SHTF (NOLA Zombie Book 0) (3 page)

BOOK: SHTF (NOLA Zombie Book 0)
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"He's not responding," Martinez said.

"Probably out having fun on a Friday night, like we should be doing." I drained the last of my beer and set it on the bar, pushing up from the stool. "Gotta use the head, don't get infected while I'm gone."

He chuckled, but it was a very grim chuckle.

Drunk Tourists

HE bathroom was actually
clean in this place, which surprised me. Usually, the pisser in a dive like this was a nasty hole of a room with graffiti covered stalls and clogged urinals. I was able to wash my hands with actual soap and I came out all minty clean when I stepped into the hall, right into the path of a little unsteady brunette in a very tight red dress.

If I couldn't have a redhead, maybe I should settle for a red dress?

She smiled wide when she saw me and steadied herself by placing her hand on my chest, pursing her lips when she made contact with my pecs. She didn't step back and apologize, she just sort of looked me over, not ashamed of her blatant perusal.

"See something you like?" I asked casually.

"Yes, actually," she purred. She was probably a few years older than me, I wasn’t good at judging a girl’s age, but it was obvious she had greeted thirty a few years back. When it came to girls in bars, they were either too young for me, too old, or just about right. Luckily for this one, she was in the just about right category, so I smiled back.

"I have to use the little girl's room, but I'm going to come find you when I get out," she promised and it was almost a threat, but I didn't mind. I liked those kinds of threats.

"You do that," I laughed and watched as she slid past me into the women's restroom. She had legs up to her tits, which were nice and most likely enhanced with a bit of silicone or saline, whatever they were using these days. Her dress left nothing to the imagination, so there would be no surprises, but that didn't matter. It would get my mind off the bullshit for a few hours. All night if she had a kinky side.

I sat back down next to Martinez and nodded my thanks as the bartender slid another beer in front of me.

"Thought you fell in," Martinez grumped.

"Fell into a brunette's lap, more like it," I laughed.

"You went to the bathroom and lined up a chick? Figures." He turned around to check on Lena, who was still in the corner talking with her friend.

I looked over with Martinez and we caught her eye, she looked up and waved. She said something to the guy she was with and he turned around and actually waved us over. I guess they wanted us to join them.

Martinez and I grabbed our beers and walked over to Lena's table, pulling up stools around the high-top.

"Charles, this is Romeo and Lucas. Guys, this is my friend Charles." The guy stuck his hand out and I shook it. He barely gripped my fingers and then moved on to Martinez.

"Charles's dad was married to my mom when we were kids, so technically he's my sort-of stepbrother, but their marriage didn't last long. Charles is going to Tulane, so whenever I'm filming down here we like to get together."

"Nice to meet you Charles," I said as politely as I could.

"It's crazy that Lena's so famous that she needs bodyguards," he said rather shell-shocked.

"You never know how life is going to turn out," Martinez laughed.

"I know, right? And to think that just ten years ago we were running around in wigs acting out High School Musical, Lena always wanted to be Sharpay ‘cause she desperately wanted to be blonde," Charles laughed and Lena frowned, putting her finger up to her lips to shush her friend.

"The world has too many blondes, I like the red," I said tugging on a loose strand that had fallen out of her cap. She looked at me, her lips parted as if to say something, but the televisions erupted into sound again as the bartender turned up the news.

"This is a special news broadcast," the camera cut to a harried looking man standing in front of the new medical complex on Canal Street, "We've just gotten word that the first confirmed outbreak of the iKPV virus has been admitted to the University Medical..." the sound cut off from the television and was replaced with the loud screeching beep of the emergency broadcast again. All the screens flashed with a red message at the bottom of the screen and the most nail-biting voice came across the speaker.

"iKPV Virus cases have been recorded in or around the Metro New Orleans area. If you suspect you are infected, report to the hospital immediately. People with non-emergency medical issues, other than suspected iKPV are asked to go to Urgent Care clinics and avoid the emergency rooms."

The message repeated again and then shut off. The reporter's broadcast began in the middle of his speech. "...medical officials are reporting at least three cases of the iKPV virus and are asking if anyone has contact with someone showing symptoms to report to the hospital immediately. Back to you Greg," the reporter cut off and was replaced with a man at the news desk.

"In other news President Obama has issued another statement this evening dismissing claims that the Islamic State is behind the outbreaks of the iKPV virus, stating emphatically that it’s most likely tied to climate change and the melting polar caps. Leading forensic botanist, Doctor Leonard Bovinski claims that a virus could sit underneath the ice for millennia and would be released into the air as the ice melts…” The newscaster was replaced with a clip of the president.

"Frankly, anyone can tweet a claim that they are behind this. We are looking into it and our experts think that it is more likely a natural infection than a biological weapon.”

