Silence: Part Two of Echoes & Silence (81 page)

BOOK: Silence: Part Two of Echoes & Silence
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How can I thank so many people without writing another entire novel to truly explain just how much everyone has meant to me and how they’ve helped me along the way?

I’m sitting here writing this acknowledgement while notifications of emails are flooding in: my review team sending me their addresses to get their ARCs. I’ll start by thanking all the people that have reviewed the series, both those that were on a team and those that did it just because they love the books so much and wanted to tell others. Without you all, no one would read the series. I owe so much to you.

Second, I need to thank my Feedback Team, often called my Beta Team, and also the DSS Secret Discussion Page. I wish I could list all of you by name, both past and present members, but I’d need a lot of pages to do that. Instead, I wrote some of my team into the book. I couldn’t fit everyone in, and I had to cut some names and lines, but you are all there in spirit, as you are throughout this entire series! You guys have been my rock in hard times and, now, I am proud to call you all friends. I hope we have a long and happy future together sharing great stories. 

For those that don’t know, the scene in the dungeons (where the girls help Ara escape) was written for my Feedback Team, and the personal address from Ara to those girls near the end of the book was aimed directly at my team too. Words will never be enough to express my gratitude, but I needed to have Ara thank them on my behalf as well.

Thirdly, I must thank my new editor John (editor of Echoes Part One and Two), who didn’t edit this acknowledgement, so if anyone finds typos, that’s my fault. John made life so much easier, and as I scrolled through to approve or decline changes, I laughed constantly at the mistakes I’d made (some really stupid ones like bows instead of boughs—and he picked them all up), and also at the comments he’d make. He’s a great editor and as I wrote these last two books, not sure about capitals, commas, semicolons, or em/en dashes, I knew he’d fix them, which allowed me to relax and just focus on the story. Although I messed some of that up a bit too by giving Arthur a heartbeat at one point, but John picked up on that. So a big thanks to John.

Lastly, as all of this comes to an end, all the craziness, the tears, the sweat, the blood, literally, in some cases, I have to thank my family. They’ve put up with all the ups and downs, the take out, the cereal for dinner, the bursts of stress or tears when I had ‘writer’s block’ and the untidy house when I didn’t; the lack of uniforms on a school morning, the many times I wave my hand at the kids when they come to ask me something, telling them to rack off until I finish this paragraph. Also to my sisters, who I have turned down for coffee and a catch up many times due to my need to write; to my mum for being my foundation for everything in life, and most importantly, to my husband Mike, for loving me through the fray and always being there to support and encourage me when I wanted to give up. Also for listening when I talk endlessly about writing and books and the entire world of publishing.  

But I cannot leave without thanking my readers! For all the comments and posts and sharing and liking and words of love and encouragement at both the high times and the low times. You are all my shining light. And I owe this novel, this series, to you all. 

Now, as it comes to an end, I want to tell you all that I love you and I appreciate you more than you will ever know. Thanks for being with me on this journey. 


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