Read Shifting the Night Away Online

Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Cynthia Fox,Terra Wolf,Lucy Auburn,Wednesday Raven,Jami Brumfield,Lyn Brittan,Rachael Slate,Claire Ryann

Shifting the Night Away (39 page)

BOOK: Shifting the Night Away
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Katie smacked the pulsing alarm clock off the nightstand and went to start another day of work. She found herself thinking about Linc at random moments. For a moment, she had stood in front of the closet figuring out what to wear before realizing he'd never see it under the uniform.

I need to get a grip and stop thinking of Linc. He may look good, but he'll be gone just like the rest in a week or two.

After a quick shower and brush of makeup, Katie pulled her dark hair back and was out the door ready to start her day. She was nearly at the front gates when her cell phone alerted her to a text message.

Mom's not doing well. They say she's going to need specialized care. I know we can't afford that. Can you help out?

She tried not to think about her cable being shut off or the overdue water bill as she typed:

I'll try, sis. I'll try.

Clocking in she saw that Linc was already waiting on her. A much better sign, especially for a Tuesday.

They covered much more ground and the day flew by for both of them. At the end of the shift, Linc found himself asking Katie to dinner.

"I was thinking meeting at Rondolo's? My treat?"

She hesitated. "Is this a date, Linc, or...." she let the question linger.

"Think of it as two people continuing to get to know each other."

"That I can do," she smiled, "I'll be there. 8?"

"8 it is."

This time Katie took care in picking out her outfit. From the strappy black heels to the hip-hugging black dress, she both looked and felt beautiful. She tried to put on a smile and not think about her mother's need for extended care and how much of a strain that would put on her from here on out.

They both arrived at the restaurant a few minutes apart and were seated. Linc ordered a trendy wine instead of something with heritage in hopes of still keeping up appearances.

"So, seriously, is this weird?"

"What do you mean, Linc?" She asked, perplexed as to what he was getting at.

"Is it weird for us to work side by side all day and then see each other at night?"

"Oh not really, my ex Chance worked with me until he left in the middle of the night. I was almost more upset at the loss of him as an employee than a boyfriend." She let a small laugh escape that was more sadness than humor.

"Wow, I had no idea. That had to have been awful."

"It is what it is."

The waiter appeared and Linc ordered sea scallops while Katie had a small pasta salad. When he had slipped away, Linc began again.

"So what do you think is the company's main flaw?"

"They care shit all for their workers. We have mandatory overtime at minimum wage, horrible benefits, and I don't think I've seen a single person from corporate bother to come and check in, even for a crappy meeting. They hired a new CEO and no one has seen him. It's like they think 'Who cares' you know?"

"Maybe they are just busy."


A slow tear started to fall down her cheek.

"There, there, Katie. I didn't mean to make you upset with shop talk. I'll stop. Don't cry." Linc said as he grabbed his table napkin to dab her tear away. For a moment, when their eyes met, time seemed to stand still.
There was something about him, some wildness in there that she could feel.

"It's not that. I just found out that my mother's health is worsening. My sister texted saying they need extended care for her now and asked if I could help. I've utilities being turned off and now I have no idea what to do."

"Katie. I'm sure something will work out. I just have a feeling." He said, taking her hand.

She realized that she hadn't felt this good, even through off the things going wrong, in many months. It had been well over a year since Chance left, and even when he was around he never listened and comforted her like Linc was. And those eyes. What was up with Linc's eyes?

Throughout the rest of the evening they went through a variety of topics. Both remarking how easy it was to talk when usually they found it frustrating to get to know new people.

"I know it's like you're the other half of me." She said to him without thinking. "Oh my gosh, I didn't mean... I was just saying we're so similar, is all."

Linc quietly laughed. "It's ok, I knew what you meant." But it had made him wonder. There had been something about her that first moment he saw her. Something that made him feel calm when usually he was a sea of anxiety here in the city.
That's it; she makes me think of home.

As they were walking out of the restaurant, Linc leans over and kisses her.

"I've wanted to do that since the moment I saw you."

She grinned at him and said, "It's a good thing you didn't, I'd probably sent you to HR for sexual harassment for it."

"And now?" he wondered.

"Well now I'm just wondering why you're asking so many questions when you could be kissing me again."

Chapter Six

She stood there by the doorway, carefully and slowly raising her leg up to undo her heels. Each fell to the floor beside her long legs. He sat there on the bed, staring at the luscious beauty in front of him.

Katie hooked her thumb on each side of her panties and wiggled her way out of them as she tossed them at him. He smiled, bringing them to his face. "Katie, you're killing me here, come over to the bed."

