Small Town Doctor (13 page)

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Authors: Marissa Dobson

BOOK: Small Town Doctor
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Chapter Thirteen


James had expected an adjustment period with Ella and Abbi being at his house, but the evening had gone perfectly. Pizza and movies with popcorn thrown into the mix had been a big hit with Abbi, while her favorite films played on his big screen television and the adults cuddled on the sofa. Now that Abbi was tucked into one of the guest rooms for the night, he had Ella all to himself.

He strolled into the living room, standing in the archway and watching as she put the popcorn bowls into the dishwasher. “Don’t worry about those, I’ll get them.”

“It’s the least I could do while you read her bedtime story.”

He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Now that I’m back I can think of a better way to spend the evening.”

“What did you have in mind? A physical examination?” she joked as he pressed himself against her body, his hardened shaft firm against her.

“An exam, hmm.” He ran his hand down her arm until he could take her hand into his. “Come, let me show you.”

“Promises, promises.”

“Tonight there’s no promises, just actuality.” He led her back to the living room, around the furniture, to the blankets and pillows Abbi had scattered in front of the television. The fireplace crackled, sending sparks up the chimney, creating a romantic feeling now that they were alone. “Lie down.”

She did as he asked, leaning back against the pillows that were pushed against the base of the sofa, and he came to sit beside her. “You know I’ve been looking forward to having you all to myself.”

“I’m still waiting for you to show me what you had in mind.” She reached out with her free hand and cupped his cheek, caressing over his stubble, along his jawline before rubbing her thumb along his chin.

“I don’t want to rush you,” he whispered, nuzzling against her hand.

* * *

She took a deep breath and pushed her fears aside. No longer would she deny her body what it c
raved, not when her future
was beginning to have a new ray of hope sparkling through it.

“I want you.” She continued to
touch him; she couldn’t stop
“Take my mind off everything
, reli
ve this burning desire within me
and make me feel like a woman again, not just a mot
her. I want to feel desirable.”
She smirked and left out a light laugh. “
This is so unlike me

“Let me show you how desirable you are.” He scooted as close to her hip as he could get and
his fingers into her hair. “You’re beautiful.”

She could fee
l her cheeks heat with embarrassment but before she could say
he closed the distance
between them,
claiming her lips. Immediately the saltiness fr
om the buttered popcorn hit her
. W
anting more of him
she let her tongue slip into his mouth and exp
lore. Their tongues danced together
as he moved his fingers under
the hem of her sweater, gently pulling it up
hen he
it as far as he could
he broke the kiss and pulled it over her head.

The warmth from the fireplace
surrounded her
as he tossed
the shirt aside. She started to pull
off of him
but he stopped her.

“Are you sure?”

“As sure as I’ve ever been about anything.”
her fingers
over his smooth stomach. “
maybe we should go to your bedroom. I’d hate for Abbi to wake up, want a drink
and stumble upon us

“You’re right, the bed would be better.” He stood and scooped her into his arms.

“I can walk.”

I’ve seen you do that and the sway o
f your hips can send a grown man to his knees.”

She chuckled and leaned her head against his chest, letting him carry her down the hall to the master bedroom. The walk seemed longer than it had earlier when he

d showed her the area and had taken their bags
down to their rooms.
She wrapped her arms around his neck. “
the sway of my hips turn you on
, eh?

“One of many things.” They entered the large bedroom,
he kicked the door shut behind them, head
straight to the large bed with the black leather headboard
. He
laid her in the center on the warm blue comforter.

wasted no time stri
pping off his clothes and
she suspected h
e was also overcome by yearning.
She tried to memorize the sight of him naked
he crawled onto the bed next to her and
went to work on the buttons o
her jeans.

She stared at him while her hand slid down his chest until she found his shaft.
She wrapped her fingers
around it and rubbed down the length, painstakingly slow.
She t
eased her fingernails along his girth
, just enough that he could feel it without causing pain.
“I love when you look at me like that.”

“Like what?”
His voice hitched up a notch.

“Like I complete you.
I’m the woman you’ve looked for all your life.”

u are.” At those two simple words
her grip on his shaft loosened and he was able to slip away.

“Get back here
,” s
he ordered
unable to keep the smirk off her face.

Later, now u
nhook your bra
I want to see all of you.
Naked and wait
for me. Oh
what a beautiful sight
that will be.

Not seeing herself as he did, s
he wanted to deny it
. Josh had made sure he tore her self-
to shreds before they parted ways. She might have had the skinny body many wom
n strived for
but tha
t was from hard work.
Thoughts of her appearance were pushed away when
claimed her mouth. She moaned around
unrelenting kiss.

When the kiss final ended, leaving her breathless
he whispered

If you
won’t take it off
ll work around it
her bra to the side as h
feverishly claimed her nipple
with his lips, while he reached with his
other hand to the waistband of
jeans and pushed
them down her leg
s. W
ith them went her last shred of reservation.

“Please…” She reached out, her hand land
ing firmly on
chest, forcing him closer to her.
shaft pressed tight against her thigh.
In his arms for the first time
she felt
safe and wanted.
Her nails ran over chest,
her need riding her.

fingers slipped between her legs
, stoking the
ithin her until he was
dragging pleasure from her in hard, hot waves.
e thrust his fingers
into her as
continued to wring more pleasure from her core
with his thumb

“I need you inside me. Please…”

He slipped his hand away and moved to hover over her,
between her spread thighs
, then he
glided his shaft over her opening,
a moan from her.
Slowly he glided the length
in, just a little at first as he worked his way inside her tight passage.
Halfway in he stopped and slid out, even as she clun
g to him trying to force him to stay. Once he was out, he gripped her hips and slammed his length into her, filling her completely. Rocking their bodies back and forth, each thrust gain
He gave her no time to catch her breath.

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