Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (19 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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fer’s cheeks were positively alive with fire. “And they do
what you tell them to?”

Tooth smiled, for a moment really tempted to brush
his fingers over those delicious cheekbones. He would love to see
that boy bend to his will. Or better yet, want to follow his
orders. “They want to meet someone to tell them what to do.”

They must trust you. ‘Cause you don’t pay them,
right?” Luci
fer frowned

Tooth kept up their connection. He didn’t usually
discuss his sex life with anyone not involved in it, but with
fer this might clear
up a few issues the boy had, so he chose to continue. “Is that so

No. I suppose it must be nice to trust someone.”
fer’s gaze drifted
off to a shop window.

Tooth sighed, watching the fine hair on the back
of Luci
fer’s neck.
“Didn’t we agree to trust each other?”

Lucifer groaned and stretched his arms. “Yeah, but
it’s not like

Like what?” Tooth looked at the mannequin dressed
in a woolen coat. Sometimes Luci
fer was really hard to read.

It’s not the kind of trust you need to have for
someone to let them fuck you.” Luci
fer pouted and absentmindedly ran his fingers
along the glass.

Tooth frowned. And it was Lucifer of all people
saying that? He decided not to comment on it though. “Good, you’ve
only known me for two days.”

Lucifer turned around and looked into Tooth’s eyes
with the most sincere smile. “But it feels like forever.”

An utterly uncomfortable silence followed, as
Tooth didn’t know what to say to that, but then
fer burst out
laughing and punched Tooth’s arm.

“Oh, my God! You should have seen your face!”

Tooth frowned. The kid
had actually gotten to him. “Don’t scare me like

Yeah, yeah, so… you gonna lend me some money?”
fer played with the
zipper of his hoodie. Tooth rustled his hair, soft and fine like
silk. He knew that question would come up.

“You can have whatever you want. You know, within

Lucifer squinted at him. “For real? My dad gave you
money for me?”

Tooth shook his head. “No, but it’s fine. Don’t
worry about it.”

“You gonna pay for me?” He cocked his head to the
side. “Are you rich?”

Tooth poked him. “That’s really none of your
business, boy. Just enjoy what you get.”

Lucifer started walking backward into the store.
“You gonna be my sugar daddy?”

Tooth groaned. “Don’t call me ‘daddy’. Especially
not after that first night with me.”

pouted as he began looking through T-shirts. “Oh, Jeez, I was just
horny. You gonna rub that in my face forever?”

Tooth burst out laughing. “Maybe you should get
something to remember it by, and I could then shut up,” he said,
watching Luci
reaction. He needed to get a tracking device on him. He brought one
with him, but needed to find a classy way to put it on Luci so the
boy wouldn’t get suspicious.

Oh yeah?” Luci
fer raised his eyebrows and picked out a T-shirt. “Like
this? ‘I jerked off next to Tooth and all I got was this lousy

Tooth nodded, as if considering this option. “How do
you feel about jewelry?”

“Depends if it’s sparkly or not.”

With a small smirk, Tooth pulled out the tracking
device hidden in a small padlock. “How about this?” he asked,
presenting the padlock on a thick chain. It would be difficult to
remove, but not too heavy.

Are you actually giving it to me?”
fer quickly shoved
the T-shirt away and stepped closer.

Tooth swallowed. That was just the enthusiasm he
needed. “Sure. It looks too small on me anyway.”

Lucifer held out his greedy little hands. “How do I
put it on?”

Tooth pulled out his wallet and quickly got the
small key. He smiled, showing it to Luci
fer. “That’s the thing,

“You gonna put it on for me? Like in a nineties
romcom?” Luci snorted, but eagerly turned around and pushed his
hair out of the way, presenting a smooth, lovely nape, with tiny
blond hairs caressing the skin. If this were a different situation,
and Lucifer were Tooth’s hookup, he would mouth it, or give it a
squeeze to signal his power. But now, he looked down at the padlock
and fumbled with it.

