SimplyIrresistible (2 page)

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: SimplyIrresistible
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He stood and crossed his arms. A frown made his harsh
features more intimidating.

Clearly she failed to respond to whatever he’d said. She’d
been so busy gaping, she couldn’t recall a single word.

He moved nearer—much too close for her sanity. Her heart
accelerated and her skin tingled. She breathed in a hint of sandalwood, cloves
and clean, musky male. His overwhelming presence held her in place. Was she
frozen from fear or the desire to surrender to his rough mercy?

He stopped. His chest almost touched her breasts. He slid
the shades down, peering at her over the top of the tinted lens. Eyes darker
than a moonless midnight sky met hers. Power shimmered from him like a force

Tiana hadn’t seen him at the club before, but he defined

“Thanks.” She held out her hand for her security card.

He traced the diagonal mark where the safety strap had
marred her bare shoulder and the tender swell of her upper breast.

His touch caused an ache entirely separate from the soreness
of her bruises. His gaze followed his knuckles, burning right through her skin,
seeing far more than she was ready to expose.

Her reaction to this stranger shook her fragile faith in her
own judgment. She straightened her spine. The extra quarter inch she gained
made her at least five-eight without the adorable blue sandals. The heels
brought her eye level with his jaw. She lifted her chin.
Strength comes in
smaller packages too, big guy.

The blend of his subtle aftershave or cologne and his own
healthy male scent flirted with her nose, intoxicating her and accessing some
interior hormone factory. A yearning for him to correct her defiance and take
control flooded through her.

She was hyperaware of his proximity, her freshly waxed
pussy, the constriction of her corset and tiny thong beneath her light sundress
and her heart rate accelerated. Her tongue seemed glued to the roof of her
mouth. She focused on a tuft of black chest hair visible in the open vee of his
shirt. She lowered her gaze only to lock on well-defined biceps and brawny
forearms. His nearness held her as rapt as a star-struck teen in the presence
of her idol.

When his blunt-tipped fingers didn’t release the plastic
card a spark of daring made her tug on the edge.

He held tight.

She pursed her lips. “Give me my card.”

“Did Master Lewis fail to teach you how to speak to a

“No Sir.” Her defiance wilted under his disapproval. Of
course he knew Master Lewis and would probably report her lack of respect. She
could look forward to some diabolically creative punishment.

“Please give it to me, Sir.” She tugged again, trying to
retrieve the small rectangle. Their fingers met. A frisson skittered along her
synapses from the point where they touched. She wavered on her fragile heels as
a wave of potent sensual awareness engulfed her.

He steadied her with a broad palm on her hip.

She stilled, staying as mum as a turnip.

He gently lifted her chin, tacitly encouraging her to meet
his gaze. “Are you okay?”

His hand was warm and calloused, making her wonder what this
powerful man did when he wasn’t overwhelming innocent women. The kindly
crinkles at the corners of his eyes bolstered her courage. “I’m fine. Please
let go of me, Sir.”

“You’re very beautiful and very new.” He didn’t release her.

She dropped her eyes again and nodded. Too late she realized
the dip of her head made it seem as if she agreed with his ridiculous
compliment. Her cheeks heated.

“You must be new to the lifestyle as well to blush so

The warmth from his hand left her face, leaving her slightly
chilled. Heat flooded back as he brushed his knuckles along the side of her
neck, across her shoulder and skimmed down her arm.

She wasn’t all that new, but she didn’t trust herself to
manage a coherent explanation. There was nothing overtly sexual in his barely
there caress, yet he’d captured her completely. Her nipples ripened into hard
berries of need and shocking cream dampened her bare pussy.

“You may call me Sir, or Master if you prefer. And your name

There was no reason not to tell him her name. He could learn
it easily enough by asking Master Lewis or Master Guthrie. This weekend she was
moving to Sterling Falls with a population 3,627, so it wasn’t likely she would
run into him outside the Crucible. “Tiana, Sir.”

