Siren Song (5 page)

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Authors: A C Warneke

BOOK: Siren Song
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He refused to allow the wolf to win.




Lexi woke up with a start, disoriented, with a pounding headache and unsure where she was. There was a furnace heating her backside and the bed was not the one she usually slept in. But her mouth didn’t taste feel like death; it had the faintly woodsy taste of….

She groaned as memories slowly filtered in to her cotton-stuffed head: the bar, the tequila, the man. Flinging herself at the gorgeous stranger and practically jumping him in the bar. She was never going to drink tequila again.

Slowly, trying to keep her head from falling off her neck while attempting to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake Duncan, she slid out of bed. As the air hit her bare butt, she blushed, remembering the brazen moment when she stripped off her panties and stuffed them into Duncan’s pocket. If he hadn’t gotten a phone call, she would have been initiated into sex by the most dynamic man she had even encountered.

Oh, well; it was probably better this way. And hopefully, she was never, ever going to see him again. Because she didn’t think she’d be able to stop herself from tearing the clothes from his body and having her wicked way with him where he stood, even if it was in the middle of the city square.

With a slight smile, she silently made her way out of the room without sparing a single glance at the gorgeous man on the bed. It was for purely selfless reasons; if she looked, she would have touched, and then she would have stroked, and then….

She shuddered at the possibilities and quickened her pace, the strangest sensation of being watched passing through her. But, no, Duncan was snoring softly, his breaths even; and if he was only pretending to be asleep than he must have also realized the foolishness inherent in their reckless actions and he was letting her go without a fuss.

She should have been grateful for the act but she was disappointed. Which just went to show her how silly she was being. Not bothering to look back, she made her way through the hotel lobby and out the entrance and into the night. Taking a deep breath and filling her lungs with the city air, she sighed in relief and regret.

The night doorman flagged down a cab for her and she slid into the back, determined to get her head screwed on straight and to forget the events of this night. If by some chance she did run into him again she would be able to control herself; she was just going to have to make it a point to stay away from alcohol. And limes. And maybe the woods, especially on a moon-lit night.

Closing her eyes, she leaned her head against the cool glass and smiled to herself. Dima was going to give her hell for failing to seduce the man who had whisked her from the bar for the express purpose of having sex and Cole was going to make fun of her for passing out. She chuckled as she imagined the two of them giving her grief while making her laugh until her stomach ached with the pleasure of it.

Thirteen seventy-four, miss,” the cabbie’s voice interrupted her reverie and she realized she must have dozed off for a few minutes.

Hmm?” she hummed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and sitting up. Reaching into her purse, she asked, “How much was that again?”

His eyes glazed briefly before he hopped out and ran around the car, opening the door for her. “There’s no charge, ma’am. Have a good evening.”

With a frown, she handed him a twenty, a little disturbed by the besotted expression he wore; did she accidentally flash him? “Um, thanks.”

If you ever need a ride, call me,” he said, hastily writing something on the back of a card and handing it to her with the twenty she had just handed him. “Day or night.”

Um, okay?” she awkwardly accepted the business card but when she tried to give the money back, he adamantly refused to take it. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned against the cab until she sighed and put the money back in her purse. “Thanks, I guess.”

He smile brightened but he didn’t move. “I’ll just wait her until you are safely inside, miss.”

Uh huh.” She was so confused by his strange behavior but figured it was best to get inside quickly before he changed his mind and decided she’d make the perfect specimen to add to his blond hooker collection. She was happy to discover that she had no desire to jump the cabbie’s bones and her rational mind was working once again. But with his graying hair and portly body he was a poor substitute for Duncan in just about any situation.

Glancing over her shoulder, she was dismayed to see that he was still standing there, watching her closely. Only, she didn’t get any hostile vibes from him. Turning back, she took another step when the door opened and light spilled out into the darkness. With a smile, Lexi took another step, eager to find comfort in Dima’s arms after her foolishness. She froze when the red head from the bar stepped out instead and Dima’s naked arm slid around her thin waist.

Jumping into the shadows to give them some privacy, she held her breath as the red head purred huskily, “You have my number?”

She ran a long red nail over Dima’s decidedly naked chest while he nodded his answer. Licking her lips, she whispered, “Call me.”

I will,” he promised, letting her go. As she turned away from him, he swatted her on the butt, making her squeal. She simply smiled at him and sauntered towards the waiting cab. She stopped next to the shadows where Lexi was hiding and turned her head, looking directly at Lexi, “The blond from the bar.”

The red head with Duncan.” Lexi’s heart pounded in her chest and she wasn’t sure why. There was something elemental about the red head, something dangerous, predatory. Even though Lexi didn’t feel threatened she felt as if the red head was studying her, checking for weaknesses.

The red head smiled but didn’t say anything more, disappearing into the taxi and waiting until the cab driver got into the car. Startled to realize that the cabbie was still waiting for her to get inside, Lexi hastily sped up the walkway and darted through the door, slamming it with a bit more force than necessary.

Pressing her hand over her racing heart, she leaned against the door and closed her eyes. What a strange, strange night. And if she never ran into Duncan again it would probably be for the best, no matter how much the thought of never being with him hurt.

Lexi?” Dima’s voice interrupted her thoughts. Slowly, she opened her eyes to see him in the kitchen entry eating a sandwich, a pair of boxers hanging low on his waist. “How was your night?”

