Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Adaira) BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW online dating app romances Book 6) (15 page)

BOOK: Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Adaira) BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW online dating app romances Book 6)
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“Leigh, wait,” she said.

“What is it?” he said in a voice husky with need.

“Nothing. Just that you’re going to make me come soon and I want to come with you inside me,” she said with a sly grin.

“Oh.” He broke into a grin too. “In that case, I want you completely naked,” he growled. She lifted her arms up and he stripped her nightdress off. His pupils dilated as he gazed at her breasts, and he paused to caress them, to turn her nipples into aching points. And then he gently spread her legs and climbed on astride her body. For a moment, she was overwhelmed by his size – he was so big, all over – from his huge biceps, to his corded forearms, to his cock. He seemed to be built on a different scale from her.

His cock brushed her clit and she jumped.

“Are you ready for me?” he whispered. She nodded, biting her lip, her whole body poised for the moment when he’d enter her. “I love you, Adaira. My mate, my beautiful mate,” he murmured. She shivered as powerful emotion made the tiny hairs on her body stand on end.

“I love you too, Leigh. You’re mine, really mine,” she said, almost too choked up to speak. As she finished her sentence, he entered her, in a slow, smooth motion. She gasped and cried out again. He arched over her, staring deeply into her eyes, while he began to fuck her, deliciously slowly. It was so intense that she wanted to close her eyes, but she fought to keep them open, to be fully present in this beautiful moment. Each thrust was a wave of pleasure, suffusing her body with euphoria. Her nerve endings were alive, all over, and she felt like her emotions had never been so heightened. She was completely vulnerable to this big man, both physically and emotionally, as she’d never let herself be before, and it felt incredible. She stared deep into his eyes, knowing that he’d never hurt her, that keeping her happy and fulfilled was his sole aim. His skin glowed, his muscles rippling all over. She clutched his back, loving the way that its broadness tapered into a tight waist, and then she moved down and held onto the taut muscles of his ass, inciting him to take her more deeply. His breathing was rough, half way between a growl and a purr, and she sensed his bear, just beneath his skin, pushing at him, fighting to be let out. It was hot and wild and unbelievable.

His movements became faster, jerky, and his breath began to catch in his throat. He was being gentle with her, holding back to make it sweet and romantic, but she sensed he needed he take her harder to mate her completely.

“Let’s try a different position,” she whispered. He frowned, confused.
He’s too adorable,
she thought, as she pushed him off her gently, and then turned onto her side, facing away from him. “Like this, baby,” she said, raising her ass a little. He took the hint immediately, pausing to run his hands over her pale, creamy globes, before sliding his cock into her again and taking her from behind.

She cried out as he entered her, his cock filling her in a slightly different way than before. He cupped her breast as he fucked her again, rocking back and forth, and then his hand moved down to her hip and he held her firmly, as he began to fuck her more vigorously.

“You can take me harder if you want,” she said. He paused, frozen for a second, and then it was as if her words had unleashed something in him. Putting more pressure on her hip, he suddenly flipped her onto her front, pushed her legs wide apart, and pushed into her with all of his length, the weight of his body coming down on her. She moaned in delight. This is what they’d both wanted. It felt so rough and animalistic. She loved being so helpless, pinned beneath his powerful body. He began to whisper to her, his breath hot in her ear.

“You’re mine, Adaira. I’m claiming you for my own, to be mine forever and ever.” His teeth nipped at her neck and his hand slid beneath her body and held her breasts in a rough grasp as he plowed into her over and over. Her head swam with ecstasy. She felt like rag doll, helpless to the incredible sensations that Leigh was creating in her body.

“My mate, my beautiful mate,” Leigh muttered over and over. As he moved faster and faster, her pussy began to spasm in quick little clenches. His breath came short and thick, as she exploded, screaming into the pillow, her body was buffeted with the fiercest orgasm of her life. Leigh came at the same moment, throwing himself on top of her, and subduing the bear-like roar that burst from his lips as he filled her with his seed.

They lay still for a long time, their bodies slick with perspiration and the air thick with the musky scent of their lovemaking. At last, they wriggled apart and Adaira turned over so she could snuggle into his arms. He stroked her forehead tenderly.

“I thought our previous mating was incredible, but this was on a whole new level, Adaira,” he whispered. “Last time, I felt uncertain about things, but now I feel like we’re fully mated.” Adaira grinned at him. Everything was fuzzy with the pure bliss she was experiencing.

“I feel the same, baby,” she said.

“I can’t wait to start our lives together, to get a house and then some cubs – ” he broke off. “You do want cubs, don’t you?” She laughed.

“Yes I do. I was actually worried that you didn’t. I thought going from complete solitude to sharing your house with several others would be too much for a reclusive old bear like you!” He gasped in mock outrage and tickled her all over, while she shrieked in delight.

