Silk Scarves and Seduction (12 page)

BOOK: Silk Scarves and Seduction
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Her heart-shaped face tipped up so she could look at him. Thick black lashes framed a pair of wide, misty gray eyes. She’d cut her hair. Once, her thick black hair had fallen nearly to her waist and Logan had had a hundred dreams where that hair had fallen around them while she straddled him and rode him through orgasm after orgasm. A thousand dreams where he fisted his hands in the thick silk.

It was short now. Spiky short, a little longer on top, with a tousled look. It suited her. Even he had to admit that, though he still daydreamed about how she would look, kneeling in front of him, that silky hair falling around her shoulders while she took his cock into her mouth.

Logan stared at her as he trailed the fingers of his other hand up her other arm, over her shoulder. He pressed the flat of his palm against the soft skin of her collarbone, his thumb resting in the delicate notch at her throat, his fingers curving over the slope of her neck.

Her lashes drooped low, shielding her eyes from him. He wanted to see them. Had to see them. Had to know if he had even half the effect on her that she had on him.

“Look at me, Bo.” Her lashes lifted and he found himself lost in the smoky, innocent seduction he saw in her eyes. His hands tensed. He moved into her, his weight pressing her up against the side of his car. Her mouth opened as his came crashing down on hers.

He swallowed the ragged groan and thrust his tongue into her mouth. Under his hand, he could feel the pulse in her neck. It beat against his palm—wild and erratic. He kept that hand pressed against her neck and skimmed the other up her side. When he cupped her breast, Bo’s pulse kicked up a little and she gave one soft, erotic little groan before arching into his hand.

Bo had once shot some pictures of a tornado as it cut through the Kentucky countryside. The wild power of it had been exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. The destruction it left behind had been heartbreaking. If you threw some fire into the mixture, that just might sum up how it felt having Logan touch her. Exhilarating, terrifying, seductive and destructive. He had one hand at her neck, the other cupping her breast and the heavy, solid weight of his body pressing into hers.

Bo wasn’t a virgin. She’d had one semi-serious boyfriend since she’d left home for college and she had thought she knew how arousal felt. She was so fricking wrong. This kind of arousal was devastating in its intensity. Mind-blowing. Logan pushed his knee between her thighs and Bo automatically tightened hers. He pushed up and her dress rode up her thighs, exposing them to the chilly night air. She barely noticed the cold. She was too focused on the heat of his body and trying to breathe. He slid a hand down her side, cupping the curve of her hip. Mindless, Bo rocked against his thigh. Her panties—already wet—slid slickly against her flesh.


She moaned and turned her head, trying to catch his mouth with hers. He kissed her back, a deep, hot kiss that stole her breath. The hand at her neck slid around and fisted in the short choppy strands of her hair. He pulled, arching her head back. Logan’s mouth left her but he didn’t pull away, not completely. His lips pressed against her neck, followed by his teeth as he bit her. The feel of his mouth against the sensitive flesh there was like throwing a match on something combustible. Bo could feel herself exploding.

His hand tightened on her hip as if he knew what was happening and his mouth came back up, smothering her scream with his lips. He shifted against her, cupping her ass in both hands and wedging his hips between her thighs. He pressed against her. Her panties were so wet, she might as well not even be wearing them for all the protection they provided. He rocked against her and Bo shattered.

The world spun around her, her feet leaving the ground. Reflexively, she clutched at Logan and realized he’d picked her up. They were heading toward his house. Blood rushed to her face and she blushed hotly as she realized what they had just done—right in front of his house. In full view of the road and anybody who might have been inside the old farmhouse.

Fortunately, Bo’s house was hidden by the curve of the road and set far enough back that it was unlikely her dad might have seen. But what if Logan’s brother was home?

Oh, shit.

Still struggling to get her breath back, she pressed against Logan’s chest. He lowered his head and kissed her hard and quick. He did put her down but only long enough to fish his keys out and unlock the door. Her legs wobbly, she leaned against the wall and licked her lips.
This is moving way too fast
, she thought. But she couldn’t quite find the words to tell Logan that.

Slow down
just didn’t want to come out. She opened her mouth to say something but he turned his head and looked at her. The hungry, hot light in his gaze made the words die before she could even say them. He reached over and caught her hand and when he pulled her against him, Bo couldn’t resist. She leaned into his body and tipped her head back so she could stare at his mouth.

In a thousand years, she wouldn’t have ever admitted to him how often she had thought about kissing him. She’d thought about it since she was old enough to think about kissing boys and all the years she’d known him hadn’t changed that. Now she thought about kissing him and all sorts of other things—things that would have made her dad blush and maybe lock her away for fifty years.

But they were fantasies. Fantasies weren’t meant to come true and when they did, they were rarely as good as you’d hoped. At least, that had been Bo’s view on it. Until about fifteen minutes ago. Because Logan’s kisses were a thousand times more potent than anything she could have imagined.

His touch even more so. The way her body lit up when he touched her could get addictive. She could start craving it.
Dangerous ground there
. She didn’t want to crave anything. Didn’t want to need anybody. Needing usually led to loving people and that never ended well.

Logan slid his arms around her waist and she gasped when he lifted her off the ground again. This time, her body was pressed full against his, from the chest down. His thighs rubbed against hers as he carried her into the house. Her breasts pressed flat against his chest, her belly against the hard wall of his abdomen and lower where she could feel the hard ridge of his cock.

The door banged shut behind him as he kicked it. The wall felt cool against her back as he turned and pressed her into it. His hands stripped her jacket away and then his own. The time to try to slow this train down was rapidly getting away from her but she couldn’t find it in her to care. At least not yet.

