Senn (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 5) (18 page)

BOOK: Senn (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 5)
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Ten months later…

“Look what I’ve got,” I say to Eden, waving the clear baggie full of
Lucky Charms
in front of her angelic face. She’s standing up, holding on to the sofa with both tiny fists, and I’m trying to tempt her away from it with her favorite.

When I pull a rainbow marshmallow out and hold it up, Eden gives me a toothy grin, all four of them, and practically shivers in her little yellow dress with excitement for the treat. That’s right. Nowadays other than the few hours when I’m training, I shop for dresses, change diapers and play peek-a-boo with my daughter.

“You want them?” I ask Eden, scooting back on my knees just out of her reach. “Come get ‘em,” I encourage her.

Her little forehead creases in thought like she’s trying to figure out the quickest way to get from point A to B. Finally, she decides to let go of the sofa and reach for the treat. Before she can touch the bag, I evilly scoot back another foot. “Good girl,” I praise her. “Come on. Just a little farther.”

She bites her bottom lip and scrunches her forehead, clearly unhappy that she can’t reach the bag of goodies yet, but she does what I want, and takes a step, and then another as I keep moving just out of her reach. “That’s it, baby girl. Look at you walking! You’re doing it!”

When she wobbles, I reach for her and scoop her up in my arms, gladly giving her the prize she was after. She has no idea what she just accomplished, or how huge it was, only happy that she can now cram colorful marshmallow charms into her mouth.

“I can’t believe you walked!” I tell her with a kiss to her chubby cheek. Looking up to the ceiling I shout, “Did you see that, mama bear? Your little girl was walking! I wish you were here, but hopefully you still got to see it…”

I remind myself that I’m not only a grown-ass man, but a bad ass cage fighter, and we do not cry about such things, even if they are enormous milestones. Besides, it doesn’t count if no one sees it except a ten-month-old. After wiping my eyes, I stand Eden back at her starting place at the couch and try to lure her away again.

She’s halfway to me when the front door bursts wide open, making her freeze to look over and see who it is. Cackling with glee, she turns away from me and starts heading in the other direction.

“OhmyGod, ohmyGod, ohmyGod,” my wife says as she drops to her knees just as Eden lunges for her, and she wraps her in her arms. “You did it! You walked! Such a big girl!”

“Did you see her on the camera?” I ask.

“Yes! That’s why I went double the speed limit to get home,” she answers.

“Good, I was worried you might have missed her first steps,” I tell her as I crawl across the floor to my two girls.

“Uh-oh,” she gasps dramatically. “Daddy bear is coming! Watch out!”

“Da-da!” Eden squeals as I growl on all fours until she’s within reach for me to tickle her. 

My beautiful wife clears her throat before she says, “I hope I get some of Daddy’s tickles tonight.”

“Oh, you’re definitely gonna get tickled,” I assure her, leaning over to nip at her neck, making her squirm. “I’ve been thinking about…tickling you all day.”

“Is that a promise?” she asks with a smile.

“Abso-fudgin-lutely,” I reply, knowing better than to use words I don’t want our daughter to repeat.

“You know what we haven’t done in a while?” she asks before covering Eden’s innocent ears.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“The Conception.”

Two words, and I’m ready to put the baby to bed and carry my wife off to do very naughty things with her.

“Deal. But without the cab,” I quickly agree.

“Can’t wait.”

“How many more hours until bedtime?” I ask.

“Three and a half.”

“It’ll be the longest three and a half hours of my life, but I know it’ll be worth the wait,” I tell her with a quick kiss that ends when Eden starts bopping me on top of my head.

“I love you, mama bear.”

“I love you, too,” Abby says with a breathtaking smile.

Her words, her smile and having her here are all things I know I’ll never take for granted after almost losing her. It was a long, tough fight. But thankfully, our sin created a miracle.

Eden was a perfect bone marrow match for Abby. So instead of taking her life, she saved it. Now, months later, I’ve learned that Abby knew her leukemia had come back before I knocked her up, and that the day we conceived Eden, the doctor had told her that they didn’t have any bone marrow donors for her, so her chances of surviving cancer a second time with just chemo and radiation were slim to none.

