She (21 page)

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Authors: Annabel Fanning

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“Oh, Logan,” I murmur. I reach around to his backside, squeezing it tightly, willing him to take me now. I need him inside of me!

Slowly, he tilts his hips forward and he sinks into me, filling me and making my body quiver in pleasure.
Oh, yes
! I’m silken inside and he glides in easily, e
very perfect inch of him stimulating me.
I’m enraptured, watching his reaction with such attention that I feel like I could explode from that alone. His body tenses, his breathing is staggered, and his mouth is slack as he delights in feeling me from the inside.

With my best seductress smile, I lie down flat against the table, gazing up at him, waiting with baited breath for him to start moving. He starts slow, delectably slow, letting me feel every infinitesimal movement within.
I instantly
arch my back, clamping
my hands
tightly over each of his wrists. My head falls back, my mouth open. “
” I moan.

“Fast or slow?” Logan asks, his voice tense from controlling himself so expertly.

“Fast,” I say immediately. Just the thought of it causes excitement to course through my body.

“Gentle or hard?”

“Hard,” I tell him what I need; what I crave.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he smiles, looking at me with a mixture of love and longing in his eyes.

Following my instructions Logan begins moving,
moving, thrusting into me with groan after groan, his hands holding my hips firmly against him. We’re both climbing quickly.
quickly. I call out in utter ecstasy and Logan responds by taking me even faster. Inside I feel that delectable, building sensation take over me. I am breathless, and my heart pounds. I release my grip on his wrists, and instead raise my arms above my head, my hands just managing to clasp the top of the chair that sits there. I hold on tightly.
! Now I feel him even deeper, I arch my back even more.

!” I call.
yes! I know my countdown is on; I’m going to come imminently.

“You look amazing!” Logan pants, enjoying the eroticism of our scene.

I can only vaguely comprehend what he is saying. My whole focus is on him, down there, sinking into me…once…twice…three times…

An abrupt and shrill sound stops us as we’re on the verge.
! The fucking fire alarm! Simultaneously, our heads turn to the kitchen, where the stovetop is smoking big time. Logan pulls out of me, and as he races into the kitchen, I’m right behind him.

“I’ll get the pan,” I tell him.

“I’ll get the alarm,” he says.

He grabs a towel and wafts it madly under the alarm, something that is incredibly eye catching considering he’s in the nude!
, Gem, I scold myself. Quickly I turn the stovetop off, and carefully carry the pan to the sink, sticking it under a full torrent of water. My heart is racing overtime, adrenaline coursing through me. After a minute of running the water over the pan, and Logan fanning the alarm, the smoke has dissipated and the alarm stops blaring at us. Noisy bastard!

I dump the pan on the counter beside the sink and then turn to look sheepishly at Logan, who’s staring impassively back at me. Together we burst into laughter, both of us shocked to have been
caught up in our sexual act that we missed all the telltale signs of trouble!

“No one’s
distracted me like that before,” he laughs.

“Me either,” I say, breathlessly.

Quite as suddenly as the alarm sounded, Logan’s arm encase me once more. “Gemima, you are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met,” he whispers, his breathing rapid and his eyes on fire.

Oh? I smile at him. We stand, body to body, but the erotic tension between us has eased despite our nudity. This moment is sensual more than sexual.

“Your confidence…” his hands draw circles over my bare hips, “…seduces me. You dance as if possessed by Aphrodite herself.”

“Poetic,” I giggle.

“Your body…” he looks down at it, “…hot
, Gemima!” He smiles at what he sees, and I can’t help but beam at his reaction. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” he says earnestly. “So soft. So sexy. So sensual. You just…
me… And I, I can’t quite put into words what you do to me, or how you make me feel.”

“You’re better than you think,” I murmur.

He smiles a little. “I’m
in love with you, Gemima,” he tells me. “That’s the gist of it,” he sighs. It’s as though revealing his deepest feelings is cathartic to him.
He’s done this before
, I note, suddenly feeling totally overwhelmed. He did it at lunch last week, he did it last night, and now he’s done it again. His words disarm me entirely. I am transported into a state of rapture. Like a deer in headlights, I cannot look away.
My god, I
this man! I cannot fathom ever not loving him.

