Shoulda Been A Cowboy (32 page)

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You always wanna do it fast,” he drawled.

You always wanna do it slow,” she retorted.
Domini stretched out on the bed with her arms above her head, one
knee up, one leg down, back arched, breasts thrust up, knowing the
wanton pose drove Cam crazy.

After Cam removed his prosthesis, he rolled on top of
her. “Are we havin' our first married-couple fight about

No, but I think it's important we learn to
compromise right away.” She traced the line of his broad
shoulders and down that muscular back, to those oh-so-wonderfully
tight buns.

I'm listening.” He nuzzled her throat
in the spot that instantly made her wet.

How about…you start out nice and slow, and
then at the end we can go as fast as I want?”

I believe that's a compromise I can agree

See? That wasn't so hard.”

Oh, I disagree wife, I'm very hard.”
Cam angled her hips and eased into her one excruciating inch at a
time. “However, I think we've got this compromise thing
down pat.”




Cam stroked Domini's head as it rested on his
chest, content to hold her, content she was finally where she

She picked up their joined hands and studied them. For
the third time. “It was such a surprise.”


My wedding ring. It's perfect, Cam.”

I'm glad. But now you're gonna ask me
where I got it, aren't you?”

Unless you tell me a story like…you gave
it to the first woman you ever loved. She broke your heart but you
kept the ring…then you can skip it.”

I did give it to the first woman I've ever

She lifted her head. “Cam?”

Nothin' that sinister.” Cam swept his
thumb over the stone. “This ring belonged to my
great-grandmother, Dinah. After my great-grandfather died, she took
it off and never wore it again. As the only girl, Keely inherited it,
but she passed it along to me.”

Something akin to alarm flared in her eyes. “You
gave me a family heirloom?”

Is that an issue? You'd prefer a newer

No! It's gorgeous.” The platinum
shone around the aquamarine stone. “But are you sure I should
wear it?”

You're my wife. My brothers already bought
their wives rings. Who else should have it?”

Domini didn't answer. She rubbed her finger over
the plain platinum band on his ring finger. He admitted it looked
good next to the empty space where his left pinky used to be. It made
his hand look…complete.

Now I know why Keely insisted on this color for
your ring. She was trying to match it to this one.”

He held their hands side by side. “Looks like a
perfect match to me.”

It is.” She kissed his pectoral. “Let's
eat. I'm starved.”

Cam insisted Domini wear one of his dress shirts and
nothing else. He lit the candles and cracked the champagne while
Domini dished up the food. They toasted. They kissed and nuzzled and
were drunk on champagne and on each other. It was intimate and sexy
and romantic and Cam couldn't imagine a better wedding supper.
Or a better woman to be married to.

He was hard as concrete after licking raspberry sauce
off her nipples. “Let's go back to bed.”

But the dishes—”

Will be right there in the morning. I think you
get a free pass from doin' dishes on your wedding night.”

Domini gave him a saucy look and ran to the bedroom.

He shoved his crutches by the nightstand and centered
himself on the bed. “Come here and kiss your husband, your lord
and master.”

Domini slunk across him, sexy as sin and straddled his
groin. “You called, master?” She giggled. “I can't
even say that with a straight face.”

He fingered the necklace dangling from her neck. “Have
I lost all control over you, wife?”

No.” But she sobered quickly.

Something wrong?” Cam twined her soft hair
around his fingers. “No secrets between us now.”

A bleak look flitted through her eyes. She broke eye
contact and kissed the inside of his wrist. “Everything is
going to change between us when Anton is living here tomorrow. No
more sex on the dining room table. No more bending me over the couch.
No more plastering me against the refrigerator. We won't be
able to be as spontaneous with sex. Will that bother you?”


That grim expression crossed her face again.

But having you in my bed every night more than
makes up for it, Domini.”



You won't have a problem being sexually
creative and commanding with a seven-year-old down the hall?”

Cam frowned. “You think being confined to this
room will make me boring in bed?”

Never.” She lapped at his nipple. Slowly.
Thoroughly. “But why don't you show me something new, Mr.
McKay, to allay my new bride jitters.”

Marriage has made you cheeky, Mrs. McKay.”

She smirked. And kept licking as she trailed her fingers
down his belly until they circled his erect cock. She jacked him a
couple of times, then rolled his balls between her delicate

Move down and use your mouth.”

Domini inched toward his groin.

For the briefest second he had a flash of panic with
Domini being so close to his stump. But she didn't pay any
attention to it. Her eyes were devouring his dick.

Suck it.”

Immediately heat and wetness surrounded the head, then
the soft tissues of her mouth. She formed a firm seal around his
shaft as she pulled him deep.

That's it. Show me how much you love to
drive me crazy with that wicked mouth of yours.”

Domini hummed and began the unbroken rhythm he'd
taught her.

Cam withheld a groan. Damn. It felt amazing. But he
wanted something more. To teach her a new trick. He clamped his hands
around her head, stopping the bobbing motion.

