Shawn's Law (14 page)

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Authors: Renae Kaye

BOOK: Shawn's Law
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I was still threading my fingers through his hair when he pushed the elasticated waist of my shorts down and grabbed my bum with his large hands. My boner sprang free and snuggled into the springy hair between Harley’s thighs, rubbing and loving his erection, which was rock hard. With all the things that had gone wrong between us—wheels coming off cars, bullets flying through restaurants, biting ants attacking—the sex hadn’t been a problem. We’d jerked off and sucked off each other with gay abandon in Harley’s backyard. I even had to remind him to put a little extra chlorine in the pool because there was a heck of a lot of sperm in the water.

The one thing we hadn’t discussed was anal. The condom in the letterbox was quite a large push toward that, and I wondered what Harley wanted to do. Some guys love it. Some guys hate it. Some guys do it on the first date. Some guys wait until their first anniversary, as a milestone.

I needed to feel comfortable before we went that far, and it had been a while since my love life had progressed past more than a handful of dates. Would I still remember how to do it? Would my anus work in the same way it used to, more than—I had to stop and count—oh, God, six years ago?

Maybe your anus and prostate shriveled up and died if you didn’t use them. How would I know? Who could I ask?

I pulled away from Harley. “Sorry. I need to make a quick phone call.”

The look that Harley gave me was beyond disbelieving. “What? Now?” A thrust of his hips showed me what he meant. We were both painfully and impossibly aroused, making out in his foyer, and probably about two minutes away from blowing our loads, and I wanted to stop?

“Yes. Sorry. I need to ask Kris a very important question.”

Harley knew who Kris was and looked at me suspiciously. “I don’t believe you. You’re just going to run.”

“No, no,” I assured him. “I just need to ask Kris if… well, something really important, and then I’ll come back.”

Harley was still dubious. “If you really must ask Kris this question, right at this very moment, then you can ring him while I continue to kiss your body. I have a real need to place a kiss over every inch of your chest.”

I thought about Harley listening in while I asked Kris if gay men’s bodies withered and broke if you didn’t regularly use all your parts. I choked. “No. It’s a personal question.”

“Shawn, I’ve sucked your dick. You’ve sucked mine. How much more personal are we going to get?”

“That’s what I need to talk to him about.”

I could nearly see the cogs whirling in his brain as he worked through the problem. “Is this question about anal sex?”

Darn. How could I answer this?

While I was still trying to formulate a lie, Harley asked me, “Shawn, are you a virgin?”

The room heated suddenly by about two hundred degrees. Or perhaps that was me blushing. “Um, I don’t know.”

I felt laughter against my chest. “How can you not know if you’re a virgin or not?”

“Well, does virginity grow back after a certain time?”

All expression fell from Harley’s face as my comment registered. Then he gave a bark of laughter and gathered me into his arms, chuckling at me with all his might. Or was it at my predicament? I tried to untangle myself, but he wouldn’t let me go. “Oh, Shawn. I’ve missed you. Don’t lock me out of your life again, because it’s so cold and lonely without you. I need you to bring me sunshine and laughter.”

I was stunned. That sounded very much like a declaration of some sort. I would have to memorize those words and discuss them with Kris at a later date. But for now I had a more pressing problem for Kris.

“I still need to call Kris,” I reminded Harley. I tried to shuffle away but my pants were around my ankles. I stepped out of them
before I tripped myself up. No need to tempt Shawn’s Law

“No,” Harley stepped back enough to allow me to untangle my shoes from my shorts, but he wouldn’t let me go. As soon as I was free, he tugged me along the hallway, bypassed the living areas, and took me straight into his room. I caught a glimpse of us in his mirrored wardrobe door—Harley all golden tan and lean muscles, me still in my shoes with my dick waving from beneath my shirt. Yeah, we really matched.

“Harley, I need to ask Kris—”

“No,” he told me again as he drew back the quilt cover and top sheet of his bed. “Whatever you need to ask, you can ask me. No matter how many times you try to dump me, I’m declaring that I’m your boyfriend, and therefore you can ask me any personal question you want.”

Cheese with pancakes.
How was I going to get out of that?

