Slave Of Destiny (6 page)

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Authors: Derek Easterbrook

BOOK: Slave Of Destiny
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Chapter 7


Michael watched
with horror as the
burnt to the waterline, before sinking.
Constance had already been taken below, while most of the men drank some of
their allocated bounty of rum before the schooner sailed away. Captain
Vijendra had been given all the bounty of
gold and jewels which was, by now, locked safely away in his treasure chest.
The crew was allowed to keep any other valuables for themselves.
was delegated to his usual chore of swabbing the decks so, during his work he
listened to their idle chatter and merriment. The captain’s last words to him
had sunk deep to his sole as he remembered them “
Try and escape and I will
kill you.
” There was no way he would try and escape; where would he go?


The anchor was
lowered, just on sunset, in a bay not far from where everybody died. Constance
was bone-tired from cooking for sixty hungry men and fending off their playful
bum slaps and touches. The two of them were each given a bowl of gruel and some
stale bread and they were asked to eat in a storeroom.

“What’s going to
become of us, Michael?” she asked, not really expecting an answer.


After dinner the men
drank more rum while some others sucked on long pipes on the deck, while the
two of us had to clean up the galley. “
Talk about out of the frying pan and
into the fire
” he thought sadly.  Later that night the two of them were
locked up in the storeroom to sleep, so Michael began thinking about Sally and
how lucky she was to have escaped this living hell.

* * *


Vijendra loved the chase, but it was the kill that gave him
the most satisfaction. He had been in the British Secret Service and had
quickly developed a reputation for being fearless, ruthless and most of all,
intelligent. His mild mannered ways made people trust him, but he could kill
someone as quick as a flash. He set his mind at becoming close friends with the
lovely Constance, but she was from a different world to him and it would take
time for her to change. Up to now all of his women had been whores, who
followed his band of pirates. Some of the women were extremely pretty and,
attracted by his strength and looks, had genuinely fallen in love with him. His
actual name was Francis James Scott; no wonder he changed his name – who would
like the name Francis?  Vijendra sounded exotic and gave him the feeling of
strength, but everyone called him the
White Ghost.


* * *


The schooner sailed
all the next day and a night until finally the
lowered its
anchor in a very secluded bay in the early hours of the morning.

“Welcome to Avilla”
he said to the two of them when they were up on deck. “It’s time to go ashore.
Please remember – you cannot escape, but if you try you will be killed. You,
Michael, will stay with Dayang until I find you somewhere to work. Meanwhile
Constance will accompany me to the monastery on the hill, because that’s where
you’ll stay.”

The two of them
went ashore with the rest of the crew and followed Dayang up the beach, before
walking into town. He and most of the crew lived a little out of the main town


Pricilla was
awakened, just before dawn, by the crew’s joyous chatter and the noise of the
hand-barrows rolling over the cobble stones as they passed the tavern. She
hurriedly rose and peered out the window;
Vijendra and his crew had returned!
She failed to notice the
woman by his side and she returned to the bed to sleep again; it was going to
be a long day and she would rise with the church bells. She began to dream
about a life one day with the White Ghost.


The distant sounds
of the church bells, high on Mount Wuriali, woke her up at 8am, so she jumped
out of bed to view her naked body. She was sixteen years old today and the
daughter of Angelo Ricardo, the owner of the largest tavern in Avilla. Pricilla
thought she was beautiful as she studied her reflection in the mirror. It
reflected the image of a young woman with creamy blemish-free skin, round firm
breasts, a narrow waist and hips that moved with a sensual promise. She was
still a virgin and she was saving herself for
Vijendra, but he hardly knew she existed. She managed to run
into him as often as possible and he was always polite, but that was it. Today
would be different, because today she would sleep with him – Her birthday


* * *


“We’ll pass by my
estate, so I’ll show you around there first” he said as the pirate and
Constance climbed on the seat of a horse-drawn buggy.

Vijendra’s’s treasure chest was securely tied in the back by
two of his men before he set off on the cobble stones and then onto a dirt
The Oak tree lined entrance to his property was lovely and the trees enhanced
the rambling white-fenced meadows. Flowering shrubs fronted the heavily-wooded,
surrounding forest where the oldest trees stood gnarled, like old men twisted
with rheumatism and age. Everything glistened with heavy dew like rain, but the
dawn hinted at a clear morning blue sky.
Vijendra’s home stood proudly in a small valley, nestled between two
steep mountains. A fast flowing stream flowed down from the high forest then
down through the middle of the meadows. The buggy stopped in front of the two story
white-washed home before he helped her down and together they walked up to the
front door.

“It’s so nice to see you home safely, Mister Vijendra”
commented the plump dark-skinned woman who opened the door before he knocked.
“I see you have brought a visitor with you.”

