Slow Hands (12 page)

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Authors: Leslie Kelly

BOOK: Slow Hands
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Still clasping her bottom, he tugged her closer, tilting her pelvis so his mouth scraped against the front of her panties. He inhaled her, breathed across her, amazed at the softness of the curls against his lips, looking delicate and so pretty, even through the fabric.

“Oh, God, please,” she groaned.

He could give her what she wanted. Could easily nudge aside the elastic, dip his tongue, swirl it low. Could already imagine the way she’d writhe when he caressed the throbbing nub of flesh at the top of her mound. Could almost taste the warm, womanly essence he was inhaling with every deep breath. He desperately wanted to lick into the lips of her sex and drink deeply of her, knowing it would take a long time to quench his thirst.

But that would be getting ahead of the game.

So, instead, he began working his way back up. “Now that we’re sure I don’t need to shave, where were we?”

She whimpered, shaking as he passed by her most erogenous spots. “I take it back, you’re not a nice guy,” she said in a broken whisper. “You’re just being mean now.”

“Oh, Maddy, I’m not mean.” Now standing directly in front of her, he tenderly stroked her face and brushed a soft kiss on her mouth. “I’m just very,

Without another word, he bent over and picked her up, carrying her effortlessly to the huge bed that dominated her room. And began to show her how very patient he could be.


And living. Flying. Spinning. Both crying in frustration and shouting in pure delight as she climaxed again and again. Over the next hour, as Jake—with his incredible mouth, his miraculous hands—continued to touch, kiss, taste every inch of her body, she found herself unable to do a single thing but enjoy it.

Rational thoughts drifted away. There was only sensation. No decision to arch up when his tongue scraped across her nipple, just a primal need to have him suckle her again. No conscious awareness that he intended to make the most intimate love to her with his mouth, just the shocking delight of it when his tongue slipped between her wet folds and unerringly delved into her core.

“Oh, God, again?” she groaned, disbelieving as the pressure built, then roared into heat that rushed to every other part of her.

She had not known she was physically capable of such continuous delight. The waves kept coming, relentlessly, like the pounding of the surf on a shore during a wild winter storm. They built, took her high, threw her over the crest into wild orgasm. Then eased back down, only to start building all over again with a stroke here or a kiss there.

She understood now. Why women fought over him.

The man had to be the world’s greatest lover.

“I think I have to be in you now, Maddy.”

“I’d say it’s about damn time,” she gasped. “But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I’ve loved every single minute.”

“I know.” No cockiness. Just pure, sultry self-confidence.

He slid up her body, finally unfastening his jeans and pushing them off his hips as he moved over her. She kissed him, licking into his mouth, tasting herself on his tongue but not giving a damn.

But she was not about to let him sheathe himself with one of the condoms she’d grabbed from the bedside table without at least a little reciprocation. Maddy had been dying to experience some of what he’d done. To touch, to stroke, to
him at the very least. He had ruthlessly stopped her every previous effort to do so in his determination to please her.

Now, the incredible willpower seemed to have finally left him. He was almost beyond rational thought, too.

Maddy pushed him onto his back, rolling up to kneel beside him, staring at the immense golden chest, the wiry hair surrounding his nipples. It trailed in a thin line down his flat stomach, disappearing beneath the waistband of his tight boxer briefs.

“Oh my,” she whispered, seeing the big bulge in the middle of those briefs. She’d certainly felt the power of him pressed against her, but her eyes hadn’t yet experienced the pleasure. Nor had her hands. Or her mouth.

That was about to change.

She reached out, tentatively, touching a spot of wetness on the fabric. Almost dazed with need, she brought her finger to her tongue and tasted it.


“I don’t want to hear one word out of you,” she warned sternly. “Not a single word.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Laughter danced in his eyes, but didn’t spill from his mouth. No, his mouth was too busy emitting a deep, guttural groan as Maddy reached down and tugged at the briefs.

She was careful, cautious when pulling them out and down. Maddy wanted that magnificent erection revealed to her as deliberately, slowly and seductively as her breasts had been to him. As if she was opening some very special, beautifully wrapped present that was going to make her incredibly happy.