While I was trying to work out how to slip out of the room for two minutes, Harley advanced on me and wrenched my shirt over my head. I was standing at the foot of his bed with my shoes and glasses on, and nothing else. I wondered how Harley wasn’t laughing his head off.

I tried to subtly kick my shoes off, but he stopped me. “No. Leave them on. I like them.” He sat down on the bed and jerked me forward until he could take my dick in his mouth. Despite me never being able to star in a porn movie with my rather average length, Harley seemed to be mad about my dick. Not that I was keeping count—much—but he was way up on the blow job count. I had tried to protest, but he told me he needed the practice. Who was I to argue with that?

I shoved my fingers into that golden mane again and pulled him down. His hair floated over his shoulders and brushed against my thigh, tickling me slightly and causing shivers to rack my body.

“Oh, gosh. That feels good,” I told him. I wrapped my fist into his hair and tugged his head back gently until he popped off the end of my cock. I looked earnestly into his eyes and said, “You have a magical mouth. I want you to know that.”

His eyes were pools of emotion as he stared up at me. “I want you to fuck me, Shawn.”

Wait. Whaaat?

“What? Me ff… do you?”

“Yes,” he told me seriously.

“You don’t want to ff… do me?” I couldn’t comprehend it. Don’t get me wrong, I love sex. I’m a normal male with pretty much the normal urges. In my previous relationships that lasted long enough to progress to the point where I was comfortable with anal sex, I had taken the cues from my partner. I was happy to assume whichever position he didn’t want. That said, it usually meant me taking the bottom.

“Yes. I’d love to fuck you, Shawn. You’re so deliciously sexy that I dream about it nightly and jack off to the thought at least once a day. But I really need you to fuck me, today. I need you to show that you want me. You’ve been pushing me away, and it’s been tough.”

I tried to comprehend what he was saying. For the previous weeks, I had been ignoring him—in desperation for his life. But I never once thought of how it would impact him. I had obviously hurt him. In trying to keep him safe, I’d hurt him.

“I didn’t want to push you away, Harley. But you’ll end up being injured somehow if you’re around me. I was just doing it for your sake.”

A sweet smile grew on those magical lips. “I know you were, baby. But I’d rather have the swollen hand and you, than be lonely and without you. I couldn’t think without you. I couldn’t eat or sleep. I need you, Shawn. I need to know that you aren’t going to run again. I need to know that you haven’t tried to wrestle with crocodiles or swim with sharks or something as foolhardy. If you’re going to be bitten by a snake, again, I need to be the one to call the ambulance.”

My chest felt all tight. I couldn’t breathe. “But what if it’s you that gets bitten by the snake?” I asked softly.

He smiled and kissed the curve of my stomach. “Then I need you close to ring the ambulance for me.”

Still I hesitated. I couldn’t reconcile the picture of beautiful, golden Harley with tubby ole me. Not to mention my mother and sister and all the rest of the crazy O’Hara family. I think Harley could see my indecision. He buried his face in the fuzz on my stomach and rubbed his nose against my belly button. “You don’t have to answer now, baby. Just promise me that you’ll keep talking to me so we can work out the problems, okay?”

My resolve wavered. “But my mother—”

“We’ll work it out, all right? I know you have your mother, and she takes up most of your time, but we’ll work it out. But right now I need to do something that’s been killing me for the past weeks. Something that, had you never come back to me, I would’ve regretted my whole life.”

You may’ve guessed by now, but brains don’t exactly feature in my family tree. I looked at him dumbly, “What’s that?”

A fire that had been banked behind his eyes suddenly exploded into flames. I could feel the heat searing my flesh. “It involves the condom I sent you. Did you get it? Did you bring it with you?”

I thought of where that condom was. “I have a really funny story to tell you about that,” I said. “But later. If you’re really sure about this, and if you have another condom for us to use, then I have about forty-three minutes until I need to get back to Lisa. So tell me how and where, and let’s do it.”

Shawn’s Law must’ve been bothering someone else at that moment, because Harley opened a drawer next to his bed and pulled out another condom. Strawberry flavored for my enjoyment. “I know you love strawberries.” Harley grinned. “So, I got these just for you. Damn well gave me a boner in the middle of the pharmacy.”