The bartender pointed the remote at the television and lowered the volume, cranking up the music. I was grateful. I didn't want any more news. Each screen held another talking head with nothing better to talk about than the iKPV virus. They kept discussing what it meant and how the world was going to end and how it was this group’s fault or that person's issue because of their beliefs. Last month it was Ebola, this month iKPV, it was always something–but this was the first time they'd ever done an emergency broadcast and shut down the airports. That didn't bode well.

"This stuff is serious," Charles said sipping on a red concoction that looked like watered down blood.

"I don't know what the hell to believe, they said the same things about Ebola, it was going to kill everyone and it only killed that one guy. Have people died of this yet?" Lena asked.

"They aren't doing victim profiles like they did for the other outbreaks, that tells me they're dying. And they're dying quickly. They haven't even announced how it's transmitted, just that it's highly infectious. I don't like that they're urging everyone to the hospitals if they suspect infection. It smells of quarantine," Martinez said and he rolled his beer between his palms, thoughtfully. "Now that it's in New Orleans, we have to take serious precautions." He looked at me and I saw Charles and Lena glance at each other, panic flying across their faces. I didn't want to get them all worked up.

Martinez and I could discuss strategy and preparedness until we were blue in the face and not get stressed out, but when civilians were involved they tended to panic. I had to lighten the mood a little.

"I'm just staying the fuck away from anyone coughing," I laughed and smiled at Lena. She visibly relaxed under my attention.

From across the bar, I noticed the brunette from earlier catch my eye and wave. I tipped my head and smiled at her.

Martinez turned his head to scope out who I was interacting with. The brunette took a step toward us and did a little wobble on her very high heels.

"I wonder if she has a cough," he laughed.

"She wasn't coughing earlier." I elbowed him and was surprised to see Lena turn around and check out the brunette. She turned back around and frowned at me. Was she frowning at me because she didn't approve of drunken brunettes or that I was flirting with one from across the room?

"A suspected pandemic won't keep Romeo away from drunk tourists," Martinez laughed.

"Drunk tourists are the best, and she's not infected. And look, she's got a friend," I slapped him on the back and turned around to face the approaching drunk tourist.

"Next drink says she barfs on you," Martinez whispered.

"You're projecting, start taking notes..." I hissed back.

The Red Dress Run

HE didn't
barf on me and as it turned out she wasn't a tourist. In fact, she was a resident of the condo complex right across the street. She and her friend joined us and turned the conversation to lighter topics, like their real-estate business and shoe sales. Charles and the friend were actually hitting it off and I just shrugged and rolled my eyes as Martinez glared at me.

The brunette, who told me her name but I instantly forgot it, sat right next to me and made a point of grabbing my leg over and over again and leaning over to whisper in my ear every chance she got. Thirty minutes in and I had a noticeable erection and I was nice and distracted from any talk of viruses or airport closures.

"I'm getting sleepy." The brunette delicately yawned and looked at me pointedly. It was still early, so I guessed she had an agenda. "This neighborhood is sketchy, would you mind walking me home? A big man like you would chase off any muggers." She squeezed my knee again.
How could I say no?

I left the group at the table with a quick, "be back in a minute." Knowing it would probably be an hour.
Hopefully a little longer.
I wanted to come back and join the group, but I also wanted to see what Red Dress had to offer.

Martinez glared at me with fake animosity as I left him sitting with Lena, Charles, and Red Dress's friend. They were still cutting up, the conversation now much lighter than earlier as the booze flowed easier. When I glanced back, Lena rolled her eyes and flipped me off, but added a smile to convey she really didn't mean it.

I didn't get women.

Red Dress didn't play games. The moment we were in the stairwell to her complex, she pushed me up against the railing and had her tongue in my mouth and her hand on my cock.

"You better fuck as good as you look," she purred and I almost left her right there.
The dirty girl.
Seems Red Dress only wanted me for one thing, my body. I was so ashamed. But, I went along with her as she dragged me into her condo, I was easy.

She called out to her roommate the moment we crossed the threshold to check that we were "good to go." Or that was what I thought she said as I peeled off her dress and confirmed that her tits were store bought but still felt nice in my palms.

I went to yank off my own clothes, but unfortunately, the moment I began to undress my phone began to ring. I recognized the ringtone and sighed. It was my little sister and I couldn't ignore it.

Red Dress pouted as I held up a hand and answered the phone.

"Tim," Alicia and Hank, my siblings, were the only ones that called me Tim. Even Hank's wife Barbara called me Romeo.

"Leesh?" I asked, trying to hold in the moan as Red Dress fell to her knees in front of me and began to unbutton my jeans.

"I'm sick of their shit, Tim!" she cried into the phone. "Barbara is all freaked out because of this virus bull and has me under house arrest. I'm coming to live with you."

"You can't live with me, Alicia, you know that. I'm never home."

