Slaves of Hyperion (Star Crusades Uprising, Book 6) (22 page)

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Authors: Michael G. Thomas

Tags: #Technological Fiction

BOOK: Slaves of Hyperion (Star Crusades Uprising, Book 6)
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Teresa shook her head and waved her left arm out to her depleted force.

“This is it, Sir, twenty-three marines, including eight ASOGs. We salvaged what we could from our bird and headed here at the request of Commander Petersburg.”

He looked at the crashed lifeboat and noted the markings from the Santa Maria.

“What about you, Sir?” she asked, almost dreading the answer.

“My people are spread out. A few were shot down near the source of their signal. The rest are anywhere between here and a radius of nearly three hundred klicks.”

“Three hundred?” exclaimed Sergeant Lovett.

The Captain nodded slowly at his comment.

“Yeah, we took a lot of fire on the way down...a lot. I picked up over a dozen of the cruisers’ lifeboats and pods heading to the west coast. They’ll have to look after themselves for now. They are weeks away from us. I’ve got two platoons of marines and about the same number of navy crew from the cruisers.”

As he continued to explain their situation, the rest of his unit arrived and spread out around the clearing. The navy crew carried a number of containers from their craft with emergency supplies and survival gear. It wasn’t much from what Teresa could see but was better than nothing. One of the marine sergeants ran over and saluted.

“Sir, just got word from Lieutenant Eastwood. His platoon is heading this way. They all made it down in one piece, but their boat’s a write-off.”

“Good...very good,” he said, considering their current predicament.

“Okay, what do we know so far?” he asked.

“Well, until your extra platoon arrives we’ve got, what, about a hundred and fifty people with weapons and gear for just over half of them. Food and supplies from the ships, plus a small amounts of survival gear and two sets of engineering kit,” explained Sergeant Lovett.

“Sir, have you seen this?” asked Corporal Jenson, one of Teresa’s ASOG troopers.

She turned to look at the man who was pulling at a piece of metal inside the wrecked vessel.

“What is it?” asked Captain Carlos.

With another tug, part of an armoured suit popped out, much to the surprise of everybody there. Teresa instantly recognised the shape.

“It’s a CES suit, you know, Combat Engineer kit. Is it operational?”

The Corporal vanished back inside for a few more seconds before lifting his head back out.

“No damage, it looks intact to me, Sir.”

The Captain nodded at the news and glanced around the site. It was a large area, several hundred metres in diameter with the treeline on three sides and the gently flowing river to their backs. The crashed boat took up space on the one side near the western treeline. The three of them waited patiently as he examined the situation.

“Okay, this is the way I see it. We’re spread out and weak right now. We dig in, establish a defensive position, and then get as many as we can to this location. When we’re dug in, we’ll send out patrols to look for survivors, and see if we can find out what the hell is going on here.”

Sergeant Lovett nodded in agreement, but Teresa looked less sure.

“Sir, what about a rescue attempt? The Alliance will surely send more ships, and when they do, those weapons will do the same. We have to find a way to either disable them or get a signal to the fleet.”

“True,” replied the Captain. But for some reason, his attention was drawn to the carcasses of the Biomechs littering the open space. In particular, he was interested in the one that had fallen just metres from the boat.

“Did they attack you?” he asked to the surprise of both Sergeants Lovett and Morato.

“Of course, they came right out of the water and rushed our position,” Sergeant Lovett answered. Teresa gave the Captain a confused look but saw the last Biomech that had moved past their position and had been heading to the trees.

“They tried to reach the trees? Why?” Captain Carlos asked.

Teresa looked at the body and back to the river. Now she was truly dumbfounded. She walked back to the body and examined it carefully. The shape, the armour, they were all exactly as she had seen before. They were definitely the monsters created by the Zealots to fight in the war that had split the Confederacy. Then she saw it. Their weapons! She turned around and pointed to the creatures’ arms.

“Look, no weapons.”

Captain Carlos nodded, finally understanding what was going on.

“They weren’t attacking your position. They were running through it.”

All of them turned and looked back to the water; the barrier that had at first seemed to offer safety now looked as dangerous as the trees around them. Sergeant Lovett walked to the edge of the water and bent down to place his right hand into its depths. The suit protected him from any unusual chemicals or temperature levels, not that it mattered though as the water was perfectly fine. He looked back at them both.

“If they were running this way, then something must have been chasing them.”

Sergeant Morato and Captain Carlos looked at each other, neither saying anything for a few seconds.

“Sergeant, bring your people here. We need to construct a strong defensive position and fast. We’re also going to need to get power, air and water filtration sorted out. I don’t know about you, but I’m already getting to the limit of my air supply down here. If anything else comes this way, we need to be able to spot them. I need your ASOG team to recce the area for any signs of what might have chased them here. Understood?”

She saluted smartly.

“Yes, Sir!”

She walked away but only made it a few metres when the Captain called her again.

“Sergeant, any idea what happened to the XO and his people?”

She shrugged. “No, Sir, he called me and said to get here. Then we heard signs of a firefight, and he was gone. Either they left the area or something took them.”

He nodded in agreement and she turned away to move back to her team.