But God had a fucked up plan all along, one that started with the two of us being at the same place at the same time, included a really hot taxi ride, followed by a failed prophylactic, and ended with more love than I ever knew existed.

Abby eventually got her dream wedding in the hospital chapel, and together we’ve found our own little slice of paradise. Now I know that miracles happen every single day, heaven really is a place on earth, and angels do exist.

Her name is Eden.

The End

The Conception

Nineteen months ago…


Sitting at the bar of the new club called
Old School
, listening to the classic hip hop songs of the 90s and 2000s, I’m trying to decide which of the women gyrating on the dance floor I’ll be fucking later tonight.

“Let me get three shots of vodka,” a familiar voice shouts over the music to the bartender.

I glance over to my right and do a double take when I see the fine ass of a petite brunette. Abby Merchant, my best friend’s ex-girlfriend. Her and Linc dated in high school, not that I knew either of them then, but Abby’s been hanging out around the gym with Linc for the past few months. The way she makes puppy dog eyes at him is pathetic. They are so done it’s not even funny. In fact, this week Linc and Claire announced they’re engaged and planning a June wedding at his beach house.

“You really want to do three shots?” I yell down the bar to ask her. “You look like a lightweight.”

Tossing her long braid over her shoulder, Abby’s eyes widen when she recognizes me, then she’s quickly starts looking around the club.

“Nope, he’s not here,” I tell her. Linc doesn’t go out with me, Nate, and Mace anymore, not since he started dating Claire.

She leaves her place at the bar and comes up behind my barstool, so I spin around until we’re face-to-face.

“What?” I ask. She opens her mouth to say something, but then looks down at the ID and cash in her hand before she stuffs both into her tiny purse. “Cat got your tongue?”

“Is it true?” she asks, blinking watery chocolate eyes at me. God, I hope she doesn’t fucking cry. “That Linc’s getting married?”

“Yeah. June,” I tell her honestly. Andddd cue the waterworks. “What’s going on, Abby? I thought you two broke up like five years ago.”

She swipes her fingers under each eye and nods. “Yeah we did, it’s just…I always thought we would end up back together. He-he wanted to marry me, have a family with me, but now I know…it’ll never happen.”   

Oh, Jesus H. Christ. 

I look around the club for some type of escape. Where the fuck is Mace? Of course he’s sandwiched like usual between two hot as fuck girls. Bastard. That’s probably the last I’ll see of him tonight. And Nate, hell, I have no idea where the ginger went.

“Here you go,” the bartender says, placing the three shots on the bar behind me. I reach over and hand them to Abby, watching her throw each one back before giving me the empty glasses that I sit on the bar. She shakes her head after the last one and loses her balance, teetering in her high heels. When I grip her hips to steady her, she grabs on to my upper arms and squeezes my biceps. The low hum of appreciation she makes inflates my ego and my cock.

Stepping forward, she closes the distance between us until she’s standing between my legs, pressing her nice, perky tits that are falling out of her little black dress against my chest. When she reaches up and runs her hands through the back of my chin-length hair, my dick really sits up and takes notice. Feeling the lengthening going on in my jeans, Abby grinds her lower belly against the hardness.

“What are you doing, Abby?” I ask the slutty little temptress, who smells like fresh, squeezed lemons. I wanna squeeze something all right.

“Make me forget him,” she whispers with her lips brushing my ear.

My cock twitches in interest, even though there’s no way in hell that’s gonna happen. Bro code rule number one. “That’s a terrible idea,” I tell her.

“Why?” she asks, leaning back to look at me with those sad, puppy dog brown eyes. “You’re not attracted to me?”

Oh, that’s a trick fucking question. If I say no, I hurt her feelings, but I can’t say yes either.

Grabbing my hands, she lowers them both from her hips to her ass, and I’m a jackass because I don’t pull away. Instead, I get my fill, kneading handfuls of her tight, perfect behind. To be so small she has a nice, juicy ass. Did I mention I have an ass fetish?

The next thing I know, her palm is cupping my cock through my jeans. “It feels like you want me,” she says. My hips jerk forward into her tight grip in agreement.

