Serenity's Dream

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Authors: Brita Addams

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Serenity's Dream
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Serenity's Dream

ISBN 978-1-60592-123-5


Serenity's Dream Copyright 2010 Brita Addams

Cover Art by Fiona Jayde

This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any existing means

without written permission from the publisher. Contact Noble Romance Publishing,

LLC at PO Box 467423, Atlanta, GA 31146.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual

events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author's imagination

and used fictitiously.

Book Blurb

When Serenity Damrill is unjustly accused of murder, the only place she can think to

hide is with her estranged husband, Lucien, at The Sapphire Club, a place where every

sexual fantasy can be fulfilled. Hiding the truth, she returns after a ten year absence,

ready to submit completely to her husband.

Lucien, owner of the club, though skeptical of his wife's sudden reappearance in his life,

is willing to take her at her word, and he institutes an erotic regimen that Serenity

quickly begins to crave. Lucien’s sexual prowess is beyond her wildest dreams and

soon they fall into a frenzied, erotic life.

All is going well, until Serenity's accuser spots her at a Cyprian’s Ball.


I dedicate this book to Clint, my real life hero. Your love and unfailing

encouragement are the reasons I wrote
Serenity's Dream
in the first place.

Chapter One

A somewhat disheveled Lucien Damrill entered the sanctified environs of his

library, a well-outfitted cave for the bear he was becoming. It being Thursday, he'd just

finished his usual session with Lady Amelie Foxworth, an insatiable beast of a woman

who could be thrashed bloody, fucked insensible, and still beg for more. A more jaded

woman he'd never met, and he'd seen it all. He was tired and feeling rather beastly


With a compelling need for the burn of his favorite libation, he walked directly to

the rosewood sideboard and poured himself a generous measure of his finest French

brandy. He turned to make his way to his desk and stopped in his tracks.

Before him, on a red and gold striped Hepplewhite chair, sat someone whom

he'd thought—nay, prayed—never to see again.

"How in bloody hell did you get in here?"

"Why, dear, is that any way to speak to your dearly beloved wife?"

Lucien cringed at the thought. "Our marriage is simply an aberration. You are no

more my wife than this glass is." He held up his cut-glass snifter with the figure of a

nude woman as the stem.

"It may surprise you to learn I have returned and wish to make up for all the

years I have neglected you."

Lucien affected a laugh, remembering how his beloved wife, the former Serenity

Malin, had met him at the altar, stiffly consummated their union, and promptly hied

herself off to the country, where she'd resided uninterrupted for the last ten years.

"Serenity, dear, I have not felt neglected in the least. You really shouldn't have

troubled yourself with thoughts of my welfare, for I have given yours less thought than

I would give a stranger's. But wait, we are strangers, are we not?"

Serenity straightened her spine and lifted her quivering chin ever so slightly.

Knowing his wife wasn't given to dramatic displays, he realized he'd struck a chord.

He would also have been blind had he not noticed that in ten years his wife had

matured into a rather lovely woman. Her chestnut hair was stylishly coiffed, with curls

framing her heart-shaped face and tendrils flowing from the loose knot at the back of

her head. Her breasts were nearly overflowing her bodice, tempting Lucien to release

them from their bonds and bury his face between them. He dismissed his licentious

thoughts, remembering who this woman was and why he held not a single pleasant

thought concerning her.

serious, Lucien. I wish to be a real wife to you. That's why I have come


He felt her icy blue eyes follow him as he paced the room. "It would have

nothing to do with the fact I am now wealthy, and you wish to relieve me of some of


"How can you say such things? You have always provided for my needs and I

could ask for no more."

"Then why are you really here?"

"I have heard things about you and they . . . intrigue me."

Lucien laughed again. "Nothing about me ever intrigued you before. Why now?"

"Oh, but you are wrong, my dear. You have always fascinated me, but just

recently I learned about the club and what you do here."

"The club? You have come back because of the club? Serenity, I have owned the

Sapphire Club for five years and you have just heard of it? I must see to it my man of

business does a better job of spreading the word." He was more suspect than ever since

the club wasn't news, unless of course, one had been living under a rock for five years.

"I was attending a house party in Yorkshire and overheard some gentlemen

talking. They said some very provocative things, and I was fascinated, to say the least."

"Provocative, you say. Such as?"

"Well, it would seem they were under the impression you 'blister arses and fuck

'em insensible.' That's an exact quote."

Lucien chuckled at hearing his prim and proper wife cursing like a gob in a

sleazy tavern. "Yes, that's what I do, among other things, and I have a very

doing so. I fail to see how that would be impetus for you to return to hearth and home."

"Well, when I learned of such things, I found I was curious. If you would

perform such services for others, would you offer the same to me?"

