Sex & Sourdough (16 page)

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Authors: A.J. Thomas

BOOK: Sex & Sourdough
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Anders grinned. “I’m game.”

“Condom?” Kevin looked around, trying to spot the tiny foil packets.

“Hang on.” Anders dove toward the back of the bed and returned a moment later, ripping a condom wrapper open with his teeth.

Anders ducked down and rolled the condom down over Kevin, coated the condom with more lube, and then crawled back up until he was hovering over Kevin’s cock again. He locked his gaze on Kevin’s and bore down, impaling himself on Kevin’s cock.

“Oh, fuck!” Kevin grabbed Anders’s hips and thrust up into him.

Anders rode him hard, digging his fingers into Kevin’s shoulders to steady him with each jolt and bump. Kevin snapped his hips up to meet Anders, ramming into his prostate until Anders flung his head back each time. Sweat began to glisten on Anders’s chest, and he looked amazing. He felt just as incredible as he had the first time. Slipping in and out of Anders’s body with an easy glide was going to drive Kevin over the edge too damn fast, again. Anders’s cock was bouncing against his stomach with each jolt. Kevin let go of Anders’s hip, wrapped his hand around the tip of Anders’s cock and stroked him. Anders started to come, splattering both of their chests.

The way Anders’s narrow channel closed around Kevin’s cock as the orgasm swept through him made Kevin gasp. He arched his back, lifting them both off the bed. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted to get deeper, closer to Anders. He sat up and wrapped his arms around Anders’s back, fisting his hands in Anders’s curly hair. Anders thrashed, rocking his hips and riding Kevin faster. When he felt the tightening in his sac that warned him he was close, Kevin yanked Anders’s head down and claimed his lips as he slammed into an orgasm that left him shaking.

Kevin kissed Anders as he rode out the last tremors. When the quivers passed, Anders collapsed on top of him, and Kevin wrapped his arms around him, holding him close.

“Is weird so bad?” Anders panted, nuzzling against Kevin’s chest.

Kevin flexed his hips one last time, relishing the feel of Anders’s warm body on top of him and around him. “I’m okay with weird.”

Chapter 8


you got me addicted to sourdough.” Anders grinned around a huge slice of cold Italian sourdough bread.

“I warned you,” said Kevin.

Anders was enjoying being out in the sunshine on Mount Rogers. The trail snaked around a large red-and-black rock outcrop and then wove its way over a low ridge before twisting back to go over Mount Rogers to the north. They had made the climb early and were back on the trail, hiking through sweeping rhododendron bushes toward the Old Orchard Shelter. They stopped for lunch on one of the large boulders on the approach to Mount Rogers, where they could watch twenty wild ponies graze without having the more aggressive horses bugging them for food. Kevin, wearing a cowboy hat he had picked up in Damascus to provide a bit more protection from the sun, was using Anders’s thigh as a pillow.

The last few days had been exhilarating and strange at the same time. Despite Kevin’s uncertainty about getting close to Anders, he was turning out to be a physically affectionate person. After an amazing weekend cloistered in their hotel room, Anders had discovered that Kevin was downright cuddly. He would stroke Anders’s back without noticing it or wrap his arm around Anders’s shoulders when they sat together watching television. After two days, Anders talked Kevin into getting back on the trail with him, and Anders was thrilled when the unconscious touches continued. On the open section of the trail they were hiking, where there was room to walk side by side, Kevin would inch closer to him until their shoulders brushed together with each step. Anders sure as hell wasn’t going to complain, since each touch and long stare left him feeling like every nerve ending in his body was on fire.

“It smells like strawberries here,” Anders said idly.

Kevin nodded against his thigh. “Nice, isn’t it? They’re just the little wild ones, but they smell amazing.” Kevin pulled a baby carrot out of the one-pound bag he’d bought before they left Damascus and snapped off a bite. He had carried it for two days just to be able to feed the baby ponies, but Anders had noticed him snacking on them too. “I like the sequoia and aspen smells in California. But this place…. The smell alone makes it one of my favorite places in the world.”

