Sins & Mistrust (40 page)

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Authors: Isabel Lucero

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BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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I follow along, listening to Lincoln ask Marc about the structure of the building and some other things I don’t really care about. I decide to fall back and wait for the others.

“Oh my gosh, what is this place?” Emilie squeals from behind.

“It’s amazing!” Adrienne joins.

“Hey, Nathalia,” Troy greets. “Where’s the guys?”

“They’re walking around talking about boring things,” I say, waving my hand in the direction they went.

Jace and Troy laugh and then go find them.

“So, seriously. What is this place?” Emilie asks, walking towards the front.

“Marc has been up to some secretive stuff,” I say with a grin. “I’ll let him tell you.”

Adrienne and Emilie exchange a look and then we all trail behind the guys. We end up finding them as they’re entering the side of the building.

“This could hold a small restaurant. A café perhaps,” Marc says as the guys look around the room.

“So, what’s this place?” Jace asks.

Marc grins and then moves to the center of the room and faces everybody as they gather in a small group.

“This is what I’ve been working on lately. It’s going to be a members-only club.”

“Wait. Members-only like…what?” Troy asks.

Marc chuckles. “Like an
club.” He emphasizes adult, hoping that will get the message across. “With adult activities taking place on sight.”

Emilie’s eyes almost pop out. “Like a fucking sex mansion?”

Lincoln laughs. “There will be places for different things.”

“For real?” Jace asks.

Marc begins walking out of the room. “Come on, let me show you.”

We move through the room and enter a hall and then find what appears to be the main entrance area. It’s massive and extravagant, and I can’t wait to see it when it’s fully furnished and complete.

“This is a lounge, just like any lounge you’d find in the city. You can get a drink at the bar, listen to some low music, sit on the couch and talk with people. Then down here,” he moves to another room further back, “is the dance floor. Typical club atmosphere.

“Upstairs hold several rooms. Some of those rooms will be equipped for certain fantasies.”

“Oh my god, yes! This is fabulous!” Emilie exclaims.

Marc continues to explain the other buildings and how there will be a strip club type area, and then more bedrooms and open areas for people to be in. There’s pretty much everything you could need on this piece of land. It really is a brilliant idea.

As soon as he’s done talking, Adrienne and Emilie face each other and exchange a knowing look. “Bachelorette party!” they yell in unison.

“What?” Jace and Troy bark at the same time.

“And bachelor party. Calm down,” Emilie says. “We could totally come here and have dual parties. I mean, we have a strip club, a regular club, and alcohol. What more could we want?”

“Marc, please!” Adrienne pleads, clasping her hands under her chin.

He laughs. “I’m fine with it. You’ll just need to let me know when that will be.”

“And be aware that the only kinky sex you’ll be having is with me,” Jace says and pulls Adrienne into him and kisses her neck.

“Of course, baby!”

“Ooh. We could play in one of those rooms,” Emilie says as she sidles up to Troy.

“This is really awesome, man,” Troy says to Marc. “And we haven’t seen all of it yet, but I have no doubt this will be a big deal.”

“I hope so,” he answers.

“And you all are in on it?” Jace asks, pointing to Lincoln and me.

“Well, we weren’t aware until last night. Marc has been his usual secretive self, but yes, we will own it together,” I answer.

“Aww,” Emilie coos.

The guys separate and go over to the bar and start talking about club business stuff, so us girls stay behind and sit on a few chairs that are up against the wall.

“Damn, they’re a good-looking bunch,” Adrienne says as we all watch the guys at the bar.

“Mmhhmm,” Emilie agrees. “And you get two of them! Jealous! Don’t tell Troy,” she finishes with a laugh.

“You’re terrible,” Adrienne laughs.

Lincoln and Marc move towards the other room, Marc obviously showing him more of the building. I can’t keep my eyes off of them as they move across the floor, shoulder to shoulder. Their connection is so strong, it’s almost like you can see the sparks flying between them. When they get to the other room, they turn and face each other. Their happiness evident by the smile they share. Lincoln grabs the back of Marc’s head as Marc lays his hand over Lincoln’s jaw, and they connect for one of the sexiest kisses ever to exist.

“Fuck,” Emilie breaths, watching the same thing.

“Seriously. How do you get anything done around these two?” Adrienne says.

I laugh. “It’s hard to keep our hands to ourselves.”

“You don’t feel jealous watching that?” Emilie asks. “I feel like I’d want to cut a bitch.”

I shake my head. “I don’t feel jealous, because that right there,” I say, pointing at them, “is exactly what I have with the both of them. I’m lucky to be loved so deeply by two men, and they are loved by me and each other. It’s phenomenal.”

“Does your family know about this relationship?” Emilie asks.

“I only have my dad, and yes he knows how unconventional I am,” I say with a small laugh.

“He’s okay with it?”

“I’m a grown woman. I can do whatever I want. He has yet to meet Marc, but he knows Lincoln, and he really respects him. I can only imagine he’ll feel the same way about Marc.”

“I’m really glad we met you,” Adrienne offers. “We’ve all been so curious about Marc, but he liked to keep to himself, and nobody wanted to pressure him too much. I would have never guessed this, though.”

“No drug-dealing pimp, huh?”

“Nico!” Emilie huffs. “He’s crazy. I can’t wait until he finds out about all of this!”

“I’m really glad to know Marc’s friends.”

“Hey,” Emilie nudges me. “We’re your friends now, too.”

“Thanks. I haven’t had many female friends.”

