Single Ladies (18 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Single Ladies
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“I wish you the best, Tammy,” Chris said, then bit down on his bottom lip in frustration. “Take care of yourself,” he continued, while getting up from his seat and walking off to the officer's station.
He terminated the visit, leaving Tammy sitting there in her sorrow. As he disappeared into the back, the reality of the situation hit Tammy like ton of bricks. It was no longer “Tammy and Chris.” It had been that way as far back as she could remember. Even when they were in their roughest times, never in a million years did she think they would not be together. But, somehow, she had messed around and fallen in love with somebody else. She wasn't sure if it was fear or regret that was now setting in.
* * *
Lamar walked into the house singing “You” by Jesse Powell. He went upstairs and walked straight to Kim's room, but she wasn't there. He checked the bathroom and then the guest room in the back, and still there was no sign of her. “Kim!” he yelled out, then paused in the hallway, listening for a response. Still nothing!
“Come on wit' da dumb shit,” he said, walking toward his room. “I know I ain't made this decision and she done spent the night somewhere else,” he continued.
When he opened the door, Kim was lying in his bed asleep with nothing but one of his T-shirts on. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, waking Kim out of her sleep. She opened her eyes to see Lamar looking down at her with a smirk on his face. Seeing her lying there so peaceful brought happiness to his heart, and it was at that point he understood that his heart had made the choice for him and not his dick.
“Is this what you want?” Kim asked in a soft tone.
Lamar reached over and removed some hair that was covering part of her face. The more he looked at her, the more his heart was content and at ease. He had never felt this way before, and it felt good.
“Please don't hurt me, Kim,” Lamar said with pleading eyes.
Kim sat up in the bed and placed her chin on Lamar's shoulder. She could feel his concerns without him even having to say them. In a sense, she felt the same way, and didn't want to be hurt, but everything was telling her that Lamar was the one for her.
“I love you, Lamar, and I promise you that I will do everything in my power to protect your heart. I just need your all in return,” she said, wrapping her arms around his waist.
Lamar turned to face her, kissing her softly and laying her back on the bed. He climbed on top of her, positioning himself between her legs. Looking down at her felt so right. This was surely where he belonged.
“I love you, Kimberly Levin,” he said before kissing her yet again, this time with more passion.
To consummate their newfound bond, Lamar made love to Kim for the rest of morning, only stopping for water and bathroom breaks. It was probably the most intense sexual moment either one of them had ever experienced, and for the record, they enjoyed every last second of it.
* * *
The ride back from the jail seemed like forever in Tammy's eyes. She had more than enough on her mind, and really didn't feel like doing anything but going home and getting in the bed. Breaking up with Chris was by far the hardest thing she'd ever had to do. It seemed like she missed him now more than ever. The one thing Tammy was certain of was that it was over. She knew Chris well enough to know that he was so prideful he would never want to be with her again. That hurt Tammy more than anything, and the more she thought about it, the more she started to question if she had done the right thing.
Hearing her phone ring, Tammy almost broke her neck trying to get it out of her bag. A part of her was hoping it was Chris calling, so she could talk to him, but it wasn't. It was Darious, someone she really didn't feel like talking to right now, but she answered it anyway.
“Yeah,” Tammy answered, looking out the window at cars passing by the van.
“Are you okay?” Darious asked, hearing the sadness in her voice.
“I'm a little stressed out right now, but I'll be all right,” Tammy responded. “Wassup wit' you?”
Darious was aware of her intent to tell Chris about them. They had spoken about it the night before, and even though Darious told her it wasn't necessary, Tammy had insisted on doing it anyway. Darious kind of figured today wasn't going to be a good day for her.
“Look, I got a lot of stuff to take care of today, so if you wanna talk, then just call me after eight o'clock tonight. Also, I know you gotta go to work tomorrow, but I need you to call in sick,” Darious said.
“Why, what's going on?”
