Serenity's Dream (5 page)

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Authors: Brita Addams

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Serenity's Dream
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marble staircase. "This is for the more serious-minded of our members. We call the

rooms here the 'pleasure emporiums.'"

He led her to the right at the second floor landing, taking a long hallway

carpeted in plush, blood red Aubusson. The cream-colored walls held more paintings of

erotic scenes, some from India, which, as Lucien explained, were acquired during his

several visits. The scenes depicted floggings, spankings, and sex acts in anything but

conventional positions. Sculptures sat on ornately carved Indian tables, also depicting

sexual positions, some between partners of the same gender.

"Oh, my goodness." Serenity looked at a particularly provocative white marble

piece--a man bent forward at the waist with another standing behind him with an erect


Lucien laughed. "Some men prefer to be buggered, and others prefer to do the


She met his knowing eyes. "I have much to learn, do I not?"

He draped a casual arm over her shoulders. "Oh, yes. And I relish the

opportunity to teach you."

His arm traveled to her waist, making it easier for him to shuffle her along to the

first room. "All rooms in this hallway are used by those people who wish to partake of

some sort of punishment and domination. Each room is fitted with a large bed, often

used for ménage. They all have fixtures for chains and bars, which can be hung from the

high ceiling. There is a dresser that holds every imaginable implement, from soft leather

straps gathered with a wooden handle, to bullwhips, tawse, and pizzles."

Serenity tested the paddles and floggers against the palm of her hand. "Would

you use any of these on me?"

Lucien's succinct answer was, "Yes, if you wish."

Heat pooled in her center. She had to take a moment to calm herself. She could

hardly believe her life had taken the turn it had and could provide her with her most

heart-felt longings. She never dreamed she could talk to Lucien about her need for

spankings and sexual domination. There was only one person who'd known that about

her—only dear Winsor.

Serenity looked about at several more pieces of rather strange furniture,

contraptions obviously designed for the restraint of the person to be punished, though

some had no restraints at all. It amazed her how Lucien's club catered to people much

like her, who craved something more.

"We also have rooms for same-sex games and for people who love and prefer

themselves to anyone else. It is as varied here as are the people who frequent the club."

Serenity was amazed at Lucien's acuity. He seemed to sense the sexual and

emotional needs of others and saw to it that the Sapphire Club catered to those needs.

"Come, I have one more room to show you." He led her to the opposite hallway

and into a cavernous room she supposed had been, at one time, a ballroom. It was

fashioned with large Corinthian columns draped with colorful silks partitioning the

perimeter into cozy 'rooms', each furnished with a bench she now knew was used for

spanking. In the center of the room, there stood a large fountain. There was a pool, in

which stood a tall, slim column upon which sat a massive bowl. Water poured over the

sides of the bowl and back into the pool.

There were niches around the room, with some spectacular plasterwork around

the ceiling and under the impressive white stone railing of the gallery that hung high

above. Several rooms were found just off the gallery, which Serenity realized must be

used for assignations.

"This room is called 'The Gates of Heaven and Hell'. Here, most any sort of

activity can be found. There are many who enjoy, nay,
the lash to be harshly

applied and enjoy it being done for all to see. It is all here. These are great favorites of

the membership. Costumes are worn, depending upon the fantasy of the participants.

We have Roman tableaus here where everyone usually dresses in togas. It is very

interesting and seems to please the members as well as the guests."

Serenity was quite still while Lucien spoke. He had her complete, rapt attention

as he described many of the tableaus. It was thrilling to think all this was happening in

the home she now occupied. As she walked around the room, she questioned him as to

the specifics of each of the things she'd seen. She found herself terribly aroused. It was

only two in the afternoon. Sadly, her spanking wasn't scheduled for two more hours,

and there was no guarantee Lucien would fuck her afterwards.

* * * * *

Serenity was beside herself by the time she returned to her chamber. She

desperately needed release. Everything Lucien had shown her had caused a longing

deep within her loins. She craved the feel of the strap; even his hand would be better

than this sense of loss she'd been living with since Winsor's death.

Winsor had been the man who had playfully introduced her to spanking. He

surprised her the first time he took her over his knee and spanked her hard. After that,

they had always made a game of it, similar to the kinds of things that Lucien had

spoken of, except in the privacy of her home. Winsor had possessed a firm hand and

could wield a strap that made her backside burn for days. She longed for it again, and

she would have to convince Lucien to apply it liberally.

Lucien had told her to go to a room at the end of the hallway on the third floor.

She'd thought about delaying her arrival, knowing Lucien was notoriously impatient.

He was always on time and deplored having to wait for others. However, on this

auspicious occasion, her first real spanking by him, she thought to be on time.

She knocked on the door and was excited to hear him say, "Come in." His voice

seemed masterful, quite different from when he'd conducted the tour.

Serenity entered the room, shut and locked the door. She stood still, not knowing

exactly what to do next. A moment later, Lucien spoke.

"Is there a particular reason why you believe you should be spanked, Serenity?"

At first she had no idea what to say. Then she realized honesty was what he

wished for. "I need it as surely as I need my next breath."

He was seated in an overstuffed chair, looking quite comfortable. Serenity could

smell his cologne from across the room. She could feel the sensual pull he possessed

now, one that had been missing years before. He'd changed, and she was beginning to

like the difference.

"I shall know what has happened in your life to bring about your return. Make

no mistake, if I am to be your husband, I shall know all."

"I wouldn't presume to keep secrets from you."

"Bend over the side of the bed."