"That's fine, I'm okay with that, I'm independent, I'm almost fifteen, I can just stay at your place and I'll be good."

"It's not okay, Leesh, I'm gone more than I'm home, half the time I don't even get notice when I have to leave, we went over this. Hank and Barbara are much better guardians than I am." Red Dress had pulled my pants to my ankles and was now showing me exactly how good she was at oral. She had quite a technique, I was impressed, but I couldn't let it show. I had to get Alicia off the phone.

"They're horrible! They don't let me do anything, they won't let me go out with Marcus tonight, just because some people are infected with some cold, how unfair is that? They made me come home and it's not even midnight!"

"Alicia, listen to me, you're acting like a spoiled brat." I regretted the words the moment I said it, but I couldn't concentrate and I didn't have the faculties to argue with a petulant teenager, especially about a boy–something she should not even be considering. "You have to follow the rules. It’s only for your protection, every time Barbara and Hank tell you to do something you can't run to me to get out of doing it. You shouldn't be out with a boy anyway and you also shouldn't be out after midnight."

"I hate all of you!" The phone went dead. I was used to it. Alicia was eight years younger than me, twelve years younger than Hank. My parents insisted that they had planned for her, but when Mom got pregnant at thirty-nine it was pretty obvious to everyone that it was a surprise pregnancy. When my parents were killed twelve years later in a car accident, Hank was engaged to Barbara and he took custody of her. There wasn't even a question as to who she would live with, I was in the Marines and on my third tour in Afghanistan. I couldn't have taken custody even if I wanted.

For the last two years of her living with Hank and Barbara, it had been one battle after another. I understood she was hurting, we were all hurting, but she didn't sulk or mourn, she rebelled. It made it hard on Hank and Barbara and it put me in the middle. I didn't want to resent my little sister, but she made it damned hard.

Red Dress brought my mind back to the present as she did some crazy trick with her tongue that left me breathless.

"I need a bed, now," I growled and she scurried back, leading me to a bedroom. She fell back, lounging on the bed, her legs spread provocatively for me, with no shame. She was one of those girls that like to stay perfectly neat and trimmed, like a little piece of art.

I fumbled with my boots and jeans, kicking them off but not before grabbing the condom I had slipped into my pocket. I ripped it open and slipped it onto the length of my cock.

"God, you're so big," she said, licking her lips as she watched me. I liked her even more, a girl after my own heart. Wish I remembered her name, but Red Dress had a certain ring to it.

"That I am," I chuckled and went to the bed. Now the question would be, would she expect a little bit more from me, or could we just go at it? Personally, I wanted to get back to the bar and Martinez before it got too late. I had been enjoying myself and the conversation.

She spread her legs wider and answered my question.
Right at it then.

She was warm, really warm, and as I pushed into her she made these fun little moaning noises that I could just eat up. She also wrapped her long legs around my back, allowing me to go deeper and fuck her nice and hard. When I flipped her over and took her from behind, she didn't complain and screamed my name as I picked up the pace.

There was a terrible clatter from the front room and I paused and held back a little.

"Don't stop!" she moaned. But, the clatter came again and this time it sounded like someone had fallen and knocked over furniture or something. This wasn't just a random thing falling, someone was out there and making a lot noise, they might even be hurt.
Was that someone moaning?
She had said she had a roommate, but they hadn't been home.

I pulled out of her and she groaned, complaining as I turned around to look behind me. We had left the door open and I could see into the front room from here. From my vantage point I could see someone in the front room, from what I could tell it was a woman, she was staggering around the room like she was drunk and it looked like she had knocked over a chair.

"What the hell?" Red Dress said, sitting up on the bed and turning around. We both got up from the bed and she moved in front of me and went to the door.

I grabbed for my underwear on the floor and slipped them on. Didn't want to meet the drunk roommate with my dick hanging out.

"Eva–what the hell happened to you?" I heard Red Dress cry out. There was no answer.

"Eva!" Red Dress screamed and I moved quickly out of the bedroom and into the front room. The roommate was a petite blonde, dressed in workout clothes with her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. She was currently reaching and grabbing for Red Dress who was holding her at bay by her shoulders.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I don't know, she's gone crazy or something. Eva!" Eva's skin was a gray color and her eyes were bloodshot and red-rimmed. Her lips were pulled back in a snarl and her teeth, bright white and capped, were chomping and trying to bite Red Dress.

I went behind the roommate and tried to pull her off, but she was stronger than she looked. I managed to yank her off of Red Dress and she fell to the floor, only to get up quickly and come after me.

"Fuck," I cried out as she fell on me. Her breath stank of old meat and I had to resist the urge to gag. I pushed her hard and didn't realize that Red Dress was standing over us trying to yank on Eva too. They both clattered to the ground, bringing a side-table with them, a glass lamp smashed on the tile floor and shattered.