“Try not to ask too many questions. I'll be there in the morning to pick you up. I'll tell you everything when I get there,” Darious explained. “So let me get out of here. I'll talk to you later. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Tammy responded instinctively. She didn't know what it was, but Darious had her wide open. He always seemed to brighten up the worst days Tammy had. Plus, he was so understanding when it came down to her relationship with Chris. That's probably the reason it was so easy for Tammy to have fallen in love with him. It was wrong in a sense, but it felt so good to love and be loved back. This was life.
For the rest of the ride home, Tammy took her mind off Chris and thought about Darious and what in the world he had planned. Whatever it was, Tammy knew that it was something special. Darious never fell short when it came to surprises and trying to please her. That was one of the many things she liked about him. Never in her life did anyone ever cater to her the way that Darious did, not even Chris. It was as if he made Tammy the center of his world, and he didn't just run off at the mouth saying it. Darious really showed how he felt through his actions.
* * *
Falisha sat in her bedroom windowsill looking over at Kim and Lamar's house. She started to call him and curse him out for not coming straight to her apartment when he got home, but she thought against it, even though she felt some type of way. The Victoria's Secret lingerie set and pair of Christian Louboutin heels she had on all night looked amazing on her. He didn't know it, but Lamar had really missed out on something epic last night.
“Don't call now, nigga,” Falisha said, looking across the room at her cell phone vibrating on the nightstand.
She walked over to grab it, ready to give Lamar a piece of her mind. The only thing was, it wasn't Lamar calling. It was Fox. Falisha answered it, interested only to see what he had to talk to her about.
“Oh, now you wanna follow instructions,” Falisha playfully answered, as she sat on the bed.
“Well, you know Obama said that change is good,” Fox replied with a laugh. “You know, I was thinking about you the other day.”
“And what was ya little nasty mind thinking?” Falisha asked, rolling off her fishnets.
“It didn't have anything to do with sex. I thought about how much I miss having you around. You wasn't just my girl. I seen you as good friend, believe it or not.”
She knew that Fox had game for days and it came in many forms, but this was new. It actually sounded sincere, and it had Falisha thinking. She kind of missed chillin' with Fox also. Despite all the drama she had to go through with his many, many side pieces, Fox really did know how to make a girl feel wanted.
“Look, I got a party coming up next weekend, and I was wondering if you could come out and support me, you know, as a friend?” Fox asked.
Falisha thought about it. She didn't want to make Lamar mad but, at the same time, she did want to show Fox some support.
He's not asking to sleep with me, and who says Lamar has to find out anyway?
Besides, Falisha was a party animal, and she knew that if Fox rented out a club, it was going to be bananas.
“Let me see what I got going on that weekend. If I'm free, then I'll come through,” Falisha told him. “I'll let you know in a couple of days. Is that cool?”
“Yeah, that's cool, baby girl. Make sure you do that so I can have ya VIP passes ready for you. And if you wanna bring ya boyfriend wit' you, that's cool, too. I don't got no ill feelings toward him,” Fox assured her.
This definitely wasn't the Fox Falisha knew. The change that he was talking about became more apparent in his words and, oddly, it was somewhat attractive to her. It wasn't to the point where she thought about getting back with him or anything; she just admired the maturity in an older man. It was definitely a good look on Fox.
“A'ight, Fox, I'll give you a call,” Falisha said.
“A'ight, baby girl; and don't hesitate to call me if you need anything,” Fox ended before hanging up the phone.
Chapter 27
Lisa and Naomi headed out the door, ready to start their day. Lisa had adjusted her work schedule in order to be able to take Nomi to school in the morning. It used to be Ralphy's job, but just like everything else in her life, she now had to learn how to adapt.
“Mommy, look,” Naomi yelled, pointing to the street.
Ralphy had pulled up, getting all the attention from the little kids on their way to school. His Range Rover was a head turner, like most luxury vehicles rolling through the hood.
“Daddy!” Naomi yelled, running up and jumping into his arms when he got out of the SUV.
“Hi, princess,” he said giving her two fat-faced kisses.
Lisa wanted to run up and kiss him too, but opted to just say hello with a smile. This was the hard part for her, standing there in front of him while he stood there looking sexy as hell to her. “You gon' take ya princess to school this morning?” Lisa asked, smiling at how much Naomi looked just like him.