“I still can’t believe you carried extra food just for these things.” Anders hesitated for a moment and then set his hand on Kevin’s shoulder.

“I like them.”

“Have you ever gone horseback riding?” Anders asked.

Kevin shook his head. “Drove past them on the highway, but that’s about as close as I’ve come to a horse. Have you?”

“I used to ride when I was younger. I don’t think I could stay on
if I hadn’t.” Anders smirked. “With that cowboy hat, it’d be a good fit.”

Kevin popped his head up from Anders’s lap. “Cowboys cannot listen to heavy metal. I think it’s an official rule.”

Anders shrugged. “So long as you also listen to country, I don’t think they actually ban you for listening to heavy metal….”

“Hell, no.”

The smile on his face, free of the scraggly beard, made Anders’s breath catch. “My God, you’re….”

“Pink? Yeah, I know.”

“Gorgeous. I almost want you to grow the beard back so no one else will notice.”

Kevin shook his head, smiling with obvious disbelief. “We should get moving.” Two of the foals, hoping for more carrots, followed them for nearly a hundred yards. “You’ve really ridden a horse?” he asked.

“Yeah. We used to have horses. My father sold them when my brothers moved out, since they wouldn’t be there to take care of them.”

“Like, race horses?”

“No. Show horses. My mom was into jumping and dressage when she was a teenager. We never competed, of course, because my dad thought it was totally gay. They were pretty much just pets.”

“Lucky. I never even had a puppy.”

“What? No pets at all?”

“Nah. Never had time. When the bakery started to get busy, my sister and I both had to help out. I guess there’s Budapest, though.”


“My dad’s cat,” Kevin explained. “When he couldn’t work anymore, he got really depressed. I thought company would help, but I was stuck in the bakery all day, so I got him a cat. She was the fattest cat in the shelter, with this cute little round belly. She looked like a furry little Buddha statue.” Kevin paused and chuckled to himself. “Maybe a big Buddha statue. When we got her home, we found out she was an absolute terror. My dad wanted to name her Pest. I kept calling her Buddha. The names got mashed together and she became Budapest.”

Anders smiled. “A cat named Budapest.”

“She was a monster,” Kevin insisted. “She used to run a circuit around the house, climbing everything possible at warp speed. Our windows always looked like shit because she would run up the blinds, climb the curtains. It didn’t matter what we did. Not now, of course. My dad used to stalk her around the house with a squirt gun to keep her off the furniture. After he died, she mellowed out.”

“Maybe the random squirt-gun attacks were stressing her out?”

“No. She incited those squirt gun attacks. And half the time she would stand up on her hind legs to catch the water in her mouth.”

Anders wasn’t sure what to make of Kevin’s grin. “Sounds like a strange cat.”

“She was supposed to be old and mellow when we got her. The vet said she was at least ten or eleven. Four years later, though, she was still alive and psychotic, and he was gone. It’s weird, how things work out.” Kevin shrugged, kept smiling, and let his long stride carry him ahead of Anders a few paces.

Afterward they made camp early, a good two hundred feet from the loud and full shelter on Thomas Knob so they could enjoy a bit of privacy and avoid running into Joel if he should look for them at the shelter. Kevin baked a fresh loaf of bread over his own camp stove and used Anders’s stove to heat up a dried beef stew. Kevin signed the shelter log for them both, scribbling Butch in place of Anders’s name.

Anders felt Kevin set his hand at the base of his back while they ate. Afterward, Anders cleaned their dishes while Kevin fiddled with his sourdough starter. Their routine hadn’t changed much, except that Kevin didn’t hesitate to brush up against Anders as they worked side by side, and as the sun set, each casual brush and accidental touch lasted a bit longer. By the time Anders wandered into the woods to hang their food, Kevin’s dark eyes were already glazed with lust.

The moment their food was safely off the ground and the line was secured, Anders turned around and found Kevin just inches away from him. “Kev! Don’t sneak up on people like that!”

Kevin stepped closer, bumping Anders back until he hit the tree behind him. “I wasn’t sneaking. I was just following you. With your ex down in town, I didn’t want you wandering off without me, just in case.”

