Siren's Garter: Issue One August 2016 (6 page)

Read Siren's Garter: Issue One August 2016 Online

Authors: Miriam F. Martin

Tags: #romance, #suspense, #comedy, #pulp, #humor, #spies, #menage, #urban, #wedding, #work place

BOOK: Siren's Garter: Issue One August 2016
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She hadn’t planned on her heart
being fond for a foreign spy who might be a threat to her mother.
Molly’s kiss grew more passionate, deeper, with tongue. Elsie felt
weak at the knees. Her stomach quivered in anticipation of what
Molly had mind.

Elsie, despite her better judgment,
leaned into the kiss and returned it with her tongue. She tasted
the tea on Molly’s breath, tongues slippery and thick with saliva.
Breathing through her nose, shoulders relaxing to the other woman’s
touch, Elsie squirmed her hips.

This wasn’t right.
was supposed to be
the predator, not this floozy. Elsie had used the same kissing
technique on countless corporate fat-cats to get them to spill
their secrets. She grabbed Molly by the waist, pinched hard, and
pushed her away.

The separation was breathless. And
hot. The kitchen seemed like a hundred degrees with a hundred
percent humidity all of a sudden. Elsie pulled her hair back, away
from her face and neck, trying to cool off as fast as she could. So
much of the heat came from between her legs, and she was already
bare down there.

Now, now,” said Molly. “Was it
really so bad?”

Back off bitch!”

Molly smiled, the reptile grin
softer and gentle. She tilted her head to one side and made one
tentative step to Elsie. “We both have something the other

You have nothing I want.” Elsie
put venom into her voice.

Molly recoiled. The smile peeled
away to reveal hurt and pain. “You want your mother. I just want us
to be friends.”


I meant it when I said I liked
you,” Molly said, regaining her composure. She held out her hands,
palms out. “You remind me so much of Gertie.”

Molly sighed, closing her

How do you know her?” Elsie
softened her tone. A change in approach was all. Gain the woman’s
trust, use that to her advantage. It’s what she did for a living.
Elsie stepped forward, put a hand on Molly’s shoulder, and
squeezed. “Please, tell me about her. My mother. You know

Da. Very well, but in another
life.” Molly’s eyes came alive, wide and watery. She clutched Elsie
by the face with both hands.

And pulled her in for another

This time quick. Just a pressing of

And then pushed Elsie into the
island counter. Molly grabbed Elsie’s breasts, a light fingered
touch followed by another slower kiss.

And then Molly went down on her

Elsie grunted at the surprise
attack. Her breath caught in her throat as the Russian woman lifted
the hem of Elsie’s sundress.

Face pressed mere inches from
Elsie’s pussy, Molly grinned from ear to ear, teeth white and

My,” Molly said, “you are

The heat returned to Elsie’s body.
This time, she didn’t know if she could stop Molly.




Kevin took a three minute shower
and put on jeans, a white polo shirt, and a brown sports jacket. He
told Brad to go back to his room, and be on call.

Then he got Gertrude into his
rented Buick LaSabre, and raced off to her house.

What’s going on?” he said when he
pulled out of the Kumonalaya parking lot.

Biggins found me,” Gertrude said.
“And she came for a black book. Better you don’t ask any more

Questions got people killed. But
something nagged at Kevin. What the hell was Elsie’s mother into?
Why was Biggins in Wenakaga? What was this mysterious black

At Gertrude’s house, he parked
across the street. Elsie’s blue Honda was parked nearby, as was an
ominous black Towncar.

Kevin loaded his pistol and went
around the side of the house, to the service entrance. The lawn
smelled of fresh cut grass and fertilizer, a very domestic odor of
hard work. Gertrude tugged on his shirt.

She had her gold revolver out,
ready for action, probably ready to shoot anybody who dared a lay a
finger on her daughter. That made two of them, Kevin couldn’t stand
the thought of Elsie being tied up in a spy conspiracy.

The side’s been unlocked,”
Gertrude whispered, pointing to the service entrance.

Do you always keep it locked?”
said Kevin.

Without fail.”

Any other ways in?”

The walkout, below the deck. Come

Okay, follow my lead.”

But Gertrude was already in front,
leading Kevin around service berry bushes and buckthorns. The yard
made a steep decline around the house. Gertrude jumped over a red
stone retaining wall to the downstairs patio under the blue painted
deck. A wooden, disused swing-set with yellow rubber seats sat in
the backyard lawn.

A set of glass sliding doors led to
the basement of Gertrude’s house. Kevin peeped inside while
Gertrude knelt down and dug around in a tin bucket full of dirt.
She produced a house key.

The tinted glass didn’t allow him
to see much. Looked like a gathering room, with a pool table on one
side and a minibar on the other. A pink fluffy love-seat sat in
between, and a big screen TV took up one wall. The walls were
covered in wood paneling, giving the room a dark, dusky

Kevin nodded, and pointed to the
door. Gertrude pushed the key in and slowly slid the door open
without any noise.

He expected the basement to smell
moldy, but it turned out to have a clean, lemon smell. The room was
even more cozy than his initial outside glance. This was a place
he’d like to relax, the kind of basement room where’d he’d retreat
with a special lady to have a drink and shoot pool. And then make
love on the sofa.

The kind of place he envisioned
sharing with Elsie.

But the dream still seemed far off,
especially now. Elsie deserved better. She needed somebody she
could count on, and not have to stay up at night worrying if he
were safe.

