Siren Song (4 page)

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Authors: A C Warneke

BOOK: Siren Song
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He tilted his head to the side, a thoughtful expression descending over his face as he seriously considered her statement. “You will be the… fifth, I believe. No, the fourth; I didn’t actually have sex with the first one.”

She pulled her lips between her teeth to keep from laughing out loud but tears welled in her eyes and a snort escaped. “I wasn’t asking for numbers.”

He smiled ruefully, “No, but it emphasizes my earlier point; I don’t usually do this.”

Or you could be lying,” she offered, noticing that they were entering the lobby of an elegant and exclusive hotel. People were staring at them but she didn’t care; let them stare and be envious.

He cocked his head to the side in that adorable way of his as he stepped onto the elevator and somehow managed to push the button to his floor. “Why would I lie?”

Well, in this day and age of sexual promiscuity, some might be charmed by your lack of experience.” Her eyes sparkled with amusement even as her body continued to burn for his possession. And she
oddly charmed by his low number of lovers; a man that gorgeous and sexual and dominant could have scores of women. That he didn’t said more about him than anything and her heart did a stupid pirouette in her chest that she was to be among those low numbers.

I didn’t say I lack experience,” his purred, his eyes darkening once more “Just numbers.”

Oh, man, you’re making me hot,” she purred back, a low moan threatening to work its way up from her belly.

Good, because we’re here,” he said as the doors slid open and they stepped out onto the top floor. He jiggled her in his arms as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key – an actual key – to his room. She should have felt as if she was going to fall but he held her firmly and she never felt safer in her life. The only danger would be if he didn’t have a condom and that would be easy enough to remedy; the hotel probably had someone on condom-duty who could deliver a condom anytime one of the guests had an urge for sex.

The door opened without a sound but Lexi didn’t bother to look around; Duncan held all of her interest and nothing else mattered. Every girl should lose her virginity to such a man. Her voice was guttural as she asked, “Where’s the bedroom?”

Don’t you want a drink or something to relax first?” he asked out of politeness. She knew it was out of politeness because his silver eyes gleamed with lust and a muscle ticked in his jaw. His masculine scent was awash in musk and she reveled in it; his wild smell was becoming even more intoxicating.

I have no desire to relax,” she was almost panting. “I want to find a bed and get naked. I don’t even need a bed.”

He growled as he lowered her legs and let her slowly slide down his hard body. His erection pulsed against her stomach and she had to suck in a breath; she was so aroused right now she was pretty sure she was going to implode violently if she didn’t get to touch his skin. Holding his eyes, she started unbuttoning his shirt, desperate to get him naked as quickly as possible.

He put his hands over her wrists, stopping her from undoing more than three buttons. At her questioning look, he smiled ruefully, “I think we should start in the bedroom because I want to see all of you, naked and spread out on my bed. If we don't start there, I'll never have my fantasy fulfilled."

"We can't have that," she purred. Her smile was slow and sultry as she slipped her hand into his and followed him into the enormous bedroom. Butterflies were dancing for joy in her stomach as he flipped the switch and low light from several lamps bathed the room. She barely glanced at the massive bed before his mouth was over hers and his lips were possessing hers. Duncan definitely did not lack experience; he was an expert kisser, knowing when to demand and when to cajole, teasing her and then giving her more. She lost herself in his kiss.

As badly as she wanted to press her naked skin against his, she wanted to savor his kisses. His essence wrapped itself around her, invading all of her senses until she was floating on a cloud of desire and hunger and she never wanted it to end. And then his broad palm covered her breast and gave a gentle squeeze and she moaned low in her throat. “Naked. Now.”

He stepped back and she missed his heat, even as he held her eyes and started to take off his clothes. Frozen in place, she could only stare as he shrugged out of his jacket and let it fall haphazardly to the floor, unconcerned about ruining the expensive garment. His fingers moved to the fourth button of his shirt and she wanted him to hurry but he stopped, damn it. Arching an eyebrow, he asked, “Aren’t you going to undress, too?”

Snapping out of her Duncan-induced daze, she grinned self-consciously, “Of course.”

Putting her fingers over the zipper on the side of her bustier, she was about to pull it down when his phone rang and she stopped. He continued to disrobe, ignoring the chirping of his phone, until he noticed she wasn’t undressing. He arched that eyebrow again and she had to bite back a groan at how sexy he looked with an arched eyebrow. “Aren’t you going to answer that?”

Why would I do that?’ he asked in a low, velvety voice. Abandoning his shirt, he stepped forward and slid his hand into her bustier, curving a palm around her breast. The heat from his skin scalded her, making her even more desperate for him. “When I have you here?”

She moaned when he brushed his thumb over her hard nipple, almost coming on the spot. It took a moment to regain the ability to speak but she managed, “It might be important.”

More important that making love to the most exquisite creature I’ve ever met?” Lightly, he tweaked her pebbled nipple and a mini orgasm rippled through her body.

Oh, if he kept talking like that and doing things like that she’d throw the damn phone out the window and jump him! But the phone was still ringing; whoever was on the other line was persistent. “Are you expecting any important calls?”

He paused at that and frowned, reluctantly pulling the phone from his pants pocket with his free hand, his thumb still toying with her nipple. Flipping the phone open, he held her eyes as he said in a perfectly composed voice, “Hello?”

A heartbeat later his hand slid from her bustier and he turned his back on her as the person on the other end of the line started talking. Without the distraction of his talented fingers, Lexi was able to breathe once again. She was also feeling the effects from all of the tequila she had earlier; if he didn’t act soon, she was either going to take the phone away from him and hang it up or pass out. She hoped the call would be quick; she didn't want time to think; she just wanted Duncan.

