Sex Symbol (26 page)

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Authors: Tracey H. Kitts

BOOK: Sex Symbol
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“So, how is he?”

“Not sure. He’s been back there for a while.”

“How are you?”

I shrugged. “Fine. They gave me a quick go over. I’ve got a few scratches from running through the woods, but they didn’t ask and I didn’t tell.”

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before I got up the nerve to say what was really on my mind.

“Now that the contract is complete—the one that originally brought you here—will you stay?”

Oz looked at me as if the thought of leaving had never crossed his mind. “Of course. Why would I leave?”

I sighed. It was a relief to hear he’d still be around. “I don’t know. I guess I’m wondering which friend will leave me next. Sorry, I’m not sending out invitations to a pity party or anything.” We both laughed. “I grew up with Ron. We hadn’t spoken in years, but that’s because he moved. We were close in school. Or so I thought.” I shook my head and took another sip of coffee. “I never would have guessed he’d turn out like this.”

Ozzy nodded and seemed to consider what I’d just said. “You sounded as if you were referring to more than one friend. What else don’t I know?”

I told him what Eramus had said about the mark being my tattoo. I also filled him in about Crazy Wolf.

“Known him since I was thirteen,” I said, taking another sip. “I can’t believe he’d do something like this to me. We’ve never even had an argument. He used to come to my family’s Christmas dinner before Mom and Dad moved to Florida.”

“I gave up trying to understand how people work, Lucy. Maybe you should too.”

I laughed softly. “Sorry, Oz. I guess I’m just not sociopath material.”

He took my poke at his personality quite well. Besides, he shouldn’t have expected anything less.

“We can’t all be so fortunate,” he teased.

I had another smartass comment in mind when someone else walked into the room and caught my attention. His tall lean frame filled the doorway and just as soon as he turned his ponytail in the other direction I jumped Crazy Wolf from behind.

He hadn’t noticed me which meant I had the advantage. I didn’t give a fuck if he was a werewolf.

“Motherfucker,” I screamed, choking him from behind with all my might.

To my surprise he dropped to one knee. Maybe being mixed with a werewolf’s blood had some advantages after all.

“You fucked up my life. How dare you do this to me?!”

He fought me off, but I came up swinging. As soon as he lifted his chin I caught him with a punch that sprawled him flat out.

“Wow,” I said, looking down at my hand in amazement. “I didn’t know I could do that.”

“Neither did I,” Ozzy said from behind me.

Crazy Wolf stayed down and started rubbing his throat. His nose was bleeding and I felt such satisfaction at seeing his blood that I smiled despite what was happening.

“You can do all sorts of things if you learn to channel it,” he said.

“I wasn’t talking to you. Oh, by the way, Ron is dead.”

He seemed genuinely upset to hear this and I felt bad for the way I’d blurted it out. But only until I remembered what he’d done to me.

About that time an orderly came in the room, taking in the man on the floor and me standing over him with a glance.

“Is everything okay in here?”

“Fine,” everyone answered together.

He left with a look somewhere between fear and curiosity. But, he wasn’t curious enough to stick around.

“You mixed the ink for my tattoo with alpha werewolf blood. Why?”

He sat up and I stepped back. I’d be damned if I offered to help him. Crazy Wolf sat in a chair beside the vending machine and I moved to stand in front of him. I wanted a damn answer. Finally he said, “Because I had no choice.”

He sounded so defeated that I took a seat on his other side. It’s hard to glower at a man when he looks like a dog that someone has beaten.

“My mother has cancer,” he said softly. “She comes here for chemo. That’s why I’m here.”

“For how long?”

He sighed. “Three years now. She was in remission until six weeks ago.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because it’s not my way.”

“Like it wasn’t your way to tell me you were a werewolf either?” Anger was returning to my voice. Good. I really didn’t want to pity him right now.

His laugh sounded bitter. “Why do you think I never asked you out in school? I was afraid I’d break you if we tried to have sex.”

His blunt remark gave me a minute’s pause. Then I realized what he’d said.

“You mean you’ve been a werewolf that long?”

“Since junior high. Remember that field trip you didn’t go on, when I got bitten by a dog?”