Noise came from upstairs. A moan.
And… a giggle?

This time, Kevin held back Gertrude
with an arm. He took the lead, gun in hand and ready to shoot the
first bad guy to get in his way. Adrenaline pumped through his

He crept up the stairs one step at
a time, trying to keep cool. Long training and too much practice at
high stakes action had prepared him for this. Kevin was hyper-aware
of every noise and scent.

Lucky, the stairs didn’t creak, and
were covered in soft cream colored carpet.

Upstairs, towards the front of the
house, he heard somebody shifting from foot to foot. The person’s
shoes creaked the floor and made little tap-tapping

Closer to the top of the stairs
came the moaning. A slow, pleasurable sound, feminine and

And very familiar.

A womanly odor. Like a wet

Actually, exactly like a wet

Kevin stopped mid-stride, turned to
Gertrude and mouthed, “What’s going on?”

She shrugged and pointed her gun
upstairs, mouthing back, “Just go.”

Kevin didn’t argue, and continued
climbing the stairs. Heart rising to his throat and threatening to
leap out and run away. The front half of his brain didn’t allow him
to process what the back half was thinking.

What kind of sick torture is going
on here?

But no, that wasn’t really the
underlying thought rolling through his head. Kevin was scared as
hell of what was upstairs, and he couldn’t pinpoint a reason for
his fear. His sweaty palms clenched the pistol tighter.

And he was strangely

Curious to see. To get the fright
over with and shed light on the weird emotions running through

Kevin took the last six steps two
at a time, bounding like a wild animal on a blood scent. He didn’t
care if Gertrude couldn’t climb as fast in her high

He needed to know what was going

He ran to the source of the
moaning. In the kitchen.

Pistol out in both hands, body at
an angle to make him less of a target.

An island counter sat between him

Elsie and some blond chick kneeling
in front of her.

Elsie screeched and pushed the
woman away.

Kevin tried to make sense of the
scene. Nothing sensical came to mind. Elsie was pulling the hem of
her sundress down over her bare pussy. The blond turned to Kevin, a
lovely smile on her glistening wet face. Kevin flushed, feeling hot
and sweaty all over, and angry.

And oddly aroused.

A big man in a badly tailored suit
burst through the other door to the kitchen, a small pistol in his
meaty hands. He looked Kevin up and down, but didn’t fire. Or say

Nikolai,” said the blond woman,
“put that away. Where are your manners, whipping it out like that
in front of guests?”

He lowered the gun,

Elsie backed away against the stove
range, hand pressed to her chest, face blushing.

Kevin tried to form words. Nothing
seemed all that intelligent to say. What do you say when you walk
in on your bride receiving oral from a sexy blond woman?

Kevin,” Elsie said, catching her
breath as if she had just run a hundred yard dash. The expression
on her face was pinched and blushed. Terrified and ashamed. “I…

He lowered his gun, not sure what
to say. Or do. His mouth moved, nothing came out at first. He was
about to ask something like
what’s going
on here?

But then a gold revolver came over
his shoulder, in his periphery. The well manicured hand holding it
thumbed back the hammer, clicking a bullet into place.

You,” said
Gertrude at the blond woman. “I didn’t expect you to come here

Venom dripped in her voice as she
spit out the name.

Gertie!” said the blond,
excitement tinging her voice up an octave. Molly had the worst
Russian accent Kevin ever heard. “Is this how you greet me? After
all these years?”


But all those
long nights.” Her voice turned sultry, stretching out the

I’m confused,” said

Shut up,” said

Mother!” said Elsie.

Gertie,” Molly cooed.

Everybody!” Kevin shouted,
holding his gun up as if to remind everybody he was still armed.
His whole body shook with anger. He looked straight into Elsie’s
eyes. “What the fuck?”

His voice echoed in the tidy little
kitchen, and everybody fell silent. You could hear a pin drop.
Elsie stood up straighter, crossing her arms, and Kevin realized
she wasn’t wearing a bra. But his gaze didn’t settle on her bosom
for long.

He imagined steam coming out of her
ears. Kevin had never seen her so angry in their year long
courtship. He shared a long stare with her. They played poker later
at night sometimes—with money, chips, and clothes. Both played to
win. This stare was a poker stare, and Kevin felt like he’d lost
count of the cards.

You’re going to
to me,” Kevin said, pointing his finger at Elsie, and wove
his pistol around the kitchen. “Later, when your mother isn’t
holding a gun over my shoulder.”

And then have words with Gertrude
about using him as a human shield.

Elsie blanched, mouth agape. “This
is not what it looks!”

I was worried sick about you,”
said Kevin. “That you might be hurt. Or worse. And I get here,

And what? Kevin and Elsie had
talked about their fantasies together. One of Kevin’s was watching
the love of his life being ravished by another woman.

Actually seeing it happen… wasn’t
what he dreamed about.

Elsie lowered her chin, arms still
crossed, hips askance. Her
stare. The pose faltered when she scrunched her
shoulders up and rocked on her heels.

There’s something you don’t know
about me,” she said.

Yeah? What? You’re suddenly a
lesb… Ouch!”

Gertrude pinched him hard on the
side, enough for her nails to dig through his polo shirt. “Both of
you,” she hissed through her teeth, “might want to save this for

Molly grinned ear to ear like a
viper preparing to snap at a mouse. Her face was still moist from…

A real pleasure meeting you at
last, Kevin,” she said.

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