Silk Scarves and Seduction (13 page)

BOOK: Silk Scarves and Seduction
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They didn’t come true.

But tonight, one of her deepest fantasies
come true and Bo didn’t want to think about how much this night would change things for her.

His mouth covered hers and his hips circled against hers. She felt the hot, heavy length of his cock pass over her sex, once, twice. On the third pass, she tilted her hips up and tried to take him inside.

“Such a hurry,” Logan muttered. He didn’t want to rush this time. It had taken an hour to get her into his bed. After that first, fast fuck just inside the front door, they’d dozed on the hardwood floor for a few minutes. They might have stayed there half the night if Bo hadn’t suddenly thought about Dustin. Logan was pretty sure that Dustin had gone out with some friends, but since he didn’t really want another man seeing Bo naked, he’d figured they should move.

Then he’d picked her up, planning on carrying her to his bed. But she had rested her head against his shoulder and looked up at him under the fan of her lashes. Just that simple look, her eyes sleepy and satisfied, her hair tousled from his hands, had undone him. He had lowered his head to kiss her and had ended up taking her on the small landing of the stairwell, her back pressed to the wall, her legs wrapped around his waist.

They’d made it into his bedroom for the third round, even if they’d only made it halfway onto the bed. He had bent her over the mattress and pushed into her from behind. The round, firm curve of her ass had driven him to distraction and he had thought of a few dozen dirty little things he wanted to do to her.

But now he wanted to make love to her, soft and slow, so that she came with a sweet sigh. He bussed her mouth with his and traced the outline of her lips. “You taste so good,” he whispered.

She whimpered into his mouth and her fingers dug into his shoulders. Her hips rocked against his in a desperate, demanding manner. Logan cupped a hand over the subtle swell of one hip, slowing those hungry, demanding motions. Then he pressed his hips against hers, letting the weight of his body crush her into the mattress, effectively caging her in.

His cock rested against her belly and he rocked against her. Her skin was soft as silk. He’d remember how she felt for the rest of his life. A perfect night, but it wasn’t going to be enough. He thought after fifty or sixty years with her, he might be able to take the edge off. Maybe. Possibly. He spread her thighs and pushed inside her.

“Look at me,” he demanded. He pushed her hair back from her face with one hand and cupped her cheek. “I want to watch you.”

Her lashes lifted and a blush stained her cheeks as she stared into his eyes. She flexed around him. Logan groaned. Those little rippling caresses as she neared climax were designed to drive a man insane. She got so damn tight and so hot and those little muscles gripped his dick like a hungry, greedy fist, milking him to distraction.

“This isn’t over,” he whispered into her mouth. He canted her hips up and drove into her hard, fast, taking her deeply. Those rippling caresses got stronger, her pussy got tighter and her breathing got rougher. She started to scream and he swallowed it down.

Her legs came up around his hips, squeezing like a vise. Her back arched and her hips pumped against his in a frenzied rhythm. “Not over,” he growled.

Logan tore his mouth away from hers, shoving up onto his hands. He pulled out and slammed back into her once more. They climaxed together. She shuddered and bucked and cried out under his body. Logan felt like he was frozen, his orgasm dragging on and on. When it ended, he felt drained. Emotionally, physically, mentally.

And more complete than he’d ever felt in his life.

“Not over,” he murmured against her breast.


Logan stared at William Martin, certain that he’d heard wrong.

Will lifted a shoulder. “Asked her when she’d be back and she didn’t know. That girl, she can’t stay in one place for longer than it takes to catch her breath.” The expression on his face was puzzled, disturbed and resigned. Logan had seen that same expression on Will’s face a thousand times before and he usually sympathized. Right now, though, he wanted to grab the older man and shake him.

“What kind of fucked-up joke is this?”

Now Will shoved off the doorjamb and gave Logan a look that made him feel about thirteen years old. Graying black brows dropped low over eyes that were the same misty gray as Bo’s. “You have a problem, son?”

Logan closed his eyes and made himself take a deep breath. “Did she say where she was going?”

The hard glint was still in Will’s eyes but he relaxed back against the door. “Milan, I think. Someplace in Italy,” Will said. He shrugged. “Tore her room apart looking for her passport.”


? “
You let her go to Milan

Will narrowed his eyes. “Logan, I don’t much care for your attitude right now. Bo’s a big girl. Legally, I have no say over whether or not she decides to take off to Milan. She can go to Tokyo. She can go to Australia.”

“She’s practically a kid.”

you weren

t screwing a kid last night

With a shake of his head, Will said, “Bo hasn’t been a kid for a long, long time, Logan. You and I both know that.” He sighed and rubbed a hand over his head. Then he studied Logan thoughtfully. “Between you and me…no, I don’t like my baby trotting over to parts unknown. But it’s her choice. She had a call a few days ago. The job in Milan opened up unexpectedly and somebody gave her name. It’s a big opportunity for her. She only had a few days to decide and when she decided to go, I wasn’t going to tell her to pass it up. It wouldn’t be fair to her.”

Big opportunity
my ass
. She’d run from him. That’s all there was to it. Slowly, carefully, Logan took another deep breath. “I need to talk to her.”

Will just grunted. “She’s supposed to call tomorrow. I’ll let her know.”

But Bo didn’t call. Even later, he barely got a chance to speak to her. Oh, he tried. She didn’t return his calls. He called her and she either didn’t answer or rushed off the phone before he managed more than, “Hi.” Okay, maybe he didn’t actually say,
. The first time he’d demanded she get her ass back home.