Well, wasn’t she?

Her hand shook as the side of her pinky brushed against the smooth, incredibly soft skin beneath the cotton. Some anticipatory devil made her close her eyes, wanting to delay the delicious moment of exposure.

When she’d finally pulled the boxers all the way to his hips, Jake lifted up a little and pushed them down and off himself.

And Maddy finally opened her eyes.

“Oh, Jake,” she whispered, unable to contain a tiny gasp of surprise. Not just because of how incredibly hard—aroused, throbbing and proud—he was, but at the pure masculine beauty of him. Still kneeling at his hip, she smiled—almost purred, really—as she stared greedily at the velvet-skinned member.

Her last lover had been incredibly long and thin
, believing his extreme length made any kind of skill unnecessary.

Jake, well, he was something else
. He might not have the inordinate length, but she should have expected, given the breadth of his shoulders and chest, that the man would be unbelievably thick in other places, too.

My God.

Soon he’d be doing exactly as he’d promised earlier—filling her so completely she’d wonder if she was going to break in half.

They seemed to have skipped past the basics of a new sexual relationship, as Maddy understood them. Which meant she didn’t have to wait until the second or third time they slept together to do what she was just dying to do. Reaching out, she stroked him, one long caress along the back of his erection, then delicately touched the taut sacs beneath.

He hissed. She remained undeterred. Spreading her hand wide, she encircled as much of him as she could, then slowly moved closer, her mouth going wet with hunger.


“Not a word,” she reminded him.

Then there was no more talking, just the sensation of her lips sliding over the smooth round head, her tongue moistening him enough so she could take a little more. And a little more after that.

Not oblivious to his clenched fists or the rock-hard muscles in his stomach, that said he was fighting very hard to remain in control, Maddy showed no mercy.

She liked how he tasted. She liked how he felt in her mouth. She liked the scrape of his hard-yet-soft flesh against the insides of her cheeks, and the tiny groan he made when she took him all the way, as deep as he could possibly go.

That was when he lost it.

Without another word, Jake pushed her away. He grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her up, flipping her on her back so fast, she didn’t even have time to process the change in position.

“Uh-uh. I don’t think so.”

Maddy put on an intentional pout, liking that she’d driven him to such desperation. “But I was having fun.”

“You can have more of that kind of fun later. I’m not coming in your mouth. I want to do it inside your body.”

“My mouth’s part of my body…”

He thrust a thick, hard finger into her dripping sex, making her gasp and arch hard against his hand. “
I want to be here.” Another finger joined it, and he moved them in and out, slowly making love to her…preparing her. “Right now, I think I need to be inside you more than I need to live until my thirtieth birthday.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she murmured, “Well, we can’t have you not surviving your twenties.”

Jake kissed her, hard and deep, then grabbed the condom which he’d already torn open. She reached to help him, but he pushed her hand away. “Don’t push me, babe, I’m holding on by a thread.”

“Does that mean it’s going to be over really quickly?” she asked, unable to hide a hint of worry.

Rather than take offense, Jake threw his head back and laughed. “Hell, no. It means that once I’m in you, you can’t torment me anymore.”

“Torment you?” She arched a brow. “Was that what I was doing?”

“Yeah, babe, it was, and you know it. You were trying to drive me wild, and oh, it was definitely working.”


“And being inside you is
going to drive me wild,” he admitted. “But there, at least, I can stay very still.” His whiskey tone promised incredible delights, seducing her word by word. “I can indulge in the feel of you wrapped around me. Not moving, just savoring.”

“Not moving?” The idea of trying to remain still when
was inside her was beyond comprehension.

“Not a muscle,” he growled. “Not until I feel capable of
getting started.”

Getting started. Oh, my. As if she hadn’t already had more orgasms in the past hour than she’d had during her entire relationship with her ex.

He pushed her legs apart—far enough apart to accommodate the breadth of him, and Maddy arched up, opening herself in welcome. Maybe a teeny, tiny bit tentative.

