Shameless (7 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Douglas

BOOK: Shameless
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She moved into his embrace and held him while he fought for control. She and Trey had been through so much together, but never had she seen him look so defeated. He had always been the strong one in their marriage, her shoulder to lean on. Now, she was able to return the favour, and if she could do anything to ease his pain, it would be worth the risk to her heart.

She pulled back to look at him. “I can’t even imagine what that must have been like for you. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

“Thanks for listening. I’ve never been able to talk to anyone about it. I knew you were the only person who would understand.”

“I do understand.” She touched his cheek, wiping away the path of his tears. “I know how you feel about
, but I think you may need it before you can put all of this behind you.”

He sighed. “You might be right. I’ll think about it.” He took her hands in his, looking her in the eye. “I need your help.”

She took a deep breath, afraid of her answer as much as his question. She knew how difficult it was for him to let his guard down and ask for help. It would be difficult to say no, even for the sake of self-preservation. “Go on.”

“Sierra, I really need your help on this album.”

She let out the breath she’d been holding, relieved that he hadn’t asked for a favour of a more personal nature. “I don’t understand. How could I help you with that?”

“We wrote some amazing songs together for my debut album.”


He looked away, glancing at the minibar. “I haven’t been able to write anything since the accident.”

She gasped before she could rein in her reaction. “Are you serious?” She knew Trey’s writing was his therapy. She could only imagine how tormented he must be now, having all of his creativity locked in the prison of his mind.

He scrubbed his face with his hand. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to get it back.”

“I thought I heard you were due to release a new album soon?”

“I am; that’s the problem.”

She hated to suggest it, knowing how much he would hate the idea. “Have you thought about using another songwriter’s material?”

He feigned a smile. “You’re kidding, right? I just signed with a new label. If they found out about this, I’d be history.”

She shook her head. “I don’t believe that. You’re at the top of your game. Everything you touch turns to gold, Trey.” She grinned, trying to lighten the mood. “Make that platinum.”

He looked her in the eye, exposing his vulnerability. “Tell me you’ll collaborate with me on this album. It might help me to get the creative juices flowing if I have someone like you to feed off. Please say you’ll do this for me. I’ll make it worth your while, financially.”

She thought about what that kind of money would mean for the foundation and was tempted to accept his offer, but when she thought about the effect it would have on her relationship with Eric, she knew she would have to decline. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

“I know you don’t owe me anything, Sierra. But I think this could be win-win. You help me and I could help you with your charity.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I could be your spokesperson.”

The air drained from her lungs. A spokesperson of Trey’s status would make her charity a household name. It was everything she’d ever hoped for, but never dreamed possible. Dare she accept? How could she not? Those families were counting on her. “I’ll do it, on two conditions.”

He grinned. “Just name it. Anything you want.”

“I want you to promise me you’ll stop drinking.”

His smile fell. “Damn it,” he whispered.

“I know it won’t be easy, but I can’t work with you otherwise.”

He shook his head. “Fine, I’ll do it, whatever it takes. What’s the other condition?”

“Our relationship has to remain strictly professional. You need to respect the fact that I’m engaged to another man. I don’t want you to think of me as your ex-wife; I want you to think of me as your partner on this project, nothing more.”

His hot gaze travelled the length of her body. “I think it’ll be easier to give up the bottle, baby.” She glared at him and folded her arms over her chest. “I’m serious, Trey.”

His gaze finally settled on her eyes. “Okay.” He extended his hand. “It’s a deal.”


Chapter Five



Trey woke up the morning after his talk with Sierra feeling better than he had in years. He’d finally been able to share his secret. He had Sierra back in his life and a reason to feel hopeful for the first time in a long while.

He wandered down the expansive hallway, admiring the original oil paintings Sierra had chosen when they built their dream home. Most of the time, her cherished possessions had served as a bitter reminder of the fact she was gone, but today it kindled the hope that had started to stir last night.

He may have made countless mistakes during their last year together, but nothing could erase the ten amazing years they’d had before that, or the amazing chemistry that still burned hot enough to ignite a raging inferno between them.   

He smiled at the sight of his live-in housekeeper, Valerie, squeezing orange juice into a crystal pitcher at the kitchen counter. She had been the one constant in his life for the past fifteen years.

She had been with him soon after the release of his first album, throughout his marriage and divorce, the loss of his daughter, and his bouts with alcohol. She had also been one of the few people brave enough to call him out this past year when he’d been hiding from the world. He couldn’t imagine his life without her.

He bent over to kiss her wrinkled cheek and she giggled like a schoolgirl. “Morning, beautiful.” He sat down at the huge mahogany table, anxious to share his news. Val loved Sierra fiercely and was devastated when they gave up on their marriage.

She glanced over her shoulder. “What put you in such a good mood this morning? It’s been months since you’ve hauled your behind out of bed before eleven o’clock.” She set fresh blueberry muffins in a basket and turned the oven timer off.

“I ran into an old friend last night.” As he said it, he realized it was true. Sierra had been his best friend for eleven years and he missed having her as his confidante almost as much as he missed having her as his lover.  