“Yes, Lucretia. We’re on our way to the monastery; Constance
is staying there for a while. Could you prepare a couple of cocktails for us?
Also have George and Albert carry my chest up to my room” he asked.


Thirty years old, Constance Kane, sat in haughty silence
across the other side of the room. Her long dark honey-brown hair framed her
face, enhancing her pale blue eyes. She sipped daintily on her Jamaican rum and
fruit juice cocktail as she fought down the impulse to tell him exactly what
she thought.

“What’s wrong?” he enquired.

“Oh, nothing really. It’s just that…well, I’ve only just met
you and I find myself alone in your company…” she said, leaving her words

“I am not going to touch you, if that’s what you’re thinking.
I’m just showing you my home; a place you can stay if you get sick of the nuns”
he suggested wickedly.

She felt a flood of relief when he stayed in his chair and
just smiled at her. “
He is good looking
” she thought. She felt an
overwhelming sense of shame and guilt, so she pushed the thought from her mind.

He’s a blood-thirsty pirate; someone I don’t want to get too close to

she thought, but she couldn’t deny the tingling between her thighs.

“I brought you here so you can have a bath and change your
clothes. I’m not the monster you think I am” he said softly.

He rang a small bell to call his maid. “Lucretia, escort Miss
Constance to the bathroom and can you prepare a bath for her and some clothes
as well? I will take her to the monastery this morning.”

“It will be my pleasure, Sir. Come this way Miss Constance”
she said walking away.

He watched Constance’s shapely form as she followed his maid
and out to the rear bathroom. “
She will eventually come to love me
” he
thought. “
And the nuns will help me


* * *


As Michael wheeled dayang’s hand-barrow beside him he noted
that Dayang was a tall, heavily-built man, and, even though he had brown skin,
he was still deeply tanned to an almost black colouring from years in the sun.
His pigtail hung well down the back of his soiled brown shirt, keeping his long
graying hair in place. Forty years of hard work had left his hands ragged and

“I’m a plain man; I don’t have much and I don’t need much.
There’s room at the back for you. It’s nothing fancy, just plain and simple” he
mentioned, almost apologetically.

Michael found out that he was the only crew member who
understood and spoke English well, which was why Vijendra asked him to take him
in for a while.


The room only had one window, but some light filtered through
the filth plastered over the glass. It was a small room, only about 10 feet by
7 feet, with a single bunk, a wooden box up-turned with a candle, matches, a
round dish and a jug on it and 3 wooden boxes on their side; probably used
store clothes. It definitely wasn’t fancy! There wasn’t even a pillow on the
bed; just a rough blanket. Michael didn’t have any other clothes, so he picked
up the dish and looked through the cottage, before walking outside. He found a
water pump around the back, so he filled up the dish, stripped off his clothes
down to his underpants and began to wash them with a bar of soap he found. Dayang
was nowhere in sight, so Michael assumed he had gone somewhere, leaving him all
alone. Once his clothes were clean he hung them on a bush to dry in the hot
morning sun, before walking back to his room. He lay down on the bed and used
the rolled-up blanket for a pillow. “
What is going to become of me?
” he thought
before falling asleep. Michael dreamed of being in the sea, surrounded by burning
bits of timber, before he woke up suddenly in a cold sweat. “
I’m probably
never going to forget the Teresa burning and sinking!


The aroma of pipe tobacco reached his nostrils, so he snuck
out the back to check on his washing. It was past midday and they were nearly
dry! He dressed hastily, before he made his way back into the dark cottage.

“Vijendra wants to see you at the inn” Dayang mentioned when
he saw him. “We go now.”

We passed the open door of a blacksmith where Michael paused
to watch the man heat steel in a forge. The blacksmith pulled the glowing rod
out of the hot coals with a pair of pincers and placed the cherry-red rod
across an anvil. He pounded away at the semi-molten steel with sparks flying in

“He’s making a sword” Dayang pointed out. “We have to keep
going, because the cap’ain doesn’t like to be kept waiting too long.”

Vijendra was completely engrossed in conversation with
Pricilla, who was
flirting with him.

“You’re sixteen
today?” Michael overheard him say.

“Yes, do I get a
kiss?” she asked innocently.

“I…Ok then…” he
said, surprised.

She leaned over and
kissed him deeply, before he noticed Dayang and his young warrior standing

“I have work to do,
Lass” he said, breaking the kiss and pushing her away.

“Men!” she mumbled
as she fumed off; mad at him for treating her like a child again.

“That will be all for now, Dayang. Sit down with me young
warrior” he said, not remembering his name.

“My name’s Michael!” he said fiercely, as he watched Dayang
go over to the bar for a drink.