“Well, it wasn’t a dog.”

“Shit.” We both sat there for a minute, staring at the floor. I was vaguely aware of Ozzy standing in front of us. “I’m sorry to hear about your mom. But what has that got to do with what you did to me? Why would you hurt me like this, Wolf?”

“The alpha who gave me the blood, he studies a lot of the old ways. He practices beliefs that most people consider antiquated.” He laughed bitterly again. “Even us Indians.” His self-deprecating comment made me feel even worse. “In his studying he came across a book that told a lot about our people. Werewolf legends, if you will. He read up on the mark and decided it was the perfect way to find his mate.”

“And you helped him?” I couldn’t keep the horror from my voice.

“Not at first.” Crazy Wolf was silent for almost a full minute. “He offered to pay my mother’s medical bills if I would help.”

“And if you didn’t?”

“He’d kill me. It was save her or kill myself. Not really great choices considering I couldn’t pay the bills and I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want it to be you.”

“Then why?”

He shook his head and long dark hair spilled over one shoulder. “Because I could sense something within you. I don’t know how to explain it, Lucy, but you were meant to be a wolf.”

“That is not a choice for you to make.”

He turned toward me and I stood up. Crazy Wolf took me by the hand when I tried to walk away and I looked back at him. I was surprised to find him close to tears.

“I gave the blood to three women. All of you wanted rose tattoos. You do know of the significance of the rose?”

“Sort of yes, but go on.”

“It didn’t take with them. See he gave the blood in his human form, which meant he wasn’t contagious. It had absolutely no effect on them. But you…well, look at what it’s done to you.”

What had it done to me? That was the question. After what he’d said about his mom, all of the anger drained out of me. I wanted to hate him, but I just couldn’t. I withdrew a few steps and he let my hand slip from his fingertips.

“You had no right,” I said softly.

“I’m sorry.”

“And you think that makes it better?” I snapped. “What’s going to happen to me now? Did you even stop to think about that? I got the tattoo over a month ago. Why am I experiencing changes now?”

“Did you have any changes before? Increased sex drive maybe?”

Normally having Crazy Wolf ask me about my sex drive would have bothered me. But after the night I’d had I just answered him.

“Yes. But tonight I can choke a werewolf and knock him on his ass. Oh, and I can run clear across a ranch without getting a stitch in my side. What the fuck is going on?”

“You exposed yourself to moonlight. I felt it.”

At first I had no idea what he was talking about. Then I remembered when my lights had gone out. I’d lifted my shirt and looked at my tattoo by moonlight. Holy shit.

“How could you possibly?”

“Because I am alpha as well.”

A chill ran through me at his words. “I’m not just marked as his mate, am I?”

“No. You’re a target for all alphas. You’ve become the mark. If more than one alpha wants to be with you, then there will be a challenge for leadership of the pack.”

“What? This asshole is the leader of the pack?!”

He shrugged. “Who else?”

“Who is he, Wolf?”

“He’ll make himself known. If I tell you, he’ll kill me. God knows what he might do to my family.”

I was confused. “If he might not even be the one to get me, why would he do this to find his mate?”

“Because if he isn’t wolf enough to claim you, then he doesn’t feel he deserves the pack either.”

“Must be a macho thing,” Ozzy added.

“Why hasn’t he come already? Why send people after me?”

“He didn’t know which three women I gave the blood to. Wolves were sent out to track the mark. So far the only one who found you won’t be able to return.”

“You mean the two who found me.”


“Two werewolves have found me so far. Both have been killed.”

I didn’t bother to elaborate on the fact that Ozzy had been the one to kill them both. Crazy Wolf’s eyes widened apprehensibly. Good. He should be afraid. I might not be able to hurt him, but I couldn’t speak for Ozzy and Eramus.

“Will I turn into a werewolf?”

“The books I’ve read are unclear on the subject, but I don’t think so.”

“Unclear?! Are you kidding me?”

About that time Eramus walked in and everyone turned in his direction. His eyes flashed amber when he looked at Crazy Wolf. The change was subtle, but enough to show he did not want to be messed with. After that, he completely ignored the other wolf.

“How’s James?”