“I… I…” I’m struck dumb.

“I do believe I’ve rendered you speechless,” he smiles, satisfied and a little bit amazed.

I nod.

“A first?” he chuckles.

I nod again.
in love with
, Logan,” I finally manage to say.
I touch his cheeks where his dimples have formed, and then
I kiss his lips lightly, never taking my eyes off of his.

He holds me tightly to him. I rest my head on his shoulder, my eyes closed. Only minutes ago I was filled with sexual
, and now I’m full of emotional
Logan pleases all of me
, I think with a smile.
I let my whole body relax; I let him hold me, strong and secure. We stand for several minutes. The feeling of him around me is exquisite. I could stay here for days, I muse. I could stay here forever.

“I love having you here in my home. When I moved in two years ago, it did not seem very likely,” he shares with me.

“And now you’ll have a hard time getting me to leave,” I warn him with a smile.

“Then don’t,” he smiles back. “Stay… Stay for always,” he requests boldly, as if having read my recent thoughts.

I smile and nod in response. “Alright,” I agree.

8. You Shook Me All
Night Long


We dig another of Mercy’s home-cooked meals out of the freezer, warm it through and manage to create two small servings. Donning our robes, we eat outside on the terrace, sitting on the only two seats available.

Logan was right, it
bleak out here. I scan the space, which is about thirty square metres, and even in the dark I can imagine how it
look. I could make an urban paradise up here, blocking out the busyness and business of the surrounding buildings, and creating an oasis retreat for Logan to recoup in.


I decide, quite suddenly, that that’s
what I’m going to do! Now I have a birthday present for him, I think happily.

Logan watches me scan our surrounds. “You look like you’re deep in thought.”

“I am…but nothing I can share with you right now,” I grin.

“Why not?” he asks.

“C’est une surprise.”
It’s a surprise

“Intriguing as ever, Samuels,” he says, and I wink in response.

Mercy’s cooking is delicious. When I’ve finished eating and am done with licking the plate (much to Logan’s amusement) I wander over to the edge of the terrace and peer down to the street below. Even late on a Friday evening there is an ongoing ebb and flow of traffic; and the lights in all the nearby buildings are still blazing, although they’re all empty.

“It’s a long, long, long way down,” I say to Logan when he joins me at the edge.

“Yes. At least if I have a
bad day at work, I have a good place to jump from…”

I nudge him, disapprovingly.

He laughs. “Just joking, baby.”

On the ground a couple of blocks away I see a line of people gathered on the street, waiting to get in somewhere.

“What’s down there?” I ask, pointing to the line of people.

“It’s a nightclub.”

Ooh, that could be fun! “I believe it’s pronounced
here. Can we go dancing?” I ask him.

“You saw what happened the last time we tried dancing…”

“Surely with people around you’ll be better behaved?” I tease.

Logan laughs, his beautiful face causing me to doubt my own self-restraint. “It was
who dropped your robe first,” he reminds me.

so it was
, I smile to myself. “I promise I’ll remain clothed,” I say.

Logan looks at me with longing, like he’d enjoy nothing more than getting me
clothed. My self-restraint diminishes, but suddenly I’m on a point-proving mission with myself, and I want to show myself that I can be civil in public. Last night was fine; why should tonight be any different?

“Come on, we can dance until dawn…and maybe they’ll play some N’Sync for you?” I say.

I don’t know whether it’s my persuasion or the thought of N’Sync that does it, but either way, Logan agrees.


Twenty minutes later Logan and I are being admitted into the club through the VIP entrance. I ask him why we get special treatment and he mutters something about a friend of a friend of Buddy’s, but it’s so loud in the club that I don’t hear the full explanation. Logan leads the way to the bar which is only slightly less occupied than the dance floor. He buys us a couple of rounds and only when we’re both sufficiently drunk do we head into the throng of dancing people. It’s
oisy, sweaty, crowded; a world away from how we spent last Friday night. We dance pressed up against each other, not that we have any other option. I’m being touched constantly by at least four other people; the club is
packed. Granted, I tell myself, not quite as much fun as I thought it would be, but Logan is here, and when I focus solely on him, everyone else seems to fall away.