"You wish to have your lily-white derriere paddled? My dear, pardon my foray

down the path of skepticism, but as I recall, you had no interest in baring your body for

me, a slight omission on your part when you accepted my marriage proposal, as I


"I will admit I was willful."

That earned her a loud snort.

"I was wrong and I am willing to admit it. Many years have passed between then

and now. I have changed. Then to hear you were so, ah, adventuresome, I simply

couldn't believe what I had heard."

Feeling his deuced body betraying him as he spoke, Lucien continued to pace,

albeit somewhat less comfortably. "I have created a place where people can come to

fulfill their sexual fantasies. As you can see, I have done well,
by myself
, I might add.

Why would I want to have you around my neck, when I worked so hard to forget I

even had a wife?"

"I wish to be treated like one of your clients, Lucien. I wish to submit to you

completely. I desire to be all you would wish in a wife. I have much to make up for."

"What has brought about this change of heart? You must admit it is suspect."

"I have been lonely. When I heard you owned a club where people could go to

see their fantasies become reality, I realized I have needs and wish to have them

fulfilled. Who better to do that than my own husband?"

"You have needs, Serenity? I suspect you found your own
elsewhere in

the time we have been apart."

"Have you, Lucien?"

"I'm a man, what would you think?" He waved his arm and sloshed some of his

precious brandy onto the red, cream, and blue Aubusson carpet.

"I have never begrudged you. I know I've not been a true wife to you, but I wish

to change, if you will let me."

"So what you are telling me is you wish to be a wife to me in exchange for having

your fantasies become realities?"

"Yes, dear. I believe you would find I am willing to do anything you ask. I have

thought long and hard about this, and I find the more I think of it, the more I wish I'd

never left you."

"This would have nothing to do with wanting children would it, because I have

no interest in such things."

"No, Lucien, I am past my childbearing years; I was thirty on my last birthday. I

gave up that dream about the same time I walked away from you and our marriage. I

wish to come back and be a part of the life you have established for yourself."

Lucien's head was pounding from the long hours he'd put in at the club and

most particularly from the conversation he was having with his wife. Traitorously, his

cock had heard every word, too, damn it.

It was most unexpected she should suddenly appear, here, at the Sapphire Club.

Somehow he'd never imagined that would happen.

When he'd married Serenity, she was twenty and he ten years older. He was the

fourth son of a viscount, and she, the rather plain daughter of a baron who owned the

neighboring estate in Nottinghamshire. Though they had known each other for years,

their age difference had precluded any more than a nodding acquaintance at country

assemblies and the occasional dinner.

Lucien had gone off into the navy at twenty, and when he returned nearly eight

years later, Serenity had grown into an even plainer young woman. Her mousy brown

hair and unremarkable features had been overshadowed only by her less than outgoing


However, The Right Honorable Lord and Lady Dalton had placed Serenity in his

path at every turn. She had a pleasant enough nature, seeming biddable and quite

enamored of him. Lucien had been encouraged by his family, so rather than fight the

Fates, he'd asked for the lady's hand and his suit, not surprisingly, was accepted poste-haste. The banns were called and within a month, they were ensnared in the parson's


"I imagine you'd prefer a part of my
than be a part of my

"Lucien, don't be cruel. I understand you don't trust me, but I swear to you, I am

telling you the truth. I only wish to be your wife in every sense and I ask you allow me

to demonstrate my sincerity."

"Fine, if that's what you wish. Show me your sincerity by pulling up your dress

and chemise and bending over the chaise."

Serenity's eyes widened and Lucien bit back a satisfied grin. However, she did

get up and she bent herself decorously over the thickly padded rolled arm of a

Biedermeier chaise.

"You say you have never done this before?" Lucien asked with a doubtful laugh

in his voice. "You did that with such dash."

"I did it, Lucien, now get on with it."

"Are you sure? I have many years to make up for and I certainly wouldn't want

you saying I have neglected my husbandly duties."

Serenity let out an exasperated sigh. "Lucien, please, before someone comes in."

"All those layers won't do, madam."

"Well, I certainly did not expect to have to submit to this straight away."

Lucien still had the matter of her pink silk lacy drawers to deal with. "Whoever

invented these things ought to be castrated." To show his dissatisfaction, he grabbed

them in both hands and ripped the seam apart, revealing her creamy white cheeks.

He antagonized her further by rubbing his large hand over the tender globes,

dipping the side of his hand into the crease between them.

She responded with "Oh, my," but then Lucien would have sworn she poked her

bottom up for more.

Without warning, he slapped her ass, the sound reporting off the walls


"Did you or did you not tell me to spank you?"

"Well, yes, but . . . ."

"But, what? That, my dear, was the beginning of a spanking. There are many

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