“I can’t think of anything I’d like more than to have a house with you while our cubs are running all over the place,” he said.

“Same here,” Adaira said, and he pulled her into a lingering kiss.

Chapter Eighteen

Leigh stood on top of the mountain, gazing at the land that fell steeply away from the summit, all the way down to Hope Valley. It was a view he’d seen almost every day of his life, and the most beautiful thing he could imagine looking at, apart from Adaira. His chest was tight with emotion, and he wiped a tear away, but he knew he was doing the right thing. The mountain would always be there.

He edged down the bare, slippery rock face, making his way back to his cabin. Adaira stepped out of the rubble. She’d been looking to see if anything at all was salvageable.

“Guess what?” she said, an impish grin lighting her pretty face.


“There was one thing that didn’t get burned, somehow.” She’d had her hand behind her back, and now she brought it in front of her. She was holding his bouzouki. He gasped and ran over to her and took it. It was a little singed, but the strings were undamaged. He ran a thumb across them and they still sung, as they’d always done.

“I can’t believe it!” he exclaimed. “I was sure it had gone. I couldn’t even bear to look for it and see it all ruined.”

“Looks like hiding it under that sturdy bed protected it!” They walked over to the rock where things had first begun between them, where they’d shared so many intense moments.

“How did it go?” she said as they sat down, their hands coming together, as they always did.

“I told her. And she took it well.” He smiled. “She actually said that she’ll come and live near the foot of the mountain too. It’s a harsh climate for her up here, and as she gets older, it’ll be hard for her to catch the hardy species that exist at these reaches.”

“No way! That’s great news!” Adaira said.

“I know. I think she’s looking forward to sinking her teeth into some fat raccoons, instead of the skinny critters she usually hunts!”

“When will she come?”

“She says she needs a few days to say goodbye. She’s never been to the foot of the mountain before; it’s a big change for her.” Adaira stroked his face.

“And for you. But you and your mom will be able to support each other, which will make it easier.” Leigh raised her hand and kissed it.

“You always know the right thing to say,” he said.

“That’s because I love you, silly.”

“I love you too, baby.” He peppered her face with gentle kisses before moving onto her lips. Soon a kiss became a fumble, and before they knew it, their clothes were being shed.

“One more time up here for luck?” Adaira said.

“Absolutely,” he said, gazing down at her naked body, so lush and perfect against the scrubby earth. He spread her thighs and claimed her as his own yet again.

Chapter Nineteen

Two weeks later


“Come here, Leigh!” Adaira called, holding her hand. He dashed over and draped an arm around her shoulder. “Hold on.” She turned them until the angle was perfect. “Now, smile!” They both grinned into the camera, then looked at the photo eagerly. There was him, his beautiful, incredible mate, and a ‘sold’ sign right behind them. Adaira slipped the phone into her pocket and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.

“It’s ours!” she exclaimed. “Our own plot of land. To build our dream cabin!”

“Woo hoo!” he yelled, spinning her around, as his bear let out a joyful roar. They gazed at their land. It was in the foothills of the mountain, just far enough removed from the town to give Leigh the feeling of separation he craved, while close enough to allow Adaira easy access to the social life that she loved.

“When does the building start?” she asked.

“Tomorrow! We’ll be bringing the lumber over first thing, and get going. And we should be done in about a month, with all of us working on it.” Adaira sighed happily. She and Leigh had planned every room themselves, to fit their exact specifications. There would be enough bedrooms for several cubs, a big den, a cute veranda, a huge outdoor area for playing sports and having barbecues, and Leigh’s special request – a spa room with a huge Jacuzzi. 

Leigh glanced up, to the faraway summit of the mountain. Weirdly, he didn’t miss being there. He was happy being immersed in Adaira’s life, and making up for all the time he’d missed being with his clan. Adaira looked at him questioningly.

“Wishing you were back on that lonely mountain top by yourself?” she demanded.

“Nope!” he said cheerfully. “Are you wishing you were freezing your ass off back in the UK, my beautiful Scottish mate?”

“Nope!” she echoed.

“Home is where the heart is.”

“It certainly is,” she replied, as his lips met hers in a tender kiss.






~ * ~ * ~ * ~


Hi, thank you so much for reading Adaira and Leigh’s story! I really hope you enjoyed it and if so please consider leaving a review; even if it’s only a line or two, it’ll make all the difference, and it will be greatly appreciated.


I’m already working on the next book in the series, which tells the story of Tamika, and will be available for purchase very soon! I also have two Christmas stories which I want to share with you – they will be out in the beginning of December! Sign up to my
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Thanks again for reading – and for all your support!



Ariana Hawkes


~ * ~ * ~ * ~


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BOOK: Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Adaira) BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW online dating app romances Book 6)
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