I don’t bother to keep my dancing PG; nobody else is. Logan’s hands are fixed on my hips and backside as I dance. Mine are wrapped around his neck, my hands loose in his hair. In my sky-high heels I’m only two inches shorter than him and I take the opportunity of being closer to his lips. I kiss him headily as we move to the music. And when we break apart and gaze at one another I note that there’s something very sexy about being in our own little world while being in the middle of a crowded room.

Logan’s eyes are ablaze with desire. “I want to take you home,” he calls over the music.

“We just got here!” I shout back, even though it’s not true.

He repeats his sentence, but drops one word. “I want to take you,” he smiles.

The way he looks at me, the way he makes me feel, and the fact that I know we adore each other: combined they're the ultimate aphrodisiac! I can’t resist him! I’d have him right here on the dance floor of the discotheque if it weren’t so improper!

I kiss his lips gently, keeping eye contact, and then I repeat myself from last Friday night, mouthing against his lips, “Take me home, Logan.”


My nails dig into the bedding. “
!” I cry, almost there.

I’m on Logan’s bed on my hands and knees and he kneels behind me holding me at the hips, groaning with each quick thrust he issues. Ah,
! I push back against him, craving to feel him deeply. Reading me perfectly, Logan gives me exactly what I want, thrusting deeper.

I call out again. This is perfection!

He speeds up, his pace a match for this evening; this evening when we were interrupted before we could cross the threshold. Nothing can interrupt us now!

I tighten around him as I orgasm, loudly, my body trembling. Logan follows me, finding his release and calling out my name.
I unwind slowly, drowning in waves of gratification. Holy hell! My heart races at a million miles an hour. Logan pulls out of me, and we both fall forward; w
e lie, panting, sprawled over Logan’s large bed.

OK, so maybe I wasn’t quite ready for the whole ‘going out’ thing. My point-proving mission will have to be rescheduled: tonight I failed utterly!
So worth it
, I smile to myself.

“You are a Master,” I tell Logan.

He chuckles at my compliment, but really he shouldn’t: he
a Master! A gorgeous, orgasmic one! He stands on those ever muscular legs of his and pulls me to my feet too, before pulling back the duvet and letting me fall onto the soft mattress beneath. I lie on my back. He follows me into the bed, draping an arm and leg over the top of me, his head resting on my shoulder.

Sleep takes me almost instantly, my mind reeling that I could not possibly feel more comfortable than I do right now.


Logan wakes me in the morning by kissing my cheek. I stir a little, noticing that my body feels exhausted. It’s the high heels, not the sex, I tell myself. Walking and dancing in those fuckers is now making me ache all over.

“I’m going for a swim,” Logan whispers into my ear. “Stay in bed. Sleep,” he tells me, and I don’t need telling twice.

I don’t know how long I doze for but when I wake up Logan is not yet back from the pool room. I take a few deep breaths, reveling in the sensual feel of the bedding against my naked skin. I stretch my body; it feels a little better when I do, but my calf muscles burn from being overworked. Lazily, I lie for several minutes before rising.

The room is dark, the blinds are down.

“Blinds,” I say loudly. Nothing happens. “Blinds up,” I try.

I now stand right before them.
… I think through the words I programmed into the tablet yesterday. Curtains? No, I’m sure I didn’t say that. Besides, I think, that’d be entirely incorrect. They’re not curtains, they’re blinds!

,” I say again. Then it comes to me, and I remember, “Shades up!”

Abruptly there is movement in front of me. The entire wall of windows reveals itself and tells me that today it is raining. I stare out at this little patch of the world, quite enjoying being nude behind a window that no one can see through.

After visiting the bathroom I go into the kitchen to retrieve my phone. Through the open door to the pool room I can hear that Logan is still swimming, so I leave him be and return to the bedroom fixed on calling my mom. Tomorrow she leaves for her annual ten day holiday to Brazil, and I want to wish her well.

I flop back onto the bed as the phone dials.

“Hello, Sweetheart,” she answers.

“Hi, mom, how’s things?”

“Busy. I’m just packing now, but I’m almost done. I’m looking forward to being out of this wet and cold, and in the heat and the sun!” she says, enthusiastically.

“Make sure you pack some sunscreen,” I tell her. Last year she came back tanned to an unnatural shade of orange.

