Read Slide Online

Authors: Michelle Congdon

Tags: #Romance, #alpha male, #new york, #baseball, #hotshot

Slide (3 page)

BOOK: Slide
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“Isn’t this fun? Bet you’re glad that I dragged your ass out now, huh?”

I took a moment to look around the packed nightclub. There were plenty of people dancing, chatting and even kissing on the dance floor, but most importantly no one was paying any attention to me. Derek was right: nobody recognized me. I felt a small, triumphant smile spread across my face.

“Well, at least I got a smile out of you.”

I turned back to Derek, who was pouting at me; his lips, coated in a clear lip-gloss, shimmered under the bouncing colorful lights. “Shut up, and
thank you
for forcing me to come out tonight. I think I’m going to try and enjoy the evening.”

“You got that right, sister, and you’re welcome…” His voice trailed off as soon as he caught sight of
good-looking man― number six of the night.

I let out a teasing groan, but Derek didn’t hear or see me. He was busy watching the Latino sex god that had just walked in the club. “I’ll go get us more drinks then,” I shouted, cupping my hands over my mouth. I was pretty sure he hadn’t heard that either but I got up anyway. Surely, he’d notice that I was walking away or that I wasn’t standing beside him anymore.

As I made my way towards the bar, I couldn’t help but scan the crowd again. It was a bad habit that I’d developed since after the accident. Being harassed and bombarded by the press daily as a child kind of did that to you. That’s when I first saw him…

A guy, around his mid-twenties with a familiar face that I couldn’t quite place, and a mop of dark, tousled hair, sat leisurely on a sofa between two blond bombshells that had their eager hands all over him. Two other guys― who each had their own fair share of women hanging off them― sat on the sofa beside Mr. Tousled, chatting to one another. The situation looked normal enough, except for the fact that almost all the girls inside the club seemed to be gawking at the three men, especially the guy with the hair that looked as though he hadn’t bothered to brush it, and all he seemed to be doing was staring at me. Why was he staring at

Feeling slightly confused and at the same time a little panicked by his penetrating gaze, I turned slowly to check behind my shoulder. Realizing the people closest to me were a group of three young guys talking to four girls caused an unsettling feeling in my stomach.
Calm down, Evangeline, there’s got to be a million reasons why he’s watching you, right? You can’t freak out at the very first person you see looking in your direction!
I told myself firmly.

Unable to help myself, I snuck another look his way but instantly regretted the decision. I was positive I saw his lips curve up into a smirk but looked away before I had the chance to be sure. Determined to ignore the strange encounter, I continued towards the bar. It was ridiculous to allow one creep to ruin the whole night.

When it was my turn to be served at the bar, I ordered a second round of Grey Goose martinis; mine with a lemon twist and Derek’s dirty with three olives. ‘
Extra dirty, just the way I like my men,
’ I imagined him saying to me.

I was on my way back when a drunk and disorderly man, getting escorted out by security, bumped me and knocked the martinis right out of my hands. Glass smashed everywhere. Frustrated, I glanced up to where Derek was sitting. Noting that he was busy talking to the Latino he’d spotted earlier, I sighed and headed straight back towards the bar.

“The same again, please,” I muttered to the bartender. With a suspicious look on his face, he began grabbing the ingredients he needed to make a new round. I really couldn’t be bothered explaining the incident to him but to save me from looking like a complete alcoholic, I did anyway. I was pretty sure he didn’t care, but it was enough to stop him judging me with his eyes.

When the bartender was finished, he placed the newly made drinks in front of me while I reached down for my purse.

“Theo, put it on my tab,” said a voice that made my body react in some strange, crazy way.

My eyes shot up to see the tousled hair guy waving a silver plastic card at the bartender, while wearing a predacious grin as he watched me. My eyes widened when I realized just how striking the guy’s face was up close. With his well-defined jawline that was lightly covered in stubble, perfect full eyebrows, and a straight, slightly wide nose, the guy seemed almost god-like. His greenish-hazel eyes that were framed by long, thick, dark lashes only added to his near perfect image. Abercrombie and Fitch models had nothing on the roguishly handsome stranger standing in front of me! The stranger, who was driving me crazy because I couldn’t quite work out where I knew him—
Oh, wait a minute!

Suddenly, it hit me. I knew it! I
seen him before! His face, and his half naked body, were plastered on the sides of buses and stuck to large billboards on nearly every building in Manhattan; in particular, the one near my apartment!

“It’s fine, I can afford my own drinks, thank you,” I replied, looking away so that he didn’t catch the embarrassing look I felt I had on my face.

“I’m sure you can but let it be my treat.”

I glanced up to protest, but before I had the chance to say another word the bartender snatched the silver card from the tousled model’s hand and swiped it against the cash register.

“Err…thanks, I guess,” I said forcing a polite smile.

“Anytime, beautiful,” he replied, adding a seductive wink on the end.
Ugh, this guy is unbelievable.
“So, is that your boyfriend you’re with tonight?”
My boyfriend?
Oh, he means Derek. Say yes. Say yes!

“Yes,” I answered, trying not to smile at my own cunning little lie.

,” he said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. “Then I guess it’s time to find a new one, because he’s making out with the guy he’s dancing with. Or are you two into that sort of thing?”

My gaze followed where he was pointing and I immediately spotted Derek on the dance floor with his tongue down Latino’s throat.
Just great.

” I cursed quietly.

I heard Mr. Tousled’s soft chuckle beside me. Swinging my head back around, I gave him the most ferocious glare I had. He stopped immediately. “I’m sorry if you genuinely just found out that your boyfriend was into guys,” he said raising both hands up in defeat. “I’d be more than happy to offer my services, if it would help make him jealous. What do you need me to do, grope you? Whisper sweet things in your ear? Or make out with you? Hell, we could do all three if you want.”