“Ok, Michael it is. I have a job for you.
Angelo Ricardo is
the owner of this fine establishment and he has agreed to hire you as a kitchen
hand. You will start tomorrow at the crack of dawn. Please don’t let my
reputation down by failing to turn up on time. I have given Dayang some money
and I’ve asked him to buy you some clothes. Just wait outside for him” he said,
dismissing him abruptly.


Michael was allowed
to buy several sets of long pantaloons, long-sleeved shirts, under clothes,
some toiletry items, sheets and a feather pillow. He began to walk slowly back
to the cottage, leaving Dayang to go back to the tavern. “
least I have a paying job
” he thought to himself as he wandered
back to his room slowly.

Chapter 8


The nun’s diet was
strictly vegetarian with bread and tea given at dawn, before prayers and the
main meal at 11am. It consisted of a watery vegetable soup, stale bread and
some fruit. More prayers were said again in the afternoon – six hours of them,
then a cup of tea and some biscuits for dinner.

We are not here
for a holiday, but we’re here to please God
” Father Perez announced when
she first arrived.

God, I’d love a
cup of coffee
” she thought.


The days at the
monastery were almost bearable to Constance, but the nights were sheer agony.
Through the thin curtain that separated each bed she could hear the soft
moaning, the creaking of the beds and heavy breathing. The nun’s cries of wild
lesbian passion repelled her and, at the same time, enflamed her desires for

“Faster…mmm, that it” she heard someone say.

A wave of embarrassment swept over her when she accidently
saw two naked nuns entangled in each other’s arms and legs. The final straw
came when Dolores suggested she had a beautiful body and they would come for
her one night.

“Fuck off you filthy bitch” she yelled. ”You and your friends
will never touch me!”

The next morning she went to see Father Perez to complain,
before asking him to summon Vijendra to pick her up.

“I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad time. I know you feel alone,
but you’re not; God is always with us and he tries to guide us through the
enormity of life. If you have to leave then you better leave now” he said
grimly. “Dolores will take you down to the town.”

“I’m not going anywhere with that bitch. She was going to
rape me” she shouted.

“Ok then, I’ll call for your belongings while you wait here
and I will personally take you to Vijendra” he said slowly. “Please don’t
mention any of this to anyone in the town.”

“I won’t say a word, because I’ll be just glad to leave” she

The Reverend Mother studied the face of the girl, before she
passed her the bundle of clothes.

“Constance, the first contact with God and his followers can
be very disturbing. I feel you are one of the chosen ones and are ready to
devote your life to God” she suggested to her.

“I am choosing the right path and leaving here” she said

“I’m afraid for you and I’ll pray for you” she whispered
before she left the room.

“If you’re ready, we’ll go now” suggested Father Perez.

There was a horse and buggy waiting outside, so the two of
them left quickly in stony silence; just the clatter of the horses hooves.


Constance felt wonderful as she walked down the tree-lined
road leading into Vijendra’s property. Father Perez had left her at the main
gate, before turning around and trotting the horse back to the monastery.

“Welcome back, Miss Constance” said Lucretia with a knowing
smile. “Would you like anything?”

“I would love a cup of coffee, please” she said.

“Why don’t you go into the sitting room and I’ll bring you
one” she said.


“I thought you needed a little more than coffee, honey” she
mentioned as she placed coffee, scones, jam and cream down. “You eat as much as
you like and don’ worry about those wicked nuns.”

“You knew I would be back” she said, looking straight at her.

“Uh uh” she said before walking away.


Vijendra didn’t return home that night, preferring to stay in
town at the tavern. A visit to his latest whore was on his mind, but he wanted
to freshen up first before dinner. He unlocked the door to room 8 and stepped
inside the dark room. He lit a candle on the table near the door, before he
heard a voice coming from the bed behind him.

“Signore Vijendra?” said a woman.

He turned around slowly as his eyes adjusted to the weak
light, before walking over to her.

he gasped, surprised to see her stark naked. “My God! What the…?”

“I want you to make
love to me” she whispered sexily.

“You’re only a
child. You have to get dressed and get out now” he said angrily as he looked
for her clothes.

“You won’t throw me
out, because I’ll tell my father you raped me” she said haughtily.

“No you wouldn’t”
he argued.

“Throw me out and
you’ll find out” she whispered.

He stopped and
thought about the situation, before he sat down on the bed. If Pricilla carried
out her threat, her father would cut off his balls; even if he was The White

honey-bun…” he began, before she interrupted him.

“I love you sitting
this close to me” she whispered as she reached for his hand.

“No. I’m serious,
so please listen to me. Your father would kill me if you tell him I raped you”
he said firmly, “even if I am his good friend.”

“I know!” she

He sighed because
of the stalemate and then he asked “What do you want from me, Pricilla?”

“I want you to fuck
me like you fuck your whores” she whispered.