“I am not a damsel in distress. Besides, I was heading back that direction anyway,” Anders said, glancing around to make sure they were alone.



Kevin nodded, so close Anders could feel the stubble on his chin scratching against his cheekbone. “These last few days have been like one long wet dream,” Kevin whispered, “but you’re always so eager to jump straight into sex. I figured if I cornered you out here, where anybody could see us….” Kevin pulled at the button of Anders’s pants.

“You figured what, exactly?”

Kevin reached inside his pants and freed Anders’s erection. Suddenly the Virginia night air seemed far colder than it had just a second ago, but Anders was hard despite the chill. Kevin kissed him hard, then dragged his tongue along Anders’s lips. “Warn me if a bear or the asshole with the spiky hair sneaks up on us,” he whispered before dropping to his knees.

Anders swallowed hard and set his hands in Kevin’s hair. In the fading light, he watched Kevin slide his tongue around the head of his cock like a lollipop. With saliva on the tip of his cock, the cold made him gasp. “We should do this in the tent,” he whispered. “It’s getting cold out.”

“I’ll warm you up,” Kevin promised.

All at once, Anders found his cock surrounded by moving wet heat as Kevin swallowed him. “Oh boy,” Anders breathed. He shut his eyes and forced himself to stay still and quiet. The one time Joel had ever done this for him hadn’t ended well. He had wanted to move, wanted to fuck the mouth sucking him off, but when Joel ended up gagging, he’d become furious. He’d stopped before Anders finished, spent ten minutes shouting at Anders, and then stormed out. Three days later, Anders had been relieved when Joel let him apologize and try to make it up to him.

With Kevin’s mouth on him, he still felt incredible, but that lingering fear kept him frozen and quiet. He couldn’t help but whimper when Kevin took him deeper, swallowing him bit by bit until Kevin’s nose tickled his pubic hair.

Kevin tightened his hands on his hips and jerked him forward. Anders snapped his hips back again, until the bark of the tree stopped him. When he felt Kevin chuckle around his dick, he let out a silent cry. And then the wet heat was gone. Kevin pulled away from him and sat back, staring at him curiously.

“I’m sorry,” Anders said automatically.

“I can feel the knots in your muscles,” Kevin said, rubbing his hips and ass. “You can move. I’m not going to break.”

“I… I don’t want to hurt you….”

“I can always pull back if you do. But you won’t. Just relax and do what feels natural.”

Kevin swallowed Anders again and dropped his hands to cup Anders’s balls.

“Oh fuck!” Anders shouted. He gave his hips an experimental roll, slipping out and then back in to Kevin’s eager mouth. He grabbed Kevin’s hair again when Kevin sucked him in deep. Kevin used his tongue to tease every inch of him as he slipped out completely. He thrust back in, still trying to be careful, but when he felt Kevin hum around him, when he saw Kevin dip his head forward to meet his thrust, Anders gave in. He fisted his hands in Kevin’s hair and rolled his hips back, thrusting in and out of Kevin’s mouth and relishing every wet moment of friction until his entire body shuddered. He tried to pull back, but Kevin locked his hands around his hips and held him still with a strength that seemed unreal. Anders shot deep into Kevin’s throat, curling over and opening his mouth in a silent scream as Kevin sucked him dry.

“See?” Kevin smiled up at him. Anders was still panting. He watched Kevin tuck his limp cock back inside his pants and zip him up. When Anders’s pants were buttoned, Kevin rocked forward and rose to his feet in a single catlike movement. “I’m sick, not fragile.”

“I didn’t mean…. Fuck, you’re good at that…. Can I…. Can I try?”

Kevin’s smile exploded. He surged forward and kissed Anders, shoving his tongue into Anders’s mouth. The sweet, salty flavor on Kevin’s tongue wasn’t what Anders was expecting. The few times he had sucked Joel off, he’d drawn the line at swallowing, always pulling away before Joel came. At least, he had when Joel would let him.

“That wasn’t what I meant,” Anders said, breaking the kiss with a pop.

“Oh. You want to be on top? Sounds like fun, but it’s too cold out here for that.”

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