Sins & Mistrust (41 page)

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Authors: Isabel Lucero

Tags: #Sins & Mistrust

BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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She throws her head back in laughter. “Already get a birthday present?” she asks while grinding herself across me.


“You don’t want another?” she asks, grinding across my cock again.

“Let’s go,” I say as I shoot up from the bed, holding her around my waist.

She laughs as we make our way into the bathroom, strip, and then join Lincoln under the hot water. He greets us with a smile as we climb in.

People may think the way we live is a sin, but I think as long as we’re not hurting anybody, what does it matter? We love each other, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If this is living in sin, I’ll live happily, because the true unforgivable sin is keeping yourself from being happy because of what other people may think. Live for you, love for you, and you’ll have all the happiness in the world.

The End

Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for buying my book and reading it. I really hope you enjoyed it, because I loved every second of writing it. Please take a moment to leave a review on Amazon or whatever your purchase site was. They are extremely helpful, and beyond appreciated! I have more stories in mind for you all, including another escort book. I’m not sure when it will be out, but I loved writing for Lincoln, Nathalia, and Marc. I feel like they have a lot more to tell, but I also want to write about Jace, Troy, Adrienne, and Emilie, so there may be an escort novella coming soon. Wedding in Vegas? I think it’s possible! Stay tuned to see what I have in store for you next!

Thanks for all your support,

xoxo - Isabel

First, I want to thank my husband, for again being the most amazing and supportive person in the world. I love you so much, baby! Thank you for listening me go on and on about my characters and the lives they’re living. I don’t know where I’d be without you.

I need to thank my ladies. Yes, I have ladies. Kizzy, Tonya, Felicia, Iris, Dana, Lyndsey, Lindsay, Christina, and Beverly. A few of you I have conversations with regularly. Whether it’s about my books, other books, or no books at all, I love our conversations. Several of you go out of your way to promote me and my stories, and I appreciate that very much. Thank you for everything you do and for loving my characters as much as I do! I value and appreciate your opinions and feedback when it comes to the stories.

My betas this go around were Beverly, Tonya, Iris, Felicia, Kizzy, and Dana. Thank you for reading this early and talking to me about it. I understand I took some virginities with this book, and I’m so glad I didn’t hurt you, and that you enjoyed it. ;) You guys know what I’m talking about.

Big thanks to all the bloggers who have supported me through my journey as an author. I find that I keep meeting and getting to know new people, and I’m so happy for that. Thank you for promoting me to your followers, it means more than you know. Thank you to everybody who participated in my cover reveal and release blitz, and to everyone who promised to review it once they’ve read it.

Thank you to my editor, lover of all my adverbs, Cynthia Boudreaux. Ha! Kidding. She hates them, but she likes me enough to help me out with not only adverbs, but everything else. Thank you for always giving me your honest opinion. I live for your notes, especially the ones that have me laughing out loud.

A giant, humongous thanks goes to cover designer extraordinaire, Robin Harper. You keep amazing me with each cover you do. This one might be my favorite, and I can’t wait to have new books just so you can create another amazing cover.

I want to thank my entire street team for being great and helpful people. Thanks to everybody who has ever shared anything I’ve posted, shown enthusiasm over my stories, participated in giveaway, blog tours, cover reveals, and anything else. Thank you for reading! Thank you for choosing my book to read out of millions. Thank you, thank you!

Shout out to Felicia for the name Trystan St. James. I’m sorry he wasn’t more likeable, but I love his name!

And, to my lifesaver, Christine from Perfectly Publishable, for taking me on last minute when I was a panicked mess. Thank you for being so helpful and awesome. You have no idea how much I appreciate you formatting this for me, and being able to squeeze me in right away. You are an angel! Thank you!

The Secrets That We Keep


The Escort Series

Living in Sin (Escort 1)

Unforgivable Sin (Escort 2)

Isabel Lucero is the author of the romantic suspense novel The Secrets That We Keep and the bestselling books Living in Sin and Unforgivable Sin; books one and two in The Escort Series. She was born in a small town in New Mexico and was lucky enough to escape and travel the world thanks to her husband's career in the Air Force. She's been married for eleven years to the love of her life and Jr. High School sweetheart. Together they have two of the best and most beautiful kids in the world.
Isabel's love for reading is anything but new, she's been reading since before she was a teenager. She started reading books by Mary Higgins Clark and James Patterson before being catapulted into the indie author world thanks to a little somebody named E.L. James.
She currently lives overseas and is working on a couple new stories to share with you. Isabel loves connecting with her readers and fans of books in general. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.





Chapter One


I walk into the dimly lit restaurant and take a seat at the end of the bar, looking around the room to see if anybody catches my eye. Before I can look around the whole place I see the bartender heading my way.

“Hey, man. What can I get for ya?” he asks.

“I’ll take a Vodka and Tonic.”

“Comin’ right up,” he says while reaching for the alcohol. “You’re awfully dressed up. Got a hot date?”

I know I stand out in here because everybody else is dressed very casually, and I have a black three-piece suit on, but that’s alright.

“I will soon enough,” I respond, and he smiles, shaking his head. I’m sure he thinks I’m being a cocky bastard, but it’s the truth.

He puts my drink in front of me and I slide a twenty towards him, telling him to keep the change. He nods and walks away.

I continue to let my eyes wander around the room when I see a lady sitting several seats down from me. She’s a pretty, light-skinned black woman. She has curly hair that falls a little past her shoulders and she’s wearing a tight blue dress.

When I get up from where I’m sitting and take my drink to a bar stool that’s two spaces from hers, she never takes her eyes off of me. I angle my body towards her, and notice she’s smiling at me with the straw from her drink in her mouth, giving me an obvious inspection. I raise an eyebrow at her and give her a small smile. She seems to be embarrassed, because she ducks her head, turns in her seat, and reaches for her phone.

While she’s texting, I keep taking small glances at her, and I can see her eyes move in my direction without her moving her head. She’s trying to play hard to get, but I’m better at that game than she is.

The bartender walks over to us, but before he can say anything, I speak up.

“Another Vodka Tonic please,” I say, and then look at the woman sitting to my right. She looks up at me briefly, anticipating that I’ll buy her a drink, I’m sure. “Will you also send a couple of drinks to the two women sitting back there, please?” I say with a gesture towards the ladies sitting at a corner table. I spotted them almost as soon as I walked in. One is a blonde with her boobs pushed up and almost out of her red V-neck shirt; the other is a brunette who is wearing a white, lacey dress.

The bartender gives me a funny look, and the lady at the bar looks back at the two women I was talking about. I smirk and down the rest of the drink that’s in front of me. I decide not to look in her direction again for a while.

After a few minutes, I hear her order a couple of shots from the bartender. Something called a lemon drop, I think. When the bartender places them in front of her she takes them both and walks over to me. I don’t bother to turn in her direction, but when she puts one of the shots directly in front of me, I can’t help but take a glance. It’s then that I notice she has on some sky high heels that make her legs look amazing. With her standing up, I can see every curve of her body.

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