“Did they do that?”

“Yeah, when they’d want to woo the girl.”

Tooth shrugged, trying not to follow Lucifer’s
suggestion. “Well, you aren’t a girl
so’s fine.”

Totally fine.” Luci
fer snorted. Having him stand like that, with his
back obediently turned to Tooth made it hard to focus. Would
Lucifer like Tooth’s beard scratching his back? Would he like
having his thighs spread and being watched?

Tooth bit his lip and quickly closed the chain
around the slender neck with the padlock. The sheer contrast of
cool metal and warm, impossibly smooth skin made Tooth stare for a
second with his fingers touching Luci
fer’s nape.

Lucifer helped him make the decision by turning
around. He played with the little padlock in his hand. “Now you
have to keep me.”

Tooth swallowed, unsure what he was feeling. It was
like taking a lost puppy under his wing. “I don’t intend to throw
you out. You could get your own room in a few days, but it will be
in the clubhouse.”

We’ll see how things go.” Luci
fer twirled the padlock in his fingers,
making Tooth slightly guilty that he’d secretly planted a tracker
in it. But it was for the best, he couldn’t take any



Chapter 12

Tooth stretched in his bed, awoken by a creak
followed by silent footsteps. He rolled underneath the warm covers,
feeling them slide over his body like a soothing caress. He felt
weightless on the memory foam mattress, with his head resting on
the pillow that had just the right shape. He was dozing off

He had heard the shower before, and the smell of
Lucifer’s new shampoo filled the room. It had a nice almond-like
smell to it. Or was it the conditioner Luci
fer used? He had no idea. The boy got so
much stuff it barely fit on the shelf by the tub. But even though
Lucifer went a bit overboard with the shopping: new jeans, hoodies,
shirts, and tons of cosmetics, a hair straightener and some weird
new brush, Tooth never felt like it was just mindless spending.
Lucifer assessed every item, asked Tooth five times if it was
really fine for him to have it. The way he acted only made Tooth
want to shower him with gifts but that wouldn’t be the best

Dissatisfied with his current position, Tooth
rolled to his back and groaned when he sensed a distinct smell of
coffee. Damn it, he could have asked Luci
fer to make a cup for him. But when he finally
opened his eyes, he had to rub them to make sure he wasn’t still
dreaming. Lucifer sat by the little table to the side and was
straightening his hair with a puff of steam each time he ran the
tongs through his strands. Next to him lay a tray with two cups and
plates with food Tooth couldn’t quite see from the bed.

“Good morning,” he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut
for a moment to feel less sleepy. “What time is it?”

“Nine.” Lucifer smiled at him, and it was brighter
than sunshine. “I got you breakfast.”

Tooth sat up, reciprocating the smile. It felt
good to have someone do that for him. “Thanks, I think I really
need that,” he said, slowly pushing himself all the way to the edge
of the mattress. When he reached for the T-shirt
’d left on the chair,
he noticed it was missing and stalled for a moment.

Oh, I was doing my laundry, so I did yours as
well. Hope you don’t mind?” Luci
fer sipped some coffee and sizzled another partition of his
hair. He was already dressed and even had his boots on. The ghastly
things were old and it showed, but Lucifer said he didn’t need new

Tooth got up from the bed, a bit overwhelmed.
Seeing Luci
fer look so
good in the early morning had him a bit self-conscious so he
smoothed out his hair with his fingers. “Thanks. Er... you get up
real early.”

“Don’t wanna waste the day. I met Bell in the
kitchen, and he was surprisingly nice. Should I be worried?”

Tooth smiled and sat down next to
fer, their knees
brushing for a brief moment. “I don’t know, but yesterday he seemed
to be adjusting to you being here.”

Did he say that? He said he wants to take me
somewhere today. You think it’s all a ploy to dump me in some
ditch?” Luci
fer pointed
to a plate with eggs, toast and bacon. Tooth couldn’t ask for

He quickly pulled the plate closer and dug in. The
food was simple and delicious, no burnt taste or unnecessary
oiliness. He gave Luci
fer a thumbs-up and swallowed before answering the

“I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Priest would
kill him, and I would assist him,” he said.