“He isn’t my boyfriend,” I admitted sheepishly.

“Well, that’s the second best news I’ve heard all night. The first will be you saying yes to letting me do those things to you.” He flashed a devilish grin while I held back an eye roll.

“I’m Ryan by the way,” he added, extending a hand out towards me, which all I did was stare at. He had really big hands... In fact he was a lot taller than I’d expected him to be. He stood at about a good six four, with an athletic build and nice broad shoulders. I had to admit, it was hard to keep my mind from wondering what his body looked like underneath the casual, long sleeved shirt he was wearing and whether it looked exactly like the posters of him insinuated…
Pull yourself together, Evangeline!

His skin had an even, light olive complexion to it, which could’ve been from a number of different cultural backgrounds, but I couldn’t tell which just by looking at him, and I definitely wasn’t going to come right out and ask. The guy was obviously aware of how attractive he was and didn’t need me bringing up how perfect his skin was and adding it to the endless list of his flawless qualities. It would be no surprise to me if he were the type of guy who got everything he wanted just by simply walking into a room.

“So, this is rather awkward.”

I blinked hearing the sound of his voice. The Ryan guy still had his hand held out waiting for me to take it. With a bright red face, I quickly shook his hand. “Oh, sorry. Evi― Evangeline.”
What the hell?
What was I thinking? I was just about to give him the nickname I hated hearing. That was something I had never
done before.

An irresistible, lop-sided smile appeared on his face.
Good God
… And there it was: the very reason girls fell for his charms. Besides his god-like looks, how did anyone have a chance to resist that smile?

“That’s a really beautiful name.
.” He said my name on the tip of his tongue, like a sensual whisper, which caused an involuntary pleasurable shiver to run through me.
No! Don’t be one of those girls!

I immediately shook all the dirty thoughts I had of myself wrapped up in his arms out of my head. There was no way I was going to let that
happen; the guy oozed trouble and that was something I didn’t need in my already messed up life. I had to get away from him.

“Well, it was nice meeting you, Ryan. Thanks again for the drinks,” I said quickly all in one breath.

Before he had the chance to say another word that would either make me change my mind or drop my panties, I picked up the two drinks and raised one in the air to thank him before racing off to the dance floor towards my best friend.





“Are you sure you’re going to be okay getting home, baby girl?” Derek asked as he helped Marcos, Mr. Sexy Latino, into the waiting cab.

It was late and we were all exhausted after spending the rest of the night on the dance floor. I was still on a high from the really good mood I was in and proud that I’d managed to enjoy myself for the evening. “I’m one hundred percent certain. You live farther away and also in a bigger rush to get home,” I reminded him, tilting my head towards the back seat of the taxi where Marcos had just climbed in.

“Yes, but―”

“I’ll be fine, Derek, stop worrying.”

Derek stared at me for a moment before saying, “Well babe-a-licious, you’re a difficult one to argue with. Text me when you get home, please. I need to know that you got home safely at least.”

“Will do.”

Derek grabbed my shoulders and then leaned in to kiss both my cheeks before sliding into the seat of the cab next to his achievement of the night. I waved to the both of them as the taxi drove off.

I waited ten minutes before another free cab came by. I raised my hand to hail it, but a sharp whistle followed by a loud shout came from somewhere behind me. The oncoming taxi slammed on its brakes and stopped a few feet away from me.
I wasn’t sure whom the driver heard or saw first. I turned to my competitor, in hopes they’d be kind enough to give it away since I’d clearly been waiting longer, and felt my jaw drop to the ground.
No way!
It was the tousled hair model, Ryan, holding the hand of one of the young blonds that I’d seen him with earlier that evening.

An impish grin lit up on Ryan’s face once he caught sight of me.

“Hello there, Evie. Great to see you again.”

Hearing that name caused my entire body to tense. “Don’t call me that!” I snapped without warning.

He stopped and stood silent for a moment, evidently confused by my strange reaction. “
… if you insist. So, on your way home―”

“Who’s it going to be guys? I don’t have all night to wait,” the cab driver interrupted. The both of us swung our heads in his direction. The driver was impatiently waiting for us to make up our minds.

I blinked before I turned back to Ryan. He was already looking at me with an odd expression on his face. Unable to tear myself away from his magnetic gaze, we continued to stare at each other until the contact was broken by a giant grin that stretched across this face. I looked away immediately.

Perhaps he will be a gentleman and offer it to me?
I forced myself to think as I tried to shake off the strange moment that had just occurred.

To my surprise, neither of us took it. Ryan simply opened the back door of the cab, told the busty blond to hop in, closed the door behind her, and then ordered the driver to take her home. Blondie didn’t take it very well, and after giving Ryan a mouthful, she turned her evil glare on me, but before she had the chance to say anything the cab drove away.

I watched the cab disappear amongst the late night traffic before shifting my gaze back to the guy standing silently beside me. I blinked a few times to try and comprehend what just happened. Ryan merely shrugged as if it were a normal thing to happen.

“Do you realize what you’ve done? You let the one girl willing to sleep with you go and now she hates you.”

He snorted, clearly amused by my statement. “I can assure you that there are plenty more waiting, and she’ll come back. They always try…”
Who the hell is this arrogant jerk?
“Anyway, I wasn’t willing to let a beautiful woman wait out here alone. What kind of guy would that make me?”

“Oh, so you
thinking of taking the cab.” I raised an eyebrow at him before shaking my head and looking away. With a click of my tongue I muttered, “Whatever happened to the days of chivalry?”

He tilted his head slightly; just enough for me to see the grin on his face and a dimple that I hadn’t realized was there before. Could this guy possibly get any hotter? “I’m waiting here with you now, aren’t I?”

BOOK: Slide
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