“Abby, you need to stop,” I tell her without letting her go or removing her hand from my cock. I keep right on massaging her ass like my hands are glued to the back of her dress.

“I’m not wearing any panties,” she whispers against my ear, making me groan at the same time I quickly reach down between our bodies to see for myself. I go straight for the kill under her dress, not giving a single fuck about where we are or who might see and…oh, God. Bare pussy. Wet and bare pussy is what my fingers find.

I’m definitely going to hell. There’s probably a special circle for guys like me, traitors who fuck their best friend’s ex-girlfriends. My worthless parents must’ve been prophets when they named me, knowing this day would come when I would commit the ultimate sin. None of that convinces me to change my mind, making me an even bigger asshole. At this point, I’m not certain I ever had a choice in the matter.

Months ago, the first day Abby walked into
, I knew I was gonna fuck her before I knew her name or her history with Linc. After I found out who she was, I told myself to let that shit go, that she wasn’t worth the headache or drama. But now, with my two fingers knuckle deep inside her clenching pussy, and her warm, staggered breaths blowing across my neck with her desperate moans, there’s only one last thing I need to know.

“My place or yours?” I ask her when I reach up to pinch her nipple. I don’t usually take women back to my house, but I’ll do whatever the fuck it takes to get her in my bed tonight.

“The back of the cab,” she replies before pulling my hand from between her legs and turning around to head for the exit in sort of a zigzag pattern. I stupidly get to my feet and follow her, right down the rabbit hole.


Oh my God. He followed me outside. We’re actually gonna do this.

“You sure about this?” Senn asks from beside me. “Are you even sober enough to cheat on the memory of Linc? ‘Cause it’ll be hard for me to keep my dick up if you cry the whole time.”

“Screw you, you…you ass dildo,” I reply when nothing else comes to me. Senn barks out a laugh.

Over the past few months hanging around
, I’ve heard all about Senn’s weekend conquests and know for a fact he’s only looking to get fucked tonight. He’ll probably disappear before I fall asleep. But after finding out today that my future is over, in not just one curtain closing way, but two of them, I need to lose myself in orgasm paradise since that’s probably the only heaven I’ll ever see.

Walking up to one of the waiting cabs sitting outside the club, I open the back passenger door to slide in. I know Senn’s behind me because I hear his grumbled curse when I flash him my ass.

“Where to?” the driver, a younger guy sporting an epic beard like he lost a bet, asks.

“Riverrun Apartment Complex on Six Forks Road,” I tell him. See? I’m not drunk. I still remember where I live.

“Got it,” the driver replies. And as soon as Senn shuts the door, we start moving.

The silence is hella awkward. Is Senn already regretting his decision? I mean, he could’ve gone home with anyone in the club, and he came along with me. I’ve seen him plenty of times in the gym with only thin shorts on, so I know all about the exquisite masterpiece lurking underneath his offensive
Big Johnson
t-shirt and worn jeans. Believe me when I say that I’ve gotten wet from just watching him go a round in the cage with Mace.

“Second stop at Hyde Park,” Senn says, speaking what I had started to figure out. This isn’t gonna happen. “You’re drunk,” he tells me.

“No, I’m not,” I counter. I’m tipsy, not drunk. “You’re just scared you won’t be able to get it up, you limp-dicked bastard.”


That was the sound of Senn’s zipper going down.

“Does my cock look limp to you?” he asks.

I have to swallow a deep gulp when my mouth starts to water at the sight of his thick length in his hand. Caving to the desire, the next second I’m in the floorboard, on my knees, with my lips sealing around the head of Senn’s cock.

“Oh fuck,” he groans, and the cab noticeably jerks before stopping.

Ignoring the man in the front, I grab on to Senn’s thighs and work my mouth lower. Muttered, unrecognizable curses fill the backseat as my head bobs. Apparently it’s not fast enough or deep enough because the hand gripping the back of my head holds me still while his hips come off the seat and he fucks my mouth frantically. It’s hot to see him so worked up, his thighs tense under my palms, his breathing heavy and harsh with the occasional swear word. So what if my own breathing is somewhat difficult? I’ve got a giant, cocky fighter coming apart within seconds of me sucking his dick.