“A beautiful name for a lovely submissive. You aren’t going
anywhere in a hurry. Not while I’m enjoying holding you. You’re going make
someone a sweet slave.”

She tried to remember why she wanted to avoid strong

More cars arrived, doors opened, footsteps tapped on the
walk and still she couldn’t pull away from him.

“No harassing my trainees,” Master Lewis’ cheerful baritone
boomed from somewhere behind them.

“I should’ve guessed,” the mystery Master murmured.

Tiana kept her eyes respectfully lowered, but she felt his
focus leave her like the moon eclipsing the sun.

“Just trying to do my part, old man. Disciplining your own
bratty slave keeps you too busy to corrupt newbies.”

“Funny.” Master Lewis passed his submissive, Heather with a
caress of her bare arm. This brief show of tenderness for his sub didn’t
prevent him from elbowing the other Master en route to the scanner.

Tiana swallowed a gasp at the jab.

The blow didn’t seem to faze her mystery man. The men
entered the Crucible together, both of them chuckling.

Heather, an elfin blonde, propped open the dungeon’s heavy
door with a slender hip. “Come on, pokey. It’s cool inside and I’m roasting.”

In spite of her claim, the woman looked as frosty as ever.
She’d dressed for the heat in scanty white shorts and a pastel halter that
accented her sky-blue eyes.

Tiana managed a smile for her friend and hurried into the

The small slave gave her a mischievous grin. “Are you ready
to graduate?”

“I thought so, but the butterflies doing Zumba in my belly
aren’t so certain.”

Heather tilted her pixie cut toward the Masters ahead. “If I
didn’t belong to Master Lewis heart and soul and Master Liam beckoned, my knees
would be shaky.”

Tiana rubbed away another set of chill bumps. Was it
excitement or fear or a bit of each that made her so edgy? “Don’t take this
wrong, but him scaring you actually makes me feel better.”

“The best Masters tend to have that kind of intense edge,
but you can trust them to know just how far to push your limits.”

Tiana fussed with her sundress’s left shoulder tie. “I must
have zoned out on that class. I thought a good Master always respects a
submissive’s boundaries.”

“You’re right. A good one does respect limits. A great one
understands the difference between what a sub thinks she wants and what she

“I’ve never known such a Master. I’m not sure I’m ready for
one.” While the admittance spilled from Tiana’s lips without a filter, she
didn’t regret speaking truth.

Heather squeezed her arm. “None of us ever are, sugar.”

Possibly Tiana had already met the kind of a powerful Dom
Heather meant. Master Liam seemed to see past her defenses to the fears she
couldn’t confront alone. Beyond the terror of total surrender came freedom from
her inner demons. She hoped.

It didn’t matter, she wasn’t brave enough to pursue him. To
do so would be pointless anyway. A submissive caught pursuing a Dom would incur
serious punishment, perhaps censure. She wouldn’t risk being ejected from the
club for anyone.

The whole reason she’d chosen the Crucible was for the
organization’s reputation for providing a safe, sane and consensual place to
play. Trusting a Dom enough to let him bind her had been a big first step. She
was ready for another step, perhaps sensation play or a bit of light flogging.

A little while ago spending time alone with a Dom, even at
the club, sounded like an impossible act of courage. Now she actually imagined
Master Liam commanding her to strip and complying with his order. Would he take
advantage of her attraction and hurt her? Her body had responded to him
unquestionably. Her head wasn’t so reckless.

Her gaze followed the broad shoulders taking up so much
space in her mind. Once he’d vanished around a corner, she dashed after Heather
into the women’s locker room. “Is there anything about him I need to know? Is
he already involved?”

Heather’s pretty mouth curved. “Lots, but training you to
serve a hard Master isn’t my department.” She paused then added, “He used to
top a big blonde off and on, more on than off if you know what I mean. They
ended a couple of months ago. She hasn’t been around and he disappeared for
weeks. Since he came back to the club he’s been a one-time-and-done kind of

If he liked full-figured blondes Tiana was out of the
running. But he’d seemed interested in her, at least enough to flirt. Perhaps
he enjoyed variety in his slaves. She tucked the information Heather had shared
to consider later.