She stayed there in the doorway. Her hands went to unbutton her blouse, letting it ease off her shoulders as she turned around. Two more buttons later and her shirt lay on the floor below next to her shoes. She was left with nothing but her skirt, which she wasted no time in unzipping.

It was then that she was naked in front of him and turned to walk toward him.

His hands immediately went to her waist, and pulled her soft curvy body to him. He wrapped himself up in her, kissing her, burying his face in her ample breasts. His tongue found each nipple and flicked it lightly. His teeth grazed over the tips and sent goose bumps over Katie's body.

"You are every bit as beautiful as I thought you'd be under that horrible uniform." Linc breathed next to her ear. His tongue trailed down her neck and he found himself fighting the wolf inside him to take her roughly. He struggled to maintain a sense of slow sensuality.

"You're not bad yourself." Her breath was ragged and she was wet to his touch.

His fingertips danced over her skin and came to rest on her mound. He raked his fingers up and down with each pass getting closer and closer to her clit.

Katie took a step back and leaned over to ease his pants off him, pulling them and his underwear down in one fell motion. She let a small gasp escape her lips as his cock sprang to attention.
That's a good eight to nine inches if it's one
, she thought to herself.

She stood there at the edge of the bed and threw one leg over each side of him. She straddled him and eased her wetness down on his erect cock. Linc had never felt someone so tight in all the women he'd dated. It was if her tunnel were milking his cock as he felt her muscles compress and contract his hardness.

"Oh Katie, that's.... that's so damn good." He moaned as he fought the urge to howl.

She teased him for a while and gently moved on top of him. When she thought that they both couldn't stand it any longer, she lowered herself entirely onto him. She sat there on top of him, grinding her clit into his pelvis as he grabbed onto her and fucked her hard.

Thrust after thrust he felt his orgasm build. Each pulse that her pussy contracted around him made his wolf pace back and forth, waiting for release. He practiced his breathing, trying to keep the changes from happening, hoping that his teeth and nails would not be lengthening tonight.

Suddenly he couldn't hold back any longer as he said, "Katie, baby I'm going to come. You feel so good on me. Ride me harder, darling." And she did.
Fuck me; she may be the first woman I've been with that actually enjoys sex.

She didn't think about how long she'd known him and she didn't want to know if he was going to stick around. All she knew that his eyes held a wildness that she had to see spilled over into the bedroom. He incited a lust in her that no one else had before.

Her eyes closed, her head flew back, and her breath was coming in spurts as she gasped at her impeding orgasm.

They both screamed out each other's names as they came in unison.

They kissed each other passionately as they stayed intertwined for a few minutes.

"Will you be staying the night?" she asked, knowing the probable answer.

"I can't tonight. This wasn't planned, but I'll be ready next time I promise." She couldn't hide her disappointment, but she understood. They both had work in the morning and he had no overnight bag.

She gave him a light kiss as she held his pants for him to grab. "I'll see you in the morning then, Linc."

Linc woke the next morning with mixed feelings. While he knew Katie was the woman he'd been waiting for, he was unprepared for how to finish out his week of undercover work and how to tell her the truth; both about who he was and what he was.
How do I tell her that I'm not only the CEO of the company she's been upset with but a wolf shifter as well?

It was these mixed feelings that made the following days a series of showing up for work, small talk with Katie, and then some form of excuse as to why they weren't hanging out in the evenings.

Chapter Seven

That Saturday, Linc called her and invited her to the beach for the weekend. He wanted her to be in his element; surrounded by sand and surf. She happily agreed.

"I have to admit, Linc, I thought you were going to give me the brush off after that night. This was a lovely surprise."

She lay in his arms and watched the sunset as they made love again, this time in the dunes. She thought it was exceptionally daring but little did she realize that the entire section of the coastline was Linc's; purchased shortly after the inheritance check cleared. Afterwards, they walked up the beach and went inside their cabin.

"So next week I suppose you're on your own at work, eh?" she said.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that, Katie." He began, not sure if he should jeopardize it so soon by telling her the truth or keep things calm for a moment and lie. The lie won. "They fired me after I left Friday."

"I've never known them to fire anyone. I wonder why they did it."

"It's really no big deal Katie. We can keep in contact through text, email, phone calls, and of course see each other after work. It's not going to affect us."

"Well yea, I understand that, but it still just another shitty thing the company does."

"I didn't mean to upset you. Come, let's turn in for the night and have a better day tomorrow before heading back, alright?"

"Alright, Linc."

Katie slowly undressed and laid next to Linc, letting her head fall in the crook between his arm and chest. Some time during the night, he'd wrapped himself up around her and held her tight. Come morning they found themselves still tightly embraced and smiled at each other. Katie had never developed feelings for someone so quickly.

BOOK: Shifting the Night Away
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