Six Degrees of Lust (19 page)

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Authors: Taylor V. Donovan

Tags: #MLR Press LLC, #Print ISBN#978-1-60820-414-4, #Ebook ISBN# 978-1-60820-415-1

BOOK: Six Degrees of Lust
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have unprotected oral sex with anyone.”

“Are you tempted now?” He slid his hands around Sam’s hips

and gripped his ass.

He held Mac’s head with those trembling hands of his and

lowered his upper body until he was able to kiss him. “Fuck yeah,

I am.”

Mac didn’t need to hear anything else. He opened his mouth

and took him in as deep as he could with complete abandon.

“Ohh, God!” Sam gripped his shoulder with such force,

Mac would’ve winced had he not been so completely taken by

the glimpse into heaven that was Sam’s texture and flavor in his

six DegRees of Lust

mouth. “Shit… you gotta slow down, Mac, please. I don’t wanna

come too soon.”

He tried to pull away but Mac wouldn’t let him. He wanted

Sam as out of control as he was, and judging by the way he

tangled his fingers in Mac’s hair and fucked his mouth, Mac was

well on his way to accomplishing that goal.

Mac relaxed his throat and went deeper; Sam threw his head

back and made a guttural sound, his hips bucking in frantic

thrusts. Mac bobbed his head up and down, then sucked hard on

Sam’s thickness, and although his intention was to get his Yankee

to come as fast and hard as he could, he wasn’t ready for the load

of seed Sam spilled all over his tongue. He recovered remarkably

fast though, eagerly swallowing every warm, slightly salty drop.

“Jesus… fucking Christ…” Sam gulped and stared at him.

“Was that good?” Mac whispered, and wasn’t it pathetic that

all of a sudden he needed a verbal approval.

“It was… perfect…” He closed his eyes for a second, then

pulled Mac up. “Come here.”

He went willingly, letting Sam wrap him up in his arms and

kiss him slowly while the vibrating plug in his ass got him ready

for round two.

It was past time they got out of the shower, but he was

reluctant to break contact; not wanting to leave that intimate

cocoon they’d somehow managed to create. Mac knew it had to

be an illusion, that it was probably his imagination and his lover

wasn’t even aware of it. He knew it wouldn’t last, but real or not,

he wanted to bask in it for as long as he could, because he’d never

known anything like it before.

“Water’s damn cold.” Sam kissed him one more time and

turned the faucet off. “Whadda ya say we take this to bed?”


Mac opened the shower curtain and grabbed two towels,

handing one over to Sam before stepping out of the bathroom.

Doing his best not to feel self conscious and mentally getting

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ready for what was coming; both the intercourse and the

possibility of Sam turning into a prick and everything going to


So far his experience with the guy had been completely

opposite to what he’d had with Travis. His ex had been ashamed

of his sexuality, and after their split Mac had been ashamed by his

own sneaking around in order to fulfill his need to be with a man.

As a result the sex had always been lacking.

But this time it was different. Although his deal with his

family wouldn’t be over for another few months, he was away

from home and not worried about who might see him. He was

with a man who was secure in his sexuality, a man he wouldn’t

see again and with whom Mac could be himself, and he rejoiced

in the freedom that gave him. Still, he found himself reaching

for the light switch and turning it off, because his business had

always been done in the dark.

As it turned out, Sam wouldn’t have any of that.

“Leave it.” He flipped the light back on and took Mac’s towel,

throwing it carelessly over the couch along with his. “I want to be

able to see your reaction when I finally eat your ass. I’m going to

make sure you love it and you’re going to show me how much.”

“Jaysus…” Mac whispered, incapable of looking away from

those amazing blue eyes; not even when his back hit the bed

after his lover not so gently pushed him onto it and immediately

followed him down.

What ensued after Sam’s statement was straight out of Mac’s

wildest dreams. He was handled with so much care and passion

he found it difficult to breathe at times. The kisses were soft, wet,

possessive, and even bruising. And after their conversation in the

shower it was clear all bets were off.

There wasn’t an inch of his body that didn’t get licked and

kissed. He was explored and positively appraised, spread open

and probed, left quivering and sometimes flat out levitating off

the bed in an attempt to get either his prick or pucker closer to

Sam’s mouth.

six DegRees of Lust

It was the most natural thing to lie on his back and give up

control. To slide his hands down Sam’s muscular back and grab

his ass; to pull his hair and rub himself against his thick, hard

cock; to accommodate him between his legs so that they could

share yet another kiss and later, when neither one could wait

any longer, to wrap them around his lover’s waist to make the

ultimate claim over Mac’s body as easy and painless as possible.

And Sam smiled at him. His expression was pure bliss. Mac

could relate. He felt exactly the same way, all because Sam was

inside him.

Then he started to move, slowly pushing his dick deep inside

him. Mac locked his legs around Sam and clung to him as they

moved together in the kind of perfect rhythm that should have

been impossible between strangers. Sam’s possession of his body

was so thorough it made Mac feel as if he were choking on a

goddamn lump.

Mac remained so hard it was painful. This time around he

didn’t resent submitting to another male. He was in this position

because he chose to be, not because he felt he had to in order

to keep his man. And he liked it. He felt powerful knowing he

was giving Sam so much pleasure he couldn’t stop whispering

Mac’s name. He’d never felt so full or more open; never wanted

something as much as he wanted to have this, whatever this was,


Shaking his head, he reached down and started pulling on

his length, desperate to come again, not really surprised when

Sam lifted himself on one arm and pushed Mac’s hand out of

the way. The guy liked to be in charge of things, including Mac’s

pleasure. And really, who was he to complain? Especially when

the shift in position had Sam’s dick rubbing his prostate every

time he moved.

