Sins & Mistrust (23 page)

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Authors: Isabel Lucero

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BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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“No. I’d go to your house to get a workout.”

He laughs again. “Of course you would.”

“So, when do I get to see your house?”

“You say that like I’ve seen yours.”

“You can come see my house, Marc. I’d love to see what you look like in here.”

“Would I look any different than I do somewhere else?”

“Yes. You’d look like you belong here.”

The words are out before I can think about them. I wait for his response, hoping that wasn’t too serious of a statement. I can’t help but think Marc and I have a serious connection, though. We just haven’t had enough time together to find out for sure.

“Hmm.” I feel like time stops as I wait for the rest of his response. “I can go over tomorrow. Will you be free?”

I try not to let out my sigh of relief too loudly. While I didn’t outright ask him to come over, I can’t say I wasn’t hoping for it. “Yeah, tomorrow is fine,” I respond, not really even thinking if I have anything going on tomorrow.

“Okay. Text me directions and the time you want me there, and I’ll show up.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Well, I need to get dressed now. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

I groan. “You’re killing me. You’ve been naked this whole time?”

His deep chuckle fills my ear. “Good-bye, Lincoln.”

I wait until mid-afternoon to text Marc and give him directions to my place. I tell him to show up around six, and plan to have dinner almost ready by then.

The excitement I feel is something new to me. I’ve had people come over before, but never to this house. This house I keep to myself, usually. If I’m planning on just fucking somebody, I have them go to the apartment in the city. The threesomes I’ve had have all taken place in the city, as well. I only invite close friends and business associates to my actual home.

It didn’t feel right to invite Marc to the apartment. I felt like he deserved more than that. So, here I am in my kitchen, cooking up the best meal I know how to make. Something else I’ve never done before. What the fuck is happening to me?

Oh, I know. Marc. Marc is happening to me.

No man has gotten to me like he has. Maybe it’s because he fights me. He fights his attraction to me, and doesn’t beg me to take him like some people do. Namely, Trystan. The kid doesn’t have to be so desperate. He really is good-looking, but his personality needs some work. Marc on the other hand doesn’t need any work. I was drawn to him the moment I saw him in my club. That was really the reason I started walking over towards him, then I saw Thalia, and figured it was meant to be for me to go check him out.

With the asparagus almost done, and the shrimp already fried, I put it in the oven on a low temperature to keep warm while I start the steaks.

The bell rings as soon as I drop the steaks onto the grill in my kitchen, so I rush to get it before I need to turn them.

When I open the door, Marc stands before me wearing a gray, long-sleeved shirt. All I can focus on is how well this shirt hugs his muscles. The sleeves are pushed up almost to his elbows, revealing his tanned skin.

“Hey,” he greets, running a hand through his hair.

“Hey, come on in,” I say, pulling the large, wooden door open wider.

“Thanks,” he says, flashing me a crooked grin. Fuck. That smile is going to be the death of me. “You cooking?” he asks.

“Yeah, I need to get back to the steaks. How do you like yours?”

“Medium rare.”

“Good, me too.”

We walk through the living room and around a corner, right into the kitchen. I take my place in front of the grill while he stands near the bar that separates the kitchen from a small seating area. His eyes go to the TV mounted on the wall above the fireplace. I’ve always loved the TV being there. On either side of the fireplace are six paneled floor-to-ceiling windows, giving the perfect view of the backyard.

“Nice house,” he compliments.

“Thanks. I like it.”

He chuckles. “I’d hope so. Not really sure how you couldn’t.” I give him a small smile and flip the steaks. “So, dinner, huh?” he asks, sitting at the bar in front of me.

“Everybody has to eat,” I say with a shrug.


“Why? Were you hoping to jump straight to dessert?”

He gives me that perfect smile again. “No. I just assumed that’s what you were planning.”

“Wishful thinking on your part, I’m sure,” I say with a smirk.

I turn to grab some plates from the cabinet behind me and place them next to the stove.

“Maybe,” he answers.

I look up at him in surprise and raise a brow. “Interesting.”

I place the steaks on the plates, grab the asparagus and shrimp from the oven and situate them next to the steak.

“What do you want to drink?” I ask, walking to the fridge.

“Water is fine.”

I place everything on the bar and take a seat next to Marc.

“Thanks,” he says, grabbing for his knife and fork. “Everything looks great. I wouldn’t figure you for a cook.”

“Why’s that?” I ask.

“You seem like the type that would have somebody cook for you.”

I laugh. “Nope. I cook for myself.”

He nods his head and takes a bite of the steak. “Mm. This is really good,” he says after he’s done chewing.

“What can I say? I know my way around a good piece of meat.”

Marc chokes out a laugh. “I suppose you do.”

“So, what have you been up to lately? Besides staying far away from me.”

He gives me a look. “You know why I did that.”

“Right, right. To get to know us individually first. So, I take it it’s my turn now since you’re here.”

“Maybe I was just ready to see you again,” he says, turning his head slightly to look at me before focusing on his food.

I clear my throat. “I guess you and Thalia are developing a good relationship?”

“We are.”

“That’s good to hear,” I say.

“Mmhhmm,” he murmurs as he continues to devour his food.

After we finish our meal, we head into the living room and sit on opposite ends of the couch.

“So, tell me about your relationship with Nathalia.” Marc says.

“What do you mean?” I ask, confusion marring my face.

“I’m just trying to get to know more about you. I want to know how you feel about her.”

I shift my body so I’m facing him, and he does the same. Our arms rest along the back of the couch.

“I love her, Marc. That’s how I feel about her.”

He looks shocked for a second before clearing his expression. “You haven’t slept together though, right?”