“Already packed,” she assures me. “How are you? What are you doing this weekend?”

“I am very well indeed,” I smile into my phone.

“Oh? Ah, of course,” she says, cottoning on, “how was your big night with Liam?”

I roll my eyes. “It’s
, and it was
! It’s continued to be amazing ever since,” I confess.

She gets straight to the point, “Is he a nicer guy than the last one?” She pretends to have forgotten Jerry’s name, despite the fact that we were together for eight years.

“Yes, unequivocally,” I say immediately.

Right on cue, Logan walks into the room. He looks breathtaking, a towel tied tightly around his hips, his hair sitting wet and wild upon his head. He takes in my naked form and a smile spreads across his face. He clambers onto the bed and flattens me, kissing my face and neck, his hands gently groping my thighs. All the while my mother is talking.

“That’s good, Sweetie. I’m looking forward to meeting Logan as soon as I’m back. I’m hopeful that your taste has improved. You deserve someone decent after that last asshole.”

“Thanks, mom,” I say, emphasising the word
so that Logan will behave himself, but, of course, he does not. I feel him smile against my skin, before he moves lower, showering my bare chest and breasts with kisses. I nipples react to his lips, delighting in his caress. They’re so sensitive to him. He moves lower still, down to my belly button, and as I know that that’s not his final destination, I decide to wrap up my phone call.

“Mom, I’ve got to go, OK? Have a brilliant vacation! Send me a postcard,” I request.

“Alright, darling. You have a good ten days, and I’ll talk to you when I’m back. Enjoy your new flame.”

I will
, I think, as Logan kisses the inside of my thighs. He pushes my feet up the bed so that my knees are bent. I lift my head off of the bed to peer down at him. He grins back at me before kissing my sex.
! I squirm.

“Tell him I said he has to be good to you,” my mom says.

“I will,” I keep my words short.

“OK, bye, then. I love you.”

“I love you, too, mom,” I say quickly. “Bye.” I hang up and throw my phone onto the floor. I don’t know where it lands, and I currently fail to care. “My mom says you have to be good to me,” I smile, arching my back and relishing the feeling of his lips on me.

He claims me, taking me all in, and I call out gratefully. Holy shit, what a dream it is to receive
first thing in the morning! I lift my legs and rest them over his shoulders before trailing them down his back. His hands reach up and cup my breasts, squeezing and caressing beautifully. His tongue pushes against me forcefully.
, yes!
! He’s relentless, taking me over and over again. My hands grip the duvet, reminding me happily of last night, as I’m brought closer to the edge. Holy
...this feels

!” I cry.

He claims me a few more times…and then I come, falling apart stupendously. My legs shake and a feeling of intense pleasure ricochets through my whole body.
That ought to relax my aching muscles
, I think, smiling to myself. Logan kisses me down there one more time and then leaves me be.
, he’s good at that!

He stands up, looking imperially tall from where I’m lying, panting and satiated. “Good morning, my love,” he smiles.

Giggles overcome me. “Good morning!”

“Have you eaten?” he asks.

I raise my eyebrows at him.

?” he adds, knowing my American Mouth’s propensity for making rude jokes.

I giggle again, and avoid making the obvious comment. “No, I have not,” I tell him. I lift my arms and hold out my hands to him, which he takes, pulling me to my feet. I stand on the edge of the bed, a foot taller than him. He gazes up at me, his eyes soft and loving. I cradle his face in my hands. “How was your swim?” I ask him.

“Tiring, but good,” he tells me.

“Breakfast, then?”

He nods and carries me down off of the bed, setting me on the floor. I pull on the too-big bathrobe and we sit at the dining table with our coffee and cereal. When we’re sufficiently replenished I decide it’s time to shower. Logan says he’ll clean up (the burnt mess from last night is still sitting on the countertop) and then he’ll join me.

I lug my overnight bag into the bathroom and then rummage through it. What to wear today? I settle on my favourite black skinny jeans and one of my new tops. I lay them out on one of the many hanging rails, then I hang up my robe and step into the shower, my various hair and body ointments in hand. I wash my body first, not my usual routine, but with Logan joining me imminently, I choose to take a moment of privacy and discretion to clean myself.

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