As if knowing, Jake kissed her tenderly, whispering soft words against her mouth that relaxed her, telling her he’d never do anything to hurt her.

Slowly, with more of that unbelievable restraint he seemed to have by the barrel, he eased into her. Just the tip of his heat, then an inch more, and even more after that. Until, finally, he plunged deep, drawing a deep, guttural gasp from both of them.

Just as he’d promised, he filled her completely.

She whimpered, needing to move, overwhelmed by how damn
it felt. Her muscles reacted, squeezed, milked him deep inside.

“Wait,” he growled.

“I’m not moving,” she protested in her own defense.

“The hell you’re not.”

She squeezed again, helpless against her body’s instinctive response.

This time, he didn’t order her to stop, he merely distracted her by lowering a hand between them. Tweaking and toying with her throbbing clit, he brought all her focus there. Filled by him, covered by him, touched by him, everything came together once more and within moments he had her crying out as she came again.

“Mmm,” he groaned, his eyes closed, obviously feeling the involuntary clench of every muscle she had.

Finally, when she’d begun to feel somewhat sane again, Jake pulled out, slowly, slid back, just as slowly, going a little deeper, stretching her a little wider, driving her out of what was left of her mind.

“Now, Maddy,” he whispered hoarsely, sounding as if he was finally letting himself go completely, “now we’re getting started.”


nothing more than to spend a whole day in bed with Maddy. But very early the next morning, after a full night of the most intense lovemaking of his life, he glanced at the clock by her bed and knew he had to go. His shift started in two hours and he still had to flag down a cab to get him back to the lot where he’d left his truck. Then he’d need to rush home, shower and grab his gear.

Besides, Maddy had already taken yesterday afternoon off for the game. He doubted he could cajole another day of hooky from work out of the woman, despite how desperately she needed one.

He hated to wake her, but he certainly wasn’t going to leave without saying goodbye. Knowing he shouldn’t delay, he still couldn’t force himself to do anything but watch her sleep for just a little while longer.

Maddy’s long lashes rested on her cheeks, her beautiful, kiss-reddened lips were parted as she drew in slow, even breaths. The sun had begun to rise, glints of light appearing on the horizon laid out beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows of her bedroom. As he watched her slumber, long rays of brilliant golden sunshine gradually traveled across the room, falling onto the bed. It caught the highlights in her hair and spotlighted her beautiful face.

No ice queen this. She looked as warm and sensual as a summer angel.

“Maddy?” he whispered, leaning over to brush a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. “I’ve got to go.”

She went from a deep sleep to full wakefulness in an instant, her eyes flying open. Staring at the ceiling, he could almost see the wheels churning in her brain as she put together the memories of all the wild and wicked things they’d done together the night before.

Finally, licking her lips, she turned her head to look at him. “Jake.”

“Expecting somebody else?” he asked with a laugh.

He bent to kiss her good-morning, but Maddy slipped away before he could do it. She scooted to the edge of the bed, stood, then glanced down at her naked body.

She wore nothing but sunlight

Unfortunately, she didn’t wear it for long. Grabbing a silky robe from her dresser, she yanked it on. She tied the sash tightly around her waist, crossed her arms and clenched the fabric in her fists, still not sparing him a glance.

Maddy was obviously suffering a case of morning-after embarrassment. For that reason, he didn’t have the heart to tease her about covering up what he’d seen a whole lot of the night before.

Finally she spoke. “I, uh, have to get ready for work.” Gesturing toward the hallway, she added, “There’s another bathroom right down the hall, if you’d like to take a shower, too.”

Jake frowned, realizing this wasn’t just a case of misplaced shyness. Maddy was trying desperately to get everything back under control, to put her life back in its natural order. She’d surrendered that control—in fact, allowed some serious
order—last night, giving herself over to him, body and mind. Now, in the clear light of morning, she wanted it back.

All of it.

“I’ll take one at home,” he murmured, honestly not knowing how to proceed. For the first time since he’d met her, he was at a loss as to how to deal with this woman.

Then he remembered his parents, grandparents and all the other successful couples he’d ever known. They had one thing in common—the ability to give and take. To be in charge, and to step back. Ebb and flow.