“Shit, Abby, stop or I’m gonna–” Senn starts.

“She better swallow.”

I roll my eyes when I hear the cab driver interrupt him before muttering something else about cleaning up the mess in his taxi. But I never intended to let up, so I suck him harder, and I’m dripping wet between my legs by the time he stops pulsing his hot release down my throat.

When I pull my mouth off him, Senn zips his pants and then hefts me up onto his lap like I weigh nothing. His mouth crushes mine as I straddle his lap, without giving me a chance to wipe my mouth. God, that’s hot. He kisses like he fights, brutal and punishing, holding me to him so tightly that escaping is not an option. Our tongues thrust in and out of each other’s mouths, tangling and stroking. Teeth clash. It’s an all-out war being waged between us. I’m on fire and sort of regretting getting him off with my mouth because I would give
to fuck him right this second.

The next thing I know, the world spins and my back is on Senn’s thighs. Looking down at me, he shoves at my snug dress until it’s well above my hips. His huge palms easily wrap around my thighs when he lifts my pussy up to his mouth. His heavy-lidded amber eyes lock with mine when his tongue shoots out of his mouth like a mini tornado and he tastes me. I melt and moan, needing him to keep going, so I wrap my thighs around his neck, bracing my palms on his thighs to lift my hips, begging him for more. In fact, that’s the only word flowing out of my mouth like a record skipping.

“More! More! God,
!” I chant even as he’s giving me what I want. It’s not enough. “I need...Yes!
!” He quickly finds the spot and devours me until I combust.

When my senses return, the first thing I notice is Senn’s lips pressing kisses along the inside of my thigh. It’s almost…gentle, as if the brute of a giant is capable of any such thing. But after what he just did, I have to say I definitely like him a little more than before.

Senn’s eyes shift to the driver, and for an instant I would’ve sworn he looked irate under the streetlights. Then suddenly the cab’s moving again. He helps me up, so that we’re face-to-face again. It’s a little awkward in the silence, lamp posts and the headlights of passing motorists the only available source of light. I start to worry that the heat that had just been so urgent and intense might be gone. But with a jerk on the top of my strapless dress, Senn’s mouth lowers to cover a nipple and, like a light switch, the desire is turned back on. Able to multitask, Senn removes his wallet from his back pocket, pulls out a few bills, and hands them to the driver without his mouth ever pausing in his suction. Fare taken care of, Senn opens the door and climbs out of the cab with me in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist.

“Purse,” I say, and he grumbles before reaching back inside the cab to retrieve it for me. “Thanks,” I tell him when he hands it to me.

The dial on our libidos ramps up, knowing we’re within range of somewhere to fuck. Senn’s cock hardens between my legs, and then our mouths are attacking each other.

“Which apartment?” He breaks away long enough to ask.

“Second floor. 2-D,” I tell him before we go right back to sucking each other’s face.

“Key,” Senn says, pressing my back against a hard surface. My door, I realize when I come up for air and dig in my purse for my keys. I offer them to Senn, who unlocks the door for us. As soon as we’re inside, the keys and purse clatter to the ground and the door shuts, just before I’m slammed against the wall. Vaguely I think to myself
that’s gonna leave a big dent
, but I bet he’ll so make it worth losing my deposit.

Senn ravages my mouth while he holds me up with one hand and undresses me with the other. Well, the top and bottom of my dress meet along my waist, which is apparently good enough for him. I reach for the zipper of his jeans impatiently when he doesn’t make any move to do it himself. Fisting his cock, I pull him out.

“Oh God!” I moan at just the light touch of his long, steel shaft brushing against my clit. “Condom. You’ve got one, right?” I ask.

“Fuck, yeah,” he replies. Yanking out his wallet, he removes a foil package, and tosses the no longer needed leather accessory carelessly over his shoulder.

“Hurry up,” I order him. He pauses with the unopened wrapper in his hand and lifts one dark eyebrow. Right away, I know I’m gonna regret those two words. He rocks forward, rubbing himself on me, teasing me.

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