She must have looked more clueless than usual because
Heather squeezed her hand kindly and added, “For the past month, he hasn’t
played with the same slave twice.”

The warning stung. Tiana wasn’t quite sure why. Flirting in
the parking lot didn’t mean he would want to do a scene with her. If by some
miracle he wanted to top her it was even more doubtful she would have the
courage to agree. She kept her tone light. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not ready for
anything long-term.”

A snarky inner voice, taunted,
And you never will be
She didn’t waste time arguing with her demons. She simply quit listening.

Heather wriggled out of her top and shorts, stepping into a
brief silver latex dress that molded to her petite curves and didn’t conceal a
single thing. “Who knows, he might be perfect for you. Here Masters approach
slaves, not the other way around, but I saw the way he looked at you.
Approaching won’t be an issue.”

“He didn’t introduce himself.” Tiana peeked at her friend.
Subs weren’t allowed to wear anything she considered modest, but there were
degrees of exposure. A wave of gratitude for her concealing corset and thong
warmed her.

“He might have been thunderstruck,” Heather suggested

Tiana plumped her meager breasts into the bustier’s top. “I
doubt it. He didn’t tremble like a cornered mouse.”

“You’ve got more steel than the average rodent.”

“Speaking of tough stuff, will you please tighten my laces?”

Heather pulled the corset’s sturdy strings taut, carving a
couple of inches from Tiana’s torso. “Why do you wear these? The black is sexy,
but you’re already slender. You don’t need waist training.”

“It makes me feel secure—in control.” Tiana sucked in her
stomach and peered over her shoulder at Heather’s progress.

“Uh-huh.” Heather knotted the lacing and raised a delicate
eyebrow. “You’re forgetting we’re at the Crucible to lose control.”

First she would have to trust a strong Master and she wasn’t
sure she could do that yet. Although Master Liam made parts of her want to try.

Of course Heather was right. Tiana had joined the club to
lose control…in tiny, safe increments. In every other aspect of life, she
preferred to be in charge. For reasons she didn’t understand she was wired for
sexual submission. She’d come close, but she’d never found that perfect
connection where someone who cared about her took control and she was helpless
to do anything other than respond. Even thinking about such complete trust made
her ache with desire. The need didn’t make her crazy enough to hook up with a
control freak. No way. She’d already been there, done that and had been damn
lucky to crawl away alive. She needed boundaries, fully informed consent and a
safeword before she could begin to cede control.
Don’t I?

An onslaught of old doubts assailed her. Richard had called
her a worthless slave because she didn’t appreciate his sadistic idea of fun
and games, maybe he’d been right. Her stomach muscles clenched in protest at
her mental backslide. She reminded herself a real Dom didn’t belittle,
humiliate or abuse a sub. A year and a half of therapy had mended the worst of
her ragged self-esteem. In her head she knew her sexual preference to submit
didn’t make her less worthy than anyone else, but internalizing that truth was
a work in progress.

The Crucible’s safeguards were enough to keep her out of
trouble as long as she kept the kinky fun and games strictly within the venue’s
sturdy walls. She’d learned the hard way that taking a D/s relationship out of
the safety of a dungeon changed everything.

Chapter Two


Nine Inch Nails’
This is the Beginning
rocked through
the club, adding a steady backbeat to moans, sobs and screams of kinky bliss.
Recessed lighting flickered in a convincing facsimile of ancient torches that
illuminated the halls. Familiar scents of leather, need and sex welcomed Liam
back to the Crucible.

Not even the erotic ambiance erased the sensation of the
little slave’s smooth skin on his. Her softness lingered on his rough
fingertips. Her scent, a sensual blend of lemon, vanilla and willing woman,
continued to tease his sinuses and the rest of his head. She’d gone still and
quiet the moment he’d touched her—submissive right down to her elegant bones.

