Sins & Mistrust (26 page)

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Authors: Isabel Lucero

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BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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Lincoln looks taken aback. He shifts to his side and stares back at me. “I believe you,” he says softly.

Realizing I’m still wearing the condom, I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to get cleaned up. When I return, Lincoln leaves to do the same. Even though the sun is starting to come up, I’m exhausted. I climb back into the bed and wait for Lincoln to return. When he does, he closes the curtains, making it completely dark in the room once again.

He climbs into the bed and lies on his side, facing me. We’re still pretty far apart because the bed is so wide across.

“Come here,” I request.

He gives me a small smirk, but moves closer to me. Both of us lie on our sides, but now he’s close enough for me to lay my arm across his waist.

“Tell me about the phone call.”

He lets out a long sigh. “It was this guy I know. We’ve fooled around before, but never sex. He said that you and him were fucking.”

My eyes go wide and I push myself up on my arm. “What? Who the fuck is this guy?”

“His name is Trystan. He’s the one who told me you were an escort, so he knows who you are.”

“Wait, what? I don’t know any fucking Trystan.”

My mind races. I’ve never met a Trystan before in my life, and he told Lincoln I was an escort? He also knows I’m bisexual? What the fuck?

“He’s probably full of shit. He’s mad that I keep turning him down. When I showed interest in you, he seemed upset. I just figured he got over it.”

“How did he know I was an escort, and why would he say I fucked him? What if he were to tell my boss?”

Lincoln brushes his hand against my cheek. “Don’t worry about him. He’s a stupid fucking kid and I told him to keep his mouth shut.”

I lie back down and run a frustrated hand through my hair. “I can’t have my work know.”

“I thought you stopped.”

“I’m taking a break, but I’m still employed there. My boss will flip if she thinks I’m fucking guys while fucking clients.”

“Is she a homophobe?”

“No, but if the clients find out, it could ruin business. You know?”

“Not really, but okay.”

I huff. “Women don’t want to know that their fantasy guy, a guy they paid for, is out fucking men on his free time.”

“Why not? Do they think you don’t have sex with other women? You’re a fucking escort! You sleep with plenty of people.”

“I had this same conversation with Nathalia. I get where you’re coming from, but not everybody sees it that way. It’s more taboo for a man to be with a man.”

“That’s bullshit.”

“I agree.”

“So, why don’t you just quit? You’re not even taking clients anymore. Or are you?”

“No, I haven’t been taking any more clients.”

What I don’t say is that I still have one scheduled. She was a regular for a long time, and moved overseas for her job. She got in touch with me a while back saying she would be back in town and wanted to book me. I haven’t figured out what to do about that yet.

“Well,” Lincoln says, but doesn’t continue.

“Trystan?” I whisper, mostly to myself. Who the fuck is this guy and what is he up to?

“Don’t worry about it, Marc,” Lincoln says as he moves closer and runs a hand through my hair. “He just wanted to piss me off and make me think you were fucking him.”

“He knows about us?”

Lincoln stops touching me and backs up, giving me a funny look. “Are we keeping this a secret?
“I don’t talk to people about my personal life.”

“So, I’m supposed to do the same? What about Nathalia? Is she supposed to keep this to herself?”

“Look, don’t do that,” I sigh. “I was just wondering what you told him.”

“He came by my office while you were out of town. I just made it clear to him that I wasn’t interested because I was interested in someone else. When he questioned if it was you, I didn’t say anything. I just said he could leave.”

I prop myself up on my elbow and grin at him. “Which office did he stop by?”

Lincoln furrows his brows. “Why?”

“I just want to know if it was the office that I had fucked you in,” I say with a smirk.

He laughs. “It was.”

“So, you were interested in me after that day?”

Lincoln shakes his head, his face getting serious. His thumb comes up and strokes my bottom lip. “I was interested before then. How can you not know that?”

“Because you seemed interested in sex, not interested in the way that would make you turn down other people.”

“Have some faith in me,” he whispers right before leaning in and giving me a soft kiss.

When he pulls away we take a moment to look into each other’s eyes, his blue ones several shades darker than mine. His face is strikingly handsome with his high cheekbones and strong jaw. While he usually seems to have a serious scowl on his face, this time his face seems softer.

I nod, keeping eye contact with him, and then we lay together in his bed until we fall asleep.

“You know how I feel about you, right?” Lincoln asks, his knuckles brushing against my cheekbone.

I nod. “Yes.”

“Even though my rule has been in place for the amount of time I’ve known you, and we haven’t been able to be together intimately, I know in my heart that I love you. I love you more than anybody I’ve been with. With you, I’ve found a great friend, an independent, hard-working woman, and an overall admirable human being.”

“Lincoln,” I breathe, bringing my hand to my chest. “I love you, too. You know that. I’m so glad to have you in my life.”

“I want nothing more than this to work out between us, but given the unique circumstances, we have to all make sure we’re honest with each other.”

I nod in understanding.

“I told Marc yesterday that I love you. He knows how I feel about you, and I think that he should know.” He pauses. “Just like he should know that you love me. Have you told him?”

“No, I haven’t. I didn’t even think about it,” I say, becoming worried for some reason.

“Do you love him?” he asks.

“I…I don’t know. Maybe.”

“You guys have known each other for how long now?”

Thinking back to our first “date,” the night I hired him to go to Lincoln’s club with me, I say, “What’s this month? October? I think it’s been about six months now.”

