Sex Practice (39 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #extreme sex, #ray gordon, #erotic excess

BOOK: Sex Practice
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"They've come
out really well. I'm going to contact Ravenhugh and his wife next
and arrange the end of their marriage."

"Great! OK,
what I'll do is..."

"I see
Monica's back."

"Yes, and
she's up to her old tricks already!"

there's a young woman at reception talking to Monica."

"Is there?
What about it?"

"She looks
suspicious to me. They were laughing, as if they were old friends.
When I came in, they went quiet."

"I've a pretty
good idea what Monica's up to, Brigit."

"I really
don't think you should have taken her on again."

"I didn't, she
sort of took herself on."

"She'll be
trouble, Larry, you mark my words! Well, I'll go and organize this
Ravenhugh business."

"OK, see you

Looking through the photographs as Brigit left the room, Larry
Got you now,
, he thought happily, gazing at a
shot of the taxman with his erect penis driving deep into
Christine's wet cunt hole. Slipping the incriminating evidence into
his desk drawer, he wondered what Monica was up to in reception.
This was another set up, he was sure as he made his way down the
hall and smiled at the pretty blonde chatting to his

Lickman," Monica began, smiling nervously. "This is Holly

pleased to meet you," he greeted the girl, shaking her hand.

"Hi! I was
just saying to your receptionist that I'm in a desperate situation.
I haven't got an appointment but, I was wondering whether you had
the time to see me now?"

I wouldn't mind seeing what you've got inside your
. "Yes, as it happens, my next
client hasn't turned up so I'm free. If you'll follow

Leading Holly
into his consulting room, Larry closed the door and offered her a
seat. She was in her early twenties, he reckoned, and decidedly
fuckable! But, sure that he'd been set up, he knew that he had to
be very careful. Monica, no doubt, had planned to catch Larry in
the examination room with his solid cock embedded deep within
Holly's tight cunt, he mused. One slip, and he'd not only find
himself deep in the girl's wet vagina, but deep in the shit!

Who had Monica
lined up as a witness? he wondered, admiring the swell of the
girl's firm breasts through her tight T-shirt. Who was waiting to
pounce the minute he'd impaled Holly on his rock-hard cock? DI
Clarke and his merry men, more than likely!

"So, Holly,
what's the urgency to see me?" he asked, sitting opposite her.

"I have a
problem," she began, tossing her golden locks over her shoulder and
provocatively licking her glistening red lips. "For some reason,
I've suddenly become a nymphomaniac."

When did this happen?"

"About three
weeks ago."

"What, just
like that?"

literally overnight."

"I see. Tell
me, what events led up to the fateful night in question?"

"I'd been out
with a girlfriend for a drink. Nothing unusual happened, we had a
drink and a chat and then went our separate ways. When I got home,
I realized that I was in a state of acute sexual arousal."

"How did you
feel, exactly?"

sexually aroused."

"What did you

"I did
something that I'd never done in my life before - I

"You'd never
masturbated before?"


"Was it

"Yes, very. I
lay in the chair with my legs over the arms and masturbated for
several hours."

"How would you
describe yourself before the night of literal overnight
transformation?" he asked, sure that he recognized the girl, her
features strangely familiar to him.

"Well, I
wouldn't describe myself as a prude, but I was never particularly

"What have you
been doing, sexually speaking, over the last three weeks, since the
as yet inexplicable transformation?"

"Taking man
after man home for nights of sex, masturbating eight or nine times
every day, buying porno magazines..."

"Yes, yes I
see. As a psychosexual sexual therapist of sexology, it's all
becoming very clear to me, Holly. Tell me how's your relationship
with your parents?"

"OK, I suppose
- about average."

"What does
your father do for a living?"

"He's... he's
a... what's my father's profession got to do with my problem?"

"It might have
everything to do with it," Larry smiled. "I'd say that this was a
parental-based problem I'd better physically examine you. Although
this would appear to be a psychological problem of a
psychologically based nature, I'll check you physically before we
go any further."

"What does
that entail, exactly," she asked, her blue eyes locked to

"Basically, it
entails a physical examination. Er... would you mind waiting here
for a moment?" he said, rising to his feet. "I have something to do
before I take you to the examination room."

Leaving the
room, Larry wandered down the hall to reception, sure that he knew
the girl from somewhere. Monica wasn't at the counter, which
fuelled his suspicion that he'd been set up. Was it a trap? he
wondered, moving down the hall and entering the bondage room. What
was the plan, and where were Monica and DI Clarke hiding?

"Brigit!" he
called, walking back to reception. "Lily! Where the hell is
everyone?" Leaving the building, Larry scanned the car park for his
staff and the boys in blue. "This is crazy!" he breathed walking
through the main door and checking the waiting room. "Brigit!
Lily!" Wondering whether the detective was holding the girls,
keeping them away while the raid took place, he decided to take
Holly to the examination room, to take another step closer to the
trap - without falling into it!

"Right, if
you'll come with me, Holly," he smiled, peering round his
consulting room door.

"Oh, right!"
she trilled, leaping to her feet. Grinning as she followed Larry,
the girl seemed overly eager to go ahead with the examination, he
observed. Feeling uneasy, sensing that the entire police force were
about to storm the building and catch him red-knobbed, he suddenly
had an idea.

"Holly, I've
just remembered that I have an appointment with my bank manager,"
he said, leading the girl into the bondage room. "I'm sorry, but
I'm unable to examine you now."

"Oh, that's a
shame," she replied disappointedly, sitting on the examination
couch, exposing the triangle of red silk covering her swollen

completely forgotten about it. I've a head like a sieve!"

"Can't you
just take a quick look at me?" the temptress asked, parting her
shapely thighs further.