You’d take him to the dentist?”
fer laughed, and his
padlock necklace dangled as he turned his head upside down to brush
his hair. The sound made Tooth’s skin tingle. He would sometimes
put a disguised tracer on a hookup he was seeing more than once
just so he could see what they were doing in the meantime, and it
was hard not to remember the warm skin underneath steel.

“Yes. He would lose a lot of teeth.”

Milk’s been avoiding me, so I didn’t get a chance
to check, does he still have all his teeth?” Luci
fer got his head back up, and his hair
looked like fucking magic. Tooth would love to nuzzle it and run
his fingers through the smooth strands.

He swallowed some food and flushed it with the
coffee. “Yeah, his wife’s pregnant so I don’t want her freaking

Lucifer burst out laughing. “Aww, so thoughtful. How
did you lose yours?” He pointed to the gold teeth in Tooth’s mouth.
It did awake some bad memories.

“I was questioned by a rival club, and they did it.
In hindsight, I thought it was a great way to make a man do pretty
much anything,” said Tooth, munching on his delicious

“Learning from experience, huh? I had one removed,
in the back, but that was with anesthetic. See?” Lucifer opened his
mouth wide and pointed at somewhere in the back of his jaw.

Tooth swallowed, leaning closer. It was such a
lovely pink mouth. He’d love to slide his fingers in and explore,
just to have Luci
submit to it. Have him suck them. “Wisdom tooth, huh?”

Yep, left me dumb as a rock.”

Tooth smiled. “Aren’t you scared of me?”

All he got was a shrug. “Not really, no. You’re on
my side, so I like that you’re a scary motherfucker. Makes me feel

Tooth smirked, but Lucifer’s words seemed to light
his whole body on fire. “And you’re amazing at housework. My room’s
never been as tidy.”

“My mom used to stress out if the house was a mess,
so I did all the chores to make her happier. Not that it worked. I
don’t like when stuff is out of order. I don’t believe in hippy
dippy bullshit, but it really messes with energy levels when it’s

Tooth looked into the blue eyes only to cast a
glance at the perfectly fried bacon. “And you cook?”

“Nothing fancy, but I didn’t want my mom to eat
shitty microwave food. Then it just stuck with me. Rick encouraged
it as well. When you can cook something, in, like, a proper
kitchen, do the groceries, it makes the place seem more permanent.”
He gave Tooth an uncertain look. “More like a home.”

Tooth smiled
, holding on to the fork for dear life. He was in big
trouble, but he did want to help Lucifer finally find a home. “I
can’t cook. What else are you so good at?”

ran his fingers through his hair. “Not much, really. I know a lot
about hair products? I can give a killer lapdance.” He wiggled his
eyebrows at Tooth, who had to take two controlled breaths not to
think about Lucifer’s ass grinding against his cock, his young
tense thighs, the soft hair hitting Tooth’s face.

“Wouldn’t you like to do hairdressing if you like
that so much?” Tooth nodded toward the straightener.

Luci’s gaze wandered there as well. “I was actually
thinking it would be cool to do a barbering course, but I can’t
afford it, and you have to know people to get an apprenticeship. I
could meet proper gentlemen if I were a barber.”

Tooth snorted and hid his eyes behind his hand.
“You’re killing me, kid. And you know your sister is a
hairdresser’s apprentice, right? Why not ask her?”

Lucifer hesitated for a longer moment. “I’ll think
about it. I don’t want to impose. I don’t want her to think I just
keep wanting something from her.”

Tooth ate up the remaining egg. “What if I ask

“That… would be really nice.”

A quick knock on the door interrupted their
conversation, but Tooth invited whoever it was.

Bell barged in with a quick ‘hi’. “Come on, Luci,
let’s go.”

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