Serenity's heart began to pound, her pulse thrumming, the muscles of her quim

keeping time. She bent over the bed and waited for his further commands. He lifted her

ice-blue skirts to her waist. She wasn't wearing drawers. He spread her legs wide,

leaving her slightly off balance and provocatively open to him.

He'd laid a leather strap on the bed, and when she bent over, she couldn't miss

seeing it. Her mouth watered as she looked at the worn leather and imagined how it

was going to feel lashed across her buttocks. The earthy smell of the strap caused

moisture to collect at her core, and a feeling of sheer ecstasy flooded her body.

Lucien's large hand skimmed across the surface of her now barely sore cheeks.

"Oh, yes, we are going to redden these up nicely this afternoon," he drawled. He

dragged the strap across where his hand had just gone, sliding the edge along the valley

between the cheeks.

Serenity wiggled and moaned.

"You want this, don't you?" he asked, teasing her a moment longer.

"Oh, yes."

"You mustn't come until I give you permission."

Serenity nodded, all the time doubting she would be able to heed his


He skimmed his hand over her bottom one more time, and then the strap came

crashing down upon her. She groaned and closed her eyes.

"Yes," she said with satisfaction, as though she'd waited for that moment all her

life. "Again, please, again."

Lucien wasted no time as he judiciously applied the lashes, first to one cheek and

then the other. Serenity was in awe of his ability to apply it just as she needed it done.

The strikes jolted through her, sparks of pleasurable pain shooting down her legs and

up her torso. She was captivated by the sound of leather as it struck her; the feeling of

her burning skin was nearly orgasmic. Even the tiny grunts Lucien emitted as he

brandished the strap thrilled her to her core. At this point, if her circumstances weren't

so tenuous, she might have considered being a real wife to Lucien.

"Lucien!" She gasped. "I cannot last."

"You must."

Serenity gritted her teeth and took the last strikes with relish. She hated to have it

end, but she needed release immediately.

Chapter Five

"I must come, Lucien," she begged, but he wasn't so inclined.

"You must hold on as I have something else in mind."

Lucien walked to the same chair he'd been sitting in when she arrived. It was a

patterned brocade affair that looked as though one could simply disappear in its

comfort. He sat down and sprawled, his legs widely spread. "Come here."

Serenity stood on wobbly legs and walked to stand in front of him.

"Kneel and attend me."

She loosed his buttons and released his rampant erection. She took him in her

mouth expertly. Lucien marveled at the skills she'd learned over the last ten years.

With unexpected talent, she used her velvety hot mouth to explore his cock, her

tongue not missing even one sensitive spot. She laved the underside of the head;, the

tiny, sensitive nerves responded with shards of glorious pleasure.

He laced his fingers in her hair, ravaging the carefully styled locks as he became

lost in the joy that was Serenity's mouth. She was persistent, even when he tried to pull

her up.

She gave him a muffled
and continued to stroke him until his lower body

came off the chair, and he began to pound into her. She was apparently prepared,

because she handled it with aplomb as he exploded in her mouth, shooting his hot seed

down her throat.

As he slumped back into the chair, Serenity continued to suckle him, taking all

he had to give.

"One good turn deserves another," she said with a wink.

Lucien could barely recognize this woman, and if he were truthful with himself,

he was happy for that fact. He hadn't particularly liked the woman he'd married, but

this woman, this new version was someone he wouldn't mind having in his


Lucien began to undress his wife, all the while marveling at the change in her.

"That was extraordinary."

"Lucien, I cannot wait much longer."

He could see in her lust-glazed eyes she spoke the truth.

"Your wish is my command." When he'd finished removing her clothing, he led

her to the bed. He had his hands all over her, until she pushed one to her mons.

"Is this what you want?" he asked as he circled her clit with his deft thumb. That

was all it took before Serenity lost herself to the bliss she'd been craving.

," she hissed through her teeth. Her mind felt as though it had exploded.

Spasms racked her body, and nothing else existed but that moment.

Once her breath was restored, she chuckled. "I needed that."

"You certainly seemed to." Lucien fondled her breast, teasing the hard, distended

nipple with his thumb. He kissed her neck and wasted no time taking a nipple in his

mouth, sending delicious sensations of pleasure to Serenity's quim.

"Oh, Lucien." She moaned as he continued to suckle, tugging with his teeth until

she thought she could stand no more.

He dipped his hand down, rubbing her silky smooth mound. "Marjorie will see

to it you have no hair here, ever. I prefer you to be smooth and open to my sight

whenever I choose to see you."

She nodded, afraid to do much more, lest he cease his expert fondling. Two

fingers dipped into her, delivering her to heaven, and he hadn't even entered her yet.

Lucien's long, elegant fingers moved in and out, his clever thumb having again

taken control of her sensitive clitoris. He slowly circled, creating a veil of sensual

delight. The scent of her musk permeated the room, intoxicating her.

"Let go again for me."

She would never tire of this feeling. Her body felt light. It was difficult to

concentrate. She was warm, like she was experiencing a slow boil.

His voice was deep and comforting. "That's it, sweeting. Let go."

And so she did. The pleasure tore through her, slow and easy at first then with

an intensity she'd rarely experienced. The orgasm seemed to reach every part of her,

inside and out, until she felt on fire.

She became aware of the low rumble of Lucien's voice, encouraging her to let go,

to take all he gave her.

As she returned to sensibility, she saw Lucien watching her. His eyes looked

dark and feral, as though he wished to devour her.

"Are orgasms always so . . . dramatic with you?" she asked, still trying to catch

her breath.

"If I am doing my part correctly, they certainly will be." As he spoke, he worked

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