The second time he’d tried to make some sort of apology but he was pretty sure he’d ended up yelling then too. He had figured he’d wait until Christmas. She’d come home for Christmas. She wouldn’t leave her dad alone for Christmas.

And she hadn’t. But it turned out that she talked Will into flying to her for Christmas. Logan had tried calling again. She’d hung up on him again. He had written her. Sometimes the letters had come back. Sometimes they hadn’t. But she’d never answered.

The days stretched out into weeks and months and by the time Bo finally stopped running, nearly four years had passed.

Chapter Two

Four years later

Logan Wallace was a patient man.

Always had been.

Hell, patient didn’t even begin to describe him. He figured as far as patience was concerned, he ought to rank right up there with the saints. He was content to sit back and wait—watching and debating every little step he took in life. Damn near everything in life could be gotten if one was patient enough. That was what Logan had always believed.

Unfortunately, though, his patience was about ready to bite him on the ass.

Bo’s sudden return home six months ago had come at a seriously bad time for him. She could have come home at any time during the past four years but she had picked a time when he was in the middle of a very ugly undercover case. It had him working nineteen hours a day so he’d decided to wait until he could actually focus completely on her instead of the meth-dealing bastards he was investigating. Working the case from the inside, he was able to make it home maybe once a week or so. Hell, Bo had been home two weeks before he’d even known.

It had taken two precious months to close that case. After everything had been tied up he was finally free to pursue Bo. He’d made a few overtures, called her, gone by to see her but she had retreated each and every time. Even though he’d been pissed off and frustrated, part of him understood. He’d moved too fast last time. Regaining the ground he’d lost was going to take time.

So he had waited, willing to give her all the time she needed after how badly he’d messed up before. But that bad call was going to cost him everything, because during that time Bo had started dating his damn cousin.

And now they were getting married? Who in hell got married after a three-month engagement? And they’d only dated for two months before that.

! Bo was getting

Son of a bitch. Married to Logan’s cousin. David McNear had always had a thing for Bo. Logan had known that. Hell, half the men in the county had a thing for her. But Logan had also known that Bo was
. He’d waited for her. He’d bided his time. Six years older than she, he had sat back and watched as she’d gone from coltish teen to rebellious coed to sleek, sexy, svelte woman. And he had waited.

She was his, after all.

He’d known it the minute she had climbed out of her father’s truck when she had moved into the old ramshackle farmhouse across the road from his parents’ home. Logan had taken one look into those big, misty gray eyes and he’d known. He’d felt like a damn pervert for it too—in his sophomore year in college and drooling over a high school girl.

He had brooded every time she had batted her lashes at some high school punk and he had silently gritted his teeth through the three years she had been away at college in Chicago. Bo had graduated from high school a half year early. She’d also been taking college courses in high school so she had graduated from college a full year early.

That damn investigation. If it hadn’t been for that, he could have gone after Bo the minute she returned to Kentucky. Instead he had been forced to wait two long, awful months and that had given David the chance to work his way into Bo’s life.

“I’m going to kill the bastard.” Shit. What if David had touched her? Logan clenched his hands and fought the urge to plow his fist into a wall. If he killed David, it would make the next family get-together really tense.

Logic dictated that it wasn’t completely fair to blame David. David didn’t know how Logan felt about Bo. Hell,
didn’t know how Logan felt. She’d been running from him for close to four years now.

Since that night, their second date. The night he’d fucked her blind, marking her, binding her to him. Or so he had thought. But when he had gone to her the next day, she’d already left. Spent almost four years running around the globe. Milan, Tokyo, London. When Bo did something, she did it to the extreme. He knew that about her but he hadn’t expected her to run from him.

He still didn’t understand why she’d run, or really why she had been avoiding him. Each of her visits home had been quick and spur of the moment. Will never knew when to expect her. The few times he had seen her on those random visits, she was careful never to be alone with him. As often as possible, she’d avoided seeing him altogether.

She wouldn’t talk about that night. She acted like she’d rather that night had never happened and part of him wished it hadn’t, because now he had even less of her than before. Before, they’d been friends. Now?

Now, it felt like—nothing.

Logan had been terrified of rushing her again after how badly he had screwed up before. He’d wanted to give her time. He’d screwed up, after all, by moving too fast and scaring her away. If waiting was going to be the penance he had to pay in order to win her back, so be it.

All that time, Logan had waited so patiently—all those years while she was busy growing up, while she was in college—he’d waited all that time. But then when it was the most critical that he take care, he’d moved too fast and scared her away.

He didn’t think he had any other choice but to give her a little more time. He loved her more than he loved to breathe and he knew they belonged together. He could wait until she saw it. Even if it killed him. He’d been telling himself that ever since she had run away. It was the only way he stayed sane.

When she hooked up with David, just the thought of those two together had been enough to have him seeing red but he had kept it together because he
Bo belonged with him and sooner or later, Bo would come to her senses. A few months, that was all it would take for Bo to see that David wasn’t right for her. A few months and she’d be bored out of her mind.

But he’d waited too long.

Instead of dropping David after a few months, she was marrying him.

“Bastard,” he muttered. David had been one of Logan’s best friends growing up. They were close and not just because they were related. But Logan wanted to pound his cousin into the ground.

Bo. No. No fucking way.

Maybe Logan should have tried to talk some sense into her sooner. Like the second he’d seen that rock on her hand. But give a guy a break—he’d been in shock. What in hell was she thinking? Marrying David.

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