He’d had his way last night. Maybe it was time to let her have hers, even if it meant allowing her to start building those barriers around herself once more.

He could get past them again. Last night had proved it.

Suddenly appearing stricken, Maddy said, “Oh, I just remembered, we left your truck…”

“It’s not a problem. I’ll hail a cab to take me over to the lot.” He wondered for a second if she’d tell him not to bother.

She didn’t.

Okay. Interlude definitely over. Time to get out, let her get her head together and start planning for next time.

“When can I see you again?”

She clenched the robe tighter. “Again?”

“Never heard of a second date?”

“Ours wasn’t exactly a typical first one for me.”

He couldn’t prevent a confident smile. “I sure hope not.”

Maddy’s chin went up. “Was it for

He didn’t even hesitate. “Not a chance. Last night was…well, something I never expected. But it’s something I’m very thankful for.” Glancing at the clock, he muttered a curse and hunted around on the floor for his clothes. “I really do have to go, though. There are people counting on me.”

He found his things and began to dress, finally looking back at her, to see her frozen in the same spot, her face pale, her eyes narrowed, as if she’d been glaring at him behind his back. “Are you mad about something?” he asked, dropping his jeans and stepping closer.

“No. Don’t be silly. The sun’s a little blinding, that’s all.” She cleared her throat. “Go on, finish dressing, we’ve both got places to be.”

Something was seriously wrong. And if he hadn’t already played on his lieutenant’s mercy to get a schedule change yesterday to attend the game, he’d seriously consider trying to find someone to cover for him. As it was, he didn’t have that option. Ninety minutes left. Damn.

He stepped into the jeans, yanking them up. “Let’s get together…day after tomorrow?”

“You’re busy until then, I assume?” Talk about icy-toned.

“Yeah. Booked solid for the next forty-eight hours.” He had a twenty-four-hour shift, then a twelve, with on-call time in between. The last thing he wanted was to get busy doing something incredible with this woman and get called out, having to leave her high and dry. And him high and

“I see.”

“I’ll take you to dinner.” Suddenly remembering what had happened at the pub, Jake reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. “Speaking of which, I need to pay you back for last night. Some gentleman I am.”

She waved an airy hand. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“I’m not some macho he-man, okay?” he said, “But you shelled out twenty-five thousand dollars and the least I can do is cover some wings and beer.”

Maddy’s smile was tight and it did not soften her beautiful brown eyes one bit. “That wasn’t the
you could do. You did a whole lot more than that last night for my twenty-five thousand dollars. So let’s call it even.”

It took him a second to catch her meaning, and when he did, Jake couldn’t stop a half-amused, half-annoyed grunt. “Uh, it’s flattering that you think I might be worth it, but you didn’t pay me all that money so I’d spend last night in your bed.”

“No, I paid a charity.”

For a night in bed with him
. She didn’t say it. The implication was clear.

He chalked up her belligerence to her own uncertainty and didn’t call her on the fact that she’d just backhandedly called him a male prostitute. “You’re being ridiculous.”

you spend last night in my bed?”

Yeesh, the woman had some seriously selective memory. Good thing he suspected she was worth this much effort. “Because, as I already told you, I
you. Period. End of story.”
And I still do

“Okay.” Nodding and lifting her chin, she admitted, “I wanted you, too. But now that’s over, and I really think we should quit while we’re ahead.”

His jaw dropped. “What?”

“Last night was lovely, Jake. But I don’t think we’ll be seeing each other again.”

He had had enough of giving Maddy her space. Walking the few feet it took to get to her, he took her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him. “What the hell is wrong?”

She jerked away. “Nothing’s wrong. I just can’t deal with this. With the…difficulties of this situation. So we need to end it here and now.” Finally uncrossing her arms, she ran a weary hand over her eyes. “I can’t imagine seeing you under…

“Well, Jesus, I hope not. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Thank you,” she murmured. Then she stiffened again. “But I can’t see you personally, either. Because, as much as I might
I’m modern and hip and can handle anything, that would end up bothering me, too.”