* * *

Spartan was starting to lose his patience. They’d been on the Santa Cruz now for two full days and still no word from the Senate. Three times he had tried to get to the ship’s captain to try and persuade him to leave, but Major Daniels always seemed to find him before he could make contact. The only concession that had been made was that the ship had spent most of the time travelling to rendezvous with several other ships in deep space to conduct military manoeuvres. But today was not for planning a rescue, no; today was simple close quarter training for the units stationed aboard. He walked into the training hall to find two lines of marines waiting patiently. In front of them stood a marine drill instructor busy extolling the virtues of the M11 bayonet. As he entered, the man stopped, turned and saluted.

“Officer on deck!” he barked.

Every marine present stood up smartly to attention.
As he moved closer, he recognised his old instructor back from when he had been a raw recruit. It seemed like it had been years and years since they’d met.

“Spartan the gladiator!” he said with a glint in his eye.

“Sergeant,” replied Spartan, doing his absolute best not to laugh in front of the assembled men and women. Only one platoon on the ship was made up of veterans, the rest were either experienced marines from Carthago or new recruits. Either way, none of them had seen combat of the intensity that Spartan had faced. Spartan nodded to his old instructor to continue and then moved to the side to watch.

“You’ll note that unlike the rest of you maggots, the Captain here has been in the trenches, and he’s seen the blood and guts. Since the War started, men like the Captain and myself have been in action against rebels, Union soldiers, Zealots and even Biomechs. Hell, the Captain was one of the first people to even see a Biomech during the Siege of the Titan Naval Station.”

He turned around and looked towards Spartan.

“Captain, they’ve all completed their basic training. I understand you and your team are here to pass on your experience with our enemies. Do you have anything to say?”

Spartan looked at the dozens of marines and realised he’d prepared nothing for the training session. Though he had a wealth of knowledge and experience, he’d been so caught up in getting information on Hyperion that he’d done nothing on the ship. As he looked at their faces, he was reminded of those he’d lost in countless battles. It was his duty to ensure as many of them came home. He considered talking about weapons, but a perfect distraction came when Ko’mandor Gun entered the hall. An audible sigh of surprise and excitement spread at the sight of the great creature. Gun ignored procedure and simply marched directly to Spartan. It gave him an idea.

“Yes, I have a few things to say,” he said, took a few steps forward towards the marines to cut off Gun. His old friend stopped and tilted his head in confusion and looked back to the marines before moving to Spartan.

“Ah, bad time, Captain?”

“No, you’re just in time, actually.”

Spartan moved out into the middle of the hall with Gun beside him. He stopped, looking up and down the eager faces of the new marines. About a two-thirds were male, most in their late twenties. The women were of a similar age, but he knew from the paperwork that a good number had come from the troubles on Carthago, the same planet Teresa was from.

“How many of you have seen a Biomech before?” he asked.

About half of them lifted their hands.

“How many of you have seen one in the flesh before?” he asked.

Only one hand stayed up. It was a short, black woman in her mid-thirties with dark hair and muscular frame. Of all those around her, she seemed the calmest and the least excited at the sight of Gun.

“Tell me what you saw.”

“Sir! Yes, Sir. I was working at the Tech School at New Carlos, back on Prime when the trouble started. My family paid for my entire class to leave the school and transfer to Terra Nova.”

Spartan nodded at the story so far.

“Go on.”

“Well, we were leaving orbit and heading for the usual nav-point prior to starting the long trip home when we were hit. It was a corsair raider, one of the Zealots I think. It was over fast, really fast. They boarded our ship and took us prisoner before shipping us away. You see, it wasn’t just Zealots. When they took our ship, they sent in him,” she said with her hand pointing out to Gun.

“A month later and half of us were already dead. It wasn’t until a tip-off from the Kerberos Underground that led a rescue team to the Rim where we were being held. So yes, I have seen Biomechs before, Sir, and I’ve seen how they perform in battle. They are tough, merciless and deadly in combat.”

Spartan rested his chin in his hand and thought on her words.

“I’ve heard many stories like this one before, and each one is a tragedy. Biomechs overran Prime and were used on dozens of colonies as shock troops. There are different models and different generations. The earliest and simplest were bastardised creations, combining the body parts of all manner of creatures. These were mindless monsters but deadly nonetheless. Later came the partly, and then finally the fully, synthetic Biomechs. It is critical that you understand the differences between them. Questions?”

He should have known better than to thrown in a statement like that to marines. The Biomechs had a fearsome reputation, and there was probably nothing more contentious in the Alliance than the future of the Biomechs. The first person to raise his hand was a tall, thin looking man with a deep scar marking his cheek.

“Sir, I don’t wish to sound rude, but why are they alive? Haven’t we suffered enough?”

Gun stepped in front of Spartan and stared at the man. Spartan tried to intervene, but it was useless. Gun wanted to say something, and he already knew from experience that you never tried to put barrier in front of him.

“Biomechs are not evil, marine. They were created just like humans with in vitro. Would you demand the death or destruction of children born in a lab or hospital?”

Spartan was surprised; the words were more complex and eloquent than anything he’d heard from a
before. Even so, he spotted a chance to intercede and grabbed it before the conversation could start to slip.

“That’s a good point. The
exist and so do the other Biomechs, and we can’t change that. The
have proven their worth and their loyalty time and time again. There are few warriors in the Alliance that can stand toe-to-toe with them, and that’s why they are here. Ask any marine that’s served with the
, and they will tell you the same.”

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