He would be a lousy Dom if he hadn’t recognized her peaked
nipples, rapid breathing and the flags of color on her cheekbones. She’d trembled
with dread, but she hadn’t let fear stop her instinctive response to him.
little sub

A hunger to taste her still rode him. Fuck, he’d wanted to
pick her up, snuggle her close and keep her safe until the fear in her eyes
changed to the soft focus of a compliant sub. It was obvious she came with
strings and not only the ones lacing up her corset.

Lew punched Liam’s shoulder to get his attention. “You
missed my finest hour, bud. I placed first in the over-thirty class and fifth

“Sorry, pal. I was out of town.” Liam half-listened to the
enthusiastic play by play of last week’s mixed martial arts tournament. The
rest of his head replayed “Master-said-slave-said” while a stream of HD images
of the sweet submissive flickered. She was gorgeous. But it was her mixed
reaction of terror and arousal that tugged on his hardened Dominant heart.

As soon as they were outside the subs’ earshot, Liam asked,
“What’s the story on the little slave I bumped into in the parking lot?”

Lew shot Liam an assessing glance before shaking his head.
“You’ll have to pry Tiana’s history out of Guthrie. He didn’t share the details
with me. From what she has said and more from what she hasn’t, I’ve gathered
her ex was a real bastard. She’s just getting back into the lifestyle. She’s
not one of your hardcore pain sluts. Leave her alone, bud.”

His easy assumption Liam was a sadist hurt. Not that he
could blame the man. What else would he think? Ashley was one of the biggest
pain whores around and he topped her on and off for years. To his shame, Liam
had been too damn stubborn to admit he couldn’t handle her kind of kink.

“Show a little respect for your betters.” Liam kept his tone
light, forcing himself to keep his gaze focused on the stretch of hallway ahead
rather than turning back to eye-fuck Tiana.

A happy scream wavered in the air from the great room. Liam
gave the orgasmic cry a moment of respect. “You said was, so her ex is past

“I don’t think she ever married the prick. Word is he died
in a one-car crash after beating the hell out of her.”

Fuck, no wonder she’s as skittish as an unbroken filly

“He was her Master?” Liam growled.

“Yeah, I guess. If you want to call a sick fuckwad a

“You’re always protective of your newbies.” Liam held up a
palm. “With damn good reason. I get that she’s a sweetheart with a rough
history, but I’m no sadist.”

“You give an awesome imitation. I’ve got nothing against
sadists—as long they keep it consensual. My point is that Tiana is just
learning to trust again. There’s no way she’s ready for a hard Master.”

Is that what I am?
Liam bared his teeth in a feral

Lew’s quick step back told Liam his smile failed to reassure
his friend. He was pushing too hard and it wasn’t helping. Lew had a pit bull’s
instincts when it came to his trainees.

“You like to play on the edge. Tiana is fighting for the
courage to play at all. She cooperates, but she avoids strong Doms and she
hasn’t responded to anyone yet.” Lew clamped his jaw into a stubborn line.

She responded to me.
Whoa, Sir Sterling to the rescue
wasn’t a good a plan. Why was he still pushing? Lew was right. The woman
clearly needed patience, dedication and commitment. He needed a willing sub for
some down and dirty, no-strings sex. Plainly he and the stunning Tiana would
never make one of the wizard’s brilliant matches.

Liam gave his pal a friendly bump. He couldn’t resist
adding, “Maybe she’s tougher than you think. She made it through that boot camp
you call orientation with your hairy ass in charge. The woman has grit.”

“I’m a pussycat.” Lew widened his eyes in mock offense
before flashing his dimple in a wicked grin and adding, “Sometimes.”

Guthrie, also known as The Wizard, moved toward them
purposefully. The typical tall, dark and Dominant club owner appeared way too
young and fit to be a retired, serious software geek.

“He’s not happy and he’s looking at you. You’re on your
own.” Lew waved to his boss. “Hi, Guthrie, gotta set up for graduation. I’ll
catch up with you later.”

“Did you miss me?” Liam grinned at his longtime friend.

Guthrie stopped and frowned. “Were you gone?”