There was that pessimistic streak. He’d been wondering when it would return. The woman had been covered by it for so long, he was surprised she’d been able to get out from under the weight of her disdain for romance long enough to go to bed with him.

“Goodbye, Jake,” she said, not even giving him a chance to respond. Instead, she spun around, walked into her bathroom and shut the door firmly behind her.

Give it up. Come back for round three

But he didn’t listen to the voice in his head. Not this time. Instead, he finished dressing, put on his boots, then knocked on the bathroom door. “I’m leaving now. But I want you to know, this isn’t over.”

Hearing the shower go on inside, he knocked harder. “Damn it, Maddy, at least tell me you’ll talk to me about this in a few days.”

She didn’t come out. But she did answer. And what she said shocked Jake so much he couldn’t make his brain work for several long seconds.

“No. I can’t do it. Once was enough. I can’t go to bed with you again, wondering whose bed you just left, and how much she paid you to be there.”


“I’m not criticizing you for the way you live, but frankly, Jake, I can’t afford you. Financially, yes. Emotionally, however, I don’t have that kind of currency to spend. Now please leave.”

He stared at the door, his jaw falling open, staggering back into her room until his legs hit the bed. He collapsed onto it, still stunned.

The woman thought he had sex for money. Despite what he’d said about wanting her from first sight, she truly believed he’d spent last night here as some kind of sick, twisted payoff for the cash she’d shelled out at the auction. She’d completely ignored everything he’d said, everything they’d shared. She hadn’t trusted that he’d actually felt something real and genuine for her.

“What the hell kind of world do you live in, lady?” he muttered under his breath, still staring at the closed door. Then he glanced around the room—done in white and silver—cold and icy like the rest of the place. And remembered the kind of world she lived in.

One where anything could be bought for a price…including people, including sex. Where love didn’t exist, or at least, didn’t last.

One that absolutely had no place for somebody like him.


explain this to me? You had the best night of your life with a dreamboat of a man who could give lessons to the god of love, and you told him you never wanted to see him again. Does that about sum it up?”

Maddy cast a quick glance around the quiet, upscale restaurant a few blocks from the bank. It was empty except for a few late-lunch–early-Friday-happy-hour patrons, none of whom, fortunately, appeared to have overheard Tabitha’s way-too-personal observation.

She still glared at her sister, who, as usual, was impeccably dressed, perfectly groomed, not an ash-blond hair out of place. And looking every bit as put-together as Maddy felt torn apart.

“Yes. That sums it up very well, to me and every other person in the place.”

Tabby rolled her eyes, entirely unrepentant. “I think the stork mixed you up with a nun’s baby at birth.” The incongruity of that statement didn’t seem to occur to her older sibling, who shook her head, reached into her expensive purse and retrieved a jeweled cigarette case. “You’re just too demure to be my sister.”

“Uh, madam?” a voice said from beside the table. The obsequious maître d’ had appeared like a vapor. “I’m afraid you cannot smoke here.”

Tabby audibly growled, put the case away and muttered, “Nazi,” behind the retreating man’s stiff back. “Can’t smoke around Bradley, can’t smoke in public….” Then she snapped her long, red-tinted nails against the pristine white tablecloth, tapping out a beat in visible irritation. “Tell me why not.”

“Why can’t you smoke? Aside from it being horribly unhealthy, and—”

“Why you can’t be with him,” Tabby growled, not fooled one bit. And she was even more pissy now that she couldn’t light up.

Maddy started with the obvious. “Well, he
a prostitute.”

“So? You’re telling me most of the women we know haven’t essentially prostituted themselves by trading sex for the right size diamond on their finger?”

“You included?” Maddy asked, hoping her sister was not marrying for the wrong reason. Again.

“Money has nothing to do with why I’m marrying Bradley.” Tabitha’s tone was sharp. “I love him. Besides, you and I both know I don’t need his money, and he doesn’t need mine.”

That was one reason Maddy had high hopes for her sister’s next marriage. There was no obvious reason—beyond compatibility and real emotion—for the couple to wed. “True.”

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