I scrambled to my feet, not liking that both women had gone eerily quiet.

What I saw nearly unhinged me. Red Dress had fallen wrong, her head was at an unnatural angle on the floor, her eyes were sightless. But, that wasn't all. Eva, the roommate, was ripping at Red Dress, yanking at her flesh and leaning down and taking bites of her. Those perfectly capped teeth gnashed and tore at the flesh of her friend. Chunks of meat came loose from Red Dress and Eva swallowed them down like they were pieces of sushi.

"Fuck," I whispered and those red-rimmed eyes shot up and found me. She pushed off from the floor, her fingers sinking into the torn flesh of her friend, making her slip and fall forward.

I acted fast, pushing back into the bedroom and slamming the door. I clicked the lock and began looking for my clothes. I grabbed my pants when I found them and pulled them on. Then I reached for my boots, pulling them onto my feet. I yanked my phone out of my pocket and punched in nine-one-one. The line was busy.

"Fucking New Orleans," I cursed. But it wasn't like it would do much good, they had just done an exposé on the news that had clocked the NOPD's response time at an average of two hours. With a current crisis going on, I would be lucky if they would be here in two hours. Eva was obviously infected with this iKPV virus, I didn't think she had two hours. I dialed Martinez's number.

"I thought you would be longer," he said when he answered the line.

"She's fucking dead, the roommate killed her, she's infected or something. If this is what the infection is, it's fucking whacked, man! The roommate attacked her and ate her! Ate her fucking flesh!"

"Wait, slow the hell down. What do you mean, ate her?" Martinez said and I heard the hum of the bar behind him.

"She's insane with the infection. When we came out to see what she was doing she immediately jumped on us, they fell to the ground and Red Dress was killed, broken neck, I think. The roommate started to eat her, now's she banging on the bedroom door trying to eat me."

"You sure she's dead? Your girl, I mean?"

"I didn't take her pulse, but she looked dead."

"We should probably bring her to the emergency room, just in case. Can you restrain the roommate or something?" I looked around the room and noticed the curtains had thick, ornamental ropes to tie them back.

"Yeah, I can tie her up. We'll probably have to bring both to the hospital." I cursed because we were planning on taking a taxi home and didn't have a car at our disposal.

"Shit, alright, let me grab Lena. What's the unit number? I'll call Miller or something, see if they can get us a car, anything."

"Building one, two-fifty-three, it's the first one off of the back stairs. He's got something tonight with a client...damn, we'll figure it out when you get here, just hurry up," I said and hung up the phone. I reached down to grab for my shirt and heard something slam against the door.

I guess I had to deal with this.

I moved behind the door with the rope in my hand. Red Dress had a chair in the corner of the room and I had pulled it out, closer to me. I opened the door, hiding behind it slightly.

I opened the door and Eva came shambling in, creepy moans emanating from her mouth that was dripping with Red Dress's blood. I came up behind her and looped the rope around her neck. Maybe if I cut off her air supply she would pass out. But the harder I choked her, the more she struggled and I finally gave up and just pulled her to the chair.

I forced her from behind into the chair, trying to stay as far away from her mouth as possible. I wrapped the rope around her chest and arms, tying her to the chair in a shoddy use of nautical knots. My scout leader would be ashamed.

But she was restrained and couldn't move. Her teeth kept chomping though and I couldn't look at her anymore. I grabbed a hand towel from the bathroom and shoved it in there, avoiding any nips or bites.

Breathing hard, I went out into the front room. Red Dress was still on the floor, but her finger twitched.

"Shit, are you okay?" I bent down next to her, but when I checked for a pulse it barely registered. Her neck was obviously broken.
No one could live through that, right?

I stood up and turned around, looking for a blanket. I didn't know if she would survive this, but she was nude and it felt appropriate to cover her up. Really I just wanted it for my own selfish reasons, her body, nude and covered with blood was making me nervous and I couldn't think with her lying there, exposed, now twitching even more. I was used to death, I had seen too many dead bodies, but the body of a female, a female I had just been with was too much.

I found a basket of blankets next to the sofa and pulled one from the top. The sound of movement behind me startled me and I swung around, a small blanket clutched in my hand.
Was she up? How is that possible?
I didn’t see anything. I turned back around and grabbed bigger one from underneath.

Something slammed into me from behind, hard. I flailed back against the sofa. It was Red Dress. She wasn't big, but her arms were flailing. They were reaching and grabbing for me, so I couldn't get ahold of her. I managed to push her back and off of me and got a look at her face. It was horrible. Her skin was now a deathly gray, her eyes were vacant. They were glassy and her teeth were snapping as if she wanted to sink them into my flesh–just like the roommate. It took everything in me to hold her back, but still her nails scratched at me, her legs kicked and she pushed forward, teeth snapping at my face.

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