Something else was giving me a boner, but it wasn’t a condom. It was Harley’s hand as he almost idly played with my scrotum with one hand, while his other hand held the pink packet up to his mouth to tear it open. The smell of strawberries hit me.

I gulped in a couple of breaths to unscramble my brain and asked, “If it’s me who loves the strawberries, then how come the condom is going on my dick? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?”

Harley gave me a coy look. “Think about where that strawberry lube is going to end up? Perhaps that’s where I want you to put your mouth.”

The bottom of my world fell out. I know it sounds dumb, but would he really
me do that? I’d never done it before. I was still thinking about it while he rolled the condom over my length and stood in front of me.

“Shawn? Are you still with me, baby? Are you all right with this?”

The power of speech had deserted me again. I blinked once and decided that talking
overrated. I grabbed a hank of Harley’s hair and pulled him up to where I could kiss him. My glasses pushed painfully against my face, so I yanked them off and threw them on the cabinet beside the bed—where I hoped I would remember I’d put them. Somehow we migrated to being horizontal on the bed with me squirming on top of him while he stroked me all over. He found my nipples and tongued them eagerly while I pulled my fingers through his silken hair. He smiled at my fascination and then nearly blew my brains out. He took a fistful of his hair and gently brushed my skin with it.

It felt like a feather duster. It was soft and delicious, and I shivered uncontrollably. Harley stroked my face gently, then traced a line down my neck so he could feather the ends of his hair on my nipples. I fell backward on the sheets, paralyzed by the exquisite sensation. I heard him chuckle softly, but he continued his torture. He brushed the hair under my arms, my ticklish sides, along my thighs. And then he did the most amazing thing.

He took his hair and softly grazed the delicate skin of my balls. Oh, yeah. Them suckers were sensitive. I cried out and he went lower, fluttering those golden strands downward until I nearly came.

I screwed my face up tight and fought off my climax, pushing Harley and his heavenly hair away. “Holy cowpokes, Harley. I thought you wanted me to ff… do you?”

He laughed joyously and flung his torturous locks over his shoulder. He didn’t answer my question with words, but I understood what he wanted when he threw the lubricant in my direction and lay back on the pillows with his legs spread.

“Been waiting for it for months, babe. Don’t make me wait any longer,” he panted.

My brain chugged into the station and reminded me how to do this stuff. It had been a while, but I remembered that lubricant was needed in sometimes floodwater amounts, and fingers were required to help the lubricant get where it needed to go. No matter how much I wanted to simply shove and buck, there were rules to be followed.

I was obviously moving too slowly for Harley’s liking, because he grabbed my wrist as soon as the clear gel hit my fingers and took it to where he wanted it. My fingers remembered what to do, because they were in there in a flash.

“Oh, fuck, yes, Shawn. Oh, I can’t believe you’re finally doing this to me.”

I couldn’t believe that he could talk while I was doing that to him. My vocal chords had disappeared completely, never to be found again. I watched in captivation as my fingers breached his body and prepared the way for my strawberry-lubed dick.

“Shawn? Baby? I need you to fuck me now. Come on. Please?”

Please? He was begging? He was begging
? If this was a dream, then I’d better get to the good part before my alarm went off. Lube, lube, lube—never, ever try without lube. It was something that was burned into my brain from when…. Yeah, let’s forget about that time and just say that I knew the power of a good lube job.

Harley was panting, I was puffing, he was waiting, and I was as nervous as all heck. What if my dick didn’t work the same as it used to? It used to be a marvelous machine that could create wonderful orgasms in my partner. Maybe I should stop and give Kris a call after all?

“Shawn? I swear, if you….”

I never heard the end of Harley’s sentence because there was a magnetic force happening in the downstairs region of our bodies. My dick knew where it needed to go and was there before I could find the nerve to connect our flesh. Harley groaned and pushed back. For a moment, I thought it wasn’t going to work. Then suddenly I was there. Inside his body. At one with him. Together.


I promised myself to work on my vocabulary later. Perhaps Vinnie and Zek could give me some pointers. Even “truck” would be an improvement on a simple “oh.”

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