Give me a moment,” he told the person on the other end. Turning around and covering the mouthpiece, he looked apologetic, rueful. “I am so sorry but I have to take this.”

Important?” she asked lightly, the room spinning now that he was no longer there to hold her steady.

Very,” he grimaced. “I’ll make it quick and we will finish what we began.”

I’m holding you to that.” He was heading to the door and a wicked thought grabbed hold of her and wouldn’t let go. “Duncan?”

He stopped and turned around, “Hmm?”

With a sultry look, she reached beneath her skirt and hooked her thumbs into her panties. Slowly, she pulled them down her legs and stepped out of them, watching as color flooded his face and he adjusted the front of his pants. With a sway to her step, she closed the distance between them and slid the damp panties into his pocket. Standing up on her toes, she pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, "Hurry.”

His arm slid around her waist and he pulled her against him, taking her lips in a fast, hard kiss. “I will.”

Letting her go, he reluctantly turned away and took another step but she didn't want him to go, not yet. “Duncan?”

He took a deep breath before he turned slightly and faced her. Turning around, she flipped the hem of her skirt up and flashed him her bare ass. “Incentive.”

His hands squeezed into tight fists as he swallowed thickly. His voice was harsh as he rasped, “That kind of incentive will kill me.”

She giggled as he grudgingly left to take the phone call, leaving her to explore the elegant room. The only thing that held her interest was the bed, and not because she was going to have sex in it; that was still in the future. Without Duncan she was feeling the effects of the alcohol; tequila always made her tired. It hadn’t hit her before because being in Duncan’s presence had been so stimulating; the sexual energy being generated between them was enough to power a small city.

Climbing onto the big, plush bed, she let her eyes slide close; if she took a quick nap, she would be up for an entire night of sexual exploration. She was going to need it so she could enjoy every moment of her night with the delicious Duncan. With a loopy smile, she let the oblivion of sleep claim her; it was only going to be a quick nap….




Duncan clicked the phone shut and exhaled, pleased with the outcome. Unfortunately the phone call took much longer than he expected; he wouldn’t be surprised if Lexi was furious with him and demanded he take her home immediately. In a way, he was almost grateful for the interruption; he had no business absconding with a human and taking her back to his hotel room. He preferred long term relationships with women who engaged his mind as well as his body, not the insanity and hot burn that Lexi made him feel.

But then the thought of Lexi rekindled the fire that had been banked and lust roared through his body. Screw sensible; he was going to be wild and reckless just this once and then he would go back to being a rational wolf. Tearing the shirt from his body, he stalked towards the bedroom to claim his prize. He was going to wring every drop of pleasure from her body, indulge in every carnal delight he could dream up, let his beast have his fun, and then when Monday came, he would return to normal.

He unbuttoned the top of his slacks and was pulling the zipper down when he burst through the bedroom door. The bed was bathed in the low light and Lexi was in the middle of it, curled up in a ball and sound asleep, her gorgeous ass peeking at him from beneath the hem of her skirt. Taking a breath to put a lid on his raging hormones, he quietly made his way over to the bed and sat down, her body shifting from his weight.

He studied her face and he was surprised to realize how young she was. And how unutterably beautiful. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that her blond hair had shifted and he chuckled softly; she was wearing a wig. Tenderly, he brushed his hand over her smooth cheek, smiling as she smiled in her sleep.

He should have ignored the phone call and lost the multi-million dollar deal; it would have been worth it.

Running his hand over the curve of her body, he reluctantly stood up and finished getting undressed, leaving his boxers on before throwing a blanket over her sleeping form. After turning off the lights, he slid between the covers and stared up at the ceiling, listening to her soft breathing, the occasional snore. His wolf was oddly content simply sleeping next to her; it was almost peaceful.

For the first time in his life he wasn’t battling with his beast for dominance. It didn’t mean anything, of course; Lexi was simply a sexy woman which his wolf appreciated. That thought made Duncan frown; what was it about Lexi that made his wolf happy? Yes, the chemistry between them was astronomical and had him behaving in a way more suitable to a cub, not the Alpha but there were always exceptions to the rule. Surely Lexi was his exception. But that didn’t explain his wolf’s silence this past hour.

Closing his eyes, he nudged the wolf within, waking him from his restful slumber.
Who is she to you?

The wolf mentally yawned,
She’s just a girl, oh formidable one
Perhaps I should be asking who she is to
since you were unable to keep your paws off her.

The wolf was mocking him, laughing at him and Duncan flexed his jaw. They had been butting heads since he was fifteen and while Duncan had managed to subdue the beast, the beast never let him forget his presence.
It’s a simple chemical reaction

The wolf chuckled,
If you say so, my most honorable and noble liege

Stop that
, Duncan growled, his jaw tightening until it felt like it was going to snap.

Perhaps I wish to claim her
, the wolf continued.
She is a tasty morsel and so very eager to please. Do you think she would let me take her?

Absolutely not,
Duncan bit out, surprisingly jealous at the thought of sharing her, even with his beast.
You will not claim her; she’s a human.

, the wolf shuddered, closing his mental eyes in pleasure.
A sinfully delicious human I am very willing to devour.

Shut it.

Let me keep her.

Hell, no.

No, it would be better if he simply drove her home in the morning and put the madness of this night behind him; anything that made his wolf happy couldn’t be good for him. With a sigh, he rolled onto his side away from temptation. If he gave in to desire, his wolf would gloat and hold it over his head for the rest of his life.

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