“Yeah, I think I can do that. I really don't have much to do today. If it's okay, I'll probably pick her up, too. What do you think about us going out for dinner?” Ralphy asked as he put Naomi in the back seat.
“I think that would be nice,” Lisa answered.
“I might as well take you to work too, then pick you up after I get Naomi. After dinner, I can bring both of you home,” Ralphy suggested.
Lisa wasn't about to protest that in the least. This was a big step in their relationship, and she was more than willing for them to spend time together as a family. Naomi needed that, so did Lisa, and, in all honesty, Ralphy needed it too.
* * *
“Wake up sleepyhead,” Lamar said, tapping Kim on the shoulder. “You gon' be late for work.” He laughed.
Kim cracked her eyes open and Lamar cupped his hand over his nose and made a stinky face. She punched him in the stomach for teasing her about her morning breath.
“Boy, my breath don't stink,” she defended, puckering up her lips for a kiss. “Stop playing,” she said after Lamar backed away from her.
He leaned back in and kissed her anyway, and to his surprise, her breath really didn't stink nor did her tongue taste salty. That was something new he didn't know about her, and it was pleasing to find out that he could wake up every morning to her kiss. “So what time are you going on ya lunch break today?” Lamar asked, climbing out of bed.
“Why, you gon' bring me something to eat?” Kim asked.
“I was thinking about it. Just call me and let me know what you want me to get you,” he said, heading for the shower.
Kim stretched and yawned, then got out of the bed to join Lamar in the shower. When she got to the bathroom, Lamar was sitting on the toilet taking a shit. He looked up in shock when she walked in. Kim laughed at his facial expression.
“We are a couple now. You don't got no privacy anymore.” Kim laughed, climbing into the already steaming shower. “And since I'm on the topic of us officially being a couple, when are you going to tell her?” Kim yelled through the running shower water.
Lamar hurried up and wiped his ass then joined Kim in the shower. This was the first time he'd been in the shower with Kim, and the way the water beaded off her body made his dick hard. She was looking so sexy.
“I'ma get around to it. You know I'm not the kind of guy who intentionally hurts others. I just wanna do it at the right time,” Lamar said, wrapping his arms around Kim under the water.
The only reason Kim didn't object to his way of doing things was because she kind of felt the same way. Falisha was a very close friend of hers, if not her best friend, and when she found out that Kim and Lamar were together, it was going to hurt, despite how much Falisha would try to deny it. Kim knew she didn't want to be the one to tell her, so she would respect Lamar's timeline in revealing their relationship.
“I love you, boy,” Kim said, turning around to face him.
She looked down at his rock-hard dick and couldn't help herself. She moved from the front to the back of the shower, out from under the water. Lamar's eyes followed her as she bent straight over and held on to the edge of the tub. Her soft, wet, pink pussy spread apart, giving him a clear shot of it. A good, stiff dick was exactly what she needed to get her day started, and Lamar was more than happy to provide it for her.
* * *
Darious pulled up to Tammy's house with another car following him. Darious wasn't in the streets like that, but he did have a couple of his close friends who were, and they didn't mind putting in work for him. When Darious got out of the car, so did they, and there wasn't a question as to whether they had guns on them, because they were clearly visible, poking out of their waistline. They stood in front of Tammy's house like they were guarding the president.
“Why you ain't dressed yet?” Darious asked when Tammy came to the door looking like she had just woken up.
“I'm sorry. I fell back to sleep when I took Anthony to school and dropped the baby off at the daycare center,” Tammy said, stepping to the side so he could come in. Tammy looked outside and saw the two thugs standing in front of her door, then she walked back into the house with Darious. “What's going on?” she asked, walking up to him.
“It's nothing. Just hurry up and get dressed. We got somewhere to be in less than an hour,” he said, leaning in and giving Tammy a kiss.
Having already taken a shower that morning, Tammy went upstairs and got dressed. About ten minutes later, she was back downstairs and they were heading out the door. It didn't take long for Tammy to look up and see that they were on the highway.