“That’s right, but having sex doesn’t solidify your feelings. If anything it can make it more complicated. I love her because of who she is. I love her personality, I love her feistiness, I love her kind heart, and I love her strength. She’s a great woman, and I don’t need to have sex with her to know that.”

“That’s pretty commendable, Linc.”

“Are you surprised that I’m not a complete asshole who’s only into sex?” I ask with a smirk.

“I kind of am,” he says with a laugh. “You can’t say that’s not how you come off.”

“Fuck off,” I laugh. “Maybe the way I present myself has been a shield. I wasn’t interested in more than sex before.”

He pauses to take that into consideration. “I got another question.”


“Why won’t you sleep with her?”

I sigh. “It’s a long story.”

“I have time,” he says, leaning back into the corner of the couch.

“I’ve only told this story to Thalia.”

“I’m just trying to get to know more about you, Linc. You don’t have to tell me, though.”

I think about it and realize it makes sense to tell him why I am the way that I am, especially since we’re supposed to be starting this relationship. I re-tell the same story I told Thalia, and wait for his response.

“Well,” he pauses. “I guess I can understand your rule now.”

“Really?” I ask, surprised.

“Sure. However, I don’t think you’re that kind of guy, Linc. You’d never hurt a woman on purpose, and honestly, you didn’t even hurt your woman at the time. She just wasn’t into dirty talk and a little roughhousing. You didn’t slap her, beat her, or rape her. She was just taken by surprise because you had always done what she wanted you to do before.”

“I guess.”

“No. That’s just the truth. You did nothing wrong. Thalia wants to be with you, and if all of us are going to have this three-way relationship, we have to be realistic. There will be times that only you and I are together, only she and I are together, but then there should also be times for you and her to be together.”

“I’m just worried that I’ll be too rough with her,” I admit.

Marc lets out a small laugh and shakes his head. “I’m rough, Linc. I’m rough with Nathalia, and you know what? She loves it.”


“I told Nathalia a while back that I like being rough. I love inflicting pain. I know that sounds bad, but when the person who’s on the receiving end enjoys it, it gives me that much more pleasure. We’ve been experimenting with toys and things, and I promise you, you won’t scare her off by being a little rough.”

“Huh,” I grunt. “By inflicting pain you mean…”

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “It took me a while to be comfortable with it. She’s the one who begged for more. She loves being controlled. She truly loves that the pleasure is heightened by the pain. I don’t want it to sound like I beat her, because any hit she receives, she wants and enjoys. The pain is only to enhance the bliss, never as a punishment.”

I nod my head, understanding, and then my phone rings.


“Mr. Cash, it’s Chris. We need you to come down to the club.”

“What? Why?” I ask.

“Steve Williams is in here drunk off his ass and yelling about his membership being canceled. We don’t want to involve the cops, but he wants to talk to you, so we figured we’d give it a shot. I’m sorry for bothering you.”

I sigh and run a hand over my face. Marc is watching me with curious eyes.

“Fine. I’ll be there soon, but I’m not staying long. I have plans tonight, and this is ruining them.”

“Yes, sir.”

I hang up the phone and toss it on the cushion in front of me.

“Problem?” Marc asks.

“Yeah, fucking club manager needs me to handle something. I’m sorry. Will you come with me? I’m not going to be long, and then we can come back here.”

“Sure. Which club?”

I stand up and smirk at him. “I believe you referred to it as the sex club.”

“Well, you did offer to give me a tour yourself.”

“I guess I did,” I say with a smile.

We get into my black Mercedes and drive about half an hour before we get to the club. The apartment in the city is where I stay if I know I have a lot of club work to do, but tonight was supposed to be my night off.

“I fucking hate driving,” I complain as I get stuck behind people who want to drive under the speed limit.

“Get a driver,” Marc offers.

“I have one, actually,” I say with a grin.

“Really? Mr. Important, huh?”

“More like Mr. I Really Hate Driving, and sometimes I’d rather be driven to and from meetings while making phone calls or working on business plans.

“That’s too long of a name,” Marc laughs.

“Whatever. I only use him sometimes. I’m not that spoiled.”

I pull into the alleyway behind the club, and Marc and I make our way in through the back door and instantly go to my office. Steve and Chris are both inside, and I hear Steve complaining about having to wait this long right as I walk in.

“Mr. Williams,” I greet through gritted teeth.

He should have known better than to be back here. His membership was revoked by me personally, because the last time he was here he got way too forceful with some of the women, and proceeded to get naked in the middle of the main floor. It wasn’t the first time, either.

“Mr. Cash, I don’t appreciate having to wait here for thirty minutes.”

“I don’t appreciate having to drive thirty minutes from my house to have to talk to you, because you decided to show up at a place you’re no longer welcome at.”

“I don’t know why my membership was revoked,” he says, getting to his feet unsteadily.

“Maybe because you were drunk, like you are now, but I’ll explain.” I step closer to him. “You came into my club and started becoming belligerent with the women. You tried forcing yourself on a few, and when they declined, you found it necessary to shout obscenities at them. Does that ring any bells? How about when you decided to strip down in front of everybody and fondle yourself?”

“I did no such thing.”

“Yes, you did. You are no longer welcome here. You are no longer welcome at any of my clubs. If I see you again, I won’t hesitate to knock you on your ass. Do you understand?”

“This is bullshit and you know it!” he yells, coming closer to me.

I see Marc move from the doorway and further into the room.

“You got your money back for the month. You have nothing to complain about.”

“You’re an asshole!” he shouts in my face.

“That’s fine. Now get the fuck out of my club.”

He looks around at me, Chris, and Marc, and probably realizes he shouldn’t start anything.

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