“Nice. Go ahead and rub salt in my wounded ego. Next time
someone complains about the evil Dom who runs this place, don’t look at me to
defend your honor.”

Guthrie’s brow rose. “If they’re calling me an evil Dom,
then I haven’t lost my edge. Have a drink with me.”

“As long as you’re buying.”

“You are out of touch. It’s been an open bar for the past
seven years.” Guthrie spoke softly. He usually did.

Liam knew him well enough not to underestimate the power
underlying his laidback manner. “It was just a figure of speech as you well
know. And for the record most of us call you The Wizard.”

“That’s worse than evil Dom,” Guthrie muttered.

The buzz from multiple conversations was punctuated by the
occasional sob, groan or shriek. They passed an alcove. The privacy drapes
hadn’t been drawn. A tall Dom fully dressed in summer-weight wool dress slacks
and a loosened shirt and tie pointed to his buffed wingtips. “Right now.”

His naked, cuffed sub knelt at his feet and kissed his
Master’s instep. In doing so he exposed his own recently waxed, pink-striped
ass and displayed the straps holding his cock harness in place.

“Evening, Paul.” Guthrie nodded.

Paul kept a palm on his handcuffed lover’s back. “Nice night
for torture.”

“Always is,” Liam agreed as they moved on and entered the
packed lounge.

Aaron, the bartender, set a third drink on a tray. “Order
up, Zoe.”

The waitresses were easy to spot. They were the only subs
fully clothed. The barmaids wore tavern wench attire with tight leather
corsets. They each had a matching black collar with a permanent silver label
engraved with their name above “Property of Lord Guthrie”. Temporary helpers
had tags that simply read “Crucible slave”. Staff guards, bartenders and dungeon
monitors wore black lanyards with security fobs and small silver keys that fit
the staff collars.

Most of the club’s personnel were part-timers, who worked
primarily for the employee discounted membership Guthrie offered.

“Thank you, Sir.” Zoe’s inky curls bounced as she bobbed her
head respectfully to the bartender and took possession of a loaded tray. She
lifted the drinks overhead and glided through the crowd without spilling a

The crowd hugging the bar parted for Guthrie.

Aaron, the respected Dom manning the bar tipped his chin at
his boss. “What can I get you?”

“The usual please.” Guthrie turned to Liam.

“Same here.”

As soon as they settled into opposite sides of a rear corner
booth, another waitress dropped folded napkins and leaned in to place an icy
martini in front of Guthrie and a tumbler of rye and rocks by Liam.

“Thanks, Leslie.” Guthrie lifted his glass.

Liam said, “Appreciate it.”

“My pleasure. Whistle if you need anything else, Sirs.” The
pretty submissive put plenty of motion in her ample backfield as she sauntered
back to the bar.

“Great ass,” Guthrie said reverently.

Liam lifted his drink. “Amen.”

“You ever top her?”

Liam shook his head. “You?”

“Never. Sometimes being the boss sucks.”

“I get that.” Liam leaned against the tan cowhide lining the
padded seat. The club was busy for Wednesday night. Until Guthrie got around to
whatever he had to say, Liam enjoyed the show. An older Dom led a plump, naked
kitty to the booth cattycorner from them. While he sat, talking with the other
Doms, his sub stayed on the floor. Her swaying tail was plainly held in place
by an anal plug. Liam wondered whether her Master had installed the toy with
remote-control features.

She pawed at her Master’s pant leg. He absently stroked her
hair. The sub knocked one of her furry ears askew rubbing against his thigh.

Liam’s first impression had been her costume, particularly
the tail, was a punishment. Now he downgraded the outfit to a funishment or
maybe animal play was their mutual preference.

“She enjoys being his cat.” Guthrie sipped his drink and set
it down carefully. His shoulders shimmied like a horse flicking off a fly.
“Just looking at that tail stuffed up her butt makes me damn glad I’m not a

Liam’s eyes crinkled. “You and me both.”

“Your ex’s brother still shows up now and then. Is that
going to be a problem?” Guthrie changed the subject without warning.

