to kick me out,” she whispered, unsure if she was relieved or angry that he’d manipulated her.

Hunter shrugged. “No. If you’d accepted that offer, I’d have found a way to keep you.”

More heart tugs. If she hadn’t fallen back in love with him already, she’d have been a goner now. She jumped up, cloaked her feelings with irritation. “You played me.”

Hunter snagged her arm and tumbled her onto his lap. “I wanted you. I’d have done anything to get back into your life. I don’t want your company, Rylee, not as much as I want you. Are you very mad?”

She thought about it. She should be. Her first priority was to save her business and she’d managed that. She wasn’t happy to have been played, but did she regret the weekend with this man? No. What had been between them ten years ago had been strong enough to have never died in her heart. Perhaps she couldn’t blame him if he felt the same way. “No. Maybe I should have given you a chance six months ago. But there is one final point to discuss and that’s the price.” She turned on his lap to face him.

His hands curved behind her head. “Is it not enough?”

“Hunter, it’s almost a million dollars. If you pay that, then you are making a horrible investment. My business isn’t worth that. I’ll accept your original offer.”

Hunter pulled her close, turning her so she straddled him. “A partnership. Not a sale. Fifty-five, forty-five.” His hands on her ass rocked her against him.

“You taking the extra five percent?” God, the feel of his growing erection was quickly turning her brain to mush.

“It is a lot of money.” He pulled her skirt up and unsnapped his jeans.

Rylee was overwhelmed. He wasn’t taking her business. He was truly her knight in shining armor. He was saving it at great risk to himself. “I guess it is. How can I show my appreciation to you?”

“Oh, I think you can figure that out all on your own.”

Taking the square of foil he handed her, Rylee grinned. “Yes, that I can do.” And did.

Chapter Seven

A ball. Rylee was attending her first, real life ball. She stared at herself in the mirror, in awe of her golden gown. She felt like a princess in the A-line dress. The strapless, sweetheart-style bodice comprised of glittering sequins and fit her like a glove. The satin skirt was covered with layers of tulle, the top layer dotted with gold sequins. It was a costume guaranteed to make any woman glow.

She whirled in a circle, feeling like a young girl getting ready for her first high school prom. Or a princess. She giggled. She even had a diamond and topaz tiara with matching earrings and a glowing topaz pendant surrounded by winking diamonds. God, she hoped they weren’t the real deal but suspected she wore a fortune in jewels.

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