“So where are you taking me today?” Tammy smiled, reaching over and softly scratching the side of Darious's head.
“You said you love me, right?” he asked, looking in his rearview mirror before getting off on the exit.
“Of course I do, babe,” she answered.
“Well, I love you too, and I wanna be able to chill wit' you without having to look over my shoulders, wondering if ya baby father's brother gon' shoot me. I wanna be able to spend the night wit' you and not rush to get up and leave in the morning because it's checkout time at the hotel,” Darious said.
“I understand how ya feel, but how do you plan on fixin' that?” she asked with a curious look on her face.
“Look around, Tammy,” Darious told her, pointing out the window “We're twenty-five minutes away from the hood, and look at your surroundings.”
She looked out of the window and noticed the quiet suburban area Darious was driving through. It wasn't too upscale for the average white family to live in, but it was definitely better than the rough, drug-infested neighborhood Tammy had lived in all her life. It was hard for her to deny wanting to live in a better community. Her only problem was deciding if she was ready to move into a house with Darious this early in their relationship. Before Tammy could even bring up that issue, Darious pulled into the garage of the first house he had on his three-house viewing agenda for the day.
“Wow,” Tammy said, getting out of the car and looking at the beautiful townhouse.
Tammy looked at Darious then back at the house. She could already picture herself coming home from work and sticking her key in the front door. So far, Darious didn't fall short in any aspect of being a real man, and Tammy could see that he wasn't going to make it easy for her to deny packing up her things and moving in with him.
* * *
After Kim went to work, Lamar tried to get some sleep, since he had been up all night and most of the morning. The doorbell ringing really put a monkey wrench in his plan, especially since he was almost 100 percent sure who it was. He started not to answer, but that wouldn't have done him any good, because Falisha wasn't going to let him sleep anyway.
He shot downstairs and answered the door, and there she was, standing there with a miniskirt and tank top on, and some Chuck Taylors on her feet. Lamar couldn't lie. She was making basic hood clothes look oh so good. He thought about how good her body always felt, and just her standing there made his dick start to get hard.
“Nigga, where you been all night?” Falisha asked, brushing right by him and walking into the house. “Did Kim go to work yet?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
“You know she's gone already. Ay, listen. While you're here, I need to talk to you about something,” Lamar said, taking a seat on the arm of the couch.
Falisha didn't pay him any mind. She walked over to Lamar and straddled him on the couch. She began kissing him with small pecks against his lips, which he was finding difficult to deny. She went from his lips to his neck, and for a moment, he almost forgot what he needed to talk to her about.
“Hold up, Falisha. Chill for a second,” Lamar said, pulling his neck away from her lips.
It was as if Falisha wasn't hearing anything Lamar was saying. When she got into her sex zone, there wasn't too much that could stop her. She pulled her tank top over her head, allowing her bare chest to flop out. Feeling them against his chest had Lamar at his breaking point. His dick was so hard, and Falisha could feel it through his sweat pants, right at the entry point of her pussy. She looked at him and bit down on her bottom lip in a seductive manner.
“Stop playing, boy. You know you want this pussy,” she said, standing up and dropping her skirt to the ground. “I'm wet as hell.” She smirked.
Lamar couldn't take it anymore. It was like his brain shut down and his dick started running the show. In a lustful rage, he jumped up from the couch, grabbed Falisha by her throat and her waist and lifted her in the air. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on to the back of his neck as he walked her across the room to the nearest wall. He slammed her up against it, dropped his sweatpants and pushed his dick deep inside of her. Mad at himself and at Falisha for seducing him like this, he viciously fucked her to the point where she could barely take the dick. He pounded away, making sure every inch of his meat dug inside of her. Falisha yelled out in both pain and pleasure, and within a few minutes of Lamar giving her the business, they both exploded at the same time: Falisha all over him, and Lamar all inside of her; but unlike every sex session that seemed so amazing between them, this one had a very heavy price tag on it. A price that Lamar knew he probably couldn't afford.

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