“Not at all. Travis likes whipping willing women. The
Crucible is the best place for him. He’s too smart to start anything with me.
And before you ask, I’m not going to do anything to provoke him. Ashley’s his
sister. She can do no wrong in his eyes. Hell, if I had a sister I’d likely
feel the same way.”

Guthrie swirled his drink. “Speaking of Ashley, she hasn’t
been in since you introduced her to Ray.”

“Sadist/masochist is a classic pairing. I thought they were
a sure thing.”

“She disagreed. Ray was seriously disappointed. This is a
stellar example of why you ought to leave the matchmaking to pros like me.”

“Just trying to keep your ego from exploding.”

“That’s so you. The kind Dom—always thinking of others. What
I don’t understand is why you topped her for so long. You’re not a sadist and
never will be.”

“Guess I have my share of ego and stubbornness.”

“True. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Ashley is very good at
playing the brat sub, who only needs a firm Master’s hand to be as obedient as
you want.”

“Great, since I fell for the same act dozens of times then
I’m a fool.” Liam swallowed a sip of whiskey and savored the smooth fire.
“She’s seeing Harvey Perrot.”

Guthrie arched an eyebrow. “They’re not exclusive then?”

“No idea. Their arrangements aren’t my business.”

“Mine neither, unless it affects the club. I asked because
he’s torturing Becca, a sweet little redhead he brought in earlier. Are you
okay with him dating your ex?”

Liam met Guthrie’s eyes. “Absolutely.”

“Good. I need your head on straight to help monitor for an
hour.” He checked the time on his smartphone. “In fact we’re on duty in a few

Last chance to evict the gorgeous slave trespassing in my
“Ran into a sweet sub on my way in this evening.”

“Brunette with long legs, heart-shaped face and Bambi’s

Liam narrowed his eyes at Guthrie. “What can you tell me
about her?”

“I thought there were sparks on security’s video feed. Tiana
finishes her newbie orientation tonight.”

“Not exactly the flow of information I had in mind, Wizard.”

Guthrie ignored the hated nickname. “I’m sure your partner
in torture Master Lew already gave you her highlights. I’m equally sure she
didn’t mention the Jeep that damn near rammed her at the front gate this

“You’re right. She left out that detail. Judging by the
damage to her rig, he hit her at least once. She let me think she was shaken up
by a minor fender-bender.”

“I’m always right.” Guthrie agreed mildly.

“I bow to the wisdom of the omnipotent wizard.”

“Unnecessary,” Guthrie dismissed his teasing. “Her history
is hers to share. You don’t need me to tell you she has been damaged and she’s
going to be a challenge for any Master. You’re the first Dom she has responded
to since she joined the club. Either you’re willing to make the commitment or
you’re not.”

Liam leaned back. “I’m looking for simple.”

“That’s not Tiana.” Guthrie met his gaze in cool assessment.
“As usual you’re looking to stay uninvolved. I get that. But I doubt usual is
going to work for you this time. Frankly, she’s a brave sub and she deserves
better than a Master unwilling to risk his heart.”

“Ouch. Okay, you might have a point. I like to keep a
healthy detachment. But she responded to me and she’s already homesteading
between my ears.”

“I guessed as much. Keep in mind the real challenge will
come when you try to walk away from Tiana. Don’t start topping her unless
you’re willing to stick it out at least until she has her confidence back.”

“I can handle her,” Liam promised, much too aware walking
away before he’d had a taste of Tiana had ceased to be an option the moment
he’d touched her. Maybe before. Nevertheless, this time Guthrie was wrong. When
she was ready for more, he would let her go.

“We’ll see. Now go get your glasses so you can see past your
nose or you’ll miss all the wholesome fun.”

* * * * *

Tiana knelt in place next to Ali, the only other newbie
still waiting to be paired with a Dom.

The other sub spilled out of a skimpy white top knotted
under generous breasts. A very short plaid schoolgirl skirt rode snug around
full hips. Her glossy brown pigtails seemed to quiver as if waiting to bounce.

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