“That sounds about right,” he nods. “It would make sense if you loved him. Do you think he has feelings for you?”

“I’d like to think so,” I say with a laugh. “But we’ve never gotten close to the topic of the L word.”

“I think maybe he’s still afraid this isn’t going to work,” Lincoln says, sitting back into the couch. “You know he hasn’t quit the escort company? I can only think it’s because he feels he’ll just go back to it soon.”

“Well, I know he hasn’t quit, but I didn’t really think that it was because he was anticipating us to fail.”

“I don’t really know what he’s thinking. I fucking hate that,” Lincoln growls.

I bark out a laugh that has Lincoln pinning me with a death glare. “What? I think it’s funny that he gets you all in a twist.”

“I’m not in a twist. I don’t even know what that means.”

“Do you love him, Lincoln?” I ask.

“What?” he demands, his eyes going wide. “Love him?”

The way he reacted tells me all I need to know. He’s definitely falling for him and he’s terrified.

“Never mind,” I say, leaving it alone.

He sits there quietly, his brows furrowed even more than usual. “I mean, how could I?”

“Are you really asking me?”

Looking over at me, he hesitates. “No, I’m not.”

Letting out a sigh, I get up from the couch and walk to the fridge to get some water. When I return, Lincoln stops me in front of him, and pulls me closer. His hands move around and grope my ass through the satin material of my shorts.

“What are you doing?” I ask playfully.

“Touching you.”

His hands move around to the front of my thighs and his fingers inch their way to my pussy.

“Okay,” I whisper.

I’m wondering when he’s going to stop himself. We’ve been doing more and more sexual things, but he always stops himself and it’s been driving me crazy. I just can’t seem to stop him from even starting because as soon as his hands are on me, I don’t want them off.

He looks up and raises a brow at me when his finger slides through my pussy lips. “Easy access?”

“Depends on what you’re going to do with it.”

Lincoln smiles. “Whatever I want.” Then my shorts are ripped down my legs. “Put your leg up here,” he says, pulling my left foot to the couch cushion next to him.

I’m now naked from the waist down and with my leg on the couch, my pussy is exposed to him, right at eye level. He scoots to the edge of the couch and places his hands on my waist. I drop the bottle of water and put my left hand in his hair.

“Lincoln,” I breathe.

He answers with his tongue. It darts out and licks the length of me in one quick motion.

“Mmm,” he moans, his mouth still on me.

I throw my head back and enjoy Lincoln’s tongue lashing. He completely consumes me and my legs begin to wobble. In a sudden movement, he lies me down on the couch and stands beside me, messing with the button on his pants. His eyes roam over me with heavy desire and I know he’s finally going to allow himself to be with me.

A knock on the door thunders throughout the room.

“Are you expecting anybody?” Lincoln asks, looking between the door and me.

I shake my head. “No.”

He stalks to the door and looks through the peephole. When he turns back towards me, he has a slight smirk on his face.

“What? Who is it?” I ask, grabbing for my shorts.

Instead of answering me, he runs a hand through his hair and opens the door. I go into a panic, trying to sit up and cover myself.

All the air leaves my lungs as I see Marc step into the room behind Lincoln.

Holy shit.

As I watch two of the sexiest men I’ve ever seen in my life stand near each other, my heart pounds heavily in my chest. It’s almost painful, and I feel like it’s audible through the entire room.

These two together should be a sin. An erotic, appealing, lovely fucking sin. Marc and Lincoln stand around the same height, Marc’s blonde hair a complete contrast to Lincoln’s black hair. Their both equally beautiful blue eyes look at me, and warmth pools in between my legs.

They’re both dressed in jeans, but Marc has on a long sleeved gray shirt, while Lincoln wears a black short sleeved T-shirt. Both shirts are stretched across wide shoulders and thick chests. How the hell did I get so lucky?

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Marc says. “I just wanted to bring you these.” He brings his hand from his pocket and my earrings dangle from his fingers. “You left them in my car.”

“Oh,” I say, unable to move from my position. “Thank you.”

“You aren’t interrupting anything, Marc,” Lincoln says. “You can join us if you’d like.”

They both turn their eyes to me and I swallow thickly. “Yeah, stay,” I say in a throaty voice.

He looks between us both and then gives a single nod. “Okay, if you’re sure.”

“Of course we’re sure,” Lincoln states.

“Looks like you might have been…busy,” Marc notes.

I’m relieved that I don’t hear jealousy in his tone, only interest.

“Not yet,” Lincoln quips, throwing Marc a wink.

They both walk over to the couch where I’m sitting in the center. I was able to get my shorts on, but they feel awkward on me. In my rush to cover myself, I didn’t pay much attention to how I was putting them on.

Lincoln sits on my right and Marc sits on my left. I’ve never felt more nervous. Or is it excited? I don’t know what it is I’m feeling, possibly too many things at one time. I’m curious as to what’s going to happen, I’m excited to be with them both, but also nervous. I let out a long breath.

Marc chuckles. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, why?” I ask, trying to sound casual.

“Well, you haven’t stopped fidgeting with your fingers since I walked in, and your breathing is erratic.”

“Also, your shorts are on wrong,” Lincoln says with a laugh.

I look down at my shorts and see that they are not only on inside out, but backwards. I knew they felt different.

Instead of letting myself be embarrassed by it, I stand up and face them both. “I guess I should fix them, then.”

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