His hands came up and cupped her breasts. Through the silk and the thin layer of her bra, she could feel him—hard, hot and strong. His thumbs circled her nipples. Then his hands pressed flat against her chest, slowly rising higher. Bo leaned her head so she could watch his face. His eyes glittered and he had the look on his face of a man starving.

She felt the tug at her neck and then cool air. Her dress fell to her waist and then her bra fell to the floor. He sank to his knees in front of her and took one nipple in his mouth. Bo cried out. She cupped the back of his head in her hands, fisting her fingers in the dark waves.

s up
… Like some little countdown clock in her head, the voice sounded and Bo realized she’d hit the point of no return with him. Pulling away now wasn’t going to happen.

She had gone and thrown herself into the tornado and now she was lost in it. His hands slid under her dress, stripping her panties away. He pulled her to the floor and shoved the skirt of her dress up to her waist and lay between her thighs. The feel of his mouth against her sex had her screaming out his name. He growled against her and the vibration of that made her shudder. One big hand cupped her ass, squeezing gently. The other slid up the soft skin of her inner thigh, his fingers tracing random little patterns that took him closer and closer to the heart of her.

He circled his tongue around her clit, sucked on it, pulled away so he could mutter something against her flesh that made no sense, then he kissed her again, his mouth full against her, his tongue stroking around and around, in and out. Light, teasing little touches that had her rocking and circling her hips up to meet him. Ready to scream, ready to explode, Bo hooked her legs over his shoulders and squeezed. He laughed hoarsely and pressed her thighs open. He pulled away, propping his weight on his elbows so he could look up at her.

His mouth was wet. Wet and gleaming. From her, Bo realized with a jolt. She flushed a painful shade of red but in the next moment all thought of embarrassment was gone as he lifted one hand and pressed it against her mound. The world shrank down until there was nothing and no one, except for them. He slid one finger inside, easing past the squeezing muscles of her sex, pushing deeper and deeper until he could go no farther.

He lowered his mouth and licked her again—a soft, thorough caress around her clit. Then he pushed a second finger inside her and repeated the caress with his tongue. She bucked and screamed out his name, coming hard and fast.

She never had a chance to come down from the second climax. Before she could even catch her breath, Logan was on her. She felt him press against her, the smooth thin shield of a latex condom and then he was inside her. His mouth covered hers and one hand fisted in her hair, holding her still for his kiss.

He took her in one slow, thorough stroke, pushing inside her relentlessly until he could go no deeper. When he was seated inside her, he lifted his head and stared down at her. His eyes glittered as he studied her face. Something unreadable crossed his features but Bo couldn’t quite decipher it. “Put your arms around me Bo,” he muttered, breaking the tense silence. “Hold on to me.”

She did.

His arms slid under hers, curving her shoulders and bracing her body. “Don’t look away from me,” he rasped. His voice was a harsh, guttural sound, unbelievably erotic.

Their gazes held as he pulled away and then surged back inside. Slowly at first, watching her face with an unsettling intensity. He shifted a little on her body and when he pushed back inside her, it brought him into close, complete contact with her clit. Her breath hitched in her chest and she bucked against him. A slow smile turned up the corners of his mouth and he slid his hand down her side, over her hip, until he could catch her leg just behind the knee. He repeated the caress on her other hip and then he rocked back, bracing his weight onto his knees as he pushed her legs into the air.

He fell forward, his shoulders wedging her thighs apart. Then he started to pump against her again with slow, almost lazy strokes. Bo felt the nameless, indescribable ache settle inside her, deep and hot, centered around her clit and her sex. He pushed into her, stroked her flesh where she stretched around him, muttered her name, kissed her quickly and roughly. She moaned out his name and he kissed her again and again. His rhythm changed abruptly from lazy and teasing to hard and driving.

It exploded inside her. She would have screamed out his name, except his mouth came crushing down on hers. Within the sensitive grasp of her pussy, she felt his cock swell and then jerk. His hips hammered against her, his hands squeezing so tightly that it bordered just this side of pain.

Bo gave herself up to it, lost herself in it, as he pounded away at her. Her vision dwindled down to darkness. His lips gentled against hers, pulled away to trail a line of kisses to her neck and then he collapsed against her.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

Bo glanced toward the sound of Logan’s voice and blushed. She hoped he couldn’t see her very well. The only light in the room came from the clock on the bedside table and the watery moonlight filtering through the shades.

Bo couldn’t see well enough to find her clothes, so she hoped that meant he couldn’t see her.

Couldn’t see how embarrassed she was. Couldn’t see how nervous she was. How scared she was. That would be bad, bad, bad. Cuddling against him, letting him hold her half the night had felt way too good. Too natural. She’d been right in thinking that Logan was somebody she could see herself needing. Loving. Part of her already loved him. The little girl in love hadn’t ever completely faded. It wouldn’t take much to push those feelings of first love into the real thing.

She knew it wouldn’t and that terrified her. Love. She couldn’t do love. Didn’t want it. Wouldn’t risk it.

She cleared her throat and hoped she could manage some kind of normal tone as she said, “It’s past midnight Logan.”

“I don’t care.” His hand found her wrist in the darkness, manacling her to the bed. She felt the mattress shift as he moved toward her and then his other hand came up, cupping her chin. “Open your mouth,” he muttered but he didn’t even wait to see if she did. He kissed her, using his tongue to part her lips.

The man kissed like he was some warrior intent on conquering and Bo loved it. She heard foil rip and then he tumbled her back onto the bed. “Logan…”

“Bo…” he teased, his voice low and rough. He spread her legs and pressed against her.

Her breath caught in her chest and Bo closed her eyes, reaching up to grip his shoulders. Irresistible. Logan was so irresistible. He always had been. As hard as she tried not to let herself think about things like love, Logan had always managed to sneak past her guard. She’d managed to deal with it just by telling herself daydreams and fantasies were harmless.

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