“No, that’s
impossible. If your father found out he would still kill me” he said.

“If you throw me
out he will still kill you, so you don’t have any choice” she whispered as she
took his hand and guided it between her legs. “I’m a woman; please make me feel
like one.”

He stared at her,
trying to work out what to do.

“Why me? Why? Why?”
he asked.

“Because I’m in
love with you” she whispered.

In the candlelight
he could see her firm round breasts and he could feel the soft downy hair
between her legs. “
What am I going to do?
” he thought worriedly. She
helped him out of clothes, before she encouraged him to lie on top of her. She
guided his hard penis into her moist vagina and then she wrapped her hands
tightly around his backside and pushed him deep inside her.


* * *


Pricilla left
Vijendra an hour later, fully satisfied;
her body tingling from her two climaxes. He had worried she might get pregnant,
but she knew her period was only a few days away. If she became pregnant he
would have to marry her.


Early the next morning, before dawn, Vijendra returned home.
The sex with Pricilla last night was fantastic, but he still worried about her
father finding out. Lucretia wasn’t even up yet, so he lit the stove to boil
some water.

“I’ll do that for you, sir” said a sleepy voice behind him.

“Thank you Lucretia, I’ll be in the dining room” he mentioned
as he walked out.

“Miss Constance has returned, sir” she said when she placed
his coffee, bacon and eggs down on the table.

“Thank you Lucretia” he said absently, still in deep thought.

That’s all I need now; another problem.


Constance awoke to the distant sounds of the church bells,
disorientated by her plush surroundings. Vijendra would probably come home
today, so she freshened up, dressed in clean clothes and happily walked down
the stairs and into the kitchen where she greeted Lucretia.

“Mr Vijendra has returned, but he seems very sad and he’s
still sitting at the dining table. He’ll probably brighten up when he sees you,
so you go in there and talk to him nicely” she suggested. “Would you like bacon
and eggs with your coffee or would you like scones instead, honey?”

“Scones would be nice” she said as she walked out.

“Hi Constance, It’s good to see you again” he said as she
walked into the dining room.

“H…Hi” she stuttered, feeling like an idiot. “
I’m thirty
years old and I’m acting like a love-sick child. Stop it
” she scolded

“I didn’t think you would like it with the nuns” he laughed.

She was tongue-tied being so close to him again, so she said

“They didn’t cut off your tongue too” he suggested,

“N…No” she whispered, just before Lucretia arrived with her

She ate in stony silence as he looked intently at her.

“I was going to take a walk around the property. Would you
like to come with me?” he asked.

“Yes, thank you” she said.


Constance and Vijendra walked from the house then over to the
pasture with cows, then the one with the horses before going over to the stream
when she unashamedly kissed him under a large tree.

“I thought you hated me” he said when they parted.

“I thought that too” she mentioned before kissing him again.
“Let’s go back to the house.”


Constance woke up naked in his bed and she could feel his
flaccid penis pressing against her butt as she lay on her side. His left arm was
draped over her and his hand nestled between her legs. His warm body felt
wonderful, so she pressed her butt and grinded her hips against him. She felt
his erection pressing against her and the heat grew in her loins. They had
already made love, but she wanted more of this wild man.

“I love you, Constance” he whispered as his free hand pushed
between her legs.

“I love you too” she purred. “Make love to me again.”

“It will be my pleasure” he whispered in her ear, before he
rolled her over to face him.


* * *


Michael began work at the tavern the next morning after his
chat with Vijendra, peeling potatoes and carrying water for the cook,
in-between washing dishes, pots and pans. Sweeping floors and emptying the
rubbish bins added to his list of chores. The day began at 6am and he didn’t
return home until 8pm at night. All his food was supplied and he ate at the
tavern. When Michael returned to his room at night he quickly washed before falling
asleep. After five days he became accustomed to the routine, but he was looking
forward to his first day off. Dayang had warned him to stay away from the
owner’s daughter and Michael heeded his words. “
She’s poison that one. If
you touch her, her father will cut off your balls.


Michael was fascinated by the faces and attire of the men who
frequented the dingy tavern. Occasionally he had to remove the dirty plates and
cutlery and wipe the tables over. Some had scruffy beards, while others wore
long and curly mustaches. Some even had one wooden leg. The stench of sweat, unwashed
bodies and stale beer saturated the air.

“I haven’t seen you here before” said a voice behind me.

Michael turned around and saw a beautiful girl standing

“I’ve been working here for five days” he said, not realizing
who she was.

“Well get to work or I’ll tell my father you’re slacking off”
she sneered.

Her twisted smile marred her beautiful face, so Michael
assumed this was the boss’s daughter.

“Ok Miss” he mumbled humbly before returning to the kitchen with
the tray of soiled dishes.

The less he saw of her, the better he would feel.

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