Adrienne and Emilie look at each other. “Bitches,” they say together.

We all laugh and then I spot Lincoln and Marc walking towards me.

“Here comes sexy and sexier,” Emilie mumbles.

“Em!” Adrienne admonishes. “Which is which?” she asks quietly.

“Who cares?”

“Troy’s gonna kill you,” she laughs.

“He knows I love his sexy, chocolate self. I’m more than satisfied with him, but I still have eyes!”

I only laugh and shake my head.

“Hey, baby,” Marc says, leaning down to kiss my cheek. “What do you think?”

“Well, so far I love it!”

Lincoln walks behind me and rests his hands on my shoulders, then begins rubbing gently.

“This is beyond words. It’s even more remarkable than I imagined.”

“You’re going to have a pool out there?” Troy’s voice booms through the room as him and Jace walk back inside.

“There’s a pool?” Emilie screeches. “Y’all are gonna have to let me know what the members fee is gonna be, because I’m pretty sure I’m going to live here.”

Troy takes her to the pool, and Adrienne and Jace follow.

I stand up and lay my head against Marc’s chest while wrapping an arm around Lincoln’s waist and bringing him close. I’m sandwiched in between two beautiful men in a massive resort that we own together. Life couldn’t get much better.

“Yeah, man. Whenever you want. You always have a place to stay here. Okay, tell Mom and Dad I said hi and I’ll call later. Love you, G.”

“Your brother?” Lincoln asks, pushing himself against my back.

I put the phone on the end table and turn towards him. “Yeah. He wants to come visit.”

Lincoln raises his brows. “Meeting the family, huh?”

“Just my brother,” I laugh. It’s not like my parents are gonna come down here. They hate big cities.”

“I guess that means we’ll have to plan a trip to go see them,” he says, surprising me.

“You want to meet my family?” I ask.

“Of course. If I had a family, I’d introduce you to them.”

A frown tugs at my lips. Lincoln has told me that he was adopted. His parents were older, but they had always wanted a kid, so they adopted him when they were already in their forties. They both died a few years back, and left him alone with no siblings. He says he had a good life, though, and that’s what matters.

“I’d love for you to meet them,” I reply.

“We’ll make it happen, then. But, let’s focus on what’s important right now.”

“What’s that?” I ask, my voice dropping lower.

“You’re the birthday boy. What do you want to do?”

I smirk. “Hardly a boy.”

“Oh, I know,” he rasps, grabbing my dick through my boxer briefs. “You’re all man.”

“Mm. I think I know what I want.”

“I think I do, too,” he says, pulling the sheet over his head and moving down my legs.

Lincoln gives me a mind-numbingly amazing blow job for my birthday. His mouth moves over my flesh perfectly. He licks, tugs, and sucks just the way I like. It’s perfect. He’s perfect.

“Fuck, Linc. I’m gonna come if you don’t stop,” I say, gripping the sheets in my hands.

“Come, Marc. I want to taste you. We have all day for more orgasms.”

He grips the base of my cock and then takes me deep to the back of his throat. He strokes my shaft and a few seconds later, I’m shooting my come into his hot mouth.

Lincoln crawls up my body, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, and then kisses me deeply. I taste the saltiness of my arousal on his tongue.

“Mm. You taste good.”

“I think I should taste you,” I respond.

“You will. We have the whole day planned out. Thalia’s getting a few more things for our celebration tonight.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Good. Now, I’m gonna get in the shower.”

I smile at him and then he climbs from the bed and walks to the bathroom. Being with Lincoln and Nathalia has been incredible. We all mesh well together, and while we spend plenty of time together as a threesome, we make sure we spend quality time as twosomes as well. All of our connections are equal, so there haven’t been any issues with jealousy. We know we all love each other, and it’s the best kind of love. I’m so glad to finally be open with my friends and have them accept Lincoln and Nathalia as friends, too.

Nico was slightly surprised by all the new information once I told him, but he kept saying he knew something was up with me. He takes credit for knowing first, even though he was way off base with his assumptions. He’s been cool with it all, too, though. He tried hitting on Nathalia before I was able to tell him who she was. He was scared off by Lincoln pretty well, though, and now Troy and Jace always give him a hard time for “almost pissing himself.”

My phone rings, so I lean over and bring it to my ear.


“March twenty-eighth. Wedding day. Be there with your crew, and plan to have the bachelor/bachelorette party a few days before then.”

“Wait, what?” I ask, confused.

“Adrienne and I set a date. It’s March twenty-eighth.”

“Oh wow, congrats! That’s still just under a year away.”

“I know, but Adrienne is insistent on needing time to plan the perfect wedding. You know I’d be happy with the little white chapel as long as she says yes, but she wants it to be perfect, and so it will be.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to keep the date in mind for your parties.”

“Thanks, man. Happy birthday. We’ll see you later tonight at the party.”

“Thanks. See you later.”

I hang up the phone right as Nathalia rushes in with three bags in each hand.

“Hey there, birthday boy,” she greets, dropping the bags and jumping on the bed.

“Hey, yourself. Looks like you’ve been busy shopping.”

“I have been.” She straddles my hips and kisses me. “Did you hear about the wedding?”

“I just got off the phone with Jace.”

“Adrienne called me. She wants me to be a bridesmaid.”

“Really? That’s great.”

“I was surprised, but I’m excited to be included.” She looks around. “Where’s Linc?”


“Wanna surprise him?” she asks with a twinkle in her eye.

“Uhh. I don’t know if I’ll be able to participate much,” I admit.

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