Mac opened his legs wider and let out a growl, unable to

control the series of spasms that shook him to his core. Sam

jerked him off, tangled their tongues together, and increased the

speed of his lean hips, pinning him down with his amazing body.

Mac was lost. His body surrendered to his lover’s wicked

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ministrations, but not even such intense pleasure could make him

close his eyes and miss the beauty that was Sam’s face while in the

throes of orgasmic heaven.

It was raw between them. Decadent and primal.

Sexy Super Agent had taken him and spoiled him for life in

the process. Mac just knew it, but that was something he wouldn’t

start to worry about until later on.

Not until they continued to kiss even though the sex was over.

Not until he found himself resting his head on Sam’s chest

and sighing contentedly when powerful arms encircled him.

Wasn’t sex with strangers supposed to be emotionally

unfulfilling? Wasn’t this affair supposed to be casual? Pleasure

without the psychological drama? Wasn’t cuddling supposed to

be against some sacred rule? Mac had never cuddled before and

he couldn’t think of a worse time to start doing so. He struggled

with confusion and frustration, and he tried to regain some

control over his stirred emotions.

He needed to get up. He needed to do something that would

sever this false sense of connection between them and…

“Is it Mackenzie?” Sam’s low voice snapped him out of his



“Your name… Mac…” he clarified, sliding long, slightly

callused fingers over Mac’s ribcage. “What is it short for? Mackey?

Macon? McNeil? McLeod? Is it your first or last name?”

“Machlan Sean O’Bannon,” he said after a long pause,

somewhat surprised Sam wanted to know.

“It suits you.”

“Thanks.” He pulled the blankets and covered them both.

“Mind if I take a nap?” He didn’t wait for an answer. He just

closed his eyes, convinced that feigning sleep was as good an idea

as any to put some distance between him and Sam. “I’m worn

out after the flight and whatnot.”

six DegRees of Lust

“Knock yourself out,” Sam said, kissing him on the head.

“Wake me up in an hour,” he instructed, settling one of his

legs over Sam’s, his semi-hard, insatiable prick poking his lover’s


“You got thirty minutes, Tex.”

Mac didn’t even get ten.

ChAPteR nine

June 17, 2009

New York City

Reaching the booth where his teammates were waiting for

him started to feel like an obstacle course to Sam the moment

he crossed Tangerine’s entrance door. As a rather attractive

and successful bisexual man, he was more than used to being

approached, but the gays from NYC could be scary in their

intensity and single-mindedness when it came to getting what

they wanted.

And they wanted Sam.

By the time he made it to the first floor bar and ordered two

bottles of water he had side-stepped five guys, avoided three

others, and collected seven… no, eight phone numbers. He

put the last one he’d gotten from the bartender in his pocket

and looked around the club for Zane and Logan, trying not to

think about what’d happened the last time he’d been anywhere

near this particular club… doing his best to keep all Mac related

thoughts away.

He noticed the blond before he did his teammates.

With his heart beating as hard as the thumping bass coming

from the speakers strategically placed around the dance floor he

studied the twink currently sitting between his friends. The hair,

the height, the weight, and possibly attitude; all of it was right.

He looked just like every single one of Lev’s victims. But he was

alive and had information Zane and Logan were sure pertained

to their case, and Sam could’ve jumped out of pure joy.

He briefly glanced backward when a heavy hand landed on his

shoulder, handed over one of the bottles to Duncan and gestured

toward the booth occupied by the other guys. His second in

command’s eyes opened to the kind of big Sam only got to see

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in the Saturday morning cartoons back when he was a kid, and

he could totally relate.

Week after week since the case had been assigned to them, the

four male members of his team had been taking turns in making

the rounds, hitting the hottest clubs in the NYC gay scene, on the

lookout for anything or anyone that could lead them to the perp,

and it looked like their dedication was about to pay off.

Sam and Duncan had been checking things out over at

Homme, an upscale, by invitation only gay sex club located in the

Upper East Side, when he’d gotten a call from Zane telling him

they had someone who might know Lev and to get their asses to

Tangerine. They’d done so ASAP.

“Hey guys,” Sam greeted as soon as he reached the booth.

“Fill me in.”

“Ryan Lewis, meet Special Agents Shaughnessy and

Kowalski.” Logan got the introductions out of the way and

moved closer to their potential witness to make room for Sam

and Duncan. Meanwhile, the Ryan dude kept looking from one

man to the next, gaping like a fish out of water.

“Are you kidding me?” the guy asked. “I’m ready to tell the

world about this asshole, you know? No need to pretend you’re

Feds in order to get me to talk.”

“We already told you, we aren’t pretending.” Annoyance was

clear in Zane’s voice.

Four bureau identifications were presented at once, with the

kind of perfect coordination only achieved after dozens of times

of doing the same.

“My my, color this girl lucky.” Ryan tilted his head low enough

to almost touch his lean shoulder with it and licked his lips. “I

think I got the only young, sexy, and gorgeous FBI agents in

existence all focused on me, wanting to talk and hopefully much


“Let’s talk about your date with Peter, shall we?” said Logan,

smooth as usual.

six DegRees of Lust

“Right.” The guy’s face twisted in disgust. “Met him here a

little over a month ago. Boy next door kind of cute, nothing

special about him other than he seemed to be a little lost… could

have been an act. He said his name was Peter, but I think he was

lying. Anyway, he asked me for my number and I gave it to him.

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