Read Slide Online

Authors: Michelle Congdon

Tags: #Romance, #alpha male, #new york, #baseball, #hotshot

Slide (8 page)

BOOK: Slide
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Feeling slightly uneasy, I shot up and offered to buy the next round of drinks for the group. Nick shrugged and leaned back into the sofa while I made my way over to the bar and placed an order.

“So, when were you going to mention that you were Rupert Montgomery’s daughter?”
I spun around to see that
Ryan had snuck up out of nowhere and was standing beside me at the bar with a drink in his hand.

A tiny smile tugged at the corner of my mouth as I turned back to wait for the bartender. “I wasn’t planning on it. It’s not that big of a deal,” I replied nonchalantly. I shrugged.


Curious by his lack of response, I slightly tilted my head to face him. He was leaning forward with his arms resting against the bar staring at the half filled glass he was twisting round in his hands. “What do you mean by ‘oh’?” I asked, trying to remain casual.

He stilled the glass and then turned his gaze towards me. “You just said that it wasn’t a big deal but I know you’re lying. If it truly wasn’t, you’d have told me that night instead of asking me questions such as whether I worked for the media.”

Where is he going with this?
“Does it really matter whether it is or not?”

“Nope,” he added coolly.

I watched him lift himself off the bar before straightening up and wondered if that was the real reason he came up to talk to me. “Listen…”
Here we go; the real reason at last.
“I actually came up here to say that I don’t want you hanging around those type of guys.”

“We don’t know each other well enough for you to tell me who I can and who I can’t hang out with, Ryan,” I replied feeling slightly amused by his comment.

“Can you just trust me on this?” he said in a dead serious tone.
Whoa, what just happened?
“They’re trouble, Evangeline. Especially the one you’re with.”

A little taken back, I straightened up and eyed him seriously. “Thank you for the concern, but I’m fine to take care of myself, alright?”

Without another word, I walked away, leaving him still standing at the bar. Who did he think he was to tell me whom I couldn’t speak to? What the hell was going on with him?

I’d almost reached my brother and the rest of the group when somebody grabbed my elbow from behind, causing me to spin around.
I swear to God if it’s Ryan…

“Derek? What the hell?” I shrieked, spilling a small amount of Grey Goose vodka and cranberry over my dress.

“Thanks, I’ll take that one,” he replied, snatching a glass from my full hands. At least he lightened my load, I thought with a shrug.

“You’ve got to be shitting me,” he said excitedly with a huge grin on his face.

My eyebrows pulled together at my friend’s strange behavior. “What are you going on about, crazy fool?”

Derek rolled his eyes but his grin remained in place. “You remember the
guy you were talking about…with the tequila and the gorgeous bod… Is it Ryan freakin’ Fox?”

Who the hell is that?”

Oh my god.” He rubbed his face with his palm to prove his frustration at my slow reaction. “The guy at the bar you were just speaking to. Was that the guy you made out with last week?” He was staring at me with star-struck eyes and that terrifying grin, which meant I wasn’t getting out of the conversation so easily.

I let out an exasperated sigh. “Yes, Derek it is. Now, why the hell has this Ryan Fox guy got you acting like a teenage girl at a One Direction concert?”

“Oh, brother,” he started. “Firstly, don’t you
insult those delicious little boys, and girlfriend,
the one going to be gushing after I tell you.”
Okay, eww.
I pulled a face but Derek paid no attention to it as he continued. “Ryan Fox is like the hottest thang going around. That guy has it all. He’s rich, young, sexy,
single and knows how to play ball. He’s a hotshot for the Yankees and their most valuable player by far.”

“Isn’t he a model?” I questioned, wondering whether it was possible that Derek had mistaken Ryan for another guy.
But Connor also called him by that name
, I reminded myself.

Derek frowned and shook his head. “Welcome to the world of famous, sexy sport stars, my dear. That guy has endorsement deals coming out of his ears.”
Well that explained—

“Oh and by the way, don’t think I haven’t noticed the huge mouth-watering poster of him outside your balcony,” he said pointing a finger at me. “How sexy is he?” he added using his other hand to fan himself.

I laughed at my friend pretending to swoon and nodded in agreement as I listened to the rest of what Derek had to say, all the while being both stunned and impressed by his random knowledge of sports. So that explained what Ryan was doing at the funeral.

“How old is he?” I found myself asking involuntarily.

“He just turned twenty-four, and he’s been playing in the majors since he was sixteen, impressive huh? I’m so jealous of you right now!”

I shrugged. “Well, you go after him if you like.” I cocked an eyebrow and then winked at my friend.

We reached everyone just as Connor and Amelie were going around saying their goodbyes. “Are you going to be fine here, Evie?”

I nodded at my brother. “I don’t think he’s ready to go just yet,” I replied tilting my head towards Derek who had walked off, and was already talking to someone by the sofa.

“Well, just don’t spend too much time with these guys, okay? Hawke’s fine, he’s an old friend but the others I’m not sure about. Just be careful,” Connor said, looking slightly concerned.

“I will and don’t worry, I’ll be leaving soon, whether he comes with me or not.” I tried to smile.