“The doctor should be back soon,” Ozzy said.

I sat back down between Eramus and Ozzy and huddled underneath the blanket the EMT had given me.

“As soon as we get word on James, you should let me take you home,” Eramus said. “You’ll feel better once you have a shower and get warm.”

After a few minutes of silence I guess Crazy Wolf felt he should say something. He cleared his throat before he began, “You must be Eramus. I’ve heard of you. I’m—”

“I know who you are.” Eramus didn’t raise his voice, but his tone left no room for further comment. “I also know what you’ve done to Lucy. You-should-not-speak-to-me.”

His last statement was punctuated with a low growl. After the way he’d reacted to me wanting to hurt Crazy Wolf earlier, I was a bit surprised. Still, I liked him taking up for me. I hadn’t really taken the time to relive the memories of what had happened between us. The way he looked in those jeans, the way he smelled and the way it felt to have him close to me was enough to bring it all back.

Before my imagination got carried away, the doctor walked in. He was smiling, which was an instant relief.

“Your friend is going to be fine. He’s got four broken ribs, a concussion and a hairline fracture in two of his vertebrae.”

“And that’s good news?” I asked.

The doctor smiled again. “After what he’s been through tonight? Yes. It’s very good news. He also tested negative for lycanthropy, which is even better news.”

I was wondering if I should have myself tested when he added, “I suggest you all get some rest. You can see him if you like, but make it fast.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven
The leader of the pack

We kept our visit with James brief as the doctor had suggested. He rambled on about hoping his insurance wouldn’t give him any grief about the car. All the while I was thinking, I’m fine, thank you very much for asking. I still had mud in my hair and was wrapped in a blanket and all he could think about was his damn car. Oh well, at least he was going to be all right.

On the way home I told Eramus what had happened with Crazy Wolf before he got to the hospital. He listened without a word. In fact, he didn’t speak until we pulled up in my driveway and it was to comment on the weather.

“Another tropical depression is moving through. They think this one might be a little worse.”

“The words ‘tropical’ and ‘October’ just don’t go together.”

He nodded his agreement as he opened the front door. I was so glad to be home that it took me a second to realize he was still standing on the porch. I turned around, halfway to the stairs.

“Come in, Eramus.” He looked as if he was about to protest. “That is not a request. You and I have things to discuss. But not before I take a shower.”


Hot water poured over me like a blessing. I enjoy cold weather, but I hate to get that cold. You know, it’s the cold that only extreme heat can take away. No amount of layered clothes can restore warmth when you get a chill like that.

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I was watching suds swirl down the drain when I heard Eramus open the door.

“Can I come in?”

“Sure. You can join me if you like.”

I should have been too tired to be aroused. But the sound of him unzipping his pants did things to me I could not deny. We needed to talk, but that didn’t have to be our only activity.

I listened as his clothes hit the floor and when he opened the shower curtain, I greeted him with a kiss. Without the aid of shoes, I had to stand completely on tiptoe to have a chance at reaching his lips. Eramus bent low to accommodate as he backed me against the shower wall.

“Why are you being so quiet?” I asked, pulling back.

“After all that’s happened tonight, I thought you might need some time.”

“You mean what happened with us?”

He ran a hand through his wet hair, slicking it back against his head.

“I mean everything. You saw one of your friends killed, another seriously injured. Not to mention you saw your boyfriend turn into a werewolf. Are you really okay with that?”

I considered his question carefully before coming to the conclusion that, “Yeah, I really am.”

The way he looked at my lips let me know what he was about to do only a second before he moved. As he kissed me Eramus lifted me, pinning my body against the tile with his. Even though I could feel the power in his arms as I ran my hands over his biceps, his touch was gentle. His lips were a tender promise against mine. My legs wrapped around him and he growled into my mouth, deepening the kiss.

“I want you,” I whispered.

“Not yet.”

Eramus knelt in front of me, holding my body up with his hands on my hips. When he brought his mouth to my pussy I thought I might scream. I moved to prop my legs against his shoulders, arching myself against his face as he devoured me. His tongue parted my lips and when he started to suck my clit that scream I’d been holding back finally escaped.

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