"No, there's
no time. Look, I feel bad about this, Holly. I'll tell you what
I'll do, I don't normally see clients during the evenings but, if
you're able to come here this evening at, say, eight o'clock, I'd
be only too happy to examine you and continue with our

o'clock, yes, that should be all right," she replied, slipping off
the couch and tugging her miniskirt down to conceal her red
panties. "Er... will we be alone? I mean, normally there'd be a
nurse or someone present during an examination, wouldn't

"I have a
trainee sex therapist who's usually present during examinations -
I'll make sure she's here this evening, OK?"

"No, it's all
right - I don't mind being alone with you. Right, until eight,
then," she said, leaving the room.

"Yes, until

Frowning as he
watched the girl make her way down the hall, Larry was sure that
there were eyes spying at him, people lurking, waiting to pounce
the minute he'd slipped his fingers into Holly's tight sex hole.
Why does she want to be alone with me? he wondered. Contemplating
her looks again, her familiar features, he returned to his
consulting room and took the bottle of scotch from the drawer.

"Come the revolution... I still say it's a bloody good idea!
Parliament is right opposite St Thomas' hospital. If we take out
Westminster bridge and... what the fuck am I talking about!"
Oh well, all I do now is wait
, he mused, flopping into his swivel chair and swigging from
the bottle.
Wait and see who asks searching
questions about Holly's untimely departure





Larry had dialled Brigit and Lily's numbers several times
without success during the afternoon and early evening. Where his
staff had mysteriously disappeared to, he had no idea. Even Monica
hadn't answered her phone, and he wondered whether they'd all felt
that things had become too dangerous and done a runner. To hell
with them, he thought, swigging from the scotch bottle and
reclining in his chair.
I have Holly to
look forward to

The time nearing eight, Larry was becoming increasingly
positive that Holly wasn't being used as bait in DI Clarke's trap -
if there was a trap. He was still concerned with her familiar
features, but he was determined to enjoy the pleasures of her naked
body without the fear of a police raid spoiling his fun. He'd
examine her, he mused, his penis swelling in his tight trousers -
tie her naked body to the couch, cane her taut buttocks, and then
fuck her senseless.
I'll remove her cunt
hair first, though

Leaping to his
feet as the reception bell rang out, he rubbed his hands together,
his rampant cock now solid at the prospect of abusing the
attractive girl. "Ah, Holly," he beamed as he left his consulting
room and walked briskly down the hall.

"Hallo," she
smiled, her tight miniskirt doing little to conceal her red
panties, bulging with her warm fleshy vaginal lips. "I'm not too
early, am I?"

It's the early bird who catches my stiff
. "No, no. Right, let's go to the
examination room!" he beamed, rather too impatiently.

Leading the
girl down the hall, Larry thought it might be an idea to check
outside the building before stripping and abusing her curvaceous
body, before licking her cunt out and slipping his penis deep into
her vaginal orifice! Just a quick look round for DI Clarke and his
gang, he decided, imagining rifle-wielding police hiding behind
their cars bellowing through loudhailers.

"Right, Holly, if you'll remove your clothes and lie on the
couch, I'll be with you shortly," he smiled, gazing at her
ballooning T-shirt, her nipples pressing alluringly through the
tight material.
I'm looking forward to this
little tart
. "I'll only be a

"Where are you
going?" she asked, stepping out of her shoes and yanking her
T-shirt over her head, revealing her straining, while lace bra.

"I'm only going to... I won't be long."
What a figure!

Checking the car park before walking round the building, Larry
was satisfied that there were no spies, no one waiting to pounce
the minute he'd slipped his erect penis deep into his victim's
tight cunt sheath. Entering the building and locking the main door,
he locked the toilet and waiting room doors as an added measure of
security. Making his way back to the examination room, he locked
his consulting room door.
That'll keep the
bastards out
, he chuckled inwardly. His
stomach somersaulting, he imagined his solid glans embedded inside
Holly's tight anal duct, his gushing spunk filling her

Entering the
bondage room, he gazed longingly at Holly's naked body stretched
out on the couch - the swell of her firm breasts, her dark areolae
and wedge-shaped long nipples. His eyes roaming over her smooth
flat stomach, the neat indent of her navel, he focused on his
favourite area of the female form - her pink vaginal crack, clearly
visible through her sparse blonde pubs. She was a rare beauty; he
adjudicated, licking his lips. A rare beauty indeed, and no one was
going to spoil his evening of debauchery - no one!

"Right, Holly,
I'll begin with an internal examination just to make sure that
things are in order," he explained, parting her long legs and
grinning as her vaginal slit opened, gaping invitingly, exposing
her moist, unfurling inner petals.

"I think I'm
physically OK," she murmured, focusing on Larry's beaming face as
he peeled her succulent pussy lips apart, laying open the wet
entrance to her tight cunt. "I mean, everything's working

"As I said
earlier, I'm sure that this is a psychologically based
psychological problem, but..."

"What do you
mean, a psychologically based psychological problem? Surely, all
psychological problems are psychologically based?"

necessarily, Holly. Some psychological problems are physically

But, how can they be?"

"I won't bore
you with the technicalities. Suffice to say that I want to
eliminate the slight chance of a physical defect causing a
psychologically based psychological problem leading to... leading
to what, I don't know now. I seem to have confused myself,
psychologically, I mean."

physically wrong wouldn't turn me into a nymphomaniac, would

No, I suppose not
. "Oh, yes, that can
happen," he replied, his finger sliding into the wet warmth of her
pinken sex orifice. "For example, should your G-spot become
overdeveloped, the electrical impulses sent from your vagina to
your brain would trick your pleasure centre, and you'd become
extremely sexually aroused."

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