Connor didn’t look so convinced, but he and my future sister-in-law, kissed me goodbye and soon I was waving to them as they left.

I went and joined Derek, and the football boys, handing out the remaining drinks I held. Immediately, Nick came and sat beside me.
Oh great
. Nick wasn’t unattractive, he was actually a very good-looking guy, but he was just too intense and that made me uncomfortable. His arm snaked around me as we spoke about gridiron and the strategies that they often used. I had no idea what he was slurring on about, I didn’t understand the game, but I tried my best to listen and look interested in everything he had to say.

“Evan, I need to chase after that man before he disappears and leaves with somebody else,” Derek said raising from his seat, and pointing to a skinny, tattooed man back by the bar.

I tried giving Derek a subtle look so that he wouldn’t leave me alone with Nick and a bunch of guys I’d only just met, but he never caught on. I just couldn’t understand how he didn’t realize how uncomfortable I was already. In the end I nodded, and watched, as Derek made a beeline straight for the bar.

“So, Evangeline. How about you and I get out of here, and find somewhere quieter?” Nick suddenly said.

I found myself scanning the area round me, searching for any kind of help. Some of the boys had already left and Hawke was busy chatting to some girl to notice.
Damn it!
Before I had time to respond, Nick’s hand was on my knee, and slowly making its way up my thigh. His other arm tightened around my shoulders.

“Please stop, Nick. You’re a nice guy but I just―”

“You must be feeling upset after today, I’d be glad to make it all go away.”

He went in for a kiss but I quickly turned just in time, letting the wet, sloppy kiss land on my cheek. I cringed.
Why hadn’t I left with my brother?

“Playing hard to get, are we? I love that about a girl.”

Nick’s hand continued to slide up the inside of my dress. I tried to struggle free from his grip but the arm around my shoulders held on firmly.

stop! You’re drunk. Just let―”

“Let her fucking go!”

My head shot up just in time to see Ryan’s fist flying straight towards me. I screamed as Nick fell back into the seat, releasing me. I jumped up and moved out of the way as fast as I could.
Where the hell is Derek?

“What the fuck is your problem man?” Nick replied, sitting up and wiping the blood from his mouth.

“Assholes like you! When a woman says no, she means it!” Ryan shouted at him.

A crowd quickly began to gather around us. I recognized a few faces from the funeral, while others were patrons of the bar. I began to panic but calmed a little when I felt the presence of Hawke by my side.
This couldn’t be happening right now.

“Ryan, please stop! I’m okay,” I found myself desperately crying out, but Ryan either didn’t hear me, or he chose to ignore me.

“Fuck you man! You could’ve broken my fucking jaw.”

Nick jumped up off the seat and launched forward, tackling Ryan in the process. Hawke’s large hands grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me out of the way, just in time before Ryan stumbled back, hitting a chair near me. The two boys were soon both on the ground wrestling, swinging punches whenever they could.

“Stop! Ryan, just stop! You’ll hurt each other!” I shouted, only realizing there were tears falling down my face.

Just then, three older guys jumped in and tried to pry Ryan off Nick. Two of the football boys I’d recognized sitting with us earlier, chose that moment to jump in and attempt to do the same with Nick.

“I’ll fucking get you next time I see you, you bastard,” Nick spat viciously.

“If I
see you near her again, I’ll find something harder than my fist to hit you with, scumbag.”

“Get him the fuck out of here!” Hawke shouted from directly behind me.

The men holding Nick back nodded and led him away into another room. The three boys holding Ryan sat him down on the sofa and instructed him to calm down.

“Baby, you’re losing it! She’s fine. It’s all right. He’s just drunk,” one said.

“You’ve got to calm down, Baby,” said another.

I watched on, still in shock, as Ryan sat there staring at the floor with his jaw clenched tight and his hands in tight fists, while he shook his leg impatiently. What on earth had gotten into him? One of the guys that had been helping him stood up and started making his way towards me.

“I’m really sorry about that. The name’s Scott Heilmann. Are you alright?”

I took Scott’s hand and shook it. “Evangeline,” I answered quietly, glancing at him briefly before turning back to Ryan. Was
going to be all right?

“I’ve never seen him act that impulsive before. Sure, Baby, he has a temper but off the field like that? Unheard of. Are you a close friend of his or a relative?” I shook my head. I wanted to say I barely knew the guy but thought otherwise. “Well, that’s rather bizarre. Maybe he’s just had a little too much to drink. Today was pretty overwhelming for us all.”

I tried to force a smile at Scott but it came out awkward.

“I’m fine, Bucky. She’s Rupert Montgomery’s daughter.”

Ryan was suddenly standing behind Scott. I saw a look of realization dawn on Scott’s face then. “Oh shit, I didn’t even put two and two together. Of course, you were here with Connor before. Well that kind of explains a few things but not your behavior, Baby.”

Ryan ignored him. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” he asked firmly, staring right at me. Anger still simmered in his eyes. His question wasn’t a request.

I turned to Hawke, who was still standing protectively beside me. He just shrugged and whispered that he’d wait here until I came back. I thanked him and turned back to Ryan.

BOOK: Slide
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