I passed out before anything could happen and then I snuck away when I woke up and found him sleeping,” she blurted out, pushing herself off the door and drifting over to her best friend. Automatically, he opened his arms and she fell into them, relishing his strength as he hugged her. “It was not one of my best moments. How was your night?”

She felt his smile and heard it in his voice, “Amazing.”

Yeah; it looked amazing,” she heaved a sigh. “I guess I am just doomed to virginity.”

He chuckled as he kissed the top of her head. “Get some sleep, minx.”

You, too, Dima.” Dragging herself from his sheltering arms, she stumbled up the stairs to her bedroom, “I love you, you know.”

I love you, too.”

Chapter 3 (Saturday)




The next day, Lexi slept in until ten and she didn't make it to the office. Swallowing a few aspirin, she took a long shower to scour the residual lust from her brain and then got ready for her lunch date with the women of her family. Despite the ridiculous amount of alcohol she drank the night before, she was feeling pretty good, even if she refused to think about a certain man that twisted her up on the inside. He could star in as many of her dreams as he wanted but she was not going to let him conquer her days, at least not often. The occasional day dream of him walking towards her, his naked chest glistening with manly sweat, a smile on his handsome face as he reached out his hand... hmm, that would be all right.

She arrived at the country club just a few minutes late since it had taken her a little longer to dress up in the perfect outfit and put on the perfect makeup, designed to deliberately annoy her two oldest sisters. And when she saw them, all three of her sisters wearing a similar sheath dress, her smile widened. Thea was wearing beige, Agatha was in shell pink, and Penelope wore buttery yellow; all of them wore their thick, dark hair in elegant buns. Of course they each had perfectly manicured fingernails with just the right amount of jewelry. They fit in perfectly amongst the country club set.

As she walked, Lexi jangled from the sheer number of bracelets she wore on both of her wrists. Her hair was tucked up under a mint green, chin length wig and there was enough glitter on her face to make any four-year-old girl squeal in delight. Lexi was particularly fond of the sparkly blue lipstick and sparkly blue false eyelashes that distracted her every time she blinked. Low riding, green leather pants hugged her legs and the cropped baby doll showcased her flat stomach and discrete belly button piercing. The outfit was paired off with a pair of wedge-heeled flip flops that were surprisingly comfortable.

Bending down, she air-kissed her mother’s cheek, not wanting to smudge the immaculate make up with her blue lips. She took a moment to inhale the warm, light scent of gardenias her mother favored, a scent that reminded her of childhood and feeling loved. “Mom.”

Alexandra,” Charisma, her mother, beamed at her. She was still a beautiful woman at 60, with seven children and several grandchildren. Her dark hair had a few strands of white, making her look distinguished; she definitely didn’t look like a grandmother. Still trim, she had the shapely body that all of the Rudnar woman enjoyed. She was dressed casually in white linen pants and a pale blue cardigan set.

Lexi faced her unconventional Aunt Sophie with a warm smile. Sophie was wearing a deep purple dress that flowed around her body. She was younger than Lexi's mother by almost ten years and she could pass for someone even younger. She always had a new boy toy, preferring variety over longevity. Her hair was cropped short in the back, close to her scalp, and longer in the front, in a sexy pixie-influenced cut. Lexi adored her Aunt Sophie, calling her up for advice whenever it was needed. Hugging the older woman, breathing in the familiar magnolia scent, she smiled, “Aunt Sophie.”

I’m glad you decided to join us today,” her aunt good-naturedly chastened. It wasn’t a secret that Lexi normally disdained the country club and all of the trappings that went with it, despite being born into such privilege. She preferred the casual atmosphere of Cole’s gallery or the cutting edge energy of Dima’s bar. Or the comfortable warmth of home. “We weren’t sure you would.”

Alexandra,” Thea murmured in her controlled, dulcet voice. Heaving a sigh, she shook her head even as she pursed her full lips, “Would it have been too much to ask you to tone it down some?

Yes, it would have,” Lexi grinned, sitting down and joining them at the table. Taking the napkin, she snapped it open and spread it over her lap. “Not everyone can pull off mint.”

Well, I think you look fantastic,” Penny interjected before the oldest Rudnar daughter came to blows with the youngest. As the very middle child of seven children, she was an expert at keeping the peace. As the mother of two sets of twins, she was learning to let things slide. “Jenny will want that wig when you decide to retire it.”

Lexi chuckled, picturing the little girl that already had so many of her cast offs. Out of all of her nieces and nephews, Jenny was the only one who appreciated the artistry involved in Lexi’s wardrobe. The other girls were miniature replicas of their perfect mothers. And grandmother. And yet all of them were able to wrap males around their little fingers without so much as batting an eyelash. And in a family that was predominantly female, it was a sight to behold whenever they got together.

Agatha summoned a waiter without saying a word and Lexi wondered once again for the millionth time how she did that. Aggie seemed to smile a secretive smile and suddenly a waiter would appear, eager to take her order and give her whatever she wanted. Lexi tried it once but the wires seemed to cross when a group of men appeared, not a waiter among them. Agatha had the same melodic voice that Thea had but it was more sensual, less measured and the waiter was practically salivating to do her bidding. “We’re ready to order; girls?”

As everyone ordered, Lexi glanced around the table and realized how beautiful they all were, from her mother to her aunt to her sisters. She sighed; without her makeup and wigs, she was rather plain when compared to the rest of her family, with ordinary brown hair and regular hazel eyes. It was true that she had a spectacular pair of breasts but so did the rest of the females in her family; and they were all stunning without the blue lipstick or green wigs or creative outfits.

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