Puzzled, she glanced up with half his shaft still in her

Get the lube in the nightstand drawer and a

She let her teeth drag along the sensitive underside of
his cock as she released him from her mouth. Once the tube of K-Y and
a washcloth were in her hand, that puzzled look returned.

After she was back in position, he said, “Suck my

Her breath teased the taut globes. Then she sucked them,
one at a time, until both were resting on her tongue. She sucked
experimentally. She sucked perfectly.

Cam's pelvis bumped up. “Oh hell, Domini.”

The humming response buzzed up his cock.

Damn. If she kept that up he'd shoot, guaranteed.

His balls slipped from her mouth with an audible pop.
She licked the length of his shaft, ready to suck him off.

I'll let you blow me to heaven in a second,
but here's the new part you were wanting to try.”

That caught her attention. “What's that?”

You're gonna massage my prostate as you're
sucking me off. You ever done that?”

Domini shook her head.

I'll teach you how I like it, so lube up
your finger first and then you'll spread some lube on the seam
of my ass.”

A smile curled the corners of her mouth and her eyes
glittered. She cracked open the tube and coated her index finger,
leaving a very big glob on the tip.

Cam felt the cool, slick gel on the strip of skin
between his balls, and then the gentle circles she rubbed directly on
his hole. “Jesus.” He forced his ass to unclench. “Now
palm my balls as you're working the finger inside a little at a

Her tongue rimmed the head of his cock as she slowly
swirled her finger in his ass.

The burning sensation vanished the second her finger
connected with the gland. “Oh fuck. Christ, that's it.
fucking it.”

As Domini swept her finger back and forth over that
magic spot she sucked his cock until the crown bumped the back of her

Cam figured he'd last about a minute, maybe less.
He came with a roar, pumping his hips and Domini made a soft purr as
she swallowed every drop of come. Once the throbbing, pulsing orgasm
ended, she removed her finger from his ass.

Holy fucking Christ. His mind blanked. His whole body

Domini kept kissing and licking her way up his torso.

He cracked open his eyes. “Come here.”

She straddled his pelvis.

Huh-uh. Knees on either side of my head and put
that pretty pussy on my face.”

You still going with the ‘new'

Yep.” He used his heel to drag himself
further down the bed. “Hands on the headboard.”

Cam. I don't know about this—oh!”

He sucked her clitoris and then rubbed his face on her
inner thighs. “Mmm. Juicy. You are sopping wet, princess. And
lucky for you, I'm parched.” He opened her up with his
fingers and burrowed his tongue in as far as he could reach. He
speared into her over and over. Until her scent coated his face.
Until her taste glazed his lips and coated his tongue and flowed down
the back of his throat. He basked in her, bathed in her, and lost
himself in bringing her—his wife—pleasure.

When Domini was grinding her wet sex down and her
whimpering moans escalated, he sucked her clit hard and she came all
over his face.

Then he did it again.

After her last climax, she collapsed on the bed. After a
bit she snuggled into him on his left side, her right knee below his
stump, her toes drifting up and down his calf. Domini sighed dreamily
and fell asleep in his arms.

Cam kissed the top of her head and mouthed, “I
love you,” before he joined his wife in dreamland.

Chapter Eighteen

Gracie started barking. “Sorry, girl, you're
gonna have to go out back for a bit.”

She whined.

At least he doesn't have a dog he's
bringing to invade your space.”

Invade your space
. Was that
how Cam felt? Domini didn't want to start the day out on a bad
note, so she said nothing and went out to meet Anton.

After Cord McKay's pickup parked, Ky jumped out of
the passenger side, followed by Anton. The relief on Anton's
face when he saw Domini brought a smile. “Hey guys.”

Anton hustled up the steps and hugged her. Hard.

Did you have fun last night?” she asked
around the lump in her throat.

It was okay.” The door opened behind them
and Gracie was jumping and yipping around Anton.

Domini froze. “Cam?”

Gracie! Settle down. Sit.”

Aw, she's not hurting me,” Anton
said, blocking Domini from the dog. He crouched down and stroked her
head. “She's pretty. But Gracie is a kinda weird name.”

Gracie allowed Anton to pet her.

Kyler leapt onto the deck beside them. “Ain't
Gracie great? I wish she wasn't fixed so she and Rascal could
have puppies.”

Puppies would be cool.”

Cord ambled up and smiled. “Congrats to both of

Thanks. Please tell AJ the dinner was so
thoughtful and very delicious.”

Will do.” He focused on Cam. “How are

Never better. You?”

Cord smiled. “I recognize that look.”

Domini blushed.

Are you loadin' up the stuff from Domini's
apartment today?”

Hadn't thought about it, but I guess I
should or else Keely'll throw it out the window in her
desperation to move outta Ma and Dad's place.”

True. That's why me'n Colby are
offerin' to drag stuff up and down the stairs for you.”

Cam's smile flattened. “Nah, that's
okay, I can get it.”

You sure? It won't take—”

I said I can handle it,” Cam said tersely.


Cord pushed his hat back and stared daggers at Cam. “Ky,
why don't you show Anton where Cam keeps the four-wheelers.”

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