Val snorted as she set the muffin basket on the table. “Must be a woman to put a smile like that on your face.” She looked down the hall toward the master suite. “Is she still here?”

Trey grinned and snagged a warm muffin. “I wish I could say she came home with me last night, but she didn’t.”

Val turned back to the counter to retrieve the butter dish. “You must be losing your touch.”

“We’ll see about that.” He checked his watch. “She should be here in about half an hour.”

Val turned toward him, her hands fisted on her ample waist. “When are you going to grow up, Trey Turner? How do you expect to get your life together if you continue to waste your time with these money-grubbing airheads?”

Trey placed his tongue firmly in cheek. “This one’s not an airhead, Val. In fact, she has a master’s degree in social work.”

She fluffed her grey curls and snorted. “Is that what she told you?”

He laughed as he stirred a lump of sugar into his coffee. “It’s true. She’s amazing. She’s even started a charity for families who’ve lost a child. It’s called The Rainbow Fund.”

Val sank into the seat across from him, her face ashen. “You saw Sierra last night? She’s coming here?”

He pointed his butter knife at her. “Ah ha! I knew you’d kept in touch with her after the divorce.”

Val dismissed his accusation with the wave of her hand. “Of course, we all have.”

Trey set his knife down carefully. “What does that mean?”

“Me, Jimmy, Edna, Marisa, your folks.” She shrugged her shoulders. “We loved her too, Trey. Why should we cut all ties just because you were too thick to know a good thing when you had it?”

Trey laughed and took her hand, kissing the back soundly. Val didn’t pull any punches and it made him love her all the more. “I still can’t believe my folks have maintained a relationship with her. They never said a word to me about it.”

Val frowned. “I don’t see why that should surprise you. They loved her like she was their own daughter. Hell, we all felt that way. Sierra always tried to be so strong, but there was this sad, vulnerable quality that made you want to protect her.”

“Tell me about it,” he muttered.

She glared at him, swatting his hand when he reached for another muffin. “You were the one who vowed to protect her and keep her safe. You let her down.”

Trey looked his old friend in the eye, feeling ashamed he’d disappointed her. “I’m sorry for all the mistakes I’ve made, Val. I want to try and make up for it.”  

She passed him the fruit platter. “It’s too late for that. She’s got a new man in her life. They’re getting married.”

He dipped his head, concentrating on the colourful platter. It still felt like a blade to the chest whenever he thought about her marrying another man. “She told me.”

“You’d better not have any ideas in that fool head about trying to break them up.”

Busted. Damn, she knew him too well. “What makes you think that?”

She pointed a chubby finger at him. “You get that idea out of your head right now, young man. That girl has been through enough. If she’s found happiness with this new man in her life, then you owe it to her to wish her well.”

He propped his elbows on the table and folded his hands. “I don’t think I can do that, Val. I still love her.”

She touched his arm. “If you love her, prove it. Let her go, son.”

Trey strolled along the flagstone walkway connecting his sprawling ranch bungalow and music studio. He’d tossed and turned all night thinking about what it meant, having Sierra back in the home they’d shared, making music in the studio where so many number one hits had been born. It had been a magical place for him before the accident and he was confident he and Sierra could make magic there again. His friends and family thought he was crazy to keep the house after the divorce, but to sell it would have meant letting go of the only thing he had left from their marriage, that and the diamond wedding band he still wore.

He wondered if she’d noticed the ring last night, understood the significance of it. It was more than a band of gold to him. It represented a life he hadn’t been able or willing to relinquish.

Trey stopped short at the sight of the unfamiliar car parked in front of his studio. A dark blue Mercedes sedan didn’t seem like the kind of car Sierra would drive unless he was sorely mistaken. A social worker didn’t make enough money to afford the rims on one of these cars. Even when they’d been married and he offered to buy her the wheels of her choice, she’d opted for practicality in favour of flash. So, who did the expensive car belong to, and how did its owner get past the security guard at his gatehouse?

Before he could approach the car, Sierra was getting out of the passenger’s seat. A distinguished-looking man in a dark suit walked around the rear of the car to claim her hand. He smiled down at her and tucked her hand in the crook of his arm before turning toward Trey.

He extended his hand. “Trey Turner, I presume.”

Trey acknowledged the man, taking the hand he offered. He sized him up: late fifties, well built, designer suit, Rolex watch, none of which bothered him.  What irked him was the fact that Sierra was looking up at the man with a familiar affection that she used to reserve for him.

“And you would be?”

The older man chuckled, looking down at Sierra. “I’m Sierra’s fiancé, Judge Eric Cortright.”

Trey didn’t know whether to be amused or concerned. He imagined Sierra’s fiancé would be someone much younger, maybe a social worker who shared her passion for helping people. He could have handled a man like that. The judge, on the other hand, looked like a man ready to be reckoned with.

Not that Trey could blame him; he would have done the same in his situation. Hell, he would never have allowed